Epic Crossover - Suicide Squad "Bayou Leave"

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James Proudstar aka Warpath

" Come on Hunter, Mister Nygma, lets get into that van. Hunter, do you want to drive ? I'll help Mister Nygma into his seat. Hoodie you be careful. I trust Bane to be honorable, but Old Ninety Percent follows what my people call white man's honor...which in his case is a matter of convenience".

Warpath follows up by helping Nygma into the Van. He takes a moment to get everyone's scent.. which doesn't mean he has to stand near them so much.

" You know Mister Nyg... Professor, this might work better if you had a way to change Hunter and I too... but otherwise it looks great "
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Sparing a glance at Deathstroke, he said, "Whatever you say, Terminator. Let's get this over with." He could put his pride aside, sure. No problem. As long as Slade kept his orders to himself and let Jason do what needed to be done-- that is, get their targets home in one piece so he could go home and work on the real issues.
"Already thought of, Mr. Proudstar. You may want a costume change, Mr. Hunter, before going with us. Showing up dressed as one of the missing people can only raise suspicions, I suspect. You'll find an assortment of uniforms in the back of the van. We won't peek as you change on the way there..." Riddler announced as he was helped into the modified passengers seat, made to take a wheelchair.

And in fact, there were several costumes back there. A few were obvious - Cyclops, Storm and Wolverine were unmistakable. Others not so much, but a couple of them at least would fit.

"They've got built-in holographic projectors to mimic the person they were first worn by. Might I suggest the Cyclops uniform? I think you could simulate his power set with your own, should push come to shove. The two on the end don't have any holograms programmed, so they're just your basic black uniforms if you believe your ability to mimic a strong yet somehow socially awkward leader is lacking..."

Meanwhile, the SUV with Bane, Todd, and Wilson approaches the spot where the GPS lost signal. It was near a country club, of all things. Something sticks in Todd's mind when he sees the name of it. Dredging his memory, he remembers one of the many villainous organizations he'd studied. At one time at least this was the home of the New Orleans branch of the Hellfire Club. However, that wasn't too much help considering how many iterations the organization had went through over the past few years especially, and the agendas of the Club have varied immensely from almost altruistic to sinister. But, presuming Todd still has access to Bruce's extensive database, he could look up the last known membership of this branch.

Resurrection Man - White King
Jonah Hex - Black King
Silver Sable - White Queen
Cinnamon - Black Queen
Tandy Bowen aka "Dagger" - White Bishop
Tyrell Johnson aka "Cloak" - Black Bishop
Elsa Bloodstone - White Rook
Barb Wire - Black Rook

Given that list, of a more morally grey set of people rather than outright villains or heroes, which... may not be much help. They could go onto the country club grounds to follow up on this. The only other thing really near the GPS location was a cemetery

@Breach @Cush Almighty @Dipper @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9
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Deathstroke was relaxing in his chair as the SUV carried them to their destination. Once arriving, Deathstroke pulled open the back passenger door and jumped out. He stood at the SUV and looked at it. He was running through his mind ways of accessing the club. He noted they had a goth club, unknown to many, Slade was a fan of golf. Slade and his friend Wintergreen would spend hours playing after a well-done job. They could sneak in through there, or they could try to make it to the rooftop and enter the club that way. The front door was guarded and Slade wasn't in the mood of dealing with them and their presence being alerted to those inside.

"So guys, we can enter through the golf course and enter through the back or hit the top and enter that way?"
"The club," Jason murmured, pensive. Had they not stripped him of some of his old gear, he'd be more confident that it was the right place. For now, it was a hunch-- a feeling, really, that told him the club was a good place the start. "Country clubs are always bad news." Underhanded deals with the rich, shady agendas... The list could go on.

He had no qualms about tearing the place up a bit.
James Proudstar aka Warpath.

With Nygma already in the Van, Warpath went to the back and slipped into Collossus outfit. Finding the costume already fitted to his size, he was impressed.

He climbed into the back seat of the Van, ready to go, now only waiting for Hunter to get in and drive.

