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Chillin' in Columbia

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Perhaps Junko shouldn't have been surprised with Kyoko's reaction, but she still found herself growing a bit miffed anyway. Who was she to act like Junko's presence was a surprise here? Kyoko and the rest of the survivors of Makoto's death game had been tossed inside that Murder Game, only for all of them but herself and Makoto to die in the end. She'd thought Byakuya had survived, but it turned he was just a bunch of data.

Huh, did that mean a real life version of the Byuakuya she knew was still out there? If so, Junko doubted she'd ever have the opportunity to run into him again.


Junko's hands clenched, eyes narrowing on the Ultimate Detective. Kyoko Kirigiri had been a major asset to the group back when Monokuma was forcing them to kill each other, but couldn't Junko say the same for Makoto? They'd all trusted him, only for it to turn out he was the most awful of them all. What if the Kyoko that stood before her was the same? If she were some loony obsessed with despair, Junko had no time to deal with her bad vibes.

Feeling a bit wary, Junko kept her distance and folded her arms across her chest. She bit her lip in tandem with Kyoko's clenched teeth. The boy Kyoko had been speaking with might as well have turned invisible.


"Well, here I am. No thanks to Makoto and his bullshit. You got a problem with that?"

@Verite @T.O.M.
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"You're supposed to be dead."
"No... You're supposed to be dead."

Konoha couldn't be asked to understand quite a number of things. Mainly due to his amnesia. It was thanks to that he didn't know how or why he ended up here on this city in the sky. But now he ran into two people who seemed to have quite the conflicting views.

"...Dead? What if...You're both dead? Or neither of you are dead..."

If they really were dead then did dead people get up and talk like this? Express disbelief and say another person should be dead?

"Quite confusing..."

@Atomyk @Verite

Ignoring Konoha's strange ramblings, Kyoko gave Junko an intense glare which only deepened when she continued talking, a fist clenching upon the mention of Makoto's name. Of course there was a problem.

But... something was strange. She hadn't switched personalities at the drop of the hat in over two sentences. What happened to the Ultimate Despair that got bored easily and changed mannerisms more often than a person changed their clothes in a week? It was almost like death mellowed her out, but... if only death had kept its jaws on her.

"Not just one. I've got many problems about this, Enoshima," Kyoko said with an edge of toxicity, "How did you get here anyway? How... How are you still alive?"

@Atomyk @T.O.M.
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Ignoring Konoha's strange ramblings, Kyoko gave Junko an intense glare which only deepened when she continued talking, a fist clenching upon the mention of Makoto's name. Of course there was a problem.

But... something was strange. She hadn't switched personalities at the drop of the hat in over two sentences. What happened to the Ultimate Despair that got bored easily and changed mannerisms more often than a person changed their clothes in a week? It was almost like death mellowed her out, but... if only death had kept its jaws on her.

"Not just one. I've got many problems about this, Enoshima," Kyoko said with an edge of toxicity, "How did you get here anyway? How... How are you still alive?"

@Atomyk @T.O.M.

Konoha couldn't be asked to understand quite a number of things. Mainly due to his amnesia. It was thanks to that he didn't know how or why he ended up here on this city in the sky. But now he ran into two people who seemed to have quite the conflicting views.

"...Dead? What if...You're both dead? Or neither of you are dead..."

If they really were dead then did dead people get up and talk like this? Express disbelief and say another person should be dead?

"Quite confusing..."

@Atomyk @Verite
Perhaps Junko shouldn't have been surprised with Kyoko's reaction, but she still find herself growing a bit miffed anyway. Who was she to act like Junko's presence was a surprise here? Kyoko and the rest of the survivors of Makoto's death game had been tossed inside that Murder Game, only for all of them but herself and Makoto to die in the end. She'd thought Byakuya had survived, but it turned he was just a bunch of data.

Huh, did that mean a real life version of the Byuakuya she knew was still out there? If so, Junko doubted she'd ever have the opportunity to run into him again.


