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[COLOR=#ffff00 said:
"Nomad-22, post: 3434770, member: 22858"]"So how you been O'Neal? I heard that your boss J.J. can be quite the asshole."

"A boss is a boss. You do good work and he can bluster all he wants but he doesn't turn away good employees. Jameson is successful for a reason - he knows what sells papers. Plus, he's clueless about social media and he knows I know it, so I handle the official social media stuff for the Bugle. Keeps me busy and the rest of the time? I do fluff pieces like this event. Once I've shown myself invaluable, then is when I ask for the juicy assignments."
She rattled off with a shrug.

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"A boss is a boss. You do good work and he can bluster all he wants but he doesn't turn away good employees. Jameson is successful for a reason - he knows what sells papers. Plus, he's clueless about social media and he knows I know it, so I handle the official social media stuff for the Bugle. Keeps me busy and the rest of the time? I do fluff pieces like this event. Once I've shown myself invaluable, then is when I ask for the juicy assignments." She rattled off with a shrug.


Shaking his head in amusement Raph commented.

"Same old April, always looking for the scoop."

Becoming more serious he then asked.

"Heard any word about the Friends of Humanity lately? Those pukes have earned a spot on my hit list."

"I did not want to murder the bunnies." Some of the targets were rabbit shaped.

Janice had to repress her impulse to squeal with delight at Jennifer's reasoning for avoiding the bunnies.

Her attention moves towards the area around them, seeing if the Silver Surfer is still there… and then she looks back towards Janice. "What now? What do ya wanna do? Want me ta win ya more tickets so ya can see She-Hulk?" She says with a little nod up to her.

"What? She-Hulk? Nah!"
Janice waved off the idea. "I couldn't justify using a kid to help me with that...even if she is...." Janice had to stop herself from going on about all the qualities she loved about She-Hulk. A kid just wouldn't understand. "..nevermind. But! Do you want to join me in the fun run? It'll take a cool five thousand outta Tony's pocket and into hands of people who need it. Kids like you, or adults like me who just need a break. Whaddya say? All you gotta do is cross the finish line. Hello Kitty and Mr. Monkey can come along."

@Camleen @Michale CS
Silver Surfer
Charity event at the park
New York

Surfers senses and awareness weren't always centered at his eyes. It was very hard to explain. The young human's intense stare seemed to harbor some ill will towards him. There was not an easy read of her surface thoughts, but again, hard to explain. Then it was all gone. Janice was different, there was a nobility in her that was both easy to see for him and in great abundance. Now he saw it in the girl. It wasn't clear as day, but buried under layers of horrible.

" Janice, when this event is over, I can offer you and the young lady a flight into the heavens. I can see a nobility in you Janice. And you young one, you too, though it will take longer to emerge. "

He walks off slowly, heading for his turn on the stage. His head mostly in the clouds. His body language, one of admiration and sadness.

@Michale CS @Ms.Ezra @Camleen
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Laura gets something of a skeptical look on her features as she stares up at Janice. It's obvious even to Laura that Janice has deeper thoughts about She-Hulk, and would indeed like to get to know her better. Odd, really. She doesn't seem She-Hulk's type… but then who the hell is.

Her gaze moves to the Silver Surfer, and his offer to give them a ride on his board. With the mention, her gaze averts to said board, and then back up to Norrin. She would like to try quite a few new things, but taking a ride on that thing is not amongst them. She finds herself narrowing her eyes at him when he mentions of her 'nobility'… well with Janice he's right, she knows that of course. But as for herself, it's not the length of time he speaks of. But the fact there's any 'nobility' in her at all.

Clearly she doesn't think highly of herself.

As he walks away, Laura whispers up to Janice, standing on her tip toes to do so. "He is really shiny."

Her mind shifts to Janice's thought on the 'fun run'. She doesn't actually know what a fun run is… running isn't particularly fun. Unless you're dodging bullets or something, then it's kind of amusing. Her gaze moves to Janice as she now hugs Hello Kitty to her chest, her eyes flicking to Mr. Monkey when he is mentioned. "I've never done nothin like that…" God this bad grammar is killing her on the inside. "What is it? Are we runnin from something?" she blinks a few times, and then speaks up once again quickly. "I mean I'll do it, o'course." Guh the bad grammar she's forcing herself to use. "If you'n Mr. Monkey are and all… I'll do my best…"

Tagging: @Ms.Ezra, @Gands, @The Wanderer, @Michale CS
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Finally, it's time for the 5k run to begin. All of the heroes in attendance that have put in offers for the auction are directed to the front of the line and are instructed to keep a pace normal people can keep up with for the press and promotional photos.