"You have any guesses on what's going on here.. Professor ?"
"It's a little baffling, but I'm planning on getting us access to Dr. DuPree's research not by saying that we have any missing people, no, instead I am going to pretend to be quite intrigued by his research, and hint that there could possibly be some grant funding in line for those who could move forward with it. Money, it will part the curtains we need parted, here. If DuPree himself is not on campus, as I believe he will not be, I'll simply say that I'm leaving town and with it, taking the grant with me to someone who is 'ready'. I expect that will get us access to his work space straight away, as by default, anything he does is the property of the university, legally." He explained, as the trio got settled into the van.
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James Hunter

James looked over the costumes for a moment and had to take some careful consideration on which costume was the best one. " I have to know, does the Wolverine costume projector got him with a ton of facial hair or just at the start of it?"

James took a deep breath as he went for the Cyclops costume and took a good three minutes to get it on. It may have been the fact that he wasn't used to changing in the back of the van or it could have been the fact that he briefly had to stare at a scar on his upper body that he didn't remember getting and still didn't now about it. But then again, sometimes it was better to leave things untouched. " I think I mostly understand that," James replied, trying to catch a glimpse of himself with the costume on in the mirror to see how he looked.

@Gands @Michale CS
"I will check out the cemetery myself. I rather not deal with that group. Contact me if you need me." There are two reasons as to why Bane wants to go to the cemetery; the first is that He dislikes these so call "noble" groups. The kind of group that say they want to "help" people or the greater good, like the Court of Owls. The second is that he feels drawn to the cemetery. Bane then lumbers his way towards the cemetery.
@Michale CS @Cush Almighty @Dipper @Gands
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At Greenwood Cemetery...

The first thing Bane noticed was, well... there were no graves here. Above ground tombs were what you found here. Row upon row of them, dating back to the 1800's. That was creepy enough but...


The second thing he noticed was a plaque. It looked like it had been taken down, and reattached, possibly multiple times. Interrment Place of the Infamous Cyrus Gold. Underneath the name were a series of dates, going back to October 1944 and as recent as March 2015. Next to the plaque was a granite tomb, cracked across the middle with one end of the lid dipping inside the tomb itself, making it clear that there currently was no occupant.

A moment later...
Stan_Lee_CATWS-2.png"Well, you're certainly a big fella. You're not here to cause any trouble now are you?" The old guard walked up toward Bane, waggling a finger. "I've already had problems with vandalism this week. Don't think you have any advantage on me because I'm old. I've got the reflexes of a cat and the dead eye of Hawkeye. Who do ya think taught him to shoot?" The guard had a name tag that proclaimed his name was Stan.


At the New Orleans Country Club... <-link to satellite image

It was mid-afternoon, and the approach to the clubhouse of the club was, well... wide open and devoid of cover. Once you got onto the grounds and past the high trees and fences that kept golf balls from pummeling cars on the highway or other buildings, it was as you'd expect the flatlands of the Delta to be... flat. And from the angle they were coming from initially, nothing between them and the clubhouse except a parking lot. If they wanted to approach from behind, they'd be traipsing across a golf course. True, there were enough trees around the buildings that led up to the main clubhouse, but they were tall deciduous trees. Plus, it was the middle of the day.

There was a guard shack near the gates, and a guard in it, but let's face it here, if the likes of Red Hood and Deathstroke wanted to avoid detection by him, it would be no issue at all. Near the shack was a souped-up looking golf cart with badges painted on the sides - clearly a security car. The problem would be just striding across the wide open parking lot between the cart and the clubhouse. Unless you were actually invisible, Sue Storm style, there was no way to stealth through that. What do they do?

@Cush Almighty @Dipper

At Tulane University...

The vaunted X-Men (or so it appears to the academics), arrive on campus. It isn't long before one of the Deans approaches "Xavier" and asks about the nature of his visit. He explains that he is making a short stop in New Orleans but heard of the good work that was being done here and wanted to see the research so that he could hand out a sizeable amount of grant money. The costumes of the other two, Colossus and Cyclops, are similarly believed.

They're told that DuPree is taking a short sabbatical, and the professor expresses his dismay, saying that there was a deadline for the grant and he'll just have to give it to another university, and even starts to 'ask' Cyclops to call Notre Dame, but they're hastily rushed into DuPree's office.