Junko's hands clenched, eyes narrowing on the Ultimate Detective. Kyoko Kirigiri had been a major asset to the group back when Monokuma was forcing them to kill each other, but couldn't Junko say the same for Makoto? They'd all trusted him, only for it to turn out he was the most awful of them all. What if the Kyoko that stood before her was the same? If she were some loony obsessed with despair, Junko had no time to deal with her bad vibes.

Feeling a bit wary, Junko kept her distance and folded her arms across her chest. She bit her lip in tandem with Kyoko's clenched teeth. The boy Kyoko had been speaking with might as well have turned invisible.


"Well, here I am. No thanks to Makoto and his bullshit. You got a problem with that?"

@Verite @T.O.M.

"I don't know how she is alive, but she is quite a good singer" suddenly mumbled one of the bystanders who walked past, rather briskly. His eyes were white and glazed over, and his skin was sickly and grey. What the hell was that? However, the air that suddenly surrounded the group was one that Junko may have been familiar with, even if its from someone she...really didn't talk to.

Everything blacked out for a quick moment, space and time disrupting for a such a fast tick that it wasn't even that notable.

A tall figure took the bystanders place, who seemed to disappear. Skinny, and completely jet black-- his form seemed to have no cohesion or stability. Space seemed to briefly distort as he suddenly turned around, revealing his disturbing face-- cracked, and somewhat skeletal.

Junko would probably recognize him as the creepy fucko who stood in the back and spoke in weird symbols.



@Atomyk @Verite @T.O.M.

Yamaku High School: Designed to cater to/for disabled children.

Most students who went tried their best to get well adjusted and this included interacting with their peers/creating cliques and other social groups. The cafeterias were usually abuzz with conversations left and right, even in the classrooms the teachers could barely be heard over the chatter at times. But some people didn't fit that mold and they didn't particularly seem to mind. One of these people was even picked out as 'odd' or 'weird' by some of the other students but she neither ignored the comments or didn't even acknowledge them due to the fact that her mind often fluttered away like a butterfly.

With her dusty red hair that always seemed disheveled/ragged, giving her an eternal 'bedhead' look, she also didn't wear a uniform fitting for a girl who attended the school. This wasn't out of carelessness or disregarding of the rules or anything. The answer to this could have been found if one were to trace their eyes upwards and saw that the sleeves of the male uniform that she wore cut off about halfway. The reasoning for this being that due to a severe birth defect and the surgery that followed, all that was left of her arms were stumps. Thus she used her feet for most of her activities and this of course wouldn't mesh well with a skirt.

But being unable/inconvenienced by articles of clothing aside, this girl didn't let her disability slow her down to any degree. Her dark green eyes narrowed at the canvas in front of her as it had yet to be complete. Holding the brush in between her toes, the girl tilted her head to the side. Nothing else really seemed to matter to her at the moment beyond fulfilling her craft.

This girl's name you may ask?

It was..



All of the other students currently occupying the art room nearly dropped whatever they were doing. For their wasn't much that could prepare you for an abrupt arrival from Emi Ibarazaki. With her hands tightly clasped behind her back, she rocked back and forth on her prosthetic feet as she glanced around the room for her friend. Rin hadn't been disturbed at all by Emi's entrance, in fact it seemed like she was even more focused on her work than before. Still cradling the brush between her toes with such poise. As Emi spotted Rin, she began to make her way over only for the art teacher to stand in her way.


"Hey! Who do you think you are barging in here and yelling like that? My pupils, Tezuka especially need all the quiet they can get! They can't concentrate with loud noises coming from every which way! Now, what reason did you have for coming in here like that??"

Emi wilted under Mr. Nomiya's assault and sheepishly unclasped her hands as she held out a bag filled with oranges.

"Rin and I usually eat lunch together and I noticed she was running a bit late so I wanted to make sure she was okay. Sorry if I disturbed the class.."

The teacher stroked his beard at this explanation, seeming to accept it. But only up to a point as he still wagged his finger in a scolding manner.

"Your care for Tezuka's well-being aside, it'd still be much better for everyone if you waited until everyone else had left! Concentration is a very key ingredient in the makeup of an artist! ..Who are you by the by?"



