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I am... Who am I?
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Sci-fi, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, Modern, Fandoms

Roster|IC|Primary Pad



Welcome, one and all, to Date a Live: Mystery of the Sephira. This roleplay takes places in an alternate world from the canon world, which effectively means that the history of the world is not the same, and the characters you have come to know in the canon will not be around. This is meant to serve as our own take on what happens in this world, from how things are dealt with all the way to how it will end.

Original characters, history that we will learn more of as time passes and you help shape it, but most importantly, a story that will capture us all.

With all of that being said, allow me to stop occupying your time with the introduction to the roleplay so you could move on to the next parts and read further!


1) Everyone that joins the roleplay is a person behind a screen. Try and be polite and reasonable when interacting OOC, as swears or smearing people is unacceptable. If you have any issues with anyone, bring it up with me or that person through a PM.

2) Connected directly to Rule 1, if there is any kind of dispute regarding any IC-matter, don't start causing chaos. If you cannot find a way to solve things quietly, bring it up with me in a PM and I will resolve things. Remember that the GM's word is the final word.

3) There will be a total of only 3 Spirits that are played by people other than the GM. Do not ask me to make one if you see 3 spirits were already made by other roleplayers, as I will not change this no matter how good of an idea you may have a spirit.

4) Only up to 2 characters per person. While I do plan on limiting how many characters we have in the roleplay (Up to 5 Ratatoskr agents, 5 AST agents and 3 Spirits), I also want to ensure that people have a chance to join and not see half of the spots taken by a single person.

5) Once your character has been accepted, you are free to begin posting. However, you won't be accepted unless you add the line "Spirit Power, Woosh!" at the bottom of your Character Sheet.

6) Unless it is a spirit, the characters are meant to be in High school range of ages, which means between the ages of 15 to 18 (I will also allow 19 as a stretch, though that should come with a proper explanation). The Ages allowed may update as time passes. If you have any personal requests for an unusual age, contact me directly first for approval.

7) If you wish to have any kind of mini-plot for your character, pass it by me first. It is not meant for approval, but rather giving you details of how things will go if it involves the AST/Ratatoskr or any Spirit that is not player controlled.
7a) If you have an idea that you think would be good as a general, big plot idea, feel free to toss it my way. I always welcome plot ideas for the roleplay, but make sure to understand that it does need to be approved due to it being a more major plot.

8) The roleplay is intended to be more story-based. If you wish to consistently fight Spirits, then you have come to the wrong place. The Spirits here are wiser than consistently making spacequakes and causing trouble every where they go. AST agents also have lives beyond fighting spirits!

9) Respect the decisions the GM make. If you think something the GM has done is not approvable or should be change, you are more than welcome to approach the GM.

10) Deciding on actions of another person's character without their approval is forbidden. Dodging all hits is improbable without a lot of training. If I see anyone perform anything in this manner, there will be consequences.

The World

[tabs][Tab | General Known History|]

The first recorded encounter of a spacequake was 50 years ago. There are claims of spacequakes occurring prior to the date of 21st April 1967, but without any way to verify it, none of those claims can be counted as legitimate.

Since the first recorded sighting of a spacequake, countermeasures have begun to be developed, leading to the formation of several technologies aimed at helping securing people at the case of spacequakes. While such precautions have been designed all around the world, the main occurrence of the spacequakes appears to happen in Japan. It is unknown why it occurs mostly there, but none of the other countries complain and only provide a minimal amount of support, not wanting to risk the chance of a Spirit suddenly appearing within their borders.

The most used technology is the spacequake alarm and automated shelters, which can alert people as soon as a spacequake begins to occur, and thus allowing them to go into pre-determined structures which then go deeper into the ground, thus becoming large capacity shelters. There are many of those scattered around Japan, And a main detection system in each city which broadcasts the alarm via an intercom system.

As of today, the public and most governments of the world are not aware of why the spacequakes occur, nor do they know if there is any way to prevent them.

