Destructed World Cacophony//find my real

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Yo, make one last post for ze Onyx reactions to everyone's sudden suicidal impulses.
I get off work in half an hour. I'll have something up afterwards.
Such optimism.

Yohan can totally unlock Translocate now lololol. Big giant shit is now gone.

Pillars have become denser and denser as Onyx runs further away. He will notice that everything has become super quiet again, and after a while, the ground below him no longer has names. His own body is transparent as well now, and exhaustion is settling in. Whether or not that's from running fatigue or from something else is up to your interpretation.

Alina is possessed, her psyche sledgehammered by countless minds. Her blue eyes are now the same color as the World Soul. Essentially, you will mainly be RPing as the World Soul. Go initiate a convo with me on Discord and we can discuss how it feels.

Caelan is more or less on a set of railroad tracks now that makes him want to kill everything. Now, there is only Madelon. He can resist, but he can only slow himself, not stop.

Amazingly enough, Madelon hadn't been caught in the crossfire of Caelan doing stupid shit.

To all the pairs, this is a good oppurtunity to do collabs. I plan on settling things in my next post, so let's see that dramatic resolution.

To Jageroux, Onyx gets a 'game over', meta-wise.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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>insert something about metaphorical hints
When do you have time for a short collab?
@ERode I can whenever. Even right now if you want to.
Given I've said to hell with it in regards to my insomnia, the couple of lost players, and most importantly ERode's permission I'll be dusting off the cripple, putting her back to use. Will likely just call her Alice this time as a nickname.

Hopefully more use than before. I'm still catching up on things and trying to think up ways to make the best use of her, so I wouldn't expect a post out of me for at least a couple of days. Though could be wrong on that.

Figured I would just type here, rather than just magically appearing in the IC to several WTF's.
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Oh hey. Yohan became a Japanese high school girl and got an anime.
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Need to wait on a couple of answers, but I will be making a rather long post to cover the bits of things that I missed and address some of the interactions when she as an NPC. Given no one asked her name I might just change it to Alice as Alison is closer to Alina, something I thought when I was first back in it.

Anyways I'll spoiler the "catch up" bit as that will likely be the bulk of the post.
As a heads up I've finished most of what I needed to do, Alison Alice will return in the next chapter portion from what I've been told.
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Welcome to round three, you corpses. Get out those vision posts if you haven't yet, and after that, feel free to explore or whatever until nightfall. Now, things will start moving less from hurr-durr death-land and more hurr-durr plot land.

I'll PM you your losses after you roll a d4.

I'll write a separate intro post for Alice.

@anyone else
Thoughts on reopening signups for one-two people?

Also, as a general rule, I'll stop waiting on people who aren't showing any interest in posting in a timely manner now.
Leggo for max.
@ERode Alright I'll keep an eye out. Do you want me to use or discard that spoiler/past post btw?

Edit Also I would see a slot or two being opened as okay, but give I'm also a former player/replacement I don't feel I should have any say with it.
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You say "plot" but only Madelon has any to offer. Maybe the blackbird girl. I'm not sorry.

Since we've had a few dropouts, opening a slot or two is something I can get behind.
With great powers come doujins.

You can freely use/train/abuse your powers in Ringrange.
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