Fairy Tail: Lost Chapters

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Kanda looked at Wolfram. "Thank you...but you deserve to keep my cut..." He said seriously. He frowned, sitting Emily down and slapping her hand gently. "Emily! Manners!" He fussed, not approving of the way she was behaving.

Lyra winked and scooted the tin a bit closer, making sure that the glass was picked up and refilled with more milk before setting it back in front of the girl.
Wolfram raised a brow at the child as she pouted after having her hand smacked but straightened up immediately. It was good parenting, though much as Aunts do, Lyra seemed to play devils advocate and slid the tin closer so Emily could take a cookie anyway. The girl beamed, and behaved herself.

"No need." Wolfram replied, raising his hand. "What you did was for the safety of others. A Wolf would do no different for family, so out of respect, I'll let you have your dues. Though... there might be some news you're not so good with." And with that he looked over his shoulder as the doors opened a second time, and white clothing graced the doorway.

The young man arched a brow as he looked around the guild hall, then doubled back when he saw Ila, winking as she glared at him from over the rim of her glass and set it down. Farren approached Kanda and Emily, then gave a bow. "..Yo."
Kanda glared at Lyra, pushing the tin away while grabbing a cookie himself. His ears perked and eyes narrowed as he heard Wolfram say "news". "What news?" He clutched Emily to him a little closer, worried that it was of her. Then, he heard the door and swung the bar stool around, growling as he saw who entered.

"What are you doing here?" He asked sharply as Farren approached and stood in front of him.
Wolfram could sense the hostility and stepped between Farren and Kanda with his hands up. "Hold on, He comes in peace. He comes with a request."

Farren reached a hand up to rub at the back of his head. It was difficult, but he shut his eyes and soon just got on with it. "Where's your guild leader?"

Ila growled and narrowed her eyes. "What do you want with them?"

The wind user grinned sheepishly. "I don't want any trouble, sweet cheeks. Let's say I've had a change of heart about your guild.. Sort of. You and the hothead are dysfunctional. But you care about one another. I was wondering if you all were like that. So.." And he shrugged. "Since the caravan made it to their destination, I've got no other work. Thought i might earn some money working for you guys."
Kanda looked to Ila. A frown was on his face and questions in his eyes.

Lyra stepped out from around the bar and looked at Farren. "Okay, here's the Guild Master....you say you want to join?"
Ila shook her head, the man rubbed her the wrong way, and she had no problem showing it. Though he had tried to help her when Kanda was being taken by the muse, and even offered to help rescue him, but it didn't change the fact he'd felt her up and that wasn't a very good first impression of his character. She exchanged looked with Kanda, but looked down when Lyra stood forth. Lyra was the Guild Master, Not Kanda.. and not Ila.

Farren smiled toward Lyra, the woman beautiful and fair. Naturally, he grinned in a suave manner, and raised a brow in his charming manner. "Well well.. The Royal Knights are under new management i see. Well, fair maiden.. If you'd be so kind, I would Love to join your guild and get a chance to see what it was all about.. perhaps over dinner?"
Kronos stepped forward with a growl. "You shall do no such thing with my fiance!"

Lyra held up a hand with a chuckle, the entire company and room stilling in reply. "Farren...I have been told that you have some...issues..." She felt her eyebrows rise and she took a sip of the glass of wine.
Farren took a respectful step back when Kronos stepped forward. He could feel the temperature change, and within all his charms, Farren knew better than to mess with the wizards of the Royal Knights Guild. This he'd learned from Kanda and Ila first.

He put up his hands and bowed his head. "Now now, you have my apologies, man. How was I supposed to know?" An innocent smile came upon him, but even that faded with the mention of "issues."

"Whatever you'd heard about me, Madame Guild Master, I promise won't affect my work here. Though I admittedly have a weakspot for a pretty face.. and my past with the Knights is less than favorable. Hell I even hated you guys. Every last one of you.. I still do somewhere deep down." He frowned, lowering his hands and looking at Lyra's feet for a moment. Then he looked into her eyes, "But I want to find out if my hatred has been misplaced."
Kronos went to stand by Lyra while Kanda held Emily to him behind her.

Lyra laughed. Everyone in the room just stood in shock. "Well then..." She took another sip of the wine. "As long as you keep your hands away from all my girls' pretty faces then I shall allow you to stay with us. Of course, you will not be touching our girls or getting into fights with our boys..." Her eyebrow arched and upon taking another sip of wine she went to circle him. "If you agree then I have no problem letting you into our guild."
Farren raised a brow. "..but...ALL of them?" He almost whined, "..Somehow that doesn't seem fair."

Ila smiled. "If it's gonna be a problem, i could always remove---"

"---THat's fine!" Farren interrupted, then took in a deep breath and stood at attention. "I agree to your terms, Guild Master!"
Lyra laughed. "Very well then. Welcome to the guild. If you venture from your agreement I'll let Ila take care of whatever punishment she sees fit."
Ila suddenly got a wicked grin upon her, eyes glinting in red in the light.

