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Ann Rayne

Ann sighed softly as the situation defused with an apology. She smiled at Eve then looked to the boys to smile at them. She was just glad they hadn't overreacted too much and used their powers against anyone, or Eve hers. She waited for the boys to introduce themselves and Eve to introduce herself.
Jameson Francis

It was only mildly comforting when the red-eyed girl moved away and looked contrite - she had, after all, sniffed people before even saying hello and seemed entirely too pleased to be out in the cold. And the lack of personal space without being told was something Jameson could personally be worried about as he really did not like someone being so close. Still, she looked guilty when she moved away, and she had listened rather immediately. There was a big part of Jameson that could sympathize with the idea of being 'new to this', though it seemed as if she wasn't as new to this place as he was. Clearly, with just the few sentences she had given to excuse herself, she had been abused in some way and didn't know any better. He didn't really want to think about what kind of life could lead to that.

". . . It's fine." He said slowly, warily still, and put his hand down though he did keep them both out of his pockets for now. "Just . . . don't get so close." He glanced at Ann after a pause and the relaxed set to her shoulders and her expression were more reassuring than Ricchon's had been. The new girl had promised she wouldn't greet people so weirdly again, so that was good at least.

"Smelling people is super uncomfortable, by the way." He added a bit dryly. "Let's not do that." What even was this girl? Her eyes were still tripping him out, and he was almost afraid to find out what her powers might be. For all he knew, she could have death ray eyes, and Ann had been wary at first so it didn't seem too absurd of an idea that he should stay that way himself. He would just have to wait and see, and unfortunately keep an eye on more than one person now.
Ricchon decided Evelynn would be fine, and even though he felt irked at Jameson, he didn't keep his sardonic eyes at him- he had more important matters to take care of in the group. Ricchon's gaze traveled to Ann Marie. He felt like he owed her an apology, but wouldn't dare say that much in a group. He settled with a look in the category of an apology. Most likely it would be recognized as such, or just plain sadness. Ricchon thought of Ann Marie as regal, and he felt that he had no business meddling in her affairs. He couldn't control his feelings though.
It was Eden's fault! She'd shoved him right into Ann Marie in the dining room. He wished their bodies could have met on different terms- like a gentle touch of a hand, but no. Ricchon had pushed her over with his sky scraper of a body, and caused her to run away feeling upset.
Standing tall at about 180 cm, usually his mysterious glances were missed by others. Feeling too shy to look at Ann Marie for long, Ricchon finally looked apprehensively at Joakim. He had noticed his longing glance towards Ann Marie earlier after all, and Ricchon worried that he might have noticed his moment of weakness this time too.
The shadow manipulator decided it was time to take action, and stretched out his hand to nudge Joakim away with him. He wanted to have a word with him in private! He needed to know Joakim's powers! Suddenly one of the staff members pulled Joakim and Jameson away to cover a few things with them before take off. Ricchons hand remained frozen between him and the two girls to his right: Ann Marie and Alicia. Joakim was gone, and the air between him and Ann Marie was open. Ricchon looked at her and Alicia apprehensively. His slender, tan fingers knead into a tense fist, and he looked kind of ready to punch someone for a second. Quickly lifting his hand however, pointing in the air, he established "...I have an idea!" Nervously he tried to come up with step two. What was his brilliant idea again?
Ann Rayne

Ann watched the others, taking note when the staff took the two newer boys to give them the rundown on the rules and expectations. She looked to Ricchon again when he held his hand in the air, making it a fist then declaring he had an idea. She wondered what the idea was and what it was about so she watched him curiously to see what he would say or do next.

Had she known he blamed himself for the snaffu earlier she would have tried to find a way to reassure him that she didn't blame him, that it was just one of those things that happened with so many kids in one place and that she had been upset at her creation's appearance more than anything else.
Jameson Francis

If it hadn't been for the way someone took his arm, Jameson might have been glad to get pulled away from the newcomer to the group, if only to avoid demanding to know why her eyes were red. When someone came over and guided Joa away, Jameson was distracted and so didn't notice another staff member approaching him until it was too late and there were fingers closed around his upper arm, pulling him away with some sort of polite greeting and request he didn't really hear. The second he realized what was happening he was on the offensive, pulling his arm free and taking a step back to follow with a greater distance between them. The woman looked affronted, at first, but kept her smile and separated him just a bit from the other children around.

