Eagleclaw High School

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She really didn't want to go downstairs. The nerd group intimidated me as well. They used words I couldn't understand a lot. "Alex! You better get here right now or your dinner will get cold!" Mum called, which made me go down the stairs quicker, unaware for the time being of Luxana's hesitation.
Eventually I appeared in the kitchen smiling my 'famous' smile and taking a seat. I ate as politely as I could and avoided eye contact as it would become awkward. I noticed everyone was practically done and I finished my remaining bites.
"Thank you for dinner. It was amazing." I smiled appreciatively but waited to be excused. My hands shook impatiently.
We, for once, ate in silence. Anything I said would probably be shot down, and anything Harry said would receive a crude comment from Luxana, who would be mocked by his friends... It would basically end in an argument. It was very clear mum was trying to start conversation, because every now and then, she'd say something random, like, "What are you all doing this summer?" even though Summer is ages away. I shrugged at that point, which made Harry and co. laugh. Probably some joke I did not hear. Thank you for dinner, it was amazing, I was kind of glad she finished quick. Harry wanted to linger round the table. Well, until I stand up. "Yeah, thanks, mum." Then, everyone seems to thank mum and run upstairs. The school football team would be quieter.
My eyes darted around the room and seeing everyone who was already upstairs and I was impatient to get away, I ran up the stairs again. To be honest, I had no idea where anyone went. I don't know why. But I didn't. Maybe it was just because I was distracted today. Wait. Why am I distracted. I stepped into my thoughts for a while. Asking myself what was different about today that I am suddenly distracted by. Today was just a weird day. I need to forget about it and stop acting so weird. My phone buzzed and I flinched snapping out of my thoughts. I pulled it out of my pocket, looking at the notification. I didn't have time to read it when I noticed someone looking down at me.
I followed after her, my dad letting out a sigh because he's left to do the dishes by himself. And there's quite a few. I realise I left the sleeping bag on the landing. I go into my room and it just about fits. Good. I wouldn't want to sleep in the living room. "Umm. You can sleep in my bed." Sleeping on the floor isn't fun, and besides, my duvet and stuff was cleaned this morning.
"No, no, no." I stated firmly being the stubborn person I am.
"I am the guest, that would be unfair on you." I frowned, I was perfectly fine with sleeping on the floor. It's not like it was my bed. So I polity refused and insisted to sleep on the floor.
"Oh, okay." I don't even bother arguing. If she wants to be uncomfortable, I'll let her. She'll find a million reasons why she should. And anything with three 'no's straight after one another is definitely not worth my breath arguing about. Because I'll lose.
I bit my lip as I was looking at Alex. There was no 'I insist' or no 'you don't have to do that.' I had to admit I was a little disappointed. He must really hate me. I pouted thinking that someone that I considered a friend hated me enough to no even argue when I was willing to make sure he was comfortable. That's what really mattered. Well I guess I got my way but I didn't have to be happy about it.
"Whatever." I said loosely avoiding eye contact with him. I guess no more smiles from me tonight. I must of been expecting getting what I wanted wouldn't come to easy. Because let's face it easy is boring sometimes.
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I think I upset her. Why are people so difficult? You give them what they want and yet, they still complain. She only replied with 'whatever'. I'm confused. Really, really confused. "You don't have any pyjamas," I murmured, to break the tension floating around. She's stopped looking at me now. Once again, I regret sending that text. I'm not very good at this friend thing, clearly. Harry must've rubbed off of me or something.
"You seem to be correct." I sighed. I honestly didn't know what to do. I mentally groaned. But there was nothing I could actually do. I glanced at Alex once more. I knew I was difficult but I didn't know I could upset someone that quickly.
"Hey...you're a good friend you know that?" I smiled at him. He was adorable. What the hell am I thinking?
"Well at least I think so, but you can hate me if you want to. I don't hate you." I started to ramble stupidly.
I knew I was correct, she definitely hadn't planned to sleep over. I thought she could just magic some or something, but I guess since we haven't learnt that spell I guess not. "I..." I've never been called a good friend. I haven't been called a friend by many people either. So it's randomly nice. But, of course, now she thinks I hate her. So it was dfinitely a compliment to get into my good book (which she was sorta in. I guess.) "Err. Thanks."
"Has your brother ever had a girlfriend?" I asked randomly to change the subject, not that I was interested, I was just wondering what pick-up lines he would use. I knew quite a lot. I just found them amusing. Mostly because I was dirty minded. But only a little bit. Okay maybe a lot. But that's beside the point.
"He's had one. But not anymore. She split up with him for some other guy," I replied, wondering why she cared. Though it would be nice if I wasn't the only one who gossiped about the other. "He cried for days." I made that bit louder so Harry could hear with a smirk as laughter erupted from the other room.
"If you were homework, I'd slam you on the desk and do you all night." I mimicked Harry, I didn't imagine him dirty minded but everyone has there secrets I guess. I chuckled.
"And how about you? What about your relationship history?" I asked forming a 'rainbow of inspiration' with my hands. Which actually just looked like me waving my hands. I guess you have to be creative? I smiled to myself looking up at Alex. I didn't know why but for some reason he was interesting.
"Eww. I don't know what he said but..." I shuddered. I couldn't imagine my brother talking like that. "It was probably cheesy." Though it was a good nerdy pick up line. How the hell did she know pick up lines? Is this what girls discuss on sleepovers?

