Elements Divided

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"Uhh, no. Just some stone statues" the pilot answered, taking his thick breather mask off and his Kevlar helmet.
Layla just continued to watch. Obviously, either something extremely important or extremely bad was happening. She wanted to help, but how?
Casper quickly entered the coordinates just as Godzilla fired the blast he teleported. But when he did he was flung as some of the air that was carrying a blast went with him. He slammed into a building then feel on the ground before getting up and shaking his head. "Wow what a rush" he then dusted himself off.
"You can teleport?" Corbin said with an eyebrow raised.
"Again, something my handful of scientists would have a field day with"
Kay sighed in relief. "Thank god."As she said that, Casper appeared seemingly out of nowhere and crashed into the ground. "What the, Casper?" Kay was quite surprised to see him suddenly fly out of nowhere. "How did you get here? Why did you just crash into the ground?" Kay sighed. She was glad her friend was seemingly unharmed, but didn't quite like the recklessness he displayed so often.

Turning to Corbin, she thought of asking about scanning for grimoires once more. "Corbin, is it possible for you to scan for magical energy?"
Layla suddenly realized something. Someone had said stone statues. Could he possibly mean- no, it can't be. But what if it is? Layla walked towards the man who had said it. "Umm... I'm not meaning to be rude, but what sort of stone statues?" she asked.
"I'm a lot smarter than i look, or maybe because im from the future but, i built this teleporter " he held up the teleporter that had the carving of R.I.P Peter "i had a close in counter with Godzilla a second ago, I was able to stumble him back so I could get away but that was about all i could do."
"The statues were like short people- like someone had a fettish with gnomes. All of the statues were positioned as if someone had murderred them, a few with knives stuck in them and such which is very grotesque or sick or something"
Corbin looked at Casper.
"Because you're smarter? That's the second time you've attacked Godzilla. You must not be too smart if you keep attacking an unstoppable force."

She sighed and looked at her compatriots.
"Should we investigate the ruins of just stay up here until morning?"
What the soldier said worried Kay, but she decided to brush it off for now. After all, Corbin seemed to have missed her question and for now the possibility of a grimoire was on Kay's priority list.

"I would like to investigate the ruins, if everyone is fine with that. There may be a grimoire within these ruins, I do feel a small amount of magical energy."
"unstoppable hes been defeated in my universe and i plan to help take down this one" casper thought for a minute as he waited to be yelled at again
Layla sighed with relief. It wasn't what she had feared. She listened again to what people were saying. Something about Godzilla, what that was.
Corbin looked at her- having a brief moment of genius.
"Cast a useless spell or something"
She made an odd finger motion and the pilot opened the door to the helicopter and got out an outfitted FLIR camera.
Layla waited for someone to do something. She would follow them.
"There are no useless spells! Each one is created with a purposeful combination of..." Kay realized that she was ranting and there was no way her friend would know anything about magic anyway. "Um, sorry, I will cast something now."

Kay stepped back and simply caused a glow of light to emanate from her body for a few seconds before it faded again.

"Is that good enough?"
Casper paused" ill go with you kay" he waited for a reply
"When you give off a spell it's a small amount of gamma...a little x...and...I don't even know what that grey bar thing is, but it gives off some radiation energies. Funny enough, you mentioned Godzilla was similar to a familiar or an allusion and he both creates and feeds off of the same energy in very high amounts."
She looked at the pilot.
"Soldier, make sure no one burns them self to death while we investigate the ruins. If we aren't back in two hours, send a search party. If they don't come back, have Kiryu level the old ruins"
"Yes ma'am!"
Corbin grabbed the 870 shotgun from the helicopter, checked the tube for shells and then grabbed a few extra for spare.
"Alright, let's investigate those ruins. It looks like that's a fire escape on the side of the building"
She noted before grabbing the long ladder and sliding straight down to the pavement.
Godzilla? Layla couldn't think who that was. Obviously, it was the enemy, but she had never heard of him before.
Kay was now curious and kind of wanted to test the similarities between her Familiar and Godzilla, but decided against the massive waste of energy.

"Come with us, Layla. We plan to investigate the ruins," she then turned to Casper and smiled. "Thank you, Casper."
Seeing the confused look on Layla's face from the bottom of the courthouse, Corbin yelled up.
"Imagine a 60 meter tall dinosaur that is indestructible, breathes nuclear bombs and is always angry- he blows off steam by killing innocent people and destroying buildings. Basically that's him in a nutshell"
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