However... After the starting gun...

The entire front row of runners slows to a crawl. A man dressed in a bright purple costume stylized to look like The Flash stands there, and in front of him he holds a human head by its hair, the eyes flaring with power. Even the mighty Silver Surfer is forced to the pace of a normal walk, and his senses say the head, not the costumed man, is somehow sapping everyone's speed.

Janice, with her access to Tony's big list of baddies, quickly finds out the identity of the head - STAR Labs classified him as "The Turtle" a man whose power was sending waves of time slowing energy from him. He was eventually defeated by Impulse who managed to time extremely short bursts of speed between the waves. The Turtle was killed while captive in STAR Labs custody. Eden had similar information via SHIELD.

Nightwatcher was a little reticent to be in the front row and so hung back, unlike Turtle Titan and was unaffected by the slowdown.

Laura's great programmed knowledge of metahumans only reveals what Janice's access to the database did - but only the power of the now disembodied head and how he was defeated.
She observed that the closer people got to the man in the purple suit, the slower they became, except Surfer, who seemed to just be slowed to a casual human walk at the moment.

Penance wasn't near the front of the line but had no clue who this guy was.

Azalia suddenly felt a surge of darkness overcome her from the head - it tapped the same entropic power she did. A dozen Bunnys appeared then all of their heads fell off, the bodies wilting like deflated balloons. This gave her a great multiple angle view of the scene, but she knew nothing of this villain.

She-Hulk, Dazzler, the two Stark armored heroes, and Mr. Fantastic seem to be moving at a snail's pace.

"I was hoping for more speedsters, but your speed will have to do to fuel Velocity. Stand still this will all be over in a moment."
The man declared with an overdone 'evil' laugh.

(( Though I'm not using a posting order, those at the run please let the others post before you post again. As implied, the closer you get to Velocity the slower you will move. There's a reason he's confident enough to take all of the heroes on so posting anything like a one-shotting of the villain is gonna be ignored ))

@Gands @Nomad-22 @Camleen @Angelic Fusion @The Wanderer @Ms.Ezra
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"If you'n Mr. Monkey are and all… I'll do my best…"

This time, Janice could not contain herself. She made a small squeal and gave Laura's cheeks a light pinch. "You.Are.Too.Cute.Let's go!" She grabbed Jennifer's hand and led her to the starting line of the Fun Run.

"It's real easy Jenny. We just keep pace with everyone, and make it to the end." Janice started jogging in place, Mr. Monkey flopping on her back. As the run was about to start, Janice gave Jenny a thumbs-up.

"I was hoping for more speedsters, but your speed will have to do to fuel Velocity. Stand still this will all be over in a moment."

Oh great. Can't just have a day of fun and games without some maniac coming in. Janice thought, struggling to look to her side at Jennifer. If only I could cover her eyes. A little girl does not need to see a severed head. Think. Think. Should have brought the prototype. Could do more than just try to physically fight this.

@Camleen @Michale CS

Laura's brows furrow with Janice's initial reaction, and her green eyes widen as she starts to lean back. Since Janice is suddenly reaching for her. She closes her eyes tightly as Janice pinches her cheeks, resisting the initial urge to gut her.

Because normal kids don't gut adults for things like this. Or so she assumes. She'll have to check on that.

Her cheeks, nose and tips of her ears are a bit red when Janice pulls away. Not because of the physical pinch, but because she is suddenly embarrassed. She did not see that coming. But even though she feels a little embarrassed…

It's the kind of human contact she craved. The kind of contact that she has been denied her whole life.

'Jennifer' steps up to the line with Janice, her eyes constantly up on the woman. Keep pace, make it to the end. She's heard those words before. See there was this bear and holograms… And as Janice starts to jog in place, she does also. She keeps her doll held with one arm, clutching it to her, her other arm pumping as Janice's does. She doesn't look away from Janice as she is given the thumbs up, and she nods to her.


Her eyes start to shift left to right as she sniffs discretely at the air. The atmosphere itself… it just changed. Like it got… thicker… something is suddenly very very wrong. Her gaze moves from Janice's direction towards the front, towards the man holding the head. She can't 'see' energy of course, but she of course knows he must be the source. And he wouldn't be holding that head unless he wanted to demonstrate what he's willing to do… or he's using it as some kind of source of power.

