Fate/Zero + Fate/Stay Night Based RP Anyone?

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That's a guy??
Have you not seen Astolfo?
He has such fluffy hair (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

"Pleased to meet you, my name is Ryuu. Ryuu Watanabe"

"For the moment I do not current have a Servant"

Chaotic Good




Hair color:

Eye color:
Orange-ish Red

Blood type:

♥ Likes to read in quite places where she cant be disturbed by people
♥ Day Dreaming would instantly be her sport if it ever became one
♥ Reading and Writing easily connects and love to write stories
♥ Writing and Drawing are similar so she likes to draw, mainly clouds
♥ Likes staying on her own tiny secluded island far away from people
♥ Chocolates are a acceptable bribe as long as they are milk only.
♥ Kit-Kats are part of a delicate emergency kit, if I need chocolate

✄ Chocolate and Oranges are a big no-no to taste buds
✄ Crowds and Speed he's don't mix well with me.
✄ Being an extrovert is so hard how do they do it.
✄ No cup of coffee in the morning it's a sign of a bad day.

Magic Tier:
-Quality of Circuits: B

-Quantity of Circuits: C

General Magecraft:
Ryuu has the ability to create and cast of the Wind and Fire element. Her control over her magic has allowes her to create plasma by heating up the molecules in the air to such a extreme point that they glow. In a controlled manner she can basically make lighting from oxygen and other elements in the air.

Skills: (Anything not related to magecraft goes here)
Equipment: (Anything your master uses from magical artifacts to cigarettes.)
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Name: Jiure Grando
Master: -
Class: Assassin
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Height: 6'1
Weight: 168lbs
Armament: None.
Likes: Research, wet weather, quiet days, his wife
Dislikes: The Church, heroes, disturbances, his wife
Wish: None. He simply wishes to defeat other Servant's in the most humiliating way possible before returning to the Throne.
Strength: D
Endurance: B
Agility: C
Mana: B
Luck: C

Class abilities:
Presence Concealment
During the day, Jiure's presence as a Servant is undetectable, and he is in general difficult to spot should he wish it. At night (whenever the sun has set, rather than a specific time) he can 'vanish from sight', although it is more it is seemingly impossible to acknowledge his existence unless he wills it, or is about to attack. He did not have this level of skill in life, but it is something that has been attributed to him as the first 'creature of the night' that we call Vampires by the Grail.

Battle Continuation
Makes possible to fight even with deadly injuries and can remain alive so long as one does not receive a decisive fatal wound.

Not only capable, but incredibly skilled with orthodox Thaumatergy. Jiure's own area of expertise lays with healing and Thaumatergical Virology.

Monstrous Strength
The boost to Jiure's strength grows with time, along with his transformation into a truly monstrous vampire. Jiure's stability begins to degenerate, slowly becoming more like a Berserker than an Assassin, and thus being rather impractical as Servant Assassin. This skill may reset, but it takes three hours to do so.

Dead Apostle
A blanket personal skill that covers his state as a Dead Apostle. This includes: Mystic Eyes of Enchantment, the Curse of Restoration, as well as enhanced senses. This skill also includes the ability to create The Dead familiars. Jiure is also exempt from the usual weaknesses of 'vampires' (crosses, garlic, fire and whatever else is generally associated with 'fictional' vampires), requiring a fatal and decisive blow to be felled. The weaknesses of Dead Apostles however still apply.

Noble Phantasms:
Quote: Viral Paranoia Carrier
Rank: D
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 0
Maximum target: 1
Description: There's a monster in your midsts. Who could it be? Your neighbour? The milkman? Your spouse? You can never be too sure, unless you suspect everyone.

Jiure bites his target, marking them for exsanguination at a later time. Jiure is always aware of the location of bitten individuals, as if he watches them from their very shadow. Bitten targets also emit an aura of steadily growing fear and paranoia to those around them, but are not impacted themselves unless they are near another marked target. These feelings will escalate and escalate until the worst outcomes become reality. The only way become unmarked is at the end of the War, or through cancellation. Perhaps the worst that could happen from PARASITE is a servant killing their master from the amount of terror they are feeling, or vice versa.

Name: Strigon
Quote: Curse of Blood and Being
Rank: C
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 0
Maximum target: 1
Description: Jiure cuts the flesh of his throat, emitting a earsplitting scream. Blood jets from his neck at absurd volumes and intensity, coating the surrounding area and the those within it with his blood. Through out the duration no actions may be taken by any within range.

This ability sets off his Vampire personal skill at an additional rank (although with a minus modifier), giving him an effective rank up to all parameters so long as his blood is present in the area. This ability has a second use as an escape/shock technique, and third as a means to completely even the playing field against targets marked by PARASITE. When they come into contact with any of the blood let by Strigon, they suffer from could only be described as a specialised condition to make them easier to feed from. In the case of Servants, this manifests as an effective rank down to all parameters for a day. The obvious downside to this Noble Phantasm is that it harms Jiure greatly.
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If you still really really really want the Lancer class, I can easily switch to Rider with Achilles as long as we don't have one.
If you are willing, then yes I would like the Lancer class. You dont have to though @.@
Once Rider is claimed, or if Yandereclock switches to Rider and leaves up Lancer to be claimed, then all spots are ready for the HGW.
Only need completed CS sheets now, and if enough interest is generated further, then I may turn this into a Fate/Apocrypha war with fourteen servants and masters.
If I may, can we keep this to 7. As once this gets a bit in, I plan on making my own rp.

