Family Matters |⚤| OOC

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✎ Picture
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✎ Full Name
Marcus Victor Hawthorne

✎ Nickname

✎ Age and Birthday
19. January 13th

✎ Gender, Sexuality
Male, Straight

✎ Physical Description
Marcus stands 6' 3" Tall and weighs in at 196 lbs.

✎ Nationality/Ethnicity

✎ Health Issues
Allergic to Shellfish
Vegan; doesn't often eat meat because it does not agree with him

✎ Personality
-Easily Irritable

✎ Likes
+Action Movies

✎ Dislikes
-Lack of Productivity
-Overpriced Food

✎ Talents

✎ Hobbies
+Weight Lifting

✎ History

✎ Job
Part-Time Waiter

✎ Grade
College (First Year)

✎ Family
Christopher Hawthorne, 68 (Father, Alive)
Carmen Hawthorne, 65 (Mother, Alive)
Eric Hawthorne, 31 (Brother, Alive)
Nicholas Hawthorne, 26 (Brother, Alive)

✎ Pets
[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Okay, that's my last character. No more until after the Roleplay starts.[/BCOLOR]​
You agreed to my girl and him being paired together. What kind of relationship would you prefer for them?
@Brea sure ... if you want I can leave her post blank for you to start

"I say so many horrific things."


Full Name:
"Yes, it starts with a K and ends in a R. It's not Tyler, it's not Kyle. Kyler."
. Kyler Maxon Stokes .

"I guess you can shorten my name if you really want to."
. Kye .

Age & Birthday:
"Old enough to drive."
. 17 & April 25th .

"This isn't obvious?"
. Male .

"Gotta love the ladies, man."
. Heterosexual .

Physical Description:
"I hear green is the rarest eye color."

. Eyes- Light Green.
Hair- Medium brown, short, thick.
Height- 6'2
Weight- 158 lbs
Build- Ottermode
Birthmark- Kyler has a light brown birthmark on the back of his right arm, shaped like a paint splatter.
Piercings- N/A
Scars- Kyler has a scar on both sides of his right ankle, from when he broke it at the age of seven.
Other- N/a .

"Both my parents are Britain, but I was born in the USA."
. British-American .

Health Issues:
"I can' afford to have health issues, I'm an athlete."
. Allergic to Bleach .

"I try not to be your stereotypical jock."
. Kyler presents himself as a courageous young man with integrity and an endless supply of confidence. He's very outspoken and opinionated, though he does not discriminate against others for their own opinions. Truth be told, he is known for being a major flirt, and some would even go so far is to call him a womanizer. But, Kyler does care deeply for those he actually gets in a relationship with. It doesn't seem like it to outsiders, but Kyler is actually very picky and selective with who he gets close with. It's sort of like a defense mechanism, because he will only allow people he deems worthy to see certain sides of him. Kyler tends to be very cocky and even an asshole, if pushed just right. But, those he is close to know that if there was human version of a teddy bear, it would be him. He's actually very thoughtful, protective, and sweet. He likes to make others smile, especially when they're down. Because Kyler doesn't care what others think of him, he will sometimes embarrass himself on purpose just to bring a smile to someones lips. He has great sportsmanship, though he is also very competitive. Still, once he's lost he'll accept it and move on. Kyler will always take responsibility for his actions, and expects others to do the same. Finally, Kyler tends to be very trusting of other people, which results in him being extremely gullible .

"That's easy: Sports."
. Spicy Food, Cuddling, Milkshakes, Roller Coasters, Granola Bars, Cotton Candy, Horror Movies, Bananas, Sports, Christmas Lights, Energy Drinks, and Soup .

"Wrestling is just.. not my thing. I mean, I'm good at it, but I don't enjoy it."
. Homework, School, Archery, Wrestling, Sunburns, Traffic, Mysteries, Early Mornings, Smoking, and Poptars .

"Have you ever tasted my cooking?"
Aside from having a natural knack for any kind of sport, Kyler can also cook very well. In fact, during holidays he usually kicks the whole family out of the kitchen, aside from his younger sister, because he is the only one in his family with any cooking ability. Because he is very confident, Kyler is also good at public speaking, and since he was young he's been good at climbing (tree's, counters, you name it). If you were to ask Kyler what his best talent is, however, he would tell you, "Flirting, of course!"

"Sports. I think this is getting a bit repetitive now."
. Racing, Working Out, Various Sports, and Cooking .

"Nothing too significant there."
. Kyler was born in the middle of the night to a very loving family. He was a happy baby, and very much a momma's boy. However, he and his father did share a special bond over sports. He'd been watching football games since before he could even talk, and as soon as he turned four he joined football. Of course at that age it wasn't very competitive, but he loved it anyways. From this he branched off to several other sports, very quickly becoming the athlete he is today. Also when he was four, his little sister, Jessamine, was born. Kyler had always viewed his female peers as an equal, but there was something so fragile about his baby sister that he knew he'd protect her his whole life.

