
Eralion watched as Ellelunia seemed to turn her body away, her shoulders shaking. He knew her to well- or at least he thought, to think she would be crying in a situation like this. He thought perhaps there was something else going on. He closed his eyes and used his nose, trying to find some sort of answer that his eyes would be able to search for in the fog that surrounded their mismatch team.

He smelt a familiar scent, just like Ellelunia. Was this true? Was this her sister? The howls hit the air again, making his growl and plant his sturdy feet into the ground, his nails raking the surface. He had to trust Ellelunia, whatever she did, he would do as well.
The growl shook his chest and sat like fluid in his lungs. Nervously he plucked the crossbow off his hip and began to ready a bolt, using hand and foot to pull the string in to a ready-to-fire position. He held the crossbow in his injured hand, readying the knife in his good hand. He bent down low, like a cat resting on its laurels. Every muscle in his leg was tensed, as though he sat upon two coiled springs.

He called out to the guttural voice in the fog, his own voice calm and level. "Show yourself, wicked beast!" His eyes continued to make rapid sweeps of his field of vision, ears tuned for the slightest disturbance of the ground. "And do make haste. You'll only be delaying your inevitable destruction otherwise." After a quick thought, he added, "Or you could always leave now. It is your choice."
From inside the fog came a wicked snickering. the sound bounced off the trees and echoed through the fog, making is sound like an entire army laughing. In reality there were only five of them. Wolves circled the small group, their luminous eyes flickering behind the deepening fog. They snarled and barked at the humans threat, knowing he was wounded by the simple scent of his blood and sweat.

"And what makes you think we are beasts?" Ellelunia's sister, Lamira breached the fog, her long legs carrying her with confidence. She wore what looked to be scraps of animal skins-primitive and simple. The outfit was extremely revealing, something a druid never really cared about. Ellelunia blushed when she saw her younger sister's attire, her skinny body barely covered. Her breasts were covered with thick pieces of leather that crisscrossed over her chest, pulling her chest upward tightly. Her hips were adorn with a hide skirt-like piece of clothing, leaving her arms, legs and torso completely bare. She was barefoot and let her short cropped hair fall in chestnut curls around her soft features.
Every muscle in his body tensed up as the laughter surrounding him. Eyes continued to sweep back and forth, monitoring the ground, head craning this way and that to get a more panoramic view of the situation. His jaw clenched tight, grinding his teeth against each other as the jeers continued around him. How many of them are here? What does respect matter if you're dead, Raeos? Using the broad side of the knife he flipped the end of his scarf, which had fallen to and pooled on the dirty ground, back over his shoulder. It fell along his curved spine and gave him a more comforted feeling, as though his backside was now protected.

His eyes were instantly drawn to the woman who stepped forth from fog, instantly extrapolating the features under her garments in his mind. Another curvy Sahrian. Where do they keep coming from? The thoughts were immediately truncated by her question, to which he offered a loud scoff and a sarcastic rebuttal. "Are not all Sahrian women wild beasts? I've yet to meet one that I couldn't classify as so on looks alone." The crossbow was aimed reflexively at her, tracing her path as she moved forward.
Lamira laughed as she watched his eyes flicker over her body before readying his crossbow on her. Her feral sisters surrounded him, their fanged mouths growling at him, spitting and snarling to scare him.

Ellelunia looked down at her own attire as he commented on Sahrian women as a whole. Did she look like a beast? Her tightly fitting black leather armor was much more concealing than her younger sister- perhaps she was over thinking his simply words.

Lamira looked to her sister, her eyes glowing with mischief. She walked over to her, grabbing her arm and pulling her into a seductive kiss, their lips locking in a sensual display that would make any man falter. Ellelunia's spine went rigid for a moment, but she understood what Lamira was doing.
Eralion's jaw seemed to unhinge when the two women came together in a heated display of passion. It was something he had never seen before and seeing Ellelunia kiss someone, even a woman, made him feel a pang of jealousy. He grunted under his breath, trying to look away, but unable to turn his head. Even as a bear, he was sure his jealousy was apparent, but at that moment he wasn't worried about it.

"What are you doing Ellelunia?!" He said- still a combination of snarls and deep chest rumbling.
Raeos stood straight upright, frightened in to the position by the cacophony of threatening noises surrounding him. The bow's pointed tip was still tracing the woman's path, but his hands were shaking. Even if he had fired he'd have likely missed. Before he could even realize what was going on the two woman were embracing each other in a display that most men had to pay to witness. He placed the knife in the pouch on the side of his satchel, bringing his now free hand to the top of his head.