"Emi. Emi Ibarazaki. Ibarazaki Emi."

Both Emi and Nomiya turned their attention to the girl standing before them with some paint splattered here and there on her shirt. But otherwise seeming as casual as could be. Ignoring whatever response the teacher may have had, Emi's smile returned as she held her arms out for a friendly hug only to pause about halfway as she remembered the last time she hugged Rin and how well that went for her.


"Hi Rin!"






*end flashback*

Which is retracting her arms from an action that she wasn't sure would earn her another kick to the gut, Emi patted her friend affectionately on the shoulder. Rin's demeanor didn't change in the slightest although her posture was now slumped over slightly and her canvas remained half-finished. The moment had been lost as far as Rin saw it. Maybe she'd finish it, maybe she wouldn't. She'd probably change in the period of time that Emi wanted to spend with her. Probably not dramatically though given that time didn't really seem to stop on a whim, who knew for sure? Someone with a time machine most likely. But she didn't know anybody who had one of those so the point was moot.

"Hello Emi."

"Sorry to burst in like I did, Rin! I just wanted to make sure you were okay! You can't skip out on eating too often, y'know! You'll wither up and fade away!"

Rin gave a noncommittal shrug in response. Didn't seem she was too concerned with that outcome if it were to even happen. Emi would likely fuss over her before that even became a problem. She had a bad habit of doing that a lot. Fussing that is, it bothered with Rin's thinking which was already hard to understand given how nonsensical it was half of the time. As the two friends conversed however, they seemed to have forgotten Nomiya who cleared his throat and gestured towards the painting that Rin had stopped working on.

"Are you finished with that painting, Rin?"

"Maybe. Yes? No? Would probably spell bad things if it sat there unfinished. End of the world level things."


Rin shrugged her shoulders again and turned to walk off/was pulled along by her sleeve as Emi waved to the teacher. "Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be back to finish it up in no time! Rin's pretty great like that!"

Accustomed to Emi's energetic personality/behavior, Rin's attention went elsewhere as she was pulled along. Likely to the roof as it's where they sat down to have all their meals. Not that Rin minded. It was free food and it let her glance up at the sky. That was always a plus. As the two of them made their way up the stairs, Rin quietly made her way over to a bench as Emi quickly set about peeling an orange for her friend. Rin wasn't handy enough to do something like that herself.


"Ah, doesn't today just feel like it's going to be a great day, Rin? The sun's shining, the birds are chirping and I'm all ready for a run! After we eat of course!" Emi chirped joyfully as she went about continuing to peel the oranges as Rin once again shrugged while waiting patiently for her food. What was supposed to be so great about today? Nothing really seemed to be out of the ordinary. Unless it was supposed to be that way to lull her into believing nothing had changed when actually everything had and she was stuck thinking about the possibility that something had changed.

Oh well, no time to think about that. Oranges.

"Open wide!~"


Swallowing the first orange with little trouble, Rin kicked her feet back and forth.

"Today's Monday."

"...It sure it is!" Emi agreed as she couldn't quite think of any other response that was appropriate. Though after spending as much time as she did with Rin, that was a given at this point. Giving another orange slice to her friend, Rin gulped that down as well. As she prepared to give another one, Emi tapped her chin in thought. Almost as if she were pondering a question.

"Aha! So Rin, what was it you were working on before I came and got you? From what I could see it looked really good!"

"A painting."

"...What kind of painting?" Emi asked again with a giggle interspersed here and there.

"One that hasn't been finished."

Suddenly Emi's mood too a flight south as she paused before giving Rin another slice. Her hand lowered and her eyes gazed downward. She tried to think she was used to Rin's comments after how they'd become friends and everything but even then there was the occasional comment that felt like it was more of a jab even if Rin likely hadn't intended it that way.

"Oh...I'm sorry Rin. I should have came in later.."

"Doesn't matter now. The moment was lost. It'll be a little bit different when I go back to work on it again. Maybe for the better. Who knows."

