
Ellelunia was impressed with his reaction, or lack there of.

"you do know that you could die… We both could." Her tone was flat but her smile did not was away from her soft angelic features. As she spoke, Orion padded over, rubbing against her leg as if he understood everything that was being spoken and exchanged. He streched his front legs out, digging his claws into the dirt as he retracted his thick talons.

"You have be ready for anything, even if its coming back with the news of my death... could you do that?"
Eralion did not even hesitate for a moment before he answered. He nodded slowly, as if he understood exactly what she had meant.

"Death is something I have faced in the past." he said slowly, swallowing hard for a moment before continuing, "It is something that I will willingly face again." Eralions words showed a strange loyalty to these new people, but were genuine. </SPAN></SPAN>
Morial had followed the large cat outside, watching the two of them talk and rubbing her arm nervously. Ellelunia caught sight of her and went to her side, embracing her tightly. Her eyes cast forward, blinking back what might have been tears if she allowed them to show. Ellelunia leg go of Morial as the old woman rubbed her wet eyes.

"Bye Mom" She said with a smile on her face as she began walking toward the door. Ellelunia walked past the customers, their glances turned up, scanning her body as her long legs carried her by. She hesitated at the door for a moment, looking back at Eralion.

"Shifter" She said, looking impatient. " the sooner we are done, the sooner we get back."

She walked over and finished getting her stead ready, packing up her bag and preparing a separate pack for Orion to carry.
He watched her walk past him, averting his eyes from her legs when Morial smacked him gently in the arm and then made a silent motion that said, 'go on, and for the gods sake, behave yourself.' Eralions face became terribly flushed as he quietly apologized to Morial and followed after Ellelunia, watching the ground closely in an attempt to hide his red face from Ellelunia.

After a few seconds he was able to shrug off the redness, tilting his head up and smiling at Ellelunia as he walked past her, holding the small stable door open with his heel as she walked her horse out.

"Ready when you are, Ellelunia." he said quietly, adjusting his pack and watching her equipt Orion for travel.
He watched her for a moment before widening his steps to keep pace with her, then slowing down a bit when she did the same. Eralion looked much less graceful while doing this, but he walked along side her horse the whole way, glancing do to the side every so often.

"it's nice of you to help your sister"</SPAN>
"Much worse things could happen..." She shrugged her shoulders and looked down to Orion who was looking up at Eralion as if admiring him. She looked to Eralion and sighed. "I'm not doing it for her as much as I'm doing it for the money. I have to make money somehow..." Her horse walked powerfully, his hooves hitting the dirt with a solid 'thud'.
Eralion kept pace with Ellelunia the whole time, as much as he didn't mind walking behind her, he liked walking next to her more. When a thin gap in some trees caused Eralion to duck to one side, his shoulder gently bumped into Ellelunia and her horse, he quickly turned to the side to allow them more room to pass through, twisting his mouth a bit as his face flushed.

"Sorry..." he said quietly with a smirk. Ellelunia made no noise, she just kept her eyes forward her mind seeming to be flooded with thoughts. </SPAN>

Every so often Eralion cast a look down to Orion and winked, finally pulling forward the small leather satchel that had carried the herbs, he opened it and tore off a small piece of dried meat and pulled that out, letting the flap fall back down. He leaned to the side and offered the meat to Orion from the palm of his hand with a smile as he kept walking.