"Ahh, I see now why you said I could never take you!" He bent forward, ignoring the chorus of snarls and spits around him to focus on the perverse sarcasm spewing from him. "You didn't have to be shy, you know. There are ways to make these sorts of things work." He took a few casual steps towards the two. The crossbow was place lazily on his side as his wrist flopped downwards to accentuate his lackadaisical swagger towards the pair. "Please, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Raeos and am well known amongst the aristocrats to the north." Of course, he was well known because he had been chased out of several towns for thievery, but that was all semantics.
Eralion rolled his eyes at the human now known as Raeos. He had the feeling that the wolves were druids putting on a show or trained pets, like Orion was. He walked strongly through the surrounding wolves and over to him, grabbing him by the cloth of his pants and dragging him off into the distance, Eralion changed back into his Sahrian form, his bones cracking and snapping back into the right formation. his body was covered in a thin layer of sweat as it finished, the normal leather pants he had on before, still intact. It was something strange about their gift, but this specially treated leather seemed to dissapear and re-appear with ever shift he took.

"What is wrong with you?!" He growled low in his throat, not able to bare watching the human anylonger.
Ellelunia pulled away from her sister as Eralion stole Raeos to scold him. Lamira placed a finger over her mouth as if to hush her elder sister. "Just go along with it" She mouthed, gripping her hand tightly and intertwining her fingers with her sisters.

" If it's fun you're seeking Raeos... purhaps you should join us?" She pulled Ellelunia along, making her walk next to her slowly. "We've got a whole tribe of feral waiting for the touch of the right man..."
A hand was held out towards Eralion, palm facing towards the tall druid, as he made his way closer to the two women. "Please, bear, there are some things more important than your own safety. Women with raging libido is one of these things." His other, injured hand, slid in to the hem of his linen shorts, the hem coming to rest in the cradle between his thumb and pointer finger.

"Why, absolutely. I knew that there was a reason you strung me along, wench." The second sentence was addressed to Ellelunia, a distaste for her still running hot in his blood and off his tongue. He turned his back to the pair of women, flexing his elbow outward so that she may take him by it and lead him. His stance held an arrogant cant backwards, his left leg bent slightly and basing most of his weight, right leg extended so far forward that his longest toe barely touched the ground.
Ellelunia walked forward, giving in to her sisters tom-foolery. She grabbed Raeos by the hand and pulled him along. the touch of there skin was shocking to her-she had never touched a human man on purpose before. She had done so plenty of times after being forced or instructed- but never before to play a trick. Maybe what her sister had in order was going to dull his condescending attitude.

"This will be fun..." Lamira licked her lips, her brown eyes narrowed seductively at the human. All they had to do was bring him to the village, and her sisters would do the rest.
Eralion was completely appaled by how Ellelunia seemed to completely overlook him and go right for Raeos. He was discouraged for a moment, his shoulders slumping. Maybe he was looking at this the wrong way, maybe she was playing him? The idea seemed more likely than she and her sister actually being sexually interested in the human.

"Wait for me!" he called, adjusting his pack and grabbing the reins of the horse and following them closely. The arrow wound to his leg still hurt, but the wound was small compaired to other injuries he has sustained, including those that Morial and Ellelunia had helped him with before.
Respect can be earned many ways. A smile crept over his face, wild scenarios running through his head of the coming moments. The past few hours all seemed to make sense; she did not kill him when she could have, she did not stop him from following them, and she called him close before this whole event occurred. She had been wooed by his unwavering charm, his outrageous strength of will and his immense courage in the face of defeat. He had met many women before and done the same song and dance, though with far less violence.

He didn't pay an ounce of attention to the druid following them. Turning his head to look at the women leading him, he questioned. "So, where are we going and how long until we get there?"
Lamira took the lead again, speaking for Ellelunia, who was feeling a bit embarrassed for her younger sister. As they walked there was a large set of wooden doors-seemingly jumping out of nowhere. The wolves that had been following them disappeared back into the fog, reappearing as they opened the door from the inside, this time, in their Sahrian form. There were two women and two wolves, both of the women exotic in beauty, though none of them had the strange white skin that Ellelunia had.

Ellelunia bit her lip as the women came up and embraced Raeos seductively, pressing their lean bodies against him and shifting their hips against his.

"I need to speak to my...friend here for a moment, why don't you go with my pack sisters and get ready for us?" Lamira winked at him and pulled Ellelunia to the main building, the tall rooftops cresting the sky of the foggy town. there were men and women alike, walking the small pathways of the town, most of them warrior-druids and killers.
Eralion was releaved when Ellelunia didn't go with Raeos, happy that she wouldn't be "servicing" him like he might have thought she might be. He walked with her as she was pulled aside by the woman who led them out of the forest.
His face twisted in confusion, not sure of the situation. Eralion knew a druid colony when he saw one, so he knew at least, he was among friends.
"What's going on?"
Lamira lead them to a large building with a high-pointed roof. It had an eerie feeling to it, large winding prickling vines crawling up the sides and bordering the windows. Ellelunia took a deep breath as she entered, feeling the eyes of the large guards on her as she walked through the door. </SPAN></SPAN>

