Corrupt A Wish

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Granted. It lacks proper venting space so it overheats in a year.

I wish for more RAM.
Ok, you get a ram.


I wish for a banana.
Granted. No strings attached, because even as an evil djinn, I understand the importance of healthy, balanced diet. They are also ~.69c each anyway.
I guess the only downside is that you could've wished for more.

I wish that I could speak any language fluently.
Granted, but you don't speak fluently and accidentally insult 7 nations. Have fun.

I wish for a apple pie.
Granted, the next one becomes centered around a poor American man living in a time of turmoil.

I wish that I had a sword word.
Granted, it's swishy thing.

I wish for more pizza.
Granted. Your pizza has octopus, anchovies, and squid as the main toppings.

I wish I had more good stories/books to read.
Granted. Reading them is now illegal and they get burned.

I wish for a Master ball.
Granted it belongs to master hand from super smash brothers. He annihilated you for theivery

I wish I already had the degree
Granted. The earth now has one more degree in temp.

Granted, your keyboard hates you.

I wish for a dictionary.
Granted. It's a Hieroglyph > Moonspeak dictionary. Also, the font size is 1pt, making it impossible to read anything.

I wish for night vison.
Granted. Now you can see why they say the night is dark and full of terrors.

I wish Senpai would notice me.
Granted. You are now the target of another of Senpai's stalkers, who is a crazy yandere.

I wish I just needed one minute of sleep a day to be fully rested.
Granted, but time starts increasing by 1 minute every minute resulting in longer times.

I wish for a handbook.
Granted, you write your name in it before realizing it's a death note.

I wish for energy.
Granted. You fall into the sun.

I wish for the corruption
Granted. Your computer becomes corrupted with several viruses. It doesn't boot properly. The corruption spreads any other device you touch, preventing you from accessing the internet.

I wish that I was Force Sensitive
Granted. You can now be easily pushed over (force) by anything, including a gust of wind (being sensitive to it).

I wish for the power to control nuclear fusion and fission, whilst being immune to radiation.
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