"I'm sure his notes are here." The functionary tells our Xavier, who places two fingers on one temple.

"You will wait outside the office until you are called in." The 'professor' says to the flunky, who promptly repeats the command and goes outside.

If questioned, Nygma mentions softly so no one outside the room can hear it "No, I'm not a telepath. He just believes I am so strongly that he acted as if I was. Now... shall we get looking?"

In the office was:
  • Two filing cabinets
  • DuPree's desk, with a docking station for a laptop on it, laptop missing. The desk has five drawers. The one large thin one across the top, and four down one side.
  • An obviously locked closet.
  • In one corner is a safe, made to look old-fashioned, perhaps 1800's
@LuckycoolHawk9 @Gands
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Bane look at the plaque, with the. Name Cyrus Gold, and at the cracked tomb. "Grundy's tomb, He may be near. I should..." Bane's train of thought was stopped when he notices the old guard walk up to him and stated to him if Bane is a Vandal the will stop him. "I am no vandal, I will not disrespect the tombs here. May I ask how long this lid here was broken." Bane points at the broken lid of the granite tomb with his massive finger.
@Michale CS @Dipper @Cush Almighty @LuckycoolHawk9
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Bane look at the plaque, with the. Name Cyrus Gold, and at the cracked tomb. "Grundy's tomb, He may be near. I should..." Bane's train of thought was stopped when he notices the old guard walk up to him and stated to him if Bane is a Vandal the will stop him. "I am no vandal, I will not disrespect the tombs here. May I ask how long this tomb here was broken." Bane points at the broken lid of the granite tomb with his massive finger.
@Michale CS @Dipper @Cush Almighty @LuckycoolHawk9

Stan smiled, letting his hands rest on his belt, satisfied that he has cowed a potential enemy. "Well, son, that's not entirely clear. Certainly it's within the past week, but it wasn't til it rained yesterday that the lid of that tomb slid like that. If it happened any earlier than that, the rains we got last week woulda done the same thing that yesterday's did, caused that granite to slide. Are you paying attention, kid? That's how you do real detective work- whoa!" Stan had walked up to the tomb and at the end was leaning on it, when the lid slid further down, and... disappeared? An instant later a splash was heard echoing from below.

"Well that's new. Maybe. I'm not in the habit of peeking into tombs - much." Stan shone his flashlight down into the tomb. The top half of the lid had completely disappeared, and murky water was perhaps thirty feet below. "Maybe that's how those hooligans are getting onto the property after we lock up at night. I'll go get a rope. You better step back, son, you might get hurt. Leave this to the professionals."

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James Hunter

James took a deep breath and was good at being silent and trying to come off as an awkward leader type as he wondered if things were going to go their way or if something was going to go wrong. He was expecting something to go wrong. It was generally how things went for him. He would have a good thing happen and then something bad would happen to balance things out. Of course, maybe he was wrong about his theory. At least the disguises were working for now.

He wasn't surprised that the Riddler was right about things and he nodded when he was told to make a call to Notre Dame. The last thing he wanted to do was screw things up by coming off as too confident or not confident enough as Cyclops. At least they got themselves into DuPree's office this time.

James took a look around the room and he wondered if there was going to be an easy way to unlock that closet.

He smiled a bit. " I thought we would never get a chance to search this place," he replied, looking over at the closet and pulling a few hairclips out of his pocket so he could start working on the lock. " It's really easy to get hairclips off of unsuspecting college girls."

@Gands @Michale CS
Bane didn't say anything to the guard. As he left, Bane sat down, in a meditative stance. He press his finger on the left side of his head and says, "We have a problem. I found Grundy's tomb and heard his lid was open, within the past week, from a guard. There is a deep hole, thirty feet deep, in the tomb.That guard left and said he will try to enter the hole. We need to care of this because Grundy may to be prove a problem for our mission; if we allow him to roam around." As Bane talks, he focus his senses, hearing and smell, trying to find any disturbances.
@Dipper @Michale CS @Cush Almighty @LuckycoolHawk9
Warpath aka James Proudstar

Warpath wheeled the Nygma around at the college. He continued being the tall muscular quiet guy that seemed in character for being Colossus. He watched as Nygma skillfully manipulated the college administrators.