"Now, James," she said, presumably all good manners and kindness, but he knew what was underneath, "Since this is your first time out with us, I thought I would lay down some grounds rules." She paused as if to wait for him to ask questions, but he only glowered and waited for her to continue, fingers curled into loose fists at his sides. "Well. We'll be taking a little field trip here once everyone is ready, and I wanted to be sure you know what's going on. We'll be walking, and you are not to separate from the group, or deviate from the assigned path, and once we arrive you'll need to listen closely to any staff around so no one gets into any trouble -"

"Like any of you fatheads would let me leave." Jameson broke in, an apprehensive anger in his voice and in his harsh expression. "I get it. Don't run away like you did last time. Dont worry, warden. I'm not goin' anywhere."

He turned and walked away as she started in with a 'Now, James,' and couldn't be bothered to hear the rest. If it was a long walk they were going on he wished he could have gone and grabbed his walking stick, but pride kept him from going to retrieve any of his things when he knew they would probably be watching him like hawks. He could deal with some pain and a worsened limp if it meant not letting them know he wouldn't be running away without his belongings. If they knew that they would know how best to keep him, or where it was best to keep an eye on him. For now he kept it his little secret and just stuffed his hands in his pockets to wander back towards the others.
Alicia Winters.jpg Alicia Winters

Alicia was taken aback by Eve's reaction to being so treated like a freak, the feeling of guilt weighing heavily on her mind as she frowns. She didn't speak and stayed quiet even when Joa and James were pulled aside. It was only then that she was snapped out of her silent watching gaze, surprisingly it was Ricchon who broke her out of it. His exclamation was enough to make her smile as she cocks her head to the side looking at the tall older boy and giggling "Ricchon? You have an idea? Really? Well... I hope it involves all of us. I think I would like the chance to make amends for acting so harshly with Eve" She looks at the spider girl and gives an apologetic curtsy. Though she hadn't said anything to the girl it was the glare and the lack of standing up for her that made Alicia desire to apologize

Alicia didn't hear any of Jameson's angry lashing out at the staff or she might have done a complete turnaround in her temperament and likely started an argument between her and Jameson. While the adult staff would be mature enough to let his outburst go, Alicia would believe it to be unforgivable unless Jameson apologized for his behavior. However as it stands right now she is still all smiles as she awaits Ricchon's idea and for Mr Powers to make his announcement that would explain why they were all gathered outside. She wondered if this would be a normal thing, this group. Ricchon, Jameson, Joa, Ann, Eve, with Eden off on her own. If Alicia wasn't already content with the fact that she managed to make the acquaintance of this many people, she would simply go invite the redhead to the group without hesitation
Ricchon's breath caught when the guys got pulled away. Weren't they supposed to back him up? What about the bro code? He started sweating as he was left with Alicia and Ann Marie looking at him expectantly. Evelynn was probably present too as she'd been last seen twiddling her thumbs in Ricchon's left blind spot. While listening to Alicia however, Ricchon, even though desperate, felt like he had an opening. She had to present him with something useful. As he watched her optimistic lips moving, and forming words, he finally got an idea. He'd claimed to have one from the start, but now he smiled victoriously when speaking his mind. Placing his hand, which had been pointing in the air, down on his hip, Ricchon spoke self assured to the girls. He could get them on his side. "I think we all kind of got on the wrong foot here. We're all perhaps a bit taken aback by the newcomers, just like they are taken aback by us and this school, or orphanage, whatever one might want to name it." Straightening up and looking steadily at them all he said "Let's introduce ourselves properly, with respect, and pride." Looking at Alicia Ricchon's eyes softened "We all have something to learn from each other, and I think that we're able to make them feel welcome in the end." Looking at Ann Marie finally, he said with a small, charmingly coy smile "...Don't you?" Ricchon trembled from within, but defying his fear, only a small amount of vulnerability showed through his brown eyes. He could seem like an older student trying to keep order.
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Ann Rayne

Ann listened to Richon and smiled softly. That might work, if everyone agreed. They would have to wait for the new boys to get back to the group though. She glanced over to Powers and wondered how much longer they would wait here then returned her attention to Ricchon once more, nodding.

It would be better to at least try to be friends and friendly to eachother than to fight even subtly. Too many could be hurt in that kind of fighting. Her gaze shifted to an angry looking James as he came back over to the group and she wondered what the staff had said to set the new boy off now. She had thought it would only be a simple going over the rules, but maybe not.
Jameson Francis

Jameson was steaming as he walked away from the woman that tried to treat him like a baby, or an idiot. He knew very well that this place was a prison and there were rules he had to follow - he didn't know what sort of consequences a place like this could have, but it stood to reason the more intense security than other orphanages would mean more intense punishments as well. Before he had a solid escape plan, he had no desire to poke the beast, but it didn't mean he had to be nice about following all the stupid rules.