The reassurance(?) if one could even see Rin's response as that did little to calm Emi. She hated making people, let alone people close to her miss out on things because she wanted to do something. She just wanted to make sure Rin was eating okay! The girl often got so wrapped up in whatever it was she was doing that she forgot to eat/sleep/who knows maybe she'd even forget to breath if Emi didn't remind her! Before she could respond, her cell phone started to ring. Holding it up to her ear, Emi nodded.

"But I'm eating with Rin, can't it wait-No? Ugh...Alright, I'll be right down." Closing the phone up, Emi turned towards her friend who had already taken to laying down on the bench.

"I imagine it's the nurse. Likely wants to see you again. Or it's a potential suitor. Or the track team captain. Either of those three seem possible. With varying degrees in between them. Which one is it?"

"Oh, it's just the Nurse. I guess he heard from Hisao that I was limping and now he wants to see me and he won't take no for an answer. Ugh, I don't know why he had to pick now of all times to call! Look, I'll be right back okay Rin? Don't worry! I'll be back before you know it!" With that Emi ran off like a shot, bolting back down the stairs. In a rush to get this checkup over with and to go and hang with her friend.

"..Know what?"

Oh. Emi was already gone. Figures with how much she runs, she'd be that fast. Glancing over at the remaining slices, Rin leaned over slightly to pick one up with her teeth. Wasn't that big of a deal and she'd easily gulp it down after a second or two of hesitation. The rest of the oranges would have to be peeled whenever Emi got back. Who knows if she'd still be hungry by that point though? Oh well. Gazing up at the sky, Rin's eyelids suddenly seemed to grow a bit heavy. She often stayed up longer than would be considered healthy by both Emi and the nurse. Rin usually only heeded that advice when she had no other choice though. But maybe it wouldn't hurt if she just took a little nap. She'd seen Hisao do it up here plenty of times. The conversations she had with him afterwards were...interesting.


It was then that Rin gave in to the feeling and let herself drift off to sleep. When she woke up, she'd feel somewhat rejuvenated. It was a nice enough feeling to have, she supposed. But as she slowly pulled her feet off what sh imagined to be the bench, she'd end up rolling onto her side. Thankfully if she had been on the bench that might have stung a little bit if she didn't rise to her feet but instead toppled over. The only problem was however that this place no longer seemed like the rooftop to her school. It seemed like something far different.

Everything seemed so old and Rin couldn't help but feel a tad out of place. Had she started sleepwalking and ended up walking back through times? Was that even possible? No, she doubted it. You needed a time machine for that kind of action. Unless the bench she happened to fall asleep upon had one hidden within it that Rin activated in her sleep.

But that too seemed a tad farfetched. Maybe if she wandered around for a bit, she'd catch her bearings. As the armless artist continued to wander through the city in the sky, off in the distance she'd spot what seemed to be two girls, perhaps around her age conversing. With a boy in odd attire looking back and forth between the girls as they walked.

Also, their was some type of skeleton thing.



Rin kept on walking unless someone or something wanted her attention. All the while Konoha continued to be entranced as Junko and Kyoko continued to speak. He didn't know who either of these two girls were. But what they were saying seemed interesting.

@Atomyk @Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Anyone

Jesus, people always seemed to flock toward wherever Junko went these days. Not that she was complaining, but what the hell was with everyone being so weird?

Bristling at the sudden entrance of both an armless girl and a tall gaunt skeleton, Junko looked away from Kirigiri. She was still biting her lip in anticipation, thinking over what the Ultimate Detective was getting at. If the Junko she knew was supposed to be dead, what kind of Junko had that one been? She raised a hand and physically waved off her own thoughts.

"I don't know how I got here. I don't even know if I should be alive." Her eyes found Gaster and she fixed him a curious glance. Something about his presence had sent a shiver up her spine. "I guess it was just multiversal bullshit."


"And... well... singing is not really my thing. I'm not an Ultimate Pop Star or whatever. Since I've got an audience now, would you guys mind taking some signed photos I happen to still have? I need to rebuild my fanbase."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite @T.O.M.
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Jesus, people always seemed to flock toward wherever Junko went these days. Not that she was complaining, but what the hell was with everyone being so weird?

