Chronicles of Sunken Refuge (Lithel Aelfwine x SilentxChaos)

"My true-- huh, Regald told you, did he?" Aelita's lips curled with displeasure. "That wasn't his decision to make. I'll have to talk to him later regarding what secrets are his right to divulge. Nevertheless..."

Her hands moved to her waist as she considered Lara's suggestions and the barricade facing them. Gyl would take care of asking questions of the locals. He was her right hand despite their differences of opinions, and she trusted him to be discreet yet thorough. But she admitted to herself the idea of pretending as a mercenary ship left a bad taste. Aelita had no intention of returning to the Refuge as anything less than what she was when she left it.

"You have a point in outrunning the siege," she said to the giantess, "Very well. We'll sneak along the edge to drop off Gyl and his team. They'll get the answers we need. If a ship spots us then we can draw their attention while our people go ashore."

She smiled thinly, a flicker of bloodlust in her eyes. "I'd prepare for battle, milady. Today will be an interesting day indeed."
Fucking sea bullies, fucking sea cities, fucking sea sieges and fucking fuck Lara muttered as she left, fed up with the stark feeling of loosing all control. It was to be expected, though, as she was in another one's ship and having being raised as a princess for her people. She liked to think that she was not another spoiled child with problems to deal with refusal, but she was ashamed by the thought of being just that.

Fuck me
She exclamed getting battle ready. If this day they got to break some skulls, violence would not come too soon to ease her ache for some kind of payback and the feel of being useful again.
Aelita hid a smile, amused despite herself. She returned to the helm as the Zephyr turned its course along the Sunken Refuge's coast. They began sailing north-north-east away from the barricade. Aelita called for her spyglass and placed her eyes to their rear, watching the array of pirate ships. Their position meant the colours that identified which ship was whose were hidden to her and she bared her teeth. She didn't recognize any ship, but that meant little. It had been near a century since she'd been here; ships can be replaced or captured by a new captain.

"Captain! Approaching twenty degrees to our south!" Their spotter from the crow's nest called down.

Aelita immediately turned her eyes to that direction. Regald walked up to her side, standing with his hands folded in front of him. "What's the call?" she yelled back to the spotter.

A pause. "Two sails! Ownership unknown yet approaching from the harbor. Most like part of the barricade."

Aelita tsked. They'll be on our tails soon. We'll have to lower Gyl's longboat while passing the coast, then cover their landing by drawing these two away.
Lara grew professional in the burst of activity before contact with the other vessel. The things to do help her to get focused and by the time they had closed distances, Lara was clad in her leather armour and had her axe ready for the other ship.
Curiously enough, only this elves looked like what people in the mainland would call "pirates". Most ships were well kept, and their crew didn't sport the laughable attire most of these elves used to show their belonging to the profession.

IN the midst of the encounter between vessels, from the barricading wall of invaders a row of warning (or maybe meassurement) shots were fired, and some other responded in the distance. A first row of captains sounded their sea horns for the crew to perform the clearing of the decks before combat, and a tentative advance took place, not moving at full sail, but intently nonetheless.