'Jennifer' leans forward now as she fights against the waves of energy, actually being able to 'feel' the waves over and over. Her heightened senses can feel the subtle shifts in the atmosphere. Not enough to do anything about it, just tell they are there when she focuses. She drops her Hello Kitty as she forces herself forward, her hands in clenched fists at her sides. As she sloooooooooooooowly moves forward (practically within reach of Janice the whole time, despite how hard she is pushing herself), she snarls softly, her small form trembling as her muscles fight to break through the energy. So she can get close enough to kill the man.

She could care less about the other people there. But the fact that Janice is in this crowd… and the fact this man is putting Janice in danger… is all the reason she needs to want to tear this costumed man's heart out.

@Ms.Ezra, @Nomad-22, @Michale CS, @The Wanderer, @Gands
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Luke Cage aka Power man | back in Harlem | Luke Cage's bar and grill

As they pulled up at Luke Cage's bar, the taxi driver was jabbering incomprehensibly about how cool it was for him to meet Captain America. It was just an ordinary cab after all and the guy lived in New York. The Bar itself is the bottom floor of a 4 story brick building which has apartments.

Fish would be up by the windows with his chess board watching the place and Luke would thank fish for watching the place and get set up behind the bar. There is a tv on low at the back with sports on with subtitles. there is also a grill behind the bar where all kinds of only sort of healthy food can be made and the place doesn't echo much making it a reasonable volume. Luke calls everybody over to the bar "Lets figure out what we are doing." he says "Can somebody tell me who we are looking for?"
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Luke's Bar

A woman walks into the bar, in a Yankees hoodie. Her name is Charlotte Luke thinks to himself. She is mixed race, about 20. She is half Korean and half black. She walks up to Luke, whispering in his ear.

" They have a woman Luke, came in tied up and gagged last night at the sewing sweatshop on Trinity place. I was driving the food truck like I always do."

" I was never here "

She takes a moment fiddling with her phone and Luke will find a photo having been sent to his phone.

With that she tries to walk out the back calm and in no hurry.

@EVagesIL @Razilin @Michale CS @mr_pibbs
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Luke Cage aka Power man | back in Harlem | Luke Cage's bar and grill

"huh so if that is who cap was talking about, we have hand folks picking up a shield scientist lady near trinity place last night." he paused "Normally that super-science stuff isn't their racket, so either they are moving in or they have a friend that they are doing a favour for. Either way we can expect to be against high-tech hand on this gig." This could only end well he thought sarcastically. This was going real big real quick. For all he knew next there would be aliens and magic next. "so nobody get too comfortable, we are going to be heading out soon. But first lets make sure everybody has gotten something to eat. I know I interrupted chow time for you guys, so lets make sure everybody is fed before we leave. Bathrooms are in the back."
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@Gands @Nomad-22 @Camleen @Michale CS @The Wanderer @Ms.Ezra

The wave hit her, unable to see for one moment everything came to light the next. The woman had no time to prepare or to buffer herself. Darkness surged throughout her body and unable to contain it a huge outburst of manifestations suddenly formed. The rabbits seemed raw and uncontained. Even their bodies seemed to burst at the onset of energy. With the heads rolling about Azalia could get glimpses of what was occuring but the rolling made her almost get sick.

Collapsing onto her knees her hands went into the grass as Cypher was caught a decent distance from her. Eyes flashing yellow, black and red before settling back to yellow Azalia writhed in an overcharged agony. Hands grasping onto the grass she soon found her mind pushing back before finally buckling. Gasping Azalia felt her body shake before things seemed to relinquish control back to her.

Staggering to her feet the woman felt charged, but her mind remained rather clear. It was starting to come together in her head that she wasn't the source of the onset of power. Yet, as much as she wanted to run, she felt unable to move. Stuck where she was she began to split her ability to see through the dozen rabbit heads scattered about. The scene came together and the obvious source of the incident was the severed head and individual who wasn't there minutes before.

Another burst struck Azalia knocking her back a step despite the slowed movement. "Ah!" The girl gasped out as she felt her body buck and writhe. Even in broad daylight the area round her began to fall to the shadows. Wisps of physical darkness began to sweep up around her. Clinging onto her body and beginning to tug downwards. The shadows continued to pull on her before several yellow trails began to wrap themselves around her. Unable to move and at this point even unable to scream the woman was suddenly pull into what seemed to be the very ground itself.