Farren began to reconsider joining this guild of lunatics. At the very least Wolfram seemed civil. Quiet.. but civil.

It was then that Wolfram blinked, and then turned to face Ila and Kanda in turn. "Speaking of which.. You've lost your sword, haven't you?"

Ila went instantly from evil to mopey in a fraction of a second. Face slamming to the counter top as she sulked and eyes teared up. "...Why did you remind me.. My baby is gone...I'm completely useless to Kanda now.. He'll just up and leave me for a new partner... I know it."

"...Dramatic." Farren commented. "Maybe she shouldn't drink anymore.."

Ila hissed and clutched her glass. "..Let's see you take it from me, pervert."

Wolfram folded his arms in thought for a moment. "I reminded you for just that reason. Your sword will turn up, since it's bound to you, I doubt anyone else will be able to wield it, right?"

Ila nodded, but it wouldn't have been able to be seen as she'd slumped to the floor behind the bar dejectedly. "That's right. No one's hands but mine can even pick up Amaterasu.. To anyone but me she'll make herself heavier and heavier until you let her go.. and if you dont.. well---" There was a weak burst of blue fire the shot up into the air form behind the bar, followed by a slight hiccup. " --Fwoosh. She'll swallow you up."

Deacon arched a brow. "..How're you able to use magic?"

"Big guy." Ila commented shortly.

Deacon raised a brow at that. "...What...did oyu guys........?"

Ila poked her head up to show just her eyes. And a mischievous cackle came from her as she glanced to Kanda. "... He forced himself on me."
Kanda listened to the conversation, eyes widening as it took on such a turn. "Uh...Ila? No more alcohol for you..." He forced the glass from her grasp, rolling his eyes and laughing as he suddenly noticed his sister chocking on the wine she had just swallowed. "Oh, sis...you know it ain't true..."

He yawned, tugging the cookie tin over to him and handing one to Emily as he took a large gulp of his milk.
Ila leaned in when her drink was being pulled away but was far too out of it to keep hold of the glass as she nearly fell over and was soon making disgruntle "murr" noises.

Emily giggled and pat ila on the face, amused by the half glow in ila's eyes as they made silly faces at one another while Kanda took his cookie.

Wolfram smirked, "You look good together." He commented, then turned to Lyra. "I'm going to head out for a while. Congratulations on being the new guild master, by the way."

Ila grunted. "I look good always." she said while twisting her face to imitate a dragon, crossing her eyes and blowing harmless blue wisps of fire from her nostrils. They were gradually getting weaker and weaker, and now, it was so faint it could easily be mistaken as whisps of blue smoke rather than fire. Not that it was hurting her, but it seemed she was running low on whatever she'd been able to take from Kanda.
Kanda frowned. "You are all more foolish than I thought." He put his forehead on the table and sighed.
Ila gave a slight grin over to Kanda as he so casually insulted them. Not that he meant it in a bad way, but she could tell he was exhausted by their antics and eventually sat back and crossed her arms. "Well then, mr mope, what would YOU rather be doing?"
Kanda looked at Ila out of the corner of his eye. "Honestly? I'm not sure. Normally I would grab another job...but after the last one..." He shook his head. Wrapping an arm around her he sighed. "I'm done with adventure right now...my body can't take another beating like that last one."
The familiar heat of Kanda's body set her mind at ease. The magic she'd grown so fond of being drawn harmlessly and in only the faintest amount that could no more harm him than really benefit her. Ila gave a small smile and an understanding nod. Her face flushing only slightly. "Well.. maybe a few days off could do us some good. Maybe a vacation? You can show me around the guild...maybe see some of your favorite places..?"

Emily clapped with a bright smile. "Vacation! Let's go swimming!"
Kanda laughed at Emily's outburst. "Swimming it is my little squirrel." He winked as he said with fondness. He kissed the top of her head and looked back at Ila. "Well..I suppose a little vacation wouldn't hurt. I have saved up a lot of jules from my time in the guild."

Lyra chuckled, leaning forward to wrap an arm around her brother's neck. "Just don't get yourself hurt...or kidnapped...or any combination of the two. No repeats of this latest adventure of yours."
Emily gave a huge grin up to Kanda when he kissed her on top of the head, red flushing with the sort of joy only a child could feel when recieving affection from a beloved parent or guardian.

Ila took note of this, giving a slight smirk. She'd never thought herself the sort for this sort of thing, but it was a nice feeling. "Parents" or not, they were this girls guardian so long as Dante was out there somewhere. She could almost sense the witch out there plotting something.. but it was quiet now, so why not take advantage of the respite?

"Sounds Good!" She exclaimed, "I have a bit saved up to help, but I'd need to visit Gramps and the Kid to let them know where I've been. Unless you wouldn't mind doing it for me, Lyra? At least with you there they'll believe you and not think i was out drinking or fooling around.. not..that.. that's what i usually did between jobs.." she trailed off.
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