First Paladin of Charlemagne

Alternate Classes: Saber, Rider
Neutral Good → Neutral Mad
Sex: Male
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 57kg
Armament: Armour, Horn, Sword

STR: B+ → A+
CON: A → A+?
AGI: B → A
MGI: C → B
LCK: C → B
Noble Phantasm: A+ / B / C

Class Abilities

Mad Enhancement: B
Rank up for all parameters, but takes away most of sanity.

Personal Skills
Battle Continuation: A+
Makes it possible to operate even after receiving decisive fatal wounds and can remain alive so long as the Spiritual Core is not completely destroyed.
Even after suffering countless wounds, having his head split, his body skewered with spears and arrows, his temples explode, and even his brain stream from his ears, Berserker was still able to cut down the remaining forces of his enemies as they fled, cross the battlefield multiple times to bring the bodies of his comrades to be blessed by a bishop, break two Noble Phantasms, and then choose a faraway place to confess his sins and die.
Bravery: A
Sealed under Mad Enhancement.
Ability to nullify mental interference such as suppression, confusion and charm. Also increases the damage inflicted upon the opponent during melee combat.
Instinct: B+
The ability to always "feel" the best course for oneself during combat. Additional effect of reducing by half the penalties caused by obstructed vision and hearing.
Because of a good balance with Knight Errant, it is possible for refined sixth sense to border true precognition.
■ Knight Errant: B
Sealed under Mad Enhancement.
A Skill equivalent to Guardian Knight.
Guardian Knight grants a temporary attribute bonus when acting in defense of others, whereas Knight Errant grants its bonuses when acting in defense or pursuit of a cause, as well as subtly guiding the Servant along paths that coincide with his causes.

Noble Phantasms
Lunatic Moon: Orlando Furioso
Rank: B
Type: Anti-Unit (Self) Noble Phantasm
Range: 0
Maximum Number of Targets: 1 Person
"I am not -- am not what I seem to sight / What Roland was is dead and under ground / Slain by that most ungrateful lady's spite / Whose faithlessness inflicted such a wound. / Divided from the flesh, I am his sprite / Which in this hell, tormented, walks its round / To be, but in its shadow left above / A warning to all such as thrust in love."
A Noble Phantasm whose activation is triggered by the activation of Mad Enhancement.
When this Noble Phantasm is active Berserker is forced into his spiritual form and rendered immobile. In his place takes a 'shadow' appearing as a large suit of armor wreathed in darkness, not unlike the fog of a certain Berserker. It possesses no weapons, for it is a shadow, and shadows do not need arms. The shadow has all the abilities and parameters Berserker would have had under Mad Enhancement, and for all intents and purposes, is considered to be Berserker until the true Berserker reveals himself. And even after that, if the shadow appears again.
The shadow radiates an aura that plants images of desolation, of grief, of suffering, of anguish and all the horrid emotions and terrible atrocities experienced and committed in the name of love within the minds of those around it. The strength of this mental interference is increased when touching or looking directly at the shadow, or the more the target has experiences in line with the images.
When the shadow is killed and fades away, or the Noble Phantasm is deactivated, the true Berserker will materialize in the area no matter where he was previously. Berserker retains knowledge of the shadow's experiences, the ones it could understand under Mad Enhancement at least, but apart from that the shadow is considered independent of Berserker himself.
Maintenance of this Noble Phantasm is surprisingly cheap. About the cost of maintaining a Servant in spirit form compounded with the cost from active Mad Enhancement.
Olifant: Final Song of the Setting Sun
Rank: C → A++
Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 1 - 50
Maximum Number of Targets: 100 People
Crimson stained were the lips of Roland. His cheeks were sunken and white, yet once again he raised his horn. Faintly now, in sadness and in anguish, once again he blew. The soft, sweet notes took on a tone so pitiful, they wrung the very heart of Charlemagne, where, full thirty leagues afar, he onward rode.
"That horn is very long of breath," he sighed, looking backward anxiously.
"It is Roland," cried Duke Naimes. "It is Roland who suffers yonder. On my soul, I swear, there is battle. Some one hath betrayed him. If I mistake not, it is he who now deceives thee. Arm, Sire, arm! Sound the trumpets of war. Long enough hast thou hearkened to the plaint of Roland."
Sealed under Mad Enhancement.
A horn of a unicorn from India, sounded only twice in Berserker's life: during his travel into Elfland to signify his arrival at the Dark Tower, and at the end of his life to call aid from the armies of his king.
It is a last-ditch Noble Phantasm that can only be activated when certain requirements are met: Berserker is being sustained by Battle Continuation, Berserker no longer has a Master supplying prana, no miracles remain in Durendal, Berserker is fighting an opponent who had betrayed him, or Berserker is fighting an opponent greater than himself. Once at least two of these requirements are met, the horn will become a A++ Noble Phantasm, and Berserker will be allowed to blow it at the cost of his own life.
Once blown, it releases a bellowing sound, full of the pain and grief of those who had cried for help and vengeance with their last breath. The sound of the horn carries potent anti-spirit attributes due to being the horn of a soul-consuming Phantasmal Beast. Spirits within a meter of the source, and lesser or unanchored spiritual entities are immediately absorbed into the horn, while Servants in range will be forced to its outskirts and temporarily have their capabilities reduced, as if they had improperly crossed into the anti-spirit barrier around a certain temple. The duration of this effect is primarily dependent on the capability of a Master to support it, with its minimum time being about an hour and its maximum at a day. Other methods exist to decrease this duration, such as restoring prana using means as usurping leylines or "other" means of restoring prana.
However, this anti-spirit function is but a side-effect of the horn's true purpose. For the sounding of the horn bears the concept of "calling Roland's reinforcements". Utilizing the energy within itself, the horn becomes a catalyst to summon forth a Servant to avenge Berserker. The newcomer will always be a hero of the Matter of France other than Roland, and will be thrust into an eligible Class container that does not contain a living Servant. If this is not possible, they will be summoned within the Avenger class. This Servant will receive bonuses allowing their parameters to be one rank above the opponent's when fighting the enemy or enemies that Berserker could not defeat at the hour of his death, but are otherwise prohibited from attacking any other participants of the War unless they target Berserker's Master. Parameters of the Servant at the time of summoning are independent of the Master supporting Berserker (or lack thereof) and are wholly dependent on what energy the horn contains. The Command Seals of Berserker's Master can affect the new Servant. Once the enemies the Servant was called to defeat are killed, by him or otherwise, this Servant will fade away due to lack of prana. Due to this property, it could be said that the new Servant is anchored to the world both by Berserker's enemies and his Master.
However if a Servant eligible to be summoned by this Noble Phantasm is already present or there are Servants with whom Berserker has developed and maintained sufficiently close and positive relationships, nothing is summoned and the horn is destroyed along with anything absorbed by it. Instead they gain the parameter boost against Berserker's enemies and are dual-contracted with both Berserker's Master and their own, with Berserker's Master's Command Seals being coded to the Servant or Servants. In addition, they gain the ability to track Berserker's enemies' locations and do not recieve the negative effects of the horn's sound. Naturally these effects dissipate with the death of the enemy.
On another note, the horn can also be used as an spike with effects similar to the Seventh Holy Scripture.
If Berserker is summoned both as a child and under the Saber class, this Noble Phantasm definitely assumes an entirely different effect, most assuredly one less fatal and relating towards his history with the feyfolk.
Durandal: The Peerless Sword