"Why is it your sister who gives you orders?"</SPAN>

Orion grabed the meat quickly, not even bothering to chew. The food had dissapeared down into his body within seconds. His face begging for more. </SPAN>
"My sister is a very prestigious leader, believe it or not. Unlike me, she has found her purpose in life and does a pretty damn good job…" Her stallion jumped over a fallen tree trunk and waited for Eralion and the slobbering feline.
Ellelunia rolled her eyes looking down at Orion who was licking his chops getting any flavor left from the meat. "Right now my only purpose is to follow orders, after that...I have nothing." Ellelunia kept her eyes forward seeing a small tan line that represented the dirt road. They would need to follow that road until they reached a fork, then they would turn left toward the shoreline.
A fortnight he had walked without encountering a single soul. Not one roaming party had been traipsing through these woods. Normally he would avoid the beaten paths, because these were likely to have armed escorts. A roadside scene was harder to cover up and it tended to warn additional parties of the danger lurking about. It seemed that word of his misdeeds had outpaced him and reached the area prior, because no one was looking for shortcuts through the shrubbery. Or that was what he thought, until he caught the trail of a family of four dawdling near the shore. For hours he shadowed them, quietly slipping between the shadows of trees and the prickly cover of overgrown bushes. After some time the group came to a halt, taking pause on the beachhead to discuss something inaudible.

He carried three packs; one small beige cotton pouch tied about his waist which held small personal effects, one small rectangular leather container which was strapped across his chest and would usually hold small throwing daggers or combat related knick-knacks (though it had now been relegated to a berry container), and one larger leather satchel which was compartmented to hold different foodstuffs and whatever else he needed to carry that sat just above his left hip on his back. Only the small leather pack contained anything edible, a cluster of different wild berries. He ran his hand over the dusty leather satchel, the largest of the three, slipping his fingers under the flap and foraging for something remotely worth ingesting. His hand was withdrawn from the pouch, retrieving nothing more than a small, disappointing rock. How symbolic, he thought. Moving his left hand to the center of chest he flipped open the small container, plucking a few blueberries from it and cradling them in his hand. One by one he popped them in to his mouth, swishing them around, crushing them up and taking their full flavor in.

The scene in front of him was driving him mad. Like a lion, he hungrily watched the family desert their belongings one by one. Children were sent off to the nearby shoreline, presumably to search for small pools and the edible easy-to-catch marine life located within. The mother scooped up a small basket and headed off to the tree line to forage for roots and berries. Acting as a mule was their father, who shrugged all their belongings off near a large rock on the beachhead and made his way to the water. Kneeling down to the rolling water, the man splashed his face and chest with cool, clean water. The man's refreshment was visible and identifiable, the sun having been especially unforgiving for the past few days.

This is my time.

A small wooden crossbow hung loosely on his right hip, resting on a clip that fit in to his waistline. He ran his fingers over the smooth, soft brown wood. It was dangerously accurate at close ranges and most of the people he encountered were scared witless by it. The bolts for it were held in the large satchel on his left, in a rounded compartment on its side. He mentally thumbed over the use for it in this impending encounter; likely he'd shoot the man in his shoulder, as he appeared unarmed and shooting him in the leg would be too immoral for even a man like himself. Hopefully he could get away without confrontation – his supply on bolts had been running low and it'd be a nice change to get away without any blood on his hands.

Spreading his fingers out over the cool earth, he ducked low under the bush and flattened his upper body just above the earth. Inch by inch he shimmied closer, his eyes never wavering from the father who was the only threat. When he was clear of the foliage he sprang to life, powerful calves pushing him off the dirt and rocketing him towards the vulnerable packs. The packs were reached in record time, and in seconds he had flipped the first open and was rifling through it. Like he had done countless times before, everything worthwhile was pillaged; rope, dried meat, coins, and whatever small scraps of useful materials he encountered.

After the first pack was finished he began on the second. However, before he could even snap it open he heard a voice call out. "Hey!" The call was raspy, rushed and aggravated, the end of the word reaching a feverish high that almost became a shriek. His eyes followed the sound to find the family's father, beaming red in the face, barreling down on his position.

"Sheh!" Raeos grunted something incomprehensible and scooped up the second pack, which had been the largest of the pieces the family had been carrying. Taking off at the same kinetic sprint that had carried him here he shot for the tree line. The father, who had been walking in the sun all day and carrying half his body weight in belongings, was no match for him. Every few seconds he'd check over his shoulder, the man getting further and further away. Before long the man had given up chase and Raeos shot further in to the forest. Once he was clear and far away from the scene he dropped to his knees, throwing the pack on the ground. He recognized a large knife on the outside of the satchel, taking it and placing it in his own large satchel. The rest of the things were mostly just blankets and other personal belongings. Of note in the pack was a metal box which held flint, tinder and dried cloth with which to fund a fire and a fine silk scarf. The scarf was a brilliant surprise, a smooth feeling that his hands had not felt in quite some time. He unfolded the scarf and tossed it around his neck, tossing the long end of it over his shoulder. Also in the pack was a few rolls collected in a brown paper bundle which he hungrily devoured.