Bristling at the sudden entrance of both an armless girl and a tall gaunt skeleton, Junko looked away from Kirigiri. She was still biting her lip in anticipation, thinking over what the Ultimate Detective was getting at. If the Junko she knew was supposed to be dead, what kind of Junko had that one been? She raised a hand and physically waved off her own thoughts.

"I don't know how I got here. I don't even know if I should be alive." Her eyes found Gaster and she fixed him a curious glance. Something about his presence had sent a shiver up her spine. "I guess it was just multiversal bullshit."


"And... well... singing is not really my thing. I'm not an Ultimate Pop Star or whatever. Since I've got an audience now, would you guys mind taking some signed photos I happen to still have? I need to rebuild my fanbase."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite @T.O.M.

... Wait. What? Multiversal....

Though Kyoko maintained a high guard, despite not showing it, she was admittedly caught a little off-guard when Junko would utter the phrase "multiversal bullshit." Piling onto the previously existing suspicions that existed, what with Junko's nonchalant, almost irritable and fussy personality, compared to her usual self after having been discovered as the Ultimate Despair, the mention of a multiverse earned Kyoko a quizzical interior.

Granted, the scenario was entirely possible that Junko Enoshima had faked her death in order to discover the multiverse at the same time Kyoko and the rest of the survivors of the Hope's Peak Academy incident had, but... No, no, no. The possibility of that scenario was... rather low, considering Junko's obsession with despair. She seemed quite content to die back there. Not in the "I've got a trick up my sleeve, so I'm not afraid I'm gonna die because I'm not" way, but more because she genuinely didn't mind. She loved the feeling of despair that she was drowning in, that she had induced into so many people...

But what with Junko Enoshima wasn't an entity who dedicated her life solely around despair?

She had to prove this somehow, right here, and be able to see through the lies.

After a small awkward moment of just standing there with her arms crossed, giving everyone except Junko the cold shoulder, as though she didn't even realize they were there, the young detective spoke again.


"Junko Enoshima. I'm going to ask you a few questions. And you will answer them truthfully. Or I will know. Am I understood? If so..."

"Back at the Academy, what was the name and title of your sister?"

"Second, what happened in the end of the incident?"

"Third, who was or were the Ultimate Despair?"

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @T.O.M.
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Despite the fact that the city exhibited much cold there was a clear change in the air. The snow that had adorned the streets had now melted away to show the new flowers bursting out from the ground, as well as fill the air with bird song, despite the fact that there was no birds in sight.

Spring had arrived in Columbia, perhaps a day at the beach wouldn't be such a bad idea in this juncture?
Ugh, of course the Ultimate Detective would start grilling her about totally obvious information.


"My sister was Mukuro Ikusaba and she was the Ultimate Soldier, information you should already know. Some detective you are." Junko had crossed her arms, mimicking Kyoko's physical gesture. What were these questions going to prove? Obviously, the girl before Junko had a thing for getting people to come to conclusions on their own, but this just seemed ridiculous. Maybe she wasn't full of despair if she was acting so... usual.

"At the end of the incident... which one? The super despairing one or the one we were all a part of? Maybe some other incident of the way too many I've been a part of! Monokuma wanted us all to kill each other, and so many of us did... We never got to learn who was behind it all in the end before we were pulled into a whole different kind of game. A Murder Game, you know? Those things suck. In the end, it was only me, Makoto, and Byakuya... but Byakuya turned out to be a bunch of data, so I guess he died too and I didn't even realize it."

The girl shook her head, lowering head slightly to avoid Kyoko's gaze. They were all dead, and yet here was one of them. One still lived, so how many others were out there...? "We were trapped in a computer, and I guess we ended up being part of another one of those games in a way. It turned out Makoto had fucked us all over, and he was the one who started Ultimate Despair in the first place. I don't know if you think I know what's going on, but all I ended up figuring out was that Makoto led them and my sister was a part of them in some manner. I didn't even know. I guess we'd drifted more apart than I even realized."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite @T.O.M.
Ugh, of course the Ultimate Detective would start grilling her about totally obvious information.