The men looked as if they could be made of stone- though she knew it was not so. Their trained bodies were scared and seemingly impervious to pain. </SPAN></SPAN>

"Sister, so nice to see you" Trellisa's voice came from the other side of the room, a velvet curtain parting as her very pregnant form stepped through to great her guests. Trellisa walked forward, her bare feet shuffling against the worn floor boards. </SPAN></SPAN>

"Ellelunia brought two men with her, sister, a Druid and a human." Lamira smirked playfully, thinking about what her druid friends were doing to him as they spoke.</SPAN></SPAN>

In the other room, the two druids led Raeos into a dark room, gently lit by candle light. They slowly removed what little clothing they had, not having any feelings of embarrassment. They worked on his clothing too, stripping him down to the nude swiftly and pushing him onto the large bed that was centered in the room. </SPAN></SPAN>

"Tell us about the nobles you've served" They seemed to purr at him, tracing their fingers up his body.</SPAN></SPAN>

Unknown to Raeos, the women were preparing to knock him out, tie him to the bed and leave him.</SPAN></SPAN>
The fog parted as they moved quicker, revealing an entire town before him. For a moment, Raeos' attention was drawn from the aspirations at his side; the architecture was unique, the populace was unique, and thoughts of the riches that could lay tucked away in this isolated town excited like a child on the eve of the Winter's Solstice. He was almost pulled along by Ellelunia's hand for a minute, his head craning around in an attempt to ingest the wildly different surroundings.

His mind traced the path of the previous half hour. The stalking, the danger, the fear and now...the libido. That's right! I almost forgot. Stopping in front of a large building, the two women excused themselves, only to be replaced by two equally titillating females. His body was like mud between them, seeping in to their nooks and crannies in whatever way possible. Without hesitation he followed the two inside, pushing aside a large curtain and following them in to a dimly lit room.

Before he knew it he and the women had been disrobed and he was forced on to a large bed. Clothing gone, his full frame was revealed, showing his muscular tones and scars he had received from various encounters over the years. The women traced their fingers sympathetically along the larger scars, their touch electrifying his skin.

"Well," he began, his voice becoming low and baritone, "I was quite the treat to northern women. When their husbands were out with their whores, they'd call on me to full their lovers needs." It wasn't exactly a lie, he just neglected to add the part where he stole their jewelry and things afterwards. In fact, the very thing they were preparing to do to him had been something he'd employed at more wealthy homes. "Why else do you think I've such expensive belongings?" His lips curled upwards in to a large smile as he patted the bed on either side of him. "Come join me."
The two women moved their bodies In a way that resembled a snake, slipping onto the bed and seeking out their places next to him. They ran their hands over him, both their bodies raising up and over him, one of the woman straddling him, her womanhood teasingly close. </SPAN></SPAN>

"You sound so experienced" The woman on the side commented, running her hands through her "sisters" dark brown hair as she hovered above him.</SPAN></SPAN>

"Too bad that doesn't mean shit to us." The woman on top quickly secured his arms to the heavy hardwood bed post with strong metal bindings- where she was hiding them while completely naked was a mystery.</SPAN></SPAN>

They got off him and bound his feet, quickly redressing and walking out of the room-leaving him alone in the dimming darkness of the unknown.</SPAN></SPAN>

"This is Eralion…" It was the first time Ellelunia had used his name instead of his class to identify him. She couldn't help but blush; slightly enjoying the feeling his name gave her. " He is escorting and assisting me with whatever task you assign me." Ellelunia was formal, standing with her hand balled over her heart in a fist.</SPAN></SPAN>

" Good, I need you to go like the peace fires for me…all of them. We need to bring Fleuryn together, there is no better symbol of peace than those traditional fires" Trellisa laughed, placing a hand over her swollen stomach. " And please, don't be so formal, we are family"</SPAN></SPAN>
He blushed as Ellelunia spoke his name. As he faced Trellisa, Eralion bowed his tanned, muscular body. His right arm was outstretched in front of him and his left bootheel placed almost as far away as his arm directly in front of him. His arm flowed upward and out to his side as his left leg was moved back to give him the balance he was used to.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Trellisa. Ellelunia has told me little about you, but from what she has said, you seem a great leader and a wonderful mother and wife." He said with a smile. As much as he did not like his own tribe of druids, that did not mean that all druids were like them. "Do you have a map for us? I do know some of this country but I have to admit I am not as traveled as I would like to be."
"I do" Trellisa answered plainly, looking him over with a critical eye. He was large, but could he protect her elder sister like she claimed? "We will discuss business after dinner- please come join us." Trellisa turned around, her soft cotton dress flowing outward as she walked.

Ellelunia followed her sister without question, they were not the closest family, but they were all she had. Lamira stood behind Eralion, watching his body like a hawk ready to strike. She had long been desiring a mate, and sofar his looks were fitting her preferances.