From the pool of shadows a hand emerged. The fingers seemed far longer than Azalia's and were tipped with a claw. The hand grasped the edge of the pool before another hand came out and did the same. Rising from the pool an object emerged. Hands retreating inside the entity rose up before it slowly began to open. Black shadowy wings seemed to crack and spread apart revealing a woman. Similar in size and stature of Azalia the woman began to look herself over. Smirking and beginning to laugh Azalia felt her mind slam back. But, things were definitely different.​

Robbie watched on as the Surfer went off to join the other heroes. The event seemed to be going off without any problems. Well, at least until the running event started. He watched as some costumed person held up a head. Which was somehow slowing everyone at the front of the line. He could faintly hear the costumed man say something, due to the distance between him and the position of the villain. Something about speedsters. The rest he couldn't make out.

Not wanting to waste time. He blended in with the crowd of civilians as they fled. Though he split off into the trees and behind some bushes. With haste, he opened the duffle bag. Pulling out his costume, setting it near the duffle bag while he began to take off some of his clothes. Leaving only black shorts on.

Next was putting on the suit. He started with putting on the lower parts and go from there. Despite having done this countless times, it was still painful. Already he could feel the spikes poking his skin, inflicting pain. It was when he began to put on the chest piece was when he got a little injured. For it was here that the biggest spikes were, the only ones that actually pierced his skin. Sixty of them. Meant to represent the lives of the children that died in Stamford. Already he could feel power building up from the pain.

The rest of the costume was easy. With the costume strapped tightly in places to ensure that the whole function of the suit wasn't compromised. He picked up his helmet, looking at the front once more. Before putting it on, and making sure it was secured to his costume. It was go time.

He walked back into view. Leaving his normal clothes in the duffle bag, hoping that it wouldn't get stolen.

He looked at the costumed villain. Trying to see if there was something to him that Robbie could exploit. For the last time he charged in without thinking. Six hundred and twelve people died....

@Camleen @Michale CS @Angelic Fusion @Nomad-22 @Gands @Ms.Ezra

"Of course I know Bronx! I also know he likes to be scratched right here..." Ophelia approached with a familiar ease and found that one spot on the back of his neck that Bronx could never quite scratch himself

The Gargoyle Beast leaned into Ophelia's touch and made a satisfied rumbling sound in his chest while closing his eyes.

"Aye, if Bronx accepts you, guess I can't judge ya any less." Brooklyn gave the beast a back rub and smiled.

"Brooklyn!" called the familiar voice of Hudson from an upper terrace of the castle. "The others went ta find ya just now seems-" The older Gargoyle had been so focused on Brooklyn with his one good eye that he took a minute to register the presence of an unfamiliar Gargoyle. "-Jalapena! Now where did you find this lass?" He jumped off the terrace and lightly glided down to the pair and Bronx.

Brooklyn was glad that for now it was just them. "She's umm...." He scratched his head then said to Ophelia. "You should be the one to explain. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it."

@Michale CS
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Silver Surfer
Charity event

Like everyone else, the Surfer was struck and slowed by the strange energy wave. He studied the energy being emitted by the head for it's properties so he could is it in the future. While studying it he reviewed what it was doing to the people near him in the park. He began to reach out, seeking to reverse the polarity of the emitting energy so instead of giving the energy it was taking from the people, it would take from the criminal and give his energy to the people. Or, simply.. perhaps turn it off altogether. It might take some time mind you, but no one understands the properties of various energy types better than Norrin Radd.

@Michale CS @Ms.Ezra @Nomad-22 @Camleen

Eden Haller aka Psyhawk

It didn't take long for Eden to notice the unusual villain seeking to make problems at the event she was trying to safeguard. She didn't need to move to have some effect on him. First though, check on Janice, who while slowed, was otherwise fine, as was the girl with her. Now, a cursory mental glance to assure safety wouldn't normally produce unusual results, but the girl near Janice is ... not .... normal. No time to check on her just yet. Known difficulties first. She reached out to the guy holding the head, using telepathy to check for weaknesses. This wouldn't take long... Then she would work to disconnect the man's perceptions from his brain. This was a less powerful, more subtle use of the mental paralyzation power she would normally use.
(( Re: Charity Event- That's everyone. Please wait for my update won't attempt this til I'm on my PC late tonight ))

@The Wanderer @Gands @Ms.Ezra @Camleen @Nomad-22 @Angelic Fusion

Wyvern Castle
Night Before Charity Event

"Hudson. Great to see you. Or, rather, this version of you. My name is Ophelia, and I'm the daughter of Eliza Maza - during a time when she was a Gargoyle - and Goliath. I was cursed by... Some sort of demon, I guess and sent here. Here... Well it might be another time or another Earth altogether. And I know it's a lot to take in but I swear a solemn oath that this is the truth." She rattled off.

