Crazy, Twisted, Unknown Love <3

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Mark smiled for real this time. "Yeah, that sounds good." He immediately frowned, looking away. "But, we have to stay away from alley ways, okay? Don't ask me why, but, we do okay?" He made sure to keep his eyes from Jackson, knowing they might reveal the whole story with ease.
Alley ways? One eyebrow raised, but Jackson asked no questions as he kissed the top of Mark's head and dropped his arm, his hand closing around Mark's. He started to walk, Mark beside him. "So what do you want to do? We could see a movie, we could go to a museum, we could go grab food, we could go fo a long drive, we could just aimlessly walk around the mall, or we could do something different if you have any ideas. So what will it be babe?"
Mark shrugged. "Whatever's cool with you." Mark would have definitely said something about the 'babe' thing if he was alright. He must be very freaked out. He kept his eyes low, and always kept looking behind his back.
Jackson glanced at Mark, a little surprised by hearing no complaints about the babe comment. He also noticed the way Mark was acting and started to get a little concerned as he led them toward his house. "Well, we can go for a nice enjoyable ride, then get food, then we could go rent a movie and you could come back to my house to watch it, and if you'd like, you could spend the night," he said, trying not to push Mark into talking about what was wrong, but he was becoming more concerned by the minute.

Once they had arrived at his house, Jackson opened the garage and grabbed the car keys. He glanced at Mark again as he walked toward the passenger side, unlocked the door and held the door open for Mark.
Mark looked up at Jackson, and smiled a bit, before sliding into the car. He quickly lost the grin, and looked at the car floor again. what if they see me? What if they take me without even waiting until tomorrow? Damn you, Toby! ​He closed his eyes and room a deep breath, all he could do not to scream.
Jackson climbed in the car and pulled out after looking at Mark again to see how he was doing and noticed how fearful and nervous he was. As he drove, he wondered what was so wrong that it had Mark so worked up. "Mark, i really don't want to be bugging you about this, but I'm starting to worry. It's obvious that you aren't okay and I need to know, what's wrong? What has you so upset?"
"..if I tell you you're either going to get pissed of just plain freak out." He muttered, and stared out the window. Mark knew Jackson long enough to boil it down to those two, but it may even be both.
"My reaction could be a mixture of the two, and I would want to kick Toby's ass, but I would restrain myself for you. this is killing me that you're obviously nervous and scared about something, and I want to do smething, anything to help. I want to know what I can do to make you smile and make you happy. So please tell me, so I don't have to pull out the puppy dog eyes and pout, because I will use the two. After all, I am your boyfriend now Mark, and I think I deserve to know what's making you so scared," jackson said, resting one hand on the console for Mark to take if if he wanted.
Mark looked over. He slid his gentle palm up against Jackson's and intertwined his long fingers with his. Taking a deep breath, he spoke "Toby got in trouble with the gang. He, had to pay some sort of debt. And if he doesn't pay it by tomorrow...." Mark paused, swallowing a lump in his throat. "H-he said that, out of desperation, he body as payment." He murmured the last part and winced, slightly expecting Jackson to spin his car to the side of the road like a mad man and start yelling the loudest he could.
Jackson was furious once he was told what was going on, but he tried to not let it show and focused on driving for a moment as he tried to mentally count to ten. He was incredibly pissed of at Toby, and wanted to kick his ass whether this was simply a prank or something serious. But none of that would be good, help Mark feel better or even be productive in any way. "I'll admit I'm pissed at Toby, whether this is simply a prank or serious. If this is serious, well then... I won't let them near you. They would have to go through me first, and even then I would put up a hell of a fight. You're mine and I'm not letting anything happen to you," he said, giving Mark's hand a reassuring squeeze. "And, if it makes you feel any better, we can go up to the summer house and stay there for the night," Jackson said, refferring to the cottage up in the country that his mom had for during the summer.
Mark looked over brightly at the last comment. "Yeah, that would be good.. And, Jackson, don't be stupid. The gang has guns, knives, all kinds of things plus there's like 10 of them. You, unarmed... You wouldn't last 2 seconds." Mark leaned back in his seat. "I'll just gave to keep running from them, unless Toby pays them off, but I really don't think that's going to happen."
Jackson smiled the slightest. "Even so, I'd still protect you the best I could. I love you and I don't like seeing you hurt or anything else. Hell, if we have to go on the run for a while and go to Mexico or Canada and use fake IDs then I'll be there by your side," he said, the slightestof blush on his cheeks as he spoke about how he would protect Mark. it was all true, he would be there no matter what and he would protect him. "Also, I swear Toby needs a good ass kicking one of these days to make him come to his senses."
"Leave him alone. I'm pretty sure it was a drug deal, he can't help his addictions..." Mark closed his eyes and smiled before opening them again. "But, thanks, I feel a lot better." He leaned in and quickly kissed him so no one else saw, and having a closer look at his face, he smiled a bit teasingly. "Look. I made you blush."
"Fine, I'll leave him alone, but it still pisses me off that he offered you out of all the things he could offer," Jackson said, being fully truthful. "Good, I'm happy to have made you feel better." Hearing Mark comment about his blushing and getting kissed just made the blush become a little darker. "So says my tomato princess, who cannot try to blind me because I am the one driving," Jackson said, feeling a tad smug that he had that excuse to avoid getting killed.
"Just because you're driving doesn't mean when we pull over I can't get know, Toby isn't bright, and he loves his friends. He wouldn't come up with that offer all by himself. I wonder if they have him hints on what they wanted as payment."
"Damn. I'm guessing simply saying i love you and I call you that because I love you that isn't going to get me out of my punishment, is it," Jackson siad, his smile crooked. "Huh, you may be on to something. Maybe they even came close to saying that they wanted a sex toy, and you just came to Toby's mind?"
"Dont use that guilt crap on me." Mark reached around and brushed the side of Jackson's hair with his fingers. Mark shrugged slightly, taking his hand away "I dunno. Maybe too scared to say a jock, too humiliated to say a nerd?"
Jackon's lips curled up a little more at Mark's touch and at him complaining about guilt. "Fine, I won't guilt trip you anymore. But when you seek out your revenge, just wait until we're up at the cottage." He thought for a moment about what Mark said. "I suppose you're right? But why didn't they just decide that Toby would be good enough?"
"Fine, I won't torture you until then." Laughing slightly, Mark replied. "Have you seen Toby? He's a drug addict, bone thin, and probably taller then all of them. Not exactly a fun sex toy.. I guess they'd rather take their chances with me, betting Toby was forced to show a picture."
Jackson chuckled. "Thank you, I appreciate that." He slowed the car once he got closer to the town that was near the cottage. "You do have a point, and you are pretty damn sexy," he mused. "I already know that there isn't any food at the cottage because no one has been up there in a while, so I'm going to have to stop at the store. Do you want go to the store with me and we can go before we get to the cottage or do you want me to drop you off at the cottage or...?"