Elite Magical Girl Academy!

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Just my two cents: You don't have to be friends or enemies based on your character's powers. In any friendship you get along with people whose personality is compatible with your own. When the opposite happens your personality clashes and you become enemies, or 'frenemies'.

So, while Life and Death exist, it doesn't have to be in harmony as far as magical girls go - Semine and Pandora aren't 'life' and 'death' itself.
Just my two cents: You don't have to be friends or enemies based on your character's powers. In any friendship you get along with people whose personality is compatible with your own. When the opposite happens your personality clashes and you become enemies, or 'frenemies'.

So, while Life and Death exist, it doesn't have to be in harmony as far as magical girls go - Semine and Pandora aren't 'life' and death 'itself'.

Oh, I know that :P I just like giving everything a poetic and vibrant saying as its the honest truth in nature. That is why I said I would like to see things play out before hand. Semine and Pandora could clash horribley and it could be the opposite for Hayley. I plan on playing them the way they are created and not make exceptions.
Rofl I love what you did with your chars and can't wait to see how Pandora and Hayley react to each other lol. Pandora wouldn't be consider insane or a psychopath she's more of a sociopath she'll hurt someone without even thinking about she doesn't hear voices or anything she more just doesn't care about anyone who's not on her sides life xD cold blooded killer vs psychopathic murderer xD.

@SailorMoon and yeah like Angelic said it just depends on what happen maybe Pan will like Hayley or Semine or neither or both xD lol just playing with the riavry idea is fun.
Rofl I love what you did with your chars and can't wait to see how Pandora and Hayley react to each other lol. Pandora wouldn't be consider insane or a psychopath she's more of a sociopath she'll hurt someone without even thinking about she doesn't hear voices or anything she more just doesn't care about anyone who's not on her sides life xD cold blooded killer vs psychopathic murderer xD.

@SailorMoon and yeah like Angelic said it just depends on what happen maybe Pan will like Hayley or Semine or neither or both xD lol just playing with the riavry idea is fun.
Oh, I know that :P I just like giving everything a poetic and vibrant saying as its the honest truth in nature. That is why I said I would like to see things play out before hand. Semine and Pandora could clash horribley and it could be the opposite for Hayley. I plan on playing them the way they are created and not make exceptions.
Yes. It's much more interesting that way. While being friends is fun, rivalries are a lot of fun to read and play out.

Midori and Kureha are rivals. :3
Well after I read both post I kind of seen that I just want to know the "incident" xD.
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Yes!!!! Can't wait xD.
OK! Well I will work on Hayleys post now for you all.
I'll just post it here since if I ever reference it in the rp as Midori I'll show a small flashback, but this is what happened.

Midori had her nose buried in a particularly sweet Shoujo-Ai manga. She was blushing, and smiling, and she would be beyond embarrassed if anyone saw her like this. She walked slowly, her eyes focused on the story that was being told as she passed through the campus courtyard. She never stopped reading, or stopped to consider that there might be someone in her path along the way. She turned the page, brushed a sakura petal that had fallen from one of the trees and into her book. Still, her eyes never left her manga. It was when she was getting to a particularly good part, that she felt herself bump into something, and heard the sound of dishes clattering.

Her peace was utterly demolished, just as she was about to take yet another sip of her tea something, or someone, bumped into her. The cup in her hands slipped out of her light grip and went falling down. She tried to catch it but she moved too slow and barely graced it. Some of the tea spilled right on her skirt and and the cup landed on the ground, the remaining tea soaking into the ground. Heartbroken she could only stare at the mess in shock, not registering the hot tea that had spilled on her lap. "My tea..." She muttered softly, as it slowly sunk into her mind that her prized tea had been spilled she grew upset. It had been expensive!