She stepped close to Hudson so he could get a good look at her, her hands loose at her sides in an easy stance a lot like Eliza's resting body language. But those eyes... Unmistakably Goliath's.

@Sir Kaltao

Hudson examined the female with his one good eye carefully, appearing to not even be confused by the story she wove for him. "Consider the world we be in lad. Can ye really say this one is the strangest? And these eyes could only belong to kin of Goliath." The old Gargoyle put his hands on Ophelia's shoulders. "Welcome to the clan lass. 'Course, it's one thing fer me ta accept ya, it be another fer Goliath. And Eliza." He gave her shoulders a gentle pat. "We'll tell 'em in time. Fer now, you're a wayward lass come lookin' fer a new clan, and we welcome you. Jus' know they won't be your parents for some time. Ya ready for that?"

Brooklyn stood beside Ophelia and Bronx beside him.

"Hey! What's going on out here?"
came the voice of Broadway from the top of the tower behind Hudson.

"Hold on, is that...another Gargoyle!?"
exclaimed Lexington from the same spot. The two jumped leapt off the tower and were gliding down as Brooklyn took the lead on introductions.

"Aye! Another! Maybe we'll find more if ya tear those eyes away from that box!" He said.

That night, Odessa was welcomed into Clan Wyvern with open arms. Goliath of course took notice of the similarities between himself and the newcomer, but would have never dreamed of the truth behind Odessa.

As the sun broke over the horizon, Brooklyn took a spot on the tower next to Ophelia, with Goliath on her other side. He struck a pose and issued a challenge to Ophelia.

"Odessa. At sunset, you and me, race to Central Park and patrol out from there. In or out?" He asked moments before the sun came over the horizon and turned them all to stone while the world kept going.

@Michale CS
"Odessa. At sunset, you and me, race to Central Park and patrol out from there. In or out?" He asked moments before the sun came over the horizon and turned them all to stone while the world kept going.

"The only question is if I give you a head start or not." Odessa quipped back, grinning widely. She did a few strange stretches and poses that the Gargoyles might not recognize, but were a Tai Chi kata before she fell into a classic pose, hands on hips, leaning forward slightly in the 'watchful' pose before the sun rose and froze them all in pace for now.

@Sir Kaltao
Oh great. Can't just have a day of fun and games without some maniac coming in. Janice thought, struggling to look to her side at Jennifer. If only I could cover her eyes. A little girl does not need to see a severed head. Think. Think. Should have brought the prototype. Could do more than just try to physically fight this.
"Take Over." Came a voice through the comm Tony insisted all his 'high profile' employees carry. It was Riri! "Listen, I can barely move because of the time distortion but you can use the armor from further off. Get ready." At that point, the Ironheart armor was 'sent' to Janice, moving in slow motion at first but once it was no longer in contact with Riri's body it moved normally, and soon Janice wore the armor instead.

'Jennifer' leans forward now as she fights against the waves of energy, actually being able to 'feel' the waves over and over. Her heightened senses can feel the subtle shifts in the atmosphere. Not enough to do anything about it, just tell they are there when she focuses. She drops her Hello Kitty as she forces herself forward, her hands in clenched fists at her sides. As she sloooooooooooooowly moves forward (practically within reach of Janice the whole time, despite how hard she is pushing herself), she snarls softly, her small form trembling as her muscles fight to break through the energy. So she can get close enough to kill the man.

She could care less about the other people there. But the fact that Janice is in this crowd… and the fact this man is putting Janice in danger… is all the reason she needs to want to tear this costumed man's heart out.

It was like moving through waves of high winds made of jello, but X-23 was slowly getting closer to Velocity. This... could take awhile.

From the pool of shadows a hand emerged. The fingers seemed far longer than Azalia's and were tipped with a claw. The hand grasped the edge of the pool before another hand came out and did the same. Rising from the pool an object emerged. Hands retreating inside the entity rose up before it slowly began to open. Black shadowy wings seemed to crack and spread apart revealing a woman. Similar in size and stature of Azalia the woman began to look herself over. Smirking and beginning to laugh Azalia felt her mind slam back. But, things were definitely different.

