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So, essentially they switch lol
I guess, kind of, yeah. Don't see it happening a whole lot unless Frank loses it over something get emotional and Akron shuts him down. xD
Rude! Let Frank feel his feelers! ;_; XD
Also, unless you were going to, my secondary character is likely going to be a science nerd. XD
Frank: Let me have me feels!
Akron: No.
Frank: But, but-
Akron: No.
Frank: Say something other than just know! >.<
Akron: *Stares at, blinks* Hell no.
Frank: X.x So...cruel.

No, my secondary is more of a gunsmith. :D
Should be a good dynamic thing. =D
I totally just realized I used Know instead of No. xD Whoops.
lol its alright, i still knew what you meant
Who you planning using for your nerdy chick?
Anna Kamsky from Cold Fear, huh? xd
I don't know what either of those things are. XD

Did you want a different one?
Cold Fear was a game, Anna who that picture is of, was a Russian something or another in it. xd

Uhm?? Well, you said nerdy, but that doesn't describe a whole lot. xD So I wouldn't know where to begin helping.
Her, maybe? I dunno. This is what you get when you make me go off just "nerdy" xD

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Oh, I meant nerdy as in stats. Medicine, Science, Energy Weapons. XD
So...she's a doctor that shoots people? XD
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You know what? This is Akron's sister!

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This was a runner-up

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And here's a suggestion for your second character: Has the tech pad, satchel, and everything! But, if you don't mind what she looks like as far as pertaining to her overall makeup of her traits, let me now, I found some others that could work.

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Works for me
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