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Jacob smiled and filled up a glass of water for her, bringing it back and setting it on a coaster on the table in front of them. He would get a drink once the food was ready. He reached out and pet Chi, the cat purring louder as it arched its back from being pet. He turned to Kira and smiled, with some concern slightly in his eyes. "Hey, Kira, I know it may not be my place to ask, but have you been getting much sleep lately? It just scares me to see something like that happening again and I wont be able to help." he said, looking at the table and blushing a little bit.
Kira smiled at Chi, liking the warmth of her kitten in her lap as she purred away. But when he asked her about her sleep, her smile fell, and she stared down at the table with a sad face. "I don't sleep. At all." She said in barely a whisper, her eyelids still heavy. She wanted to sleep, but her nightmares where so bad, she hated sleeping.
The concern in Jacobs eyes increased when she admitted that she never slept. Without thinking, he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes. "Kira.. why dont you sleep?" he asked her, his voice gentle but firm. He cared about this girl, he couldnt help it, and he didnt want to see her get hurt because she passed out from lack of sleep. In between them, Chi meowed and looked at the two of them, curling its body again as it changed its laying position.
"It's fine, stay over whenever you please." Jon grinned and rushed to the bagthe Ben was glancing at before handing it to the male. "You seemed to really like the sweater that you were looking at, so I... uhm..." Jon gestured to the bag and hurried over to the fridge. He was jittery and excited for Ben to see his little gift. "And if you really feel guilty for me buying it for you, then consider it the free sweater, cuz I bought two others off that rack and it was buy two get one free."

Kira pursed her lips and kept her gaze off into the distance. "It's a long story." She said to him, keeping one hand on Chi. "I usually don't even tell people how much I sleep even, but they never really care anyway." She said softly, scratching at one of the small scars that was on her wrist right below her Japanese tattoo.
Jacob realized there was more to her story than she let on, but Jacob cared too much to just leave her. He noticed the scar, but instead of moving away, he did the ballsiest move he had ever done in his life. He reached out and took the hand that was doing the scratching in his own, holding it gently. "I do care, Kira." he said in a strong tone of voice.
Kira's eyes widened and she looked up at him. She pursed her lips and stared at him. "Are you really sure you want to know? I mean...." She said, pausing as she thought about her mark, her eyes sliding over to the spot before sliding back to him. She stared at him, and took a deep breath and gently pulled up her sleeve.
So, she didnt have a mark after all. Seeing this, it honestly made his heart flutter again. She had no mark, just like him. His thumb ran down the area where her mark would be, a gentle smile coming to his lips as he looked at her, before pulling up the sleeves of his own shirt, revealing to her that he had no mark either. "It would seem that you and I arent so different at all..."
Kira heard her heart slam into her chest as he showed her the lack of mark on her arm. She could feel her cheeks heat up as she reached gently over to touch his arm gently, her fingers snaking around in a swirling pattern. "I never thought...." She whispered, her fingers still tracing an invisible pattern, almost like a mark.
Jacob smiled at Kira as she traced her fingers across his arm, her touch making him blush a little. "Trust me, I have gone for years believing I was the only one without a mark... but it would seem I got to be lucky enough to meet you... and to be honest, I would take meeting you all over again over any kind of mark on me." he said to her with a gentle smile, his hand coming to lay over the one that she was tracing on his arm. His heart began to flutter again as he realized he meant this... he never would have thought his life would lead to meeting a beautiful woman such as Kira.
"Jon, that's wow, thank you so much! How can I repay you?"

Benji said quietly as he ran over to the bag shirtless as his old sweater was wet and grabbed the new one out putting it on he ran over to Jon.

"Thank you so much!" Benji said as he hugged Jon

"You're the best, I don't know how to thank you"​
Jon was suprised as he was suddenly hugged and stood stock still before smiling and hugging the other back. "No thanks needed. Just make sure you don't ruin it. But if ever you do, I'll buy you another." Jon chuckled softly and pulled away from the hug so he could cook something for breakfast. "Are you able to stick around for sone pancakes?" he asked Ben as he pulled out some flour.
Kira blushed darkly, her fingers stopping her motion as he grabbed her hand. She bit down on her bottom lip as she looked down. "But that is not the entire story." She whispered, her eyes staring into his as he held onto her hands gently. She slowly flipped her hand around underneath his palm, her calloused fingers pressing gently into his.
Jacob tilted his head in curiosity and allowed her fingers to fiddle with his hand. "Well then tell me, I promise I will listen" he said to her, giving her hand a comforting squeeze. He wanted her to know that she could be calm around him, and that he really did care about what she had to say.
Kira took in a shaky breath, staring up at him. "I... haven't had a friend in a long time. I only have one, and she lives far away, happily engaged. And that is the way it has always been...." She said, pausing to take another breath. "It only got worse from there. I was taken advantage of, beaten, abused...." She choked out, tears forming in her eyes again. "I didn't ever want to live again." She whispered, tears splashing out from her eyes and onto her lap as she took her hands and covered her eyes, starting to cry again.
Jacobs eyes turned to that of curiosity to sadness as he watched her break down and cry. hearing her story, his heart felt like it had dropped from its usual spot. Without saying a word, he pulled her into a hug, holding her close as he gently stroked her hair. "Im sorry that happened to you Kira... i promise... from now on, I wont ever let you feel alone... I will be here for you... so long as you need me. Ok?"
Kira nodded, taking a gasp of a breath as she pressed her face into his chest. She didn't want to let go of him, her arms wrapping tightly around his waist as she held onto him. "Please... please don't leave." She whispered to him, crying into his chest as she held on. She would not leave him, as long as he would not leave her.
"Uh Yeah, I guess haha" Benji said laughing and hugging himself the sweater.

This was the best thing anyone had done for him.

"Thank you again, do you need any help with the pancakes?"

Benji laughed as he scratched his head and looked around.​
Jacob let her sob into his chest, gently rocking her back and forth as he did. "Im not going anywhere Kira... thats a promise." he said gently to her, placing a gentle kiss on top of her head, stroking her hair as she stayed pressed against him. By this time Chi had lost interest in the two humans and went off somewhere, but Jacob didnt notice, as he was too busy comforting the young woman he had come to care so much for in such a small amount of time.
Kira could feel her tears slowly drying as she leaned into him, not daring to move from her spot. She cared too much for the moment, to much for the comfort to move from where she was. She let out a sniffle or two, her heart still hammering in her chest. In the background, the timer for dinner went off, but she only barely noticed.
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