But at the sound of my relationship history, I literally would have slammed my head on the desk if my homework wasn't there. "Very funny," I laughed, thinking she'd made a joke.
I frowned...interesting.
"I wasn't kidding hun. I want to know." I asked again peering at him once again. The fact that if he did have any history then I might just become a bit jealous but if he didn't more for me. What is wrong with me today? Why am I thinking like this? I can't like him like that can I? Even if I didn't he doesn't seem to like me that much anyway.

Questions and doubts flooded my mind, I kept attempting to shrug them away but how can I when someone that is driving me insane is stood right in front of me.
"I don't have any," I replied, surprised that she didn't know that. "I don't know if I would want one. I mean... right now..." I trailed off. I would like to know what it's like to have someone love you in that way, but I don't know. I don't think anyone has a crush on me. I don't know if I'd want one, since... only Luxana bothers with me right now. Does that mean I want Luxana? That's a weird thought. She'd never want anyone like me, and why should she? There's a lot of people much better than me in the world. I don't even realise my attention has moved to her... why do I have the desire to make her happy as something more than a friend? I must be crazy.
I growled at the answer, to myself of course. He didn't want one? Why not? I noticed plenty of girls and possibly some guys check him out on a daily basis. And actually a lot of people had complained (bitched) about well I guess me. I snapped out of my thoughts seeing that Alex was actually quite close. "Is your body from MacDonalds because I'm lovin' it." I whispered since it wasn't like Alex was far away. I decided a random pick-up line would be better than just dodging away because that would just make it more awkward than it has to be. It wasn't like I minded him being as close to me as he was. Should it?
Did she just flirt with me? I thought to myself. Is she dragging me in just to push me out or does she... no, she can't like me... right? Don't fall for it. How do you even reply to this? I've been silent for far too long because I'm asking myself how I should react. I know how I want to react. I want to say something flirtatious back. Unfortunately, I've never said anything flirty in my life. I should say something soon, other than 'thanks'. Oh god... why does she have to hit on me at a time where I can't think straight.
I chuckled slightly, as I watched him curiously.
"What are you thinking about?" I asked innocently. He seemed to have lost in thought but he still hadn't moved his position and it was really making me lose confidence fast. He was about 3 inches away from me. I really didn't want to embarrass myself. I started panting but only slightly. I shuffled back a little but then realising the wall behind me. I'm so awkward. I couldn't help thinking in my head.
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