When he got closer to the others and saw Ann watching him, he did at least have the grace to look away and take a few deep breaths, until he could calm down enough not to look angry at her. That wouldn't have been fair.

"So." He said, hands stuffed in his pockets again and posture rigid, anxious to just get going so he could have something else to think about. "I hear somethin' about newcomers?" He didn't actually care if they were talking about him, but it was as lighthearted a quip as he could manage.
With the other's support, Ricchon felt like he could apologize to Jameson now. The kid seemed to have grounded his feet, and Ricchon thought he should reward him for his hard work. Lifting his chin lightly while facing Jameson, Ricchon spoke proudly with his hands locked behind his back "You've addressed me as 'ghost' before. That is not my name, though instead of blaming you for it, I will rather admire your creativity..." Whether this was a compliment or mockery was hard to tell by the seriousness of Ricchon. He carried some sort of vulnerability in his next line however. He shortly looked at the ground before looking back at Jameson with calm eyes "My name is Ricchon. Feel free to call me whatever you like, but- that is-..." Hesitation crossed his face, and his brown eyes trailed over to Ann Marie and the others before continuing coyly back at Jameson "...My name." He took a discreet, deep breath while looking into Jameson's temperamental eyes, and asked low "What is your name?" The fear within Ricchon caused his eyes to sharpen, and his question could perhaps seem a bit bitter.

♫ Now Playing: ??. 'Be Still'

Eden's breath condensed and clouded up in front of her face as she exhaled into the air, almost freezing. She began grazing her fingers over her palms, hands forming a beating spiral shape in her lap. Her focus shifted, from people to feeling, The sensitive skin on her hands making known every wrinkle and ridge on her hands. She focused on the feeling, doing her best to ignore all the people coming around at once, at least until they could get moving.


She took many deep breaths, the gravity in the area gently increasing with each inhale, lessening with each exhale, her mind growing quiet in the absence of stress and worry. Eden was meditating.
An extremely loud whistle made her jump, but she remained in her own world.


♫ Now Playing: 20. 'Powers'

Powers put his pinkies to the corners of his mouth, and made an excruciatingly loud whistle, the kind that your dad could do but you never really figured out.
The chatter stopped and the crowd's shuffling died out.

"Good morning children! I trust you're all doing well and good!"

His voiced boomed out over the crowd, practiced and full, but gentle as he was always known for speaking.

"If those of you in the front rows could pardon your gravity misbehaving for a few minutes, I've got some big news for everyone! We're all going on a field trip!"

He clapped his hands together in preparation, and waited for excitement to die out before he continued.

"As many of you know, outside these walls isn't the best place for young men and women like yourselves, the few of us who are dedicated to keeping you safe are primarily staffing these institutions, and the rest of Baltimore...well, they're not too fond of the idea of crazy superhero kids running around, y'know!"

He chuckled a bit, trying to ease tension, but his face donned a more serious, concerned expression.

"Out there is dangerous, that's not a joke. If any of you don't want to come along, that's perfectly fine, you can wait behind with the other staff. However, if you are concerned that you will not be safe, I will have you know we've got the best security around that will be keeping watch on you all the whole time! And of course I'll be there if need be. For those of you still interested, we will be taking a walk to the station, and taking the train over to the harbor, just a little outing for you all behaving so well recently, and to welcome our newcomers."

Powers's eyes scanned the crowed, making eye contact with the two new boys, smiling as if to personally greet them.

"Before we head out today, there are some rules. No powers outside the fence, this is safety 101, it could get you hurt. Stay close to me, and stay close to each other, the last thing anyone wants is for one of you to get lost. Lastly, please be sure to have a buddy for the trip, just pair up and make sure that you're always in sight of your buddy, and team up to make sure you stay with the group. All that out of the way, unless anyone has questions, We can get moving!"