"My sister was Mukuro Ikusaba and she was the Ultimate Soldier, information you should already know. Some detective you are." Junko had crossed her arms, mimicking Kyoko's physical gesture. What were these questions going to prove? Obviously, the girl before Junko had a thing for getting people to come to conclusions on their own, but this just seemed ridiculous. Maybe she wasn't full of despair if she was acting so... usual.

"At the end of the incident... which one? The super despairing one or the one we were all a part of? Maybe some other incident of the way too many I've been a part of! Monokuma wanted us all to kill each other, and so many of us did... We never got to learn who was behind it all in the end before we were pulled into a whole different kind of game. A Murder Game, you know? Those things suck. In the end, it was only me, Makoto, and Byakuya... but Byakuya turned out to be a bunch of data, so I guess he died too and I didn't even realize it."

The girl shook her head, lowering head slightly to avoid Kyoko's gaze. They were all dead, and yet here was one of them. One still lived, so how many others were out there...? "We were trapped in a computer, and I guess we ended up being part of another one of those games in a way. It turned out Makoto had fucked us all over, and he was the one who started Ultimate Despair in the first place. I don't know if you think I know what's going on, but all I ended up figuring out was that Makoto led them and my sister was a part of them in some manner. I didn't even know. I guess we'd drifted more apart than I even realized."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite @T.O.M.



Kyoko would take quite a while to respond to Junko's answers, taking in every word that came out of the Ultimate Fashionista's mouth. The answers were... both satisfactory and unsatisfactory, frustratingly enough. Replaying every phrase in her head like a tape recorder, the Ultimate Detective, with a completely blank expression on her features. Snarky remark aside, which in itself was strange, even for Junko Enoshima (though granted, this only adds to the possibility that this was a different incarnation than she was familiar with, since as stated before, she hadn't been rapidly switching through different personalities for the hell of it), the answer to the first question was fine. It was the same as before; Mukuro Ikusaba was definitely the Ultimate Soldier. Perhaps some elaboration on her status would have been fine, or of their relationship, but she had neglected to ask, so that was on her.

As for the second question... Hmm, that was a little more difficult. Kyoko herself had been referring to the first incident that they had all found themselves in. The one that started the fight between hope and despair. The purple-haired young woman couldn't exactly tell which one the "super despairing one" was supposed to be referring to, assuming the latter of the two incidents she mentioned was the Hope's Peak Academy Incident, but perhaps it didn't matter, given that either way, Enoshima had continued talking. And it was then that her words would become inconsistent with what Kyoko knew of.


Initially, she was puzzled. Narrowed eyes would look down at the ground, her hand cupping her chin in thought. Referring to Monokuma, referring to the Ultimate Despair, in the third person? That wasn't like her. And it only got stranger from there; claims that a Murder Game of all things had come and this Junko seemed to be a part of it, alongside Makoto and Togami. That would imply that... What, Kyoko herself was supposed to be dead? Hmm, perhaps that would explain Junko's initial reaction upon seeing her. Just another piece of evidence to suggest that the two of them were from different worlds. Normally, she would be more skeptical of Junko regardless of all the proof in her favor, as the Ultimate Despair would likely always have a trick up their sleeve, but.. Well, one, Kyoko, along with Makoto and the others, had seen their own Junko die before their very eyes, drowning in ecstasy within her own pool of despair. Two, the answer was far too detailed and lengthy to fabricate on the spot. Of course, it very easily could have been premeditated, but she seemed far too adaptable for this kind of situation.

Admittedly, though she didn't let it show, her heart did boil just a little upon hearing that Junko would answer that Makoto was the Ultimate Despair, if only just for a split-second, but retained her internal composure rather quickly. This was just another sign pointing towards another world. One that had just so happened to have been touched by the Murder Game phenomenon. How inconvenient.

All in all, though...