The hot tea splashed onto the page of the book she was reading, tainting the art and smudging the ink. Midori didn't care that the hot liquid has managed not to touch her at all. "My...my book!" Midori exclaimed at almost the same time as the person she bumped into. She shook the tea from her manga, and put her hands to her hips angrily. She could see now the red-head in front of her, who would have been cute had she not gotten in the way. "Your tea?! There are billions of leaves in the world, but this- this is art! Nobody cares about your crummy tea!"

Crummy?! She had saved up for it for months! Picking up the cup and screwing it back in place on the thermos she tried to keep her anger in check. She rose and glared at the tomboy standing in front of her, her old habit kicked in as she saw the short-haired girl holding a manga. "You are a lost cause if you think that is art." Her voice was laced with a proud arrogance as she faced the tomboy. "My tea is not crummy and clearly more worth than that manga you're holding." No one called the results of her hard work crummy, no one.

Midori pursed her lips tight in annoyance, her cheeks flashed the color of red and her face was getting hot. How dare this...red thing, insult her taste in manga! "OH? You want to have a go at it then?" Midori asked, completely serious about challenging this girl to a duel. Trash talking Midori always warranted a beat down. She leaped backwards and landed firmly on the ground. Magical swirls rose from the earth, dancing and twirling around her form. She was going to transform, and show this chick who was boss.

But then, as she raised her hand in the air and prepared to shout towards the sky, a voice cut in. She saw a shadow looming over her, a familiar shadow with long flowing hair. "Saito-San, Moriyama-san!? What are you two doing?" It was odd that the Principle would know these first year students' names, but she had a photographic memory, and so she remembered everyone that attended her academy.

"M-Mizuno-san," Midori stammered, quickly dropping her hand to her side. She backed away in shock, and then ran for it. Mizuno-san didn't chase her, she had succeeded in preventing a fight and that was all that mattered.

As the other girl had started her sequence Kureha readied her stance, ready to transform if the girl went through with her challenge. It wasn't needed as the principal appeared.

"Principal..." As soon the the short-haired girl was gone she let go of her tension and felt a tear welling up. Not only had her tea been spilled, it had been insulted and her bad habit had kicked in. Quickly wiping away the emerging tear she gave a light bow to the blue haired principal. "I'm sorry. If you excuse me I need to wash up."

Not waiting for the principal to say anything further she turned and left carrying the thermos, at last feeling the burn of tea, sorrow of her lost enjoyment and anger at the battle-ready short-haired girl that had been the cause of it all. She would never forget this.
Also @Angelic Fusion from now on could you keep your posts on one slot. Unless you're not able to post as one of your characters.
Sure give me a second and I will delete the other post and transfer it over to the other. I meant to do that be in the process of post I forgot it seems.
Sure give me a second and I will delete the other post and transfer it over to the other. I meant to do that be in the process of post I forgot it seems.
No worries.
Alright.. Fixed up and expect larger posts from me now on.. for some reason I am back in the swing of overly large and insightful posts...
Alright.. Fixed up and expect larger posts from me now on.. for some reason I am back in the swing of overly large and insightful posts...
Good! :)
Just got back from work and I've got to eat and such, but a post will come! Gotta read the IC too.
Lol well that explains it.
*laughs evilly* Oh, I'm so gonna love having their first meeting after not seeing each other for the break.

Also I'll make my edits to remove any references to an assembly in my first post and move my chars towards social activities in the post I'm gonna write now.

@Angelic Fusion here's an idea: How about Ririka barely avoided injury from an attempted glomp on Semine? And after that Ririka has been fairly respectful towards her to the extent Ririka is respectful towards others (meaning friendly and not pulling any tricks)

I dont think Semine would attack Ririka for that... She may.... depending on how you have her go about it. If you want her to go and do it now in the IC that Semine just arrived xD. OR we can have that she did it last year... I think it would be funny to do it now that she just got back. Ririka could have been waiting to catch her off guard.
Sure, that works :p

We can have it so Ririka never really has had the chance to give a surprise-glomp towards Semine yet
Well, Now is your chance. She is in her own little world thinking about her father going off to On-Duty service again.
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