Once into the office, the first thing he does is to carefully gather the scents of everything in the room aside from themselves. Trying to ascertain the scientist's own scent and to see if the former x-couple had made it this far.

@Michale CS @LuckycoolHawk9
At Tulane University...

The lock on the closet was a deadbolt. Which meant Bulwark needed a letter opener after he jimmied the tumblers to turn it. It did open, however...

Right as Warpath smelled death...

Right as Professor DuPree fell out of the closet onto Bulwark, dead for some time if Rigor Mortis could be any guide...

Well fell is a generous term, swung would be better, as the body rocked back on the curtain rope that hung him from the bar in the closet. Other than DuPree, half a dozen very skimpy female 'superhero' costumes hung from the closet, and there were a few things on the floor as well. Originally they appear to be bits broken off of the acoustic ceiling, but on further examination, they look like oversized, overly thick, jigsaw puzzle pieces.

As far as smells, the smell of death is a strong one to overlook to find others is hard, but once done... well... a lot of people have been in this office. A lot of... female people.

There was still DuPree's desk to search, the safe, and the filing cabinets. Or do they just say, oh hey here's DuPree in this closet... probably not since they were just in here alone and supposedly mind-controlled their chaparone...

@Gands @LuckycoolHawk9
"I'll take care of the guard. You... do whatever it is you do."

Jason whirled on his heel and stalked away from Slade in the direction of the guardpost. A small booth where the security network could be slashed and where the bulk of the 'resistance' would be found, along with a reliable map of the area. He slipped in unnoticed, closed in on the guard's back, and wrapped his arm around the man's throat.

He was playing by the bat's rules now. Nonlethal. Had to be if he wanted any sort of access to the cave. Once the man was unconscious, Jason sat him back in his chair and moved to get a look at the map."
  • Nice Execution!
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James Proudstar aka Warpath

" No suprise Professor, lots of female scents in the office. Nothing of the former X-men. There is also a pile of thick puzzle pieces. "

Making sure his gloves are on.. A simple application of his strength, used sparingly here would get desk drawers opened.

"Let me know if you need help with the safe Hunter !"

"Do whatever I do? Heh." Deathstroke chuckled as the two went there separate ways. Red went to deal with the guards while Deathstroke made his way to the parking lot. He moved quickly, hopefully, no one would see him, and if someone did, he'll just say he's a cosplayer. Once making it to the parking lot, Deathstroke got low and kept an ear out for people.

After a couple minutes a car pulled in 4 parking spots away. He got a peek into the car when the person drove past. Middle age man in employee uniform, perfect. He quickly moved under the car and over to the man as he opened his car door. Deathstroke jumped up from out of the car and jabbed the man in the jaw, knocking him unconscious. He fell to the ground and Slade started removing uniform, white blazer, dress shirt, bow tie, black slacks, and dress shoes.

While Slade took cover and started undressing, he heard Bane relaying some concerning development. "Cyrus Gold...yeah, let's avoid him. He's an unnecessary distraction." Grundy wasn't someone Slade wanted to get in a fight with. He could probably take him, but that only depended on his strength at the time. When Grundy revives, he might come back as Bane on venom or strong enough to knock Supergirl back. Slade had no intention of finding out, not what he's been coerced to do. "Keep us informed Bane, fight Grundy if you must. And as for that hole, let the guard check that out for you, save yourself some work."

Slade wasn't sure if Bane was going to listen, but whatever Bane gets himself into, he'll be fine. Slade had finished dressing in the uniform and hid the middle age man in the car trunk. Deathstroke also hastily placed his gear into the trunk, not wanting to be caught with weapons or costume. All Slade had on his person was his handgun and knife, both well hidden. The handgun was strapped to his left leg and the knife was strapped to the left. "Boys, I'm hiding into the country club as a worker. Hopefully, they won't be made to quickly. My gears in the trunk of black Chevy Chrysler, ignore the man in his undies if I ask you guys to retrieve it."

Slade hid his comlink with his ear length hair. He then walked up to the clubhouse, using the stolen keycard to gain access into the club. If anyone was to look at him too long, they'll be taking a nap soon after.
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