The haul had filled his stomach. With a yawning stretch he climbed back to his feet and began a lackadaisical meander toward what seemed to be a break in the forestry. As he neared it, his suspicions came true – he had found a nearby road. The road was likely to be safer than the woods from people of his caliber. A visual sweep of either end of the road gave up no ideas toward which town they led. With a shrug of his shoulders he chose one of the two directions and began his trek. With any luck he'd reach a town before nightfall and could get a safe, well deserved nights rest. After all, he had done a hard day's work today.
As Eralion easily climbed over the downed tree he looked up to Ellelunia, keeping pace with her steed.

"Everyone will find their purpose in life. Some just take longer than others. And you do have something." Eralion gave her a quick glance as he walked. "You have Morial, and you have Orion." As he patted the big cat, who was still begging for more meat he shrugged. "I have no purpose myself. Being from a druid clan that has ... well, that I have abandoned, means I have to start over again. Everyone starts at birth, and everyone ends at death. It's finding the meaning in your life between the two that matters." He trailed off, not really sure where to go from there. Being philisophical was not one of his strong points, and he didn't think that he should try to go any deeper than that.

Walking and deep in thought he did not notice the smell of the dirty savages waiting to ambush them at the fork in the dusty road. Orion must have been too busy thinking about getting more meat because he didn't sense them either. As the trio came to the fork they slowed their walk, and as soon as they did that the theives jumped them.

Eralion quickly reacted, roaring loudly and swinging his arms, punching any bandit he could in any area of their body, but he knew soon enough he would get stabbed by one of their short daggers. He stopped swinging and looked for one on the sidelines, figuring Ellelunia and Orion could handle themselves, he charged toward a man in a black bandana sitting astride a black stallion on the sidelines. As he ran he changed. His fingers cracking, his spine crunching, every bone in his body changing. He tossed off his pack as he ran, his body quickly gaining hair all over it, his face elongating to fit the muzzle of a bear. By the time he reached the bandit he was full bear, no clothes save for the tatters of what he was wearing before his change. The man had been taken by surprise, not expecting them to have a druid with them. The man's horse reared up, tossing it's rider and bolting away. The man was on the ground, shaken up from the fall, with only a short sword as defense against a seven foot tall brown bear. The shaggy fur of the bear waved in the wind created by Eralion running, and now standing up on his hind legs, roaring at the man who was now cowering on the ground his fur stood up on edge. The bear swiped a giant claw at the man, easily rolling him across the ground and knocking the man out. Eralion let loose another loud roar, attempting to frighten everyone in the area. As he stood there a few men were coming at his back with their short swords and daggers drawn. Eralion heard and smelled them before they could get close enough to attack, and he spun around on his hind legs and fell, with all his weight, onto his front legs, crushing the man in the front of the small group. The man screamed out as his legs both broke under the weight of the bear, soon passing out from the pain. Eralion quickly stood back on his hind legs and swiped at the two remaining men, who, in turn, looked at each other's terrified faces and ran away into the woods screaming. A sound that could have been a cough or hiccup, but was a laugh, came from the bear. He turned back to see how Ellelunia and Orion were faring before going to the man he had knocked out and picking him up, by the scruff of his shirt, with one huge bear claw, and shaking him.
Ellelunia's body shook with surprise, her reflexes kicking in and causing her to dismount and jump back, an elegant back handspring bringing her over her feline companion-who lunged forward to grab a bandit by the neck in a gory display. Orion seemed to grow in size, his body tensing and filling with air as he gripped the man by the jugular. </SPAN></SPAN>
Ellelunia reached in her pack at her side, </SPAN></SPAN>withdrawing two half-moon shaped pieces of wood that when she screwed them together proved to be a threatening bow. She pulled out a small leather holder with arrows and placed it over her shoulder.</SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>
Ellelunia let her arrow go, shooting another man in the middle of the back. She turned to Eralion and smiled a slight blush to her cheeks as she watched him transform "Druid's are trouble" she said quickly, smiling wide at him then pulling back on another arrow.</SPAN></SPAN>