[Tab | Tenguu City|]

The city where our story takes place. It is a decent sized city, having been built in a crater that was created following a large scale spacequake. It has several large districts , with the main ones being the entertainment district and the shopping district. There are multiple residential districts in the city.

As we explore the city, I will add more details about each district and what unique contents it has.
(You are also allowed and encouraged to add details of your own, just don't go overboard and make sure any details you add do not collide with any previously established details.

[Tab | AST|]

The Anti Spirit Team, AST for short, was established in the year 2000 after Japan begun seeing an increase in spacequake occurrences and Spirit appearances. It was devised by the Japanese government with the aid of several companies as the country's main countermeasure against the Spirits. Being a part of Japan's Ground Self Defence Force, it followed instructions that came from the Government, but for the most part it their operations have been with a single objective:

Go to the location of spacequakes and take down the spirit that cause it, no matter what the cost is.

In the years since its establishment, several companies have provided the AST with equipment to deal with the spirits, but the most effective equipment came from a company named Deus Ex-Machina Industries (DEM for short). That company has been attempting to gain influence over the exact operations of the AST, and it is unknown if they will be successful, or what is their goal.

The AST uses a gear called Combat Realizer Unit, or the CR-Unit for short. It gives the operatives a basic laser gun, laser sword and the capability to create what is known as Territories. These territories have a duel purpose, being used both offensive and defensive. Offensive uses are not apparent in the basic CR-Units, only being present in more advance versions. The Offensive allows to create a fixed target, or multiple, and thus be capable of shooting missiles at them without the need for consistent manual targeting.

The Defensive Territory is one that is present on all CR-Units. It creates a forcefield around the user, one which can take a certain amount of damage before it shatters. In the case of shattering, the user is required to let the territory recharge for approximately half a minute before they can reproduce it, otherwise it will begin affecting their physical state and weaken them.

The AST's base of operations is a military base on the southern end of the crater, small distance outside of the city.

[Tab | Ratatoskr|]

Ratatoskr is a company that have been around and supported Japan's economy in many different ways for many years, and most people around the country would agree that it has managed to base itself as a good influence over the country's progress.

While the company's public face is one that supports the country greatly, it has been considered a pain in the Japanese government back for many years now, not being able to do anything to the company due to the influence it holds over the country. In the past 5 years, it has begun getting involved in the Spirit operations, attempting to find a way to stop the spirits that does not include killing them.

As of a year ago, there have been secret reports that Ratatoskr have been successful in their attempts of finding a way to secure the spirits without killing them, and some claim they have even secured a spirit already. None of the secret reports have been confirmed, and there is a high rate of doubts within the companies that support the AST and the Japanese government,

Ratatoskr basic equipment is an earpiece that is required to be present on their operatives at all times. They also possess CR-Units. but those are kept for emergencies, and only few people in Ratatoskr know how to use them for their full potential.

Ratatoskr's operates from many different small locations around Japan, but their main base is a giant airship called the Fraxinus. The ship possess a teleporter which can teleport anywhere from and to outside locations. If it has a roof, then the target cannot be retrieved. It also possesses a very powerful cannon and many realizer lasers.



[tabs][Tab | General Information|]

Spirits. Unknown beings that do not appear to belong in this world, and possess Extraordinary power and abilities. Whenever one appears, a spacequake usually occurs very shortly afterwards.

In both the AST and Ratatoskr records, there have been multiple records of spirits across Japan, with the most appearances being in the area of Tenguu City, though it is unknown what makes them appear in an almost consistent manner around that city in particular.

Throughout the investigations of both Ratatoskr and the Japanese government, neither side has managed to figure out the origin of the spirits or any way to predict where they will appear and when. With very little to go on, the Spirits remain a mystery for both sides.

