Fairy Tail: Lost Chapters

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Kronos shook his head. "I don't think Kanda will get Guild Master to be honest. We all know he wouldn't accept it....he can't sit still for so long." He chuckled, waving at her to follow him. "Come on, we'll go see him. He went up to his room."

Lyra frowned. "Of course I will...you'll be around here more often now you know."

Kanda shook his head. "Hell, no! Let Kronos take that job...I can't."
Ila would have lied if she'd said that little bit didn't make something inside her happy. She didn't want to have to part ways with Kanda even if he was a stubborn bastard who doesn't smile enough. She followed behind Kronos when he gestured for her to follow. Turns out she'd actually started off int he wrong direction, and she quickly corrected it.


Before long they were walking through the door and Ila gave a small wave of her hand to Lyra, glad the woman was in tears, but by the frown on her face she could tell they were at a disagreement. Ila put her hands on her hips. "Bad time? What's wrong?"
Lyra shook her head. "Nothing I can't solve later!" She stood, bending down to kiss her brother on the forehead before leaving the room with Kronos.

Kanda patted the bed beside him, propping himself up on his pillows. "She's all in a fit because I won't take the Guild Master job." He ran hands through his hair in frustration. "What she doesn't realize is both Kronos and I have nominated her for it."
Ila watched them leave with a faint smile then moved to the side of Kanda's bed, crossing one leg under the other. Her attention went immediately to the bandages she'd made for him, the blood stains were still there, but at least he was healed. Then she arched a brow, and looked down. "Well... Why not take the job? I mean, Sure it's not like you're leadership material or anything but.." She grinned, trying to lighten the mood.
Kanda sighed, "I'm not meant to sit in a Guild all day and be a mediator between a Guild and the Council...it's perfect for Lyra!" He waved a hand in the air. Then he stared at Ila....just looked at her. "I didn't think I'd make it back, Ila..." He reached a hand out, setting it on her arm. "How's Emily?" He looked into Ila's eyes, searching for something that he could not place.

Lyra pulled Kronos aside, hugging him happily. "Thank you for bringing my older brother home!" She was shaking and Kronos wrapped his arms around her tighter.
"Of course. Couldn't let the idiot go and die on us could we?" He kissed Lyra's forehead.
Ila chuckled, then paused when he stopped to stare at her. She arched a brow, curious, and tucked some of her hair behind an ear. He spoke and she felt a tenderness to his words, and when he touched her arm she felt the warmth the fireplace wouldn't give her. Her hand came down on top of his and she smiled in reply. "Don't worry, she's fine. She's curled up in a chair in the library. I figured we'd go and get her.. together. rather than just one or the other. She was--" But she paused when Kanda seemed to search her eyes for something. It didn't make her uncomfortable, but uneasy. vulnerable..like he was looking for an answer to a question he wasn't sure how to ask.

Ila raised an eyebrow in question, but her eyes didn't leave his. "Something on your mind, Big Guy?"
Kanda blinked when she asked him if he was okay. "What? Oh, yeah...guess I'm just worn out..." He ran the hand that wasn't on her arm through his hair. "That Yumi chick....she messed with my mind and..." He drifted off, looking up at her. "nevermind that. You were talking about Emily?"
"You're cute when you're caught off guard." Ila gave a slight chuckle and looked down at his hand under hers and shut her eyes. The mention of the name reminded her of how she'd lost control. So bent on vengeance that she probably would've watched Kanda die while she was killing the woman responsible for his capture. She removed her hand and pushed his hand from her arm then.

Suddenly a realization came to her. Could she be allowed here? What if she lost it again? What if she hurt Emily or Kanda.. She'd have to leave. But she couldn't tell Kanda... he'd never let her, and neither would Emily. No.. she'd leave while they slept.

Ila's eyes grew very sad at the thought, but she forced a smile on her face so as not to worry Kanda, and replied to his question. "Oh, Emily was worried about you when you were taken. She's grown pretty attached to you, you know."
Kanda sat up with a groan. He pulled Ila into his arms. "Yeah, she's a sweet little girl." He hugged her tighter. "Will you do me a favor?"
Ila was pulled close and smiled, breathing in his magic and listening closely. "Sure big guy, anything you want."
Kanda scoot over on the bed. "Will you stay in here with me tonight?" He looked away from her. "I just....I don't want to be alone tonight..."
Ila's face flushed slightly. "..Oh.. I'd love to big guy. I really would.. but.. " And she paused there, what would she tell him? His magic would drive her insane? He might wake up with her looming over him like some kind of fiend? No... Kanda had been through enough. She'd find a way to control herself. Even if she had to keep from falling asleep.