Ellelunia let out a quick grunt as she Lifted her boot and pushed back a tubby bandit and dropped her knees to avoid being shot by a crossbow by one of the quicker attackers, pulling back an arrow as she rolled across the ground and let it go. The precise shot knocking the weapon out of the large, skinny man's hands. The man she had pushed back had regained his footing and charged at Ellelunia, this time being tackled to the ground as Orion bound over him in surprise. His snarl becoming fierce and dangerous. </SPAN></SPAN>

Ellelunia watched Orion for a moment, but when it was apparent that he would win the battle, she walked over to Eralion, swaying her hips like she would if she were seducing a wealthy client. The wind blew her hair back making quite the dramatic scene. The trapped man he was shaking stuttered and spit, watching Ellelunia's every move. </SPAN></SPAN>
Eralion's bear jaw dropped when he saw Ellelunia walking towards them. He stopped shaking the man for the moment he watched her walk, seemingly in slow motion, his jaw closing and his face softening, but as soon as he noticed the bandit staring at Ellelunia like she was a prize he shook the man again, hard. The man was flung back and forth like a rag doll but he laughed manically.

"She… She's...."</SPAN></SPAN>

"She's what?" Eralion growled low in his throat, the words not sounding like words at all, his eyes narrowing both in anger and curiosity. Eralion didn't give the man time to answer, gripping his tunic in both hands and jerking him forward again.

"She escaped from one of the best sellers this continent has ever seen! She was the best attraction this side of the world! How are you alive girly?!" The man began laughing hysterically again, despite the large druid at his throat.</SPAN></SPAN>

Eralion's ears perked a bit at the words coming from the bandit's mouth. Escaping he could definitely see Ellelunia doing, but who would she need to escape from? And what seller? Was she working for someone and had a debt and escaped from the debt? Eralion was confused. Attraction? What was going on. He turned a questioning gaze to Ellelunia as she came up to them. Now that she was here, maybe she could answer the questions that were going through his mind. He tossed the man at her feet and guestured with his huge paw that he was her's now, seeing as how this man somehow knew her. Eralion quickly, and painfully, changed back into his Sahrian form. Tight leather pants, that all druids wore, the only thing covering him, his huge torso glistening with sweat and his breath labored from the exertion of turning into a bear, fighting and then changing back so quickly.
"She's the goddess..." Ellelunia's voice seemed to blend perfectly with the man's; knowing exactly what he was going to say. Ellelunia watched Eralion and sighed.</SPAN></SPAN>

Ellelunia simply turned her back on the man, reflecting on what he had said. The fear in the eyes of the horrid man was enough to satisfy her. With a flick of her wrist, Ellelunia was holding a small needle like she had before to get the horse she rode on into town. She turned slowly back and walked forward. Approaching the man and pressing her body to his, she wrapped a hand around his neck, trailing the needle.</SPAN>

"I'm no one's whore" She whispered into the man's ear but watched Eralion closely, making sure his eyes were on her. She backed away from the man but jabbed the needle deep within his skin like she had done to the annoying man near Morial's town. With a gurgle and a few convulsions the man's body went numb, falling limp as Eralion let him go.</SPAN>

When Ellelunia could feel Eralion's eyes on her she smiled and motioned for him to follow her, not commenting on anything the man had said. Ellelunia let out a sigh of relief and turned around fast, beginning to walk off with the blood stained Orion at her feet. Tears hovered in Ellelunia's eyes, her pain and anger surfacing. She wanted so very much to turn and gut the man as he lay with his eyes open, but she did not dare let her past control her. Remembering the small tattered girl she had once been, Ellelunia clenched her fist around her bow and detached the pieces and folded them like they had been in her pack, walking down the road.</SPAN></SPAN>
"Ellelunia, what was that all about?" Eralion questioned her, a confused look on his face, and concern in his tone. His head turned from her to the, now dead, man on the ground, his thoughts racing. He finally starting moving when she didn't reply, stopping only to retrieve his pack and glance at his torn clothes on the ground. Catching up to Ellelunia before she could get back on her horse, he grabbed her arm and twirled her around so he was looking directly down into her bright blue eyes. They were rimmed with what could have been the beginnings of tears but he was not concerned with that at the moment.

