Family Matters |⚤| OOC

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I'll have my next post up later on... probably around 3am for me.
One more question, is it school season?
@Shin-Ryu Lightning yes, third day of school to be exact. I mentioned it in one of my character's posts ^^
I wanna see your new one, I'll get up my reply for our pm asap
Oh, Jessica's ditching school then...I'll probably send her to school momentarily. I have the mindset of school starting in September because of where I live
alrighty, managed to get the post up much earlier than expected (it's only 135am) ... and I found a site to watch PP2 on (yay!)

anyways, I think the next time I post in IC I'm going to timeskip a few hours to like 5 or so, just to keep things moving :3
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Crap, since I dropped Kimmy's age a little, I forgot that now she needs a Parental Guardian X_X Because originally she was going to be living off on her own. But wait....
Sorry for not posting yet. All my flights were cancelled so I had to travel all the way back to my hometown.. I can work on it once I am at the house.
Sorry for not posting yet. All my flights were cancelled so I had to travel all the way back to my hometown.. I can work on it once I am at the house.
Its all good. But I look forward to seeing the finished characters and I am sorry that your Flights were cancelled.
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I'll be posting when I get back from work!
Crap, since I dropped Kimmy's age a little, I forgot that now she needs a Parental Guardian X_X Because originally she was going to be living off on her own. But wait....
She doesn't need that. Anyone 15+ can live on their own for this to... I did it that way to make it easier ;)

Sorry for not posting yet. All my flights were cancelled so I had to travel all the way back to my hometown.. I can work on it once I am at the house.
No worries, take your time
I sense impending drama.........
✎ Picture

✎ Full Name
Wendy Gilcrest

✎ Nicknames
Swiftie, Wen, Lightning, Thunder

✎ Age and Birthday
26, August 12th

✎ Gender, Sexuality
Female, Straight

✎ Physical Description
Wendy stands 5' 7" Tall and weighs 125 lbs. She has a mostly slender but lean and athletic build. She has Brown Hair, which was initially blond and Brown Eyes.

✎ Nationality/Ethnicity

✎ Health Issues

✎ Personality
-Hot Tempered

✎ Likes

✎ Dislikes
-Sense of Entitlement
-Seeing her sister unhappy

✎ Talents
+Street Fighting
+Natural Leader

✎ Hobbies
+Car Tuning
+Horseback Riding

✎ History

✎ Job
Full Time Car Tuner at O'Conner's (Been working there for four years)

✎ Grade

✎ Family
Vivian Gilcrest, Aged 40 (Would be 48) (Mother, Deceased)
Jean Gilcrest, Aged 45 (Would be 53) (Father, Deceased)
Kimberly Gilcrest, Age 15 (Younger Sister)
Unborn Niece

✎ Pets
Black Beauty ~ Black Stallion ~ 8 Years Old
Odin ~ White Mustang ~ 7 Years Old​
accepted, ill add her later
Soooo I'm currently being hit by quite a bit of snow ... If I poof for a day or so that is probably why (also I have work so day if it doesn't get cancelled)
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the good news, I had to call out of work because I couldn't get my car out before 7am this morning... and I didn't loose power or internet so I was abl to spend most of my day working on all my characters <I think I have maybe 40 completely finished out of 186...stored on another site> ... I won't be working tomorrow either because it's still snowing and my car is completely covered <I basically drive what my friends and family call a blueberry... tis tiny>, so I will be on more than I usually am during the weekends, but I will have a solid chunk of no-internt time because I need to shovel :( .


anyways, my real reason for posting this is just to say that I'll post again once everyone else has posted ^^
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Just so you know, I'm currently playing catch-up for most the rps I'm in. Might not get another IC post up until Wednesday.
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