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DATE ME, PLEASE! Reality Dating Show

Enjoy the amazing collaboration of @Shayla and I!

See The Amazing Siegfried finally lose his cool and act like a total jackass!

Witness ungodly amounts of text detailing backstory and character development!

Find out Siegfried's terrible secret!

All this and more can be yours, for the low, low price of free ninety-nine! Click now!

(If you can't tell, I'm incredibly bored)
We gotta think about a different name for it though. Hanfried keeps making me read Pan-fried, and all i can think of is delicious oysters...
Hmm... Seem's some name plotting is in store for us , Mister! ^^
HEHE the love keeps blooming and blooming~ Why the girls here like kissing the males XD I ship everyone with everyone, I mean I love double ships :3
HEHE the love keeps blooming and blooming~ Why the girls here like kissing the males XD I ship everyone with everyone, I mean I love double ships :3
I tried to look at it objectively, and dear Hana seems to be the logical choice.

Emi's characters are always off-limits
Edra's probably going to turn out straight
Avianna's the queen of the flying twatwaffles
Mei seems to get Siegfried's big brother instinct activated (it is, after all, his protectiveness of her that is about to turn the house into a battlefield on day...)
Kyoko and Jamie have both departed for parts unknown

Hana, meanwhile, is pretty, kind, caring, and has the kind of personality that really gets my (character's) motor running. I just can't wait till that date comes around; it's going to be entertaining, to say the least...
I dunno about that. I think Emi has her eyes on Carl. Oh, and let's not forget Meiren

I think Emi should not... really put her eyes on him because Moogle just said that she drops this RP... I don't think I will make another announcement for this, I will edit the last one instead. Don't want to spam the updates too often. I will find another player to fill the male spot, well I have several people in line as I remember. So, yeah please enjoy your interaction while I find another candidate, then I will close Day 2 with post where Jamie and Carl have to leave, then putting in the new candidates, Kalna and someone.

FOR EVERYONE, if you feel like you are left behind and can't keep up with the posts that keep on coming, PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE INFORM ME. I will do my best to keep you catch the speed, but I can't do anything when you already lose your interest ;_; I mean I love everyone's character and I'd love to finish the RP with all of you, still I can't be so naive and think this won't happen again, but I still have high hopes!

@darkflames13 @Shayla @Shattered♦Secrets™ @DANAsaur @Gateman @EmiHarned @Meredith

I tried to look at it objectively, and dear Hana seems to be the logical choice.

Emi's characters are always off-limits
Edra's probably going to turn out straight
Avianna's the queen of the flying twatwaffles
Mei seems to get Siegfried's big brother instinct activated (it is, after all, his protectiveness of her that is about to turn the house into a battlefield on day...)
Kyoko and Jamie have both departed for parts unknown

Hana, meanwhile, is pretty, kind, caring, and has the kind of personality that really gets my (character's) motor running. I just can't wait till that date comes around; it's going to be entertaining, to say the least...

Don't worry, the dating day will come faster than you know! Since I will skip days, so yeah we only have about 2 days left before reaching the weekend~
I laughed more than I should've when I read this XDD

That ship isn't sailing yet! Or... is it? I can't tell xD
Who knows if Mei and Ren will end up with each other ~ Someone might just come and whisk her away :"D
I was trying to find the best way to describe his feelings about her that didn't violate profanity rules.

As for that ship, I don't think even Mei know what ship she's letting in her dock yet....and I just realized how bad that sounds out of context
I think Emi should not... really put her eyes on him because Moogle just said that she drops this RP... I don't think I will make another announcement for this, I will edit the last one instead. Don't want to spam the updates too often. I will find another player to fill the male spot, well I have several people in line as I remember. So, yeah please enjoy your interaction while I find another candidate, then I will close Day 2 with post where Jamie and Carl have to leave, then putting in the new candidates, Kalna and someone.
Goddamnit....If for whatever reason you can't find another male, I'll slap together a good secondary character for you.
I could ship Siegana easily ^^ I mean for Hana she was showing interest in both Ren and Siegfried because she liked the gentlemanly way of Ren matched by his kindness. As for Sieg she found herself curious to see if he wasn't all charm and show.

Also , I'm sure there are other's I could look into bringing in if we can't find anyone.