Dragonismia- The Return

Flick's eyes widened. "She made you do WHAT?!" He growled. "God dammit." he snarled. "Now you've really been dragged into the same hole that we're in. As for Dark Shade, she-"
A dark red dragon was slammed into the ground in front of them, breaking through the paved street and causing stones to fly up as it was pinned by its neck. Dark Shade's wings beat to keep her in the air as she yelled at the dragon underneath her. "You piece of SHIT! Who do you think you are, constantly trying to take advantage of me?! Have you not LEARNED?!"
"Is there, apparently." he finished with a sigh, seeming perfectly calm with the situation in front of him.
Twin Tail nodded. "Alright. Lead the way."

(OK :3)
"Well, I'm working for you now, if I want to live to my fukk lifespan." Ashes's mouth dropped open as he saw the scenario unfold.

Nova nodded.

See you late.
Flick nodded. "Shade, which one's that?" he called.
"Alex again." she said, picking him up out of the ground and flinging him into a wall with little effort, paying him no mind as he crumpled to the floor and she padded over. "Bastard tried to assault me with his gang again. They can't get the message."
Flick sighed, turning to Ashes. "There's a gang of males who've had their eye on Shade for the past two years. She beats them into a pulp each time, like with that guy, but they always come back. You have to admire their determination. Speaking of which, where's the rest of them?"
She blinked. "In some back alley either groaning or whining for their mums, I think." She turned to Ashes, worry filing her eyes. "Are you OK, by the way? What did she do to you back there?"
"Oh, the usual," he said sarcastically. "Burned my fake leg and force fed me poison once I agreed to work with you guys. Guess there's no going back now."
"Those guys should know better, attacking a trained missionary." He said, pointing to the dragon on the ground.
Dark Shade sighed, bowing her head. "I'm sorry we had to drag you into this, Ashes. We'll try our best to help get you out of it."
"Don't worry about me. My brother is probably in more danger, if he is under Dawnlin's influence. If I've learnt anything from being a rogue for all of my life, it's this: lay low, and I'll be fine."
Dark Shade nodded. "Where is he, by the way?"
Dark Shade sighed. "I hope he makes it out soon..." she muttered. "Eitherway, it's fairly late. We should probably head back and get you settled in."
Ashes nodded and followed dame shade and flicker shadow.

I have nu idea what to do now...
Neither xD

Dark Shade was oddly subdued as she walked back. She whacked her tail into a lamp post, bending it in two. Much better. She smiled as they walked in, sitting on her bed in one corner. "So, Ashes, since it seems like we'll be working together now why don't you tell us about yourself?"
Good idea

"Well," he started, sitting on what he presumed to be his bed, "Me and Pisces are rogues. I was abandoned by my mother when I was a child. Tried to kill me, actually. That's how I lost my leg." He pointed to the stump where his hind leg should've been, now only reaching to his knee. "Me and Pisces just wander around the world, finding food, sleeping in caverns and such. We never even realised that there were clans until a few years ago. We were actually trying to find our true homes when you guys showed up. That's why we were near the water clan. But enough about me, what about you guys?"
Dark Shade smiled. "Flick and I don't have much of a history. I'm the second heir to the Air Clan throne, technically speaking- my sister Twin Tail is the direct Princess. We were split up shortly after my birth, since my scales better match the colours down here. Twin Tail handed me over to Flick at the entrance to this clan, and he's taken care of me ever since. Two years ago, though, this big gang showed up of criminal dragons, and tried to assault me. Flick drove them off, and they've been after me ever since, so Flick trained me to defend myself."
Flick nodded. "Underground, born and bred. I'm one of the lucky ones in the sense that I get to go overground because of my ability, which I still don't know how you managed to beat. Dark Shade and I are two of the finer assassins, probably why that criminal bunch are after her. Twin Tail and I have been friends since birth, since her dad's the King of Underground Clan after all. That was back before he married the current Queen. I'm his grandson's bodyguard as well as an assassin, so we often met in royal meetings. When I asked the Queen if I could take care of Shade she agreed because I'm so closely affiliated with her lineage. Since then I've been raising and training her, but we're not allowed to see Twinny as often anymore."
Twin Tail followed Drake. For some reason she felt like she knew this dragon, but the feeling was incredibly faint, and so she dismissed it without a second thought.
They first came across the training hall but with no one inside they had to quickly move along. "We'll have to track their rooms," Drake admitted, beginning the walk along the corridors, using his familiarity of the place to pin point where both Dark Shade and Twin Tail were located.
Twin Tail raised an eyebrow as she passed an alley filled with groaning dark-coloured dragons. "Is that a common sight?"
Drake grimaced but nodded. "Welcome to the land of the underkind. A world where pain and torture are your only friends," he muttered, remembering it from somewhere. "It is," he admitted gruffly. "This is what happens to the dragons who get on Sunlins bad side. Some of them probably aren't even from here. I've never stopped to ask. There not exactly sane, anymore."