"I see. It must be hard to have to lose a sister like that, even if you had drifted apart like that," Kyoko would abruptly say. Though her sympathy wasn't entirely feigned, most of the reason she had just said that was more to further gauge and examine this Junko. So she would claim to be from a world in which Makoto was the Ultimate Despair, Togami was... clumps of data, inexplicably enough, and everyone else had perished? Let's see how long she'd be able to keep that up.

"In any case... It would seem that my suspicions have been confirmed. You and I... are not from the same world. I assume that if you're familiar with the Murder Games, you're at least partially familiar with the multiverse system. And let's just say... Things are very much different from where I come from. And because of that, I'm sorry for my initial outburst. It's a... force of habit."

Despite her words, she kept wary, but for the time being saw no further reason to be openly skeptical, as for now it would only seem to impede on the objective of getting out of here.

"Why do you care?"

It was said automatically, sounding almost like a sneer, before Junko could really process why she was saying it. It was unfair and probably downright mean to question Kyoko's sincerity, but it wasn't like Mukuro had ever been the Ultimate Detective's friend. Hell, she herself hadn't gotten along with Mukuro at the worst of times, the pair of them always thinking they had their own solution for their problems. It had never sat well with Junko that her sister had willingly put herself in danger just to care for both of them; had she not realized Junko had enough on her plate without worrying about her sister's safety? The Ultimate Soldier was not a title kind to loved ones.

Junko let out a long sigh, closing her eyes as she tried to curb her wandering thoughts. She understood that Kyoko was just looking for answers, but it just infuriated Junko that she didn't have any to offer. Half the time, she didn't understand what was even happening around her. She was adrift at the multiversal sea, lost and disconnected from everything she'd come to know. That Kyoko - a version of her, at least - was standing before her was just a sad reminder of what Junko had lost.

"Ugh-- I'm sorry, too."

She opened her eyes, taking in the woman before her. Junko suddenly felt awkward about all the prying eyes surrounding them. She wanted to get this conversation moving somewhere else quickly. "Hey..." she said slowly, her mind working to form coherent sentences. "I figured you were from another world. I think there was a Makoto who wasn't Ultimate Despair, but I can't be sure. Everything's been a blur, so..."


"..." Another sigh escaped her. Junko just wanted to hand out her autographs and be done with this. "What was your world like...? How'd you get here, and, like... did you get involved with one of those Murder Games too?"

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite @T.O.M.


Perhaps it was a good thing that Junko would follow up her (possibly also force of habit) snarky response with an apology that was likely more sincere than Kyoko's own apology, as if she would stop right there, the conversation would have likely taken an awkward pause as Kyoko, at least in her opinion, would have likely struggled to find an answer, even a lie, to the question. In her world, the Ultimate Despair being dead was... a "good" thing, as much as Kyoko disliked saying that someone being dead was a "good" thing.

Her face providing to be a decent mask to hide her true thoughts as always, Kyoko had to admit that talking at length about her own world would probably further disgruntle the irritable fashionista, given who the individual known as "Junko Enoshima" really was there, but if nothing else, if this version of "Junko Enoshima" knew about the Murder Games as well, that could only mean that the phenomena had spread. Before she had fallen into that strange sort of coma, the Coalition was comparable to that of an independent vigilante organization, with no ties to anyone except itself. She could only hope that the Coalition, in her absence, and under the leadership of the person she trusted the most, was still up and running. It was a long shot, but perhaps she could get her answers here, in the most unlikeliest of places.


"My world was... a bit like yours, I guess. A number of similarities and differences. For instance, Makoto and Togami survived in my world, as well as a few more, including myself," she spoke briefly, deliberately avoiding the topic of who the Ultimate Despair was for the time being, "But... I think that's a story for another time. Unless you want to know that badly."

"As for your other questions... I'm not sure how I got here. I was in the middle of a Murder Game that I had deliberately infiltrated in order to sabotage from the inside in an effort to get closer to the Arch Demon and steal an artifact from under his nose, but... Before I knew it, something went wrong, as though he knew I was there to get him, and so... He aborted the operation, presumably with the hopes of killing everyone involved. But the full extent of my knowledge of that