Pandora found an instant attraction to that head itself. It throbbed with ancient energies, and a far off voice chanted in her brain.
"What is it that people fear? Death. Death is a transition, and the only inevitability in the multiverse. Join us, make them all transition and gain our power..." She wasn't moving any faster as her powers did nothing to protect her from the flow of time itself, but the chant of the Black Lantern power battery in her mind was at the speed of thought. However, a spark at the back of her mind brought Azalia's fear of hurting others into her mind and the rush of adrenaline made her remember the joys she had gotten from feeling the fear in others in the past.

There was a war over this Pandora's box, between the Black and the Yellow, and it appeared to be close to the time where Azalia would have to pick a side. Suddenly, her consciousness was tossed back into the present. Still in her new form, but the other persona had shoved away the influence of the batteries and Azalia's mind was her own - for now.

He walked back into view. Leaving his normal clothes in the duffle bag, hoping that it wouldn't get stolen.

He looked at the costumed villain. Trying to see if there was something to him that Robbie could exploit. For the last time he charged in without thinking. Six hundred and twelve people died....

His main weakness seemed to be his hubris. He believed no one could get near him, but as Riri's armor 'fell off' and appeared to move normally once not in contact with a living being, that looked like a clue. Objects didn't seem to be affected by the field.

Silver Surfer
Charity event

Like everyone else, the Surfer was struck and slowed by the strange energy wave. He studied the energy being emitted by the head for it's properties so he could is it in the future. While studying it he reviewed what it was doing to the people near him in the park. He began to reach out, seeking to reverse the polarity of the emitting energy so instead of giving the energy it was taking from the people, it would take from the criminal and give his energy to the people. Or, simply.. perhaps turn it off altogether. It might take some time mind you, but no one understands the properties of various energy types better than Norrin Radd.

@Michale CS @Ms.Ezra @Nomad-22 @Camleen

The moment he touched that power, he knew the original source was very similar to the Power Cosmic that he manipulated, but it had been tainted. By the unmistakable energies of Necron, the Black Lantern. Reversing the polarity of the field would require reversing its nature. For Surfer to stop the energies, he would have to do what the White Lanterns do - create and restore life. But how?

Eden Haller aka Psyhawk

It didn't take long for Eden to notice the unusual villain seeking to make problems at the event she was trying to safeguard. She didn't need to move to have some effect on him. First though, check on Janice, who while slowed, was otherwise fine, as was the girl with her. Now, a cursory mental glance to assure safety wouldn't normally produce unusual results, but the girl near Janice is ... not .... normal. No time to check on her just yet. Known difficulties first. She reached out to the guy holding the head, using telepathy to check for weaknesses. This wouldn't take long... Then she would work to disconnect the man's perceptions from his brain. This was a less powerful, more subtle use of the mental paralyzation power she would normally use.

"Messing with my brain, huh? How about we let you see the whole story?" Eden heard in her mind, and suddenly she realized... it wasn't alive. It was like a macabre reverse ventriloquist act. 'Velocity' didn't even have any brain activity to monitor, other than the commands being delivered to it from the head it held in its hand. And that brain... was strictly speaking, a zombie, animated by whatever power could manage such a feat. It probably wouldn't take long for Psyhawk to figure out how to manipulate zombie brain, but it did work differently so it wasn't instantaneous - and it seemed to take hold.

Nightwatcher had been able to use his reflexes to escape the time field and gain high ground in a nearby tree when a new development occured.

"I'm usually the one getting people to slow down. No fair taking my gig. Cool it." A drawling voice stated, as a man stood at the edge of the clearing, pointing an unusual weapon toward Velocity.


The beam froze Velocity and the head solid. Anticlimactic? Not really, because six more identical men in purple Flash outfits holding disembodied heads showed up on the battlefield. Thankfully, this 'released' all those in the first, defeated Velocity's field, including War Machine and She-Hulk.

"Distance is the key." Snart said, confirming the suspicions of many of the heroes. "Hand to head combat is pointless."

@The Wanderer @Gands @Ms.Ezra @Camleen @Nomad-22 @Angelic Fusion
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Eden Haller aka Psyhawk

{{ General telepathic broadcast )) [ includes Gizmo Girl, Silver Surfer, both of the turtles, Azalia, Snark, ((since ]

"The head is the key, it is running the other things, I don't think any of them have a brain"

With that, Eden preceded to start working on stopping the zombie brain from sending out signals.