"What was that Ellelunia? What was that man talking about? You can't keep everything from me forever, wether you want to be friends with me or not, we are travelling together. I deserve to know why we were just ambushed." His tone was rough and he didn't let much compassion come through, but he was concerned for her. He let go of her arm but kept a stern eye on her.
"Let go of me Druid!" She hissed through her teeth, tearing her arm from his strong grasp. She looked directly into his hazel eyes, giving him the answer, but not as he wanted. The swirling vortex of green and flecks of brown tried to persuade her to share everything, but, she wasn't having that.

"I don't know why they jumped us, it doesn't matter anymore." She turned around again, moving swiftly to grab the reins to her stallion, calming the nervous horse.
"I have no idea what he was talking about... Don't listen to bandits, they're bad company"

Orion was busy licking his face as they spoke, cleaning his fur of extra blood.
Having worked at his 'craft' for quite some time, his eyes had developed exceptional sight at longer distances. The trio traveling on the road before him was picked up as soon as they came in to his field of vision. Dodging instinctively to the side of the road, he entered a similar mode of shadowing that he had taken up against the family. Slipping from tree to tree as they got closer, his mind ran through the possible scenarios. In his own opinion, this would be as easy a haul as the family had been. A pet was usually a soft spot in a group and as long as he could threaten it he could probably get whatever he wanted out of them.

Sneaking up on such a large cat was the biggest concern. Careful to stay on the side of the road which kept him downwind of the beast, he got precariously close to the group. When the woman turned to tend to her horse he leaped out from the shadow of the tree, bounding toward the road. Before his footfalls hit the road he bounced in to the air, executing a perfect trick as he tumbled; the crossbow was withdrawn as well as a bolt, placing it in the knock of the thing and bringing his foot to the curved front. Applying pressure to the string and to the curved front of it he ready the weapon to be fired. His shoulder hit the ground first and he rolled in to the impact, coming out of the roll standing upright. The crossbow was held in his left hand and aimed at the feline. In his right hand was the knife he had collected from the family, large and sharp, clearly for skinning and gutting animals.

"If any of you move, I will penetrate the cat's skull. I am an expert marksman and not afraid to take any of your lives." His voice was calm and deep, lending more threat to his call than his frame would naturally assume. He was not stocky, nor was he tall. Standing at a paltry 5'4" he was shorter than both of the travelers before him. His newfound scarf, which was a dull red, fluttered with the motion of his roll and finally came to rest along his front. Having such a short torso and being mostly legs, the end of the silk piece licked at his brown linen shorts. He wore a white linen long-sleeved shirt which was stained with dirt, food and splotches of blood. Around his feet were dirty leather bindings which were a bit too large for him, so they sported an extra bit of leather strap that wound up his ankle to keep them tight and secure. Every article on him, almost every thing that he carried, was not originally his own.

"Drop your belongings and carry on. There is no reason for any of you to get hurt. I can assure you that your companion will be the first I dispatch." He spoke to the two of them in the same commanding tone as before. As an added bit, he turned his gaze to the woman and gave her a cocky smile. "We don't want that, do we?" Women did love their cats and it was an easy, common weakness to attack.
"I thought I smelt a dirty human" Ellelunia glared at him, her aquamarine eyes flickering from her panther to his captor. Orion hissed, his lips pulling back to show his thick white teeth. His tail twitched with irritation, not likeing the arrogance of the man pointing the crossbow at his head.