[Tab | Angels, Powers and Astral Dresses|]

Each Spirit is accompanied by a tool, one of significant power. It is unknown if they have chosen those tools themselves or if they just appeared with them, but each spirit is very well aware of how to use their tool in a brilliant fashion. Their tools are unique, with none of the spirits having the same tool as another.

As known from the AST encounters, the tools possess names, which often follow the names of biblical angels, and thus the tools, which grant the spirit further powers, have been nicknamed Angels. The only few accounts of an Angel breaking into pieces can be counted on a single hand, and later the spirit appeared to possess the Angel once more, indicating that even if shattered, the Angel is not permanently damaged or destroyed.

Regarding the spirits power, it appeared that all angels possess the ability to fly, and most also possess the ability to shoot some sort of energy-based attack, though how that one is launched varies between the spirits. Other powers they possess without their Angels appear to change and that each spirit has a sort of 'theme' to their powers.

All of the spirits have a strange appearance, being one that is accompanied by some sort of very unusual attire. Due to most of those appearing like Dresses, they have been called Astral dresses, as it appears the attire provides high levels of defense against many forms of attack. It is also apparent that the Astral Dresses are the only attire the Spirits posses.

[Tab | Dealing with Spirits|]

There are two known methods of dealing with the spirits according to Ratatoskr.

The Militant method of dealing with Spirits, which involves bringing a might force to fight and take down the Spirits by killing them and eliminating the threat they pose. That is the system that is supported by the Japanese Government and performed by the AST on their behalf.

The second method, one which is supported by Ratatoskr, is also a risky method. It involves getting the spirit to trust humanity and then sealing off their powers through a special device. While there is no confirmation if it was tested or not, Ratatoskr employees believe that is the right way of going at it, as even the Spirits deserve a chance at a peaceful life. The Japanese government refuses to acknowledge this as a possible method.


Character Sheets!

[tabs][Tab | Ratatoskr/AST|]

[b]Faction:[/b] (Is he in Ratatoskr or AST?

[b]Appearance:[/b] (If you have anything to add to the appearance above, do so here!

[b]Personality:[/b] (At least a paragraph describing the personality. No one liners or several words that describe it.)

[b]History: [/b] (At least 2 Paragraphs of History.)

[b]Occupation:[/b] (Does your character have any other occupation aside for working with the faction they are sided with?)

[b]Equipment:[/b] (Anything beyond the equipment the faction provides? No need to put CR Units or earpiece here!)

[b]Magic Power:[/b] (For Ratatoskr, there isn't any need to put anything here unless you have an explanation in the background. For AST, here is how the Magic Power ranking goes:
The Magic levels go from F, being the weakest, to AAA. There are S to SSS ranks, but I won't allow people to begin with such ranks. 
F rank means that even with a CR-Unit, you would go down by a couple of thrown rocks. A means you pose an actual threat. AAA means you can stand your ground against a spirit on your own.)
[Tab | Spirit|]

[b]Name:[/b] (Must include a number based name. I will be lenient and allow you to choose what language, but remember the roleplay takes place in Japan!
[b]Age Appearance:[/b] (How old does your Spirit look like?)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (If you have anything to add to the appearance above, do so here!

[b]Personality:[/b] (At least a paragraph describing the personality. No one liners or several words that describe it.)

[b]History: [/b] (At least 2 Paragraphs of History.)

[b]Occupation:[/b] (Does your character have any other occupation aside for working with the faction they are sided with?)

[I]Spirit Parameters[/I]

[b]Code name:[/b] (The name given to you by AST and Ratatoskr)
[b]Angel:[/b] (Your angel's name and appearance.)
[b]Weapon:[/b]( What type of weapon do you use?) 
[b]Astral Dress:[/b](Name of your astral dress, add pictures and/or description if not already listed in Appearance-section)
[b]Abilities:[/b] (For example, Miku's abilities in the canon are based around music.)


Alright, I think with that everything is covered.

Now then... Shall we begin our Date?
Reserved for the Roster of Characters.
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