Jessamine also took a liking to sports, and even if she wasn't allowed to play on the same teams as her big brother, they did play together at home. It wasn't until Jess got into middle school, during Kylers freshman year in highschool, that she started acting like a girl. She became more interested in her nails and hair... and so Kyler adjusted. He learned how to curl her hair for her, and sometimes would let her paint his nails. No one other than his immediate family knew this, of course, and the two siblings had a mutual agreement that they'd never tell anyone. And so, their strong bond held.

Meanwhile, Kyler continued to play sports, now during the summer and for his high school. He made Varisty in every sport during his freshman year... which resulted in several hazings. He's done things he's not proud of, and was humiliated more times than the young jock could count. Luckily his family never found out, and once freshman year was over it was his turn to do the hazing. But, he never participated. In fact, he despised many of his teammates for how they treated the young new-bee's on Varsity, and sometimes warned others about planned hazings so they could avoid them.

It was decided halfway through his sophomore year that Kyler could need a tutor for math classes, as well as English. Apparently, he excelled in sports so much because he was unsatisfactory when it came to academics. But, he tried not to let it get to him, and again the family decided to keep this among themselves .

"Gotta make money, right?"
. Waiter at Applebees .

"More than halfway over with school."
. Junior (11th Grade) at M.H.S .

"I love them all."
. Mother - Cathy - Secretary [spoili]
Father- Karter - Accountant [spoili]
Younger Sister (by 4 years) - Jessamine [spoili]
[/spoili] .

"He's a good boy."
. Maxwell - Yellow Lab - 3 Years Old
[/spoili] .

"I tend to make more friends than I do enemies."

Significant Other:
. Lydia Skiee - Friends with Benefits .

. n .

. n .

. n .

[bg=#8c8484]"You being happy really isn't a priority of mine."

"Just because I talk a lot doesn't mean I actually know what I'm talking about."


Full Name:
"Yes, Hart is really my last name. Cute, right?"
. Jennifer Maria Hart .

"Jenna seems to be the most common."
. Jenna, Jenni, Jenny, Jen, Hart .

Age & Birthday:
"I'm technically an adult. Mentally? Not so much."
. 18 & May 13th .

"Are... you implying I look like a boy?"
. Female .

"Oh, I don't like girls that way."
. Heterosexual .

Physical Description:
"Blonde hair, blue eyes. I'm average."
. Eyes- Blue-Grey

Hair- Medium (Armpit Length), Blonde, usually curled.
Height- 5'6
Weight- 124lbs
Build- Adverage
Birthmark- On her shoulder: It's brown, and shaped like an upside down cat.
Tattoos- [spoili]
Piercings- Ears (once), Bellybutton.
Scars- N/A
Other- N/A .

"They say my biological mother is from Canada."
. Canadian, American .

Health Issues:
"I don't think I have anything serious?"
. Allergic to Peanuts and Bees .

"I try my best to be likable."
. Jennifer is very much a people pleaser. She always puts other peoples needs before her own, which often gets her into a lot of trouble. However, she continues to do it because she just wants to make people happy. Also because she fears rejection, especially that of her peers. She is often described as selfless, kind and helpful. Jenna has always had a hard time hurting peoples feelings, and will tell a lie to avoid doing so. Jenna is extremely talkative, and once you get her going it's nearly impossible to make her shut up. She's very determined, and is always setting goals for herself. She is easily manipulated, and often becomes dependent on her friends. She doesn't outwardly show it, but Jenna is very insecure with who she is, and is often trying to reshape herself into someone she thinks everyone will like. At times she can be a bit naive, but that's just because she wants to believe that there is good in everyone .

"Bring on the Chick-Flicks!"
. Animals, Romance Movies, Snow, Hot Coco, Shopping, Cuddling, Big Projects and Helping Others .

"Hairless cats are just... gross looking."
. Failing, Letting People Down, Lying, Seafood, Rodents, Swimming, and Hairless Cats .

"I won't lie, I have a few."
. Jennifer has always had a way with animals, especially cats. She can mimic other peoples voices, and is able to think critically. Jenna also has an amazing singing voice, and can play the guitar .

"Oh you know, normal teenage girl things."
. Cheerleading, as stated before. Jennifer also enjoys singing, and is quite good at it. She occasionally participates in a choir, if she has the time, and enjoys going to karaoke night with her girlfriends. Lastly, she volunteers at a local animal shelter whenever she can .

"Not much has happened in my life, truthfully."
It was decided before Jenna was even born that she would be given up for adoption. In fact, a family was already said to adopt her by her due date, and she was instantly handed over to them. It wasn't until Jenna was seven that she discovered this. Her and her brother were playing doctor, and so she was using her medical papers. Upon reading them and asking her parents, Jenna was devastated to hear that her birth mother never wanted anything to do with her, before they even got the chance to meet. This is what perhaps brought Jenna's fear of rejection to the surface, because from then on out she did everything she could to make people like her.