Rank: A+ → C
Type: Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm
Range: 0 - 3
Maximum Number of Targets: 1 Person
Then came Charlemagne with the swords which he had taken from the altar. To Ogier he gave a plain steel blade bearing the inscription, WEAR ME UNTIL YOU FIND A BETTER. But to his nephew Roland he gave a wondrous weapon with jewelled hilt, and a fire-edge gleaming like the lightning's glare.
Sealed under Mad Enhancement.
The holy sword gifted to Berserker by King Charlemagne of the Frankish Empire. A symbol of power splendidly forged by an existence beyond humanity.
It is an indestructible sword that maintains its supernal sharpness even after its owner's prana is depleted, and possesses three miracles within it, similar to but greater than the Command Seals of the Masters, to be used by Berserker at will and independent of his or his Master's prana. These miracles can only directly affect Berserker but can be used to actualize mysteries that can affect others. For example, healing an ally's wounds. Once these three miracles have been depleted, Durandal becomes a Rank C Noble Phantasm. Due to the legends in which Berserker defeated monsters and fairies, as well as its blessings and status as a heathen-smiter, Durandal deals additional damage to Heroic Spirits with "monstrous", "elemental", or "unholy" attributes.
In addition, while not technically a Noble Phantasm in and of itself, Durandal does possess a "technique" of sorts known as Durendal: La Brèche de Roland, an Anti-Fortress attack that simulates Berserker's attempt and failure to create a Broken Phantasm Durendal before he died, creating a large gap within the mountains of the Spanish/French border. By pumping prana into Durendal and striking something, an explosion of prana is emitted in the direction of the swing.
Yeah he's kinda tough, but I figure since we have monsters like Achilles waltzing around, I might as well aim high and nerf instead of starting and ending below par.

But if someone makes Rider Astolfo, it wouldn't matter since we could just ditch this crummy Holy Grail War and go on adventures.
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I keep my character sheet work for the OOC, generally, which is why I haven't done more than toss out ideas here.
So can he not use the horn at all?

It's sealed under Mad Enhancement, and he dies when he uses it.

But if you're still uncomfortable with it, I can get rid of the replacement Servant summoning and just keep the buffs and debuffs ^^
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