He clapped his hands again, accentuating his speech, and scanning the crowed again for anyone who might be curious..
Ann Rayne

Ann looked over to Powers, listening to him as he spoke then looking around at their group they had formed. She smiled and looked from one to the other of them, ending on Alicia and holding out her hand to the girl. Pairs and groups, well they could do that, be together as a group to stay with the larger group. Her and Alicia, Richhon, Jameson, Joa, Eden and Evelyn. Even Clary and Luke could be part of their grouping if the two wanted. Hm, still uneven...maybe one of the other kids would join in to make the numbers even and they could just stay as a group so they could go to this place together.
Being perhaps the tallest among the crowd, Ricchon was, unfortunately, quite open to the piercing whistle. He got his brain ringing, and cringed "Ahh!" Calming right away he turned to look at Mr Powers. Befriending Jameson would have to wait a little longer it seemed, though maybe he could pair up with him? No! He wanted to pair up with Ann Marie. Or maybe Joakim, he would be the perfect distraction from his fears.
Even though Ricchon respected Mr Powers, he looked quite bitter at the older man. He wished he wouldn't speak of the opportunity to stay behind, or how dangerous it cold be for him out there. He knew this, that was why he had refused to come along his first two years. The times he had been taken along, he'd vanished in that cloud of his. He would always be found back in the orphanage though, staffs yelling at him for worrying them so much. This last year Ricchon had made a deal with Mr Powers and the staff, that he would come along on these trips, and try not to be scared. With the help of the medicine it had gone well, and Ricchon had gained more faith in himself and his powers.
Glancing back at Ann Marie and Alicia, Ricchon cursed the little child for being on his crush's mind so quickly. She was a real cock blocker! Ricchon looked quite ready to bail, even though he wasn't quite there yet. As all the others were expecting him to break the deal, no one asked to be his partner, at least for the time being.
Alicia Winters.jpg Alicia Winters

Alicia listened to Ricchon's idea and liked the sound of it, though the execution would be difficult. After all Ann couldn't speak and Ricchon never seemed like the social type. Alicia would be happy to tell everything about herself but she was patiently awaiting her turn. Before anything could really get started though there finally came the announcement from Mr Powers and the revelation was shocking. They were going to go outside?! In that dangerous place with all those people that hated and feared them! There was no way... no way that she would ever agree to come along on this trip. At least that's what she told herself. Alicia had plenty of reasons to prefer the orphanage to the outside... The incredible security, the isolation of the damage her powers could do, and others who she could relate to in terms of being abnormal. There were also books and classes, food, and even if being cooped up became tiring there was a yard to alleviate that...

Alicia began taking a step back towards the house, her eyes widened with fear and anxiety... not enough to make her powers activate but enough that she felt the need to get out of here. When Ann offered her hand out to comfort her Alicia looked at her with pleading eyes, her voice was shaky and pleading "Ann... would you stay back with me? I... I don't want to go on this. Too much can happen. Who knows what kind of psychopath out there might show up and try to hurt us... What if the security isn't good enough?! I don't want to die and I don't want you to die!" She was quickly becoming distraught at the mere thought of going outside on a field trip. As if there was a 200% chance that murderous psychopaths would be waiting to kill them all. She truly believed that and she was starting to cause a scene with how her voice was starting to rise along with her panic. To be this terrified of leaving one's home even for a moment was definitely very wrong yet no amount of therapy had managed to help this fear as of yet

♫ Now Playing: 20. 'Powers'

Shock and awe seemed to be the only two things penetrating the din of pleasant conversations and city noise. Many of the kids seemed distraught at the fact that they'd be going outside, and to some of the long-time residents, going out again. A few of them remembered what had happened a few years back when Eden had nearly taken out a city block. They only ever managed to get back to the orphanage thanks to the security escorts back then. Most of the kids from back then had either moved on from the orphanage or were close to leaving.

"I know that everyone is very concerned about this little excursion, but let me remind you: We have the best protection in Maryland. The security team here is top notch, and they'll be making sure we're safe every step of the way!"

Powers's voice was again, a booming chant, happily granting the kids what little sense of safety he could, even if it might not count for much to some of them, and in the end, he knew only a portion of the kids would be coming along, but even if it was one, it was worth it. These outings weren't just for fun or danger, they represented a chance to teach the kids about the world outside, and prepare them for living in it, if the world could really come to that.

"Whatever happens, if you're coming along, I need you to know that I will keep you safe out there."

His expression hardened, but displayed an earnest kindness. These kids were a bright step toward the future, and would be the most important group going forward in the fight for their own human rights. They needed to be safe, no matter what. Even with the rest of the world biting at their ankles.
Jameson Francis

Uh-oh. Things were starting to go awry, and Jameson was floundering a little. He was, unsurprisingly, underwhelmed by Ricchon's strange re-greeting, but couldn't blame the taller teen for thinking Jameson didn't know his name. For his part, he only responded with a confused and only mildly irritated "Jameson", and left it at that, despite thinking Ricchon already knew his name. He'd been wrong, probably, and he tried not to think of the fact that the tension between them seemed sort of one-sided. 'I don't blame you for something' was not an apology, or an explaining away of how he'd nearly died, so he wasn't about to relax his guard about it.