"What if we don't have anything worth taking? What then?" Ellelunia emptied the contents of her bag onto the ground- nothing but wortheless peices of leather and meat scraps falling out. She raised an eyebrow at the human, Orion sitting back onto his haunches, pulling a large clawed paw up to his mouth to trace his sandpaper tongue over his fur. He seemed to relax, now that his master was walking seductively toward the human, her hands raised in the air.

"Do you really want to start a fight?"
The left side of his lip curled up at her words. His incisor was revealed and he bit down hard on his bottom lip in frustration, watching the nothingness that spilled out on to the ground. With every step she took towards him he mirrored her with a step backwards, keeping equal distance between them.

"That's enough, you pear-shaped wench. Stay where you are." His voice was less calm, more aggressive and agitated now. Keeping the bow trained on the cat as he backpedaled, he switched his stance so that his right shoulder was bearing forward. He gripped the knife tightly and extended it towards her, pointing at her face and then down to her belly. "I'll give you more holes than you'd know what to do with, Sahrian. I don't care what you've got or how much of it, just leave it and be gone. This is your last chance." His voice returned to the cool, calm and collected demeanor of the first demands. Instead of increasing the distance between them he reversed directions, taking calculated and hastened steps towards her. The knife stayed outstretched as he neared her, ready to strike at a non-vital organ if necessary.
Eralion was about to start a real heated argument with Ellelunia when this tiny human jumped into the road and pointed a weapon at Orion. Standing still, Eralion crossed his arms across his chest, puffing up a little, trying to intimidate the small man. When Orion started relaxing and Ellelunia began walking towards the man Eralion smiled, glad to have the two of them as companions. Not many people would be able to stand up to someone who really did seem to know how to kill, but was not very intimidating. While the small man backed away from Ellelunia and spoke to her Eralion could not keep his mouth shut.

"I suggest you keep your thoughts on my companion's shape to yourself, unless you want to become even shorter than you already are big guy." The threat of chopping off legs was loud and clear. While unfurling his arms from his chest and clenching his fists at his sides, his spirits were no longer up as he watched the man point a blade at Ellelunia. Of course she could take care of herself, and as soon as a distraction was made he knew Orion would be ripping out the mans throat, but that didn't make the insults to Ellelunia any easier to hear.

"I have a better idea big guy. This is YOUR last chance to get out of here, before one of us makes it so you can no longer walk, breath, or at the very least, steal from unsuspecting passerbys." As he spoke, Eralion moved in a way that would hopefully create a triangle between him, Orion and Ellelunia, so the little man could not get away.
The tall man's insults had no bearing on him. He'd heard tons of insults, far worse than that, in his countless encounters prior to this. He'd had to try a little harder to get under Raeos' skin. Raeos did, however, take to heart the man's repositioning. Seeing their plan unfolding before him, he decided it was time to react.

Although he was small, he was an engine of muscle and calculation. At once he sprung in to action, dashing towards the curvy woman before him. Simultaneously the large knife was slipped into a small holster on the side of his satchel and the crossbow was tossed in front of him, his right hand whipping back from the satchel to wrap his fingers around the handle of it. Taking quick careful aim at the almost unbelievably tall man he loosed the bolt that was prepared, aiming towards his left leg. When he was within arms reach of the woman he dodged low, bringing himself close to the ground. His right leg stretched out and was swung towards her ankle. If it connected she'd find that the force would be surprising for his stature, his leg coming at her with a spring loaded velocity.
Ellelunia found it easy to dodge his sweeping leg, knowing all too well that shorter people always went for the ankles. She flipped backwards, easily loosening a couple throwing knives from her armor as she flipped. When her feet hit solid ground, she threw them with dangerous accuracy at the man's arms, hoping to hit a shoulder or forearm, knowing those would be tender areas for someone trained in marksmenship. </SPAN>
Orion stood on all fours, roaring as he moved swiftly toward the mans legs, swipping at them with his deadly claws. </SPAN>

"You choose terrible battles" Ellelunia scoffed as she sprung herself forward, a poison needle hidden between her fingers.</SPAN>