Fall of the House of Adir (OOC)

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I'm not sure how my character would react to Kyle... Because she doesn't... She's... She's just indifferent towards the situation. I feel like she would more or less react to the reaction of Kyle. If anything my character would be more interested in Mr. Snakey Cakes! (I'm off my drugs now so I have no excuse for that nickname...)
x..x; I guess I can swing Luna at Kyle. -goes to plotting-
Hey Rain Jay, Since I kind of wanted everyone to interact with each other and not with Lashita for a bit, the bit you wrote in doesn't happen until later. 1st there's a few minutes for people to talk/argue/freak out. Then after that's over, Lashita breaks in. So if you wouldn't mind correcting that. :D
You didn't have to delete your post. D: I didn't mean that. ><
And I was so looking forward to having Kyle show off in a total god mod rule breaking fight that results in him somehow ruling the world.

Way to rain on my parade guys.
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Sorry I haven't posted... I'm not quite sure what to post...
Well I was expecting more reaction from Kyle being both a former soldier of Myst and having little love for the Kingdom of Udir. I think I might have to provoke the reaction myself. Think I'll go with the God Emperor having the right idea but wrong execution of it.

You know what character interaction between any of the characters would be good Alice Falling. The not paying attention archetype can taken too far ya know.
Well I was expecting more reaction from Kyle being both a former soldier of Myst and having little love for the Kingdom of Udir. I think I might have to provoke the reaction myself. Think I'll go with the God Emperor having the right idea but wrong execution of it.

You know what character interaction between any of the characters would be good Alice Falling. The not paying attention archetype can taken too far ya know.

If you provoke it, my character may or may not have a say in it. Ha. I don't plan for my character to be the not paying attention archetype. In fact, in my last post, I stated she was paying attention silently to everyone's character. This set her up to be able to notice/react to anyone so I'm open to more options in my next post.
@Alice Falling

Number one rule of silence in a social circle. It will be interpreted as one of three things, wisdom, indifference, and finally as disinterest. The last two interpretations are in my personal experience the most likely.

But for the love of Mithra somebody post something. The wrong thing is always better then nothing as one famous soldier said.
Fine. I found a reason to post. Hopefully it's not crappy.

*realization that Coralie really is the weakest amongst this group hit hard in this post*
@Alice Falling

Not bad actually. Seemed a little Jedi-ish with the peace maker thing. But being different is always a good thing.

Me I am just finding it odd only Lashita and Kyle are actually outfitted for combat. I mean no matter how quick you may think you are you are going to get hit. Only a fool doesn't bring some form of armour to war. Even piss poor armour is better then nothing.

I'll try to get a post up around 0900 hours Pacific.

The irony is I know Jedi is a Star Wars word but that all I know... I don't even know anything about Star Wars. I'm glad I can channel something I don't even know about. My friends would be proud! *shot*

Eh, our characters were summoned to this place. I don't know if many of them thought it would be about traveling and battling. Coralie didn't! Silly girl!
@Arius Angels

Unless WesteriaVale said so I rather think such measures are unnecessary. And may I say such a question is odd.
*Wakes up* Why am I making people delete things? *Flits off to IC to find out*
I don't think things need to be deleted I just think we should figure out where we wanna go with things.

I, for one, am not sure what to post :o
Well, everything looked good so far to me. All I really want is for the characters to talk to each other. Lol.

And as for what's really going on, only I am privy to it. Mwahahaha :>
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