She shifted in his arms and drew his face to hers with a delicate hand on his cheek, then kissed him lightly on the forehead before giving a brief nod. "I'm always with you Kanda. Even if something were to happen to me.. All you need to do is close your eyes and I'll always be there."
Kanda frowned. "Nothing will happen to you." He fussed, eyes drooping sleepily. He relaxed into the pillows, letting the sleep take him.
Ila smiled softly, "Of course not." and watched the sleep take Kanda far and away from the troubles and concerns of this world. where no one was trying to force him to take a job he didn't want. Where he could be happy without some part of his life threatening to fall apart. Her hand reached out to pull his covers over him, and she closed her eyes.

Hours passed, she had no idea how many, but before she had known what happened, she was curled up beside Kanda on top of the covers. Her hair was disheveled and a soft blue glow lingered in her eye. She smiled.. having fallen asleep she assumed. Still, she was relieved to feel the warmth of Kanda's magic all around her.

She pulled closer to him, putting an arm over his shoulder with a slight sigh of content. The room was dark with the faint blue hue of the moon shining in through the window, the hall was quiet as most people were sleeping and even those who were still awake must have fallen under the spell of the night. Stillness and hushed tones to keep from disturbing anything.


ila heard the voice, but she couldn't place it's origin. Assuming it was Kanda, she leaned closer. "What's up big guy?"


The voice grew hoarse and the room filled with the shrilled screams of the damned as Kanda suddenly rolled over to face her, looking more like the death than his usual self, thin and charred from the inside out. His eyes nothing more than burning pools of fire as he wailed and reached out to her.


Ila shrieked and pulled her hand from around him, the last traces of his magic trailing into her fingertips before Kanda collapsed into Ashes. Then Ila was falling...falling back into the darkness. "NO"

Ila woke on the floor beside the bed, covered in sweat and on the verge of tears. It was late, the moon hung high in the sky through the window and Kanda was fast asleep. She bit her lip, picking herself to her feet to move around the bed to get a look at his face... and gave a relieved sigh when she saw he was still alive. Still a little pale from the bloodloss..but he wasn't burning from the inside. "Sorry Big Guy.."

She needed to clear her mind... and so in a few moments was down at the bar rummaging for something to drink. Bags packed and slung over a chair, this was how it had to be.. It was only a matter of time before she lost control again.
Kanda smiled in his sleep. He was warm and content. He vaguely heard everything around him, rolling over onto his side with a moan. For once, no ill dreams followed or plagued him.

((Sorry, completely fried tonight...let me warm up ))
Ila was on her way out the door, bag over her shoulder and a bottle of the guilds finest in her one hand. Just one more step and she'd be on her way out of Kanda and Emily's life. She'd be able to protect them...by not being around them. This... darkness she could not explain being a part of her. The fact that she was in fact not human. How could Kanda accept her? How could anyone.

But why?

An hour had passed since these thoughts started coming through her head. She'd only known them for a short time.. and yet this last step was the hardest to her. Why? she didn't understand.. She'd been on her own before.. she made a name for herself that way..right?

She loved him, she loved Kanda more than he would ever be able to know. She loved Emily too.. a girl as wrapped in mystery as she was and as much as she wanted, she couldn't take that final step. With her eyes closed, Ila shut the door in front of her. Heaving a heavy sigh she turned to put her back against the door and slid down it to cover her head.

Deacon smiled from the shadows, and disappeared back into the halls toward the library. "Welcome to the Guild, Ilarianna the Mage Slayer. Your pain will pass, Kanda can help you just as much as you help him. All you need is to trust him."

The door to Kanda's room opened and Ila walked in to sit on the edge of his bed. He was smiling in his sleep. No nightmares? He was so peaceful.

Ila curled up and was soon drifting off to sleep.
Kanda felt a sudden chill of warmth by him and curled his arm over it instinctively. Somewhere in his mind, he wondered if Lyra had come back to join him. Where was her music and the way she stroked his forehead? He blinked his eyes open sleepily to find that instead of Lyra, it was Ila that was curled beside him.

He smiled widely and tucked her under his arm protectively before nodding back to sleep. All he needed was Emily curled on his other side and his little family would be complete...
(Lol Why not, let's give Kanda his Happy Family)

Ila stirred slightly when the arm was suddenly around her, but even in sleep she knew she was safe there, and moved closer against him.

As if summoned, a gentle knock came on the door and red eyes appeared in the doorway. Eyes curious, she wanted to scream with joy at the both of them being back, but all she could do was stand with her eyes welling up with tears and her lower lip shaking.
Kanda woke with a start as he heard the knocking on the door. He groaned, putting a hand to his gut as he sat up a bit to see Emily. "Emmi...come here..." He moved his hand from his gut, letting it raise as if beckoning her closer.

He shifted slightly, trying not to wake Ila.
Emily didn't waste an instant, running over to the side of the bed with a bright and tearful smile, throwing her little arms around him in a loving hug. "I'm so glad you came home...dad---Mr Kanda.." She whispered and nuzzled into his chest. "can... I sleep with you and miss Ila? Please?"
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