When she turned eight, Jenna joined cheer leading. Although she had started later than most girls, she drove herself to be the best she could possibly be, and very quickly became the top of her team. She's been cheer leading ever since, both competitively and for her high school. Despite knowing she was adopted, Jennifer has always had a great deal for her family, and is very close with all of them, especially her brother.

"I mean, I spend most my time cheerleading, so."
. Babysitter - Whenever needed .

"Almost done with school. Yay!"
. Senior (12th Grade) at M.H.S .

"Maybe not biologically, but they're the only family I've ever known."
. Mother-Elizabeth-Police Officer [spoili]
Father-Jacob-History Teacher [spoili]
Older Brother- Jason-21-bartender [spoili]
[/spoili] .

"She's my sweet little girl."
. Cas - Siamese Cat - 6 months old
[/spoili] .

"Aren't friends just the most magical thing to have?"

Significant Other:
. Marcus Hawthorne - TBD .

. n .

. n .

. n .
[bg=#8c8484]"I'm too smart to be seduced by you."

@~Happily.Ever.After~ - my characters are finished! Sorry it took so long for me to get around to it, I was super busy.

Also, You can start for Lydia, I was just asking to make it a scenario where Kyler could meet up with her/be with her/ run into her or something. ♥
they're accepted @Brea ...I really like your coding by the way (oh and Lydia and Kyler are definitely going to get along... though they may drive each other nuts at some point with the flirting XD)
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I updated the front <hopefully I didn't leave anyone out) ... I added most of the characters even if they weren't finished yet, just to help avoid confusion.

This is who still is still unpaired {<= ignore my stupid grammar}

Randall (m, 24)
Tessa (f, 17)
Onyx (m, 16)

@Shin-Ryu Lightning
Brian (m, 44)
Emma (f, 16) ... not sure if Shin-Ryu Lightning wants to pair her up though
Kimberly (f, 19)

Jesus (m, 57)
Star (f, 16) ... not sure if thingtastic wants to pair her up though

I'd say we're doing pretty good with the pairings, not everyone wants to be alone u.u .. Thanks Guys!!! <3 ^_^
Star is gay and I'm pretty sure everyone but my characters are het, so she'll stay single forever I guess.
Star is gay and I'm pretty sure everyone but my characters are het, so she'll stay single forever I guess.
I can make a female for her
@Thingtastic happily said in her rules that the characters should be straight, I don't know if it was cleared with her or not though. Just thought I would relay that
@Thingtastic happily said in her rules that the characters should be straight, I don't know if it was cleared with her or not though. Just thought I would relay that
honestly, I think I just keep missing a part when I copy and paste the rules. I intentionally was leaving the sexuality open for this rp, so long as it was clear what sex the character was attracted to <though I did exclude transgender just because that's a little too complicated>
Ok just checking dove
When I read the rules I thought it said gay, bi, and aces are allowed but no trans. That's why I made non het characters, I wouldn't intentionally ignore rules lol.
yeah I clarified it above ... I think I keep missing a section when I copy and Paste the rules... so until I find it that's probably going to be misleading. But I always post the 'brief' version in the form as well, so no worries @Thingtastic you're fine :)

anyways, I should be finished with the IC in about an hour ^^
You agreed to my girl and him being paired together. What kind of relationship would you prefer for them?
Oh no, I forgot about that. I am so sorry! I was hoping for Dating, like GF + BF?
Toby is also available for adoption :)

@Shin-Ryu Lightning i don't really want to change Onyx's age considering he is twin's with Jezebel and I liked having them as teenagers. You don't have to pair with him if you don't want, I was just asking so I know whether or not to open him up again ;)
I lowered Kimmy's age down to 15. Would you be okay with Onyx being a Father to be? If not, I can edit to where Kimmy's Baby Daddy skipped town like what happened to Emma.
I lowered Kimmy's age down to 15. Would you be okay with Onyx being a Father to be? If not, I can edit to where Kimmy's Baby Daddy skipped town like what happened to Emma.
I'm fine with that ... it's actually something I could totally see happening.
~Happily.Ever.After~ updated Family Matters |⚤| OOC with a new update entry:

IC thread Open & Ready for posting!

basically it's in the title. Ya'll can post in the IC thread now. Click HERE to go to the IC ^^

I will be updating the cast list again later but it's pretty late here and I'm exhausted, but I wanted to let you start posting by Tuesday like I promised, so I posted for like 10 of my 20 characters <really only 18 characters that count right now> ... if I didn't post for the character and it has a match I was probably...

Read the rest of this update entry...
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Last edited:
Everything on the cast list should be up to date now ^^
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@Thingtastic I have a 'grandma' character if you want me to add her in for Jesus. They could just be good friends or something if you want :)
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