Demon Heart, Demon Throne

The king raised an eyebrow at his son. "Such venom from a sick man." The king said. "But there are matters that cannot wait." The king strolled into the room and took a seat at the prince's desk table. "Damon, as you may know, your mother and I are very concerned that you have not yet chosen a suitable bride. Therefore, in a week's time we will host a ball. At this ball will be princesses and noble women from all over. We would like you to choose a woman from that pool. Once chosen, you will have a month to court her until you wed." The king said all this in such a tone as daring the prince to challenge him.
The prince goes silent before walking over to another table picking up a water goass . "I don't want to marry, father. I've made that clear hundreds of times."
"You must have a suitable bride to produce a suitable heir!" His father said. "It is not negotiable."
"I don't need an heir yet! I haven't even taken the throne!" As his eyebrow twitches in annoyance. "My priority is this kingdom, not children father."
"The kingdom is a priority, yes, but the people need to feel secure that they will have a good leader. And people see fathers as a good leader." The king said, his voice steely. "As soon as your first child is born, the throne is yours. And I am weary of this status." The king stood, fixing Damon with a steely gaze. "But you will be wed to a suitable woman and have a honorable heir."
"I'd rather resign-" he holds his tounge and narrows his eyes.
The kings eyes flashed. "No son of mine is resigning!" The king yelled. The king took a breath to steady himself. "You are to be the next ruler of this kingdom. I refuse to have any of your relatives reign. This kingdom has been passed from father to son for years." The king paused. "Son, you will pick a suitable bride, and you will marry. That way we can guarantee a good heir. You will do this. There is no room for debate."
"Then I will do it on one condition." His eyes flash with anger but remaining calm. "That I may pick a few outsiders, whether they be servants or commoners to come and become possible candidates. I will consider each girl equally, and not make up my mind until it is time. If I am to choose someone of poverty you will ACCEPT my judgement with no further questions. To make it fair, it shall be a masquerade. That's the only way I will do as you say, father. Otherwise, I will resign from my post as royalty."
His father sighed. "If that's what it takes. But that girl better be pretty if she's not of noble status." The king snapped and left the room, grumbling to himself angrily. On his way out, the king slammed the door.
It takes all of the prince's will power to calmly set the cup down on the vanity, letting out a breath. He glances at the closet where iri is. He sighs slightly.
Iridessa was still silent, thinking over the kings words. She pulled the jacket tighter around her shoulders. Iridessa sighed slightly, knowing that she had chores to attend to. She silently lamented the fact that she would not be able to stay here with the prince for very long. At the end of the day, she was still just a servant.
After a minute, he walks over to the closet opening the doors, looking at iri, his face easily hiding what's going on in his head. "I apologize that you had to hear that disturbance..." He sighs and runs a hand through his hair.
Iridessa shrugged. "Not a big deal." She said, smiling faintly. "But I've got to go. As much as I'd like to stay with you, I do have chores I must attend too." Iridessa kept up the smile, though all she wanted to do was scowl.
He catches her wrist swiftly, "Iri, I'd be honored if you attended the ball..." a smile curls at his lips slightly, watching her expression.
Iridessa smiled. "I was hoping you'd say that." She said and pulled out of his grip, putting her clothes back on. "And I already have a dress in mind." She said, grinning.
He blinks before smiling slightly, watching her, "I should've guessed you'd say that..."
Iridessa laughed. "It was my grandmothers. She gave it to me a month before she died." She said. "Could you tie this ribbon for me?" Iri asked Damon.
He walks forward faintly taking the ribbon between his fingers, tying it carefully. "I'm sure you'll look beautiful."
Iridessa blushed. "Oh, but it is a masked ball. How will you know if it is me or not?" She asked teasingly, smoothing out her skirt.
He smiles faintly wrapping his arms around her waist from behind, "You think I'd not be able to recognize you?"