And then, as Powers kept speaking and everyone kept talking louder, Alicia started to panic over something. Jameson made a worried face, glancing between her and Ann, and the other groups of people that were forming nearby as other orphans paired up. He, personally, had no desire to be anyone's safety buddy, as he hardly knew anyone, but he didn't want Alicia being so afraid like she was.

"It's all right," he said softly to the younger girl, holding his hands out a bit, placatingly. "Top notch security, right? Mr. Ironic Name just promised that. I bet nobody's broken into this place." Dear god, he hoped not, if only for the sake of his point. "So nobody's gonna get through mobile security either, right?"

He shifted a little closer, warily, not wanting to frighten her inside, and kneeled down next to her without much worry for the snow seeping through the knee of his pants. "I'll be your third wheel, hm?" He suggested with a careful smile. "Me, you, and Ann can be walking buddies. With top notch security and my street smarts, we'll make sure nothing bad happens either." He looked back and forth and leaned closer with a conspiratorial lowered tone. "I'll go get my walking stick, and if anybody comes too close that you don't like, we'll whack 'em with it."
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Ricchon pulled his hands up into his sleeves just to hide how they clenched into fists of anger. Deciding he was never going to be good enough for Ann Marie, and that people would never truly like him, he started to head over to Eden. She was one of the first who'd changed her mind about him. He wasn't 'glitch' to her anymore, at least she didn't call him that in a hostile manner. She looked rather lonesome too.
Ann Rayne

Ann rubbed Alicia's hand but shook her head a little. She wanted to go out and see the world, even if it was only a small portion of it. When Jameson came back over, she turned her attention to him, smiling at his suggestion. She glanced to Richhon again then looked back to Alicia and made a circle to include all of them with her hand. Just with this group, there wasn't anyone who would dare to hurt them. Of course, she wouldn't stop Alicia if she really wanted to stay, though it would be sad to leave her here.

♫ Now Playing: 05. 'Under a Cloud'

A Figure was approaching through the crowd, Ricchon. Eden didn't even begin to notice so soon. Her eyes visibly unlocked and on rampage against the ground, shifting every which way to avoid looking at people. Her heart rate was down now and she wasn't so keen on dismantling the foundations of earth as she was before, however. As the figure got closer, gravity grew stronger, there was about a five-foot circle of kids around Eden where nobody really wanted to walk for fear of undue discomfort, but standing there next to her was Powers, magically unaware of the well in spacetime slowly accruing next to him. Eden pursed her lips momentarily and her eyes squinted to match, her head seemed to fall against the backs of her hands, her forehead churning slowly against her wrists. Her hands gave off the impression of a newborn's, as they looked to be grasping for something that wasn't there. Anyone close enough could hear a small, small rumble from her throat, like someone groaning from a headache.


Good, she was nonverbal. Wait, that wasn't a good thing. Eden's mind was rapidly gaining speed into a more and more dysphoric state. Inanimate things were starting move in her peripheral vision, darks grew darker, lights grew lighter, and she kept returning to days in two. People everywhere, stacked together like slaves, some cried, some scratched at their skin in the night, others could stare at walls or scream or do all four and more things. Eden would just sit, and try to disappear.
The circle around Eden was actually growing somewhat faster now, people taking a few steps back every few minutes, some were looking her way, but Powers still remained stoic at her side, just watching the kids as they cooled down and coalesced for the walk. But his legs were shaking slightly.

Having walked a few meters away from Ann Marie, Jameson, Alicia, Evelynn and Joakim, Ricchon made his way through the crowd. He quickly realized Eden was having a hard time dealing with some kind of reaction to stress, and seeing how she sat down in the snow, he guessed it was quite serious. He paused just outside the abandoned circle, and looked at Mr Powers seriously. Ricchon hated these trips. They only made everyone get nervous and unstable. He'd faced and been tossed around by Eden's powers for years, and grown accustomed to it, but he knew it was a bad idea to go near her. The way her fingers scratched at her head was alarming, and Ricchon turned abruptly not to make things worse. He marched back to the door, wanting to stay behind. He wanted to rebel against this stupid outing, but in the end he had no choice. In his need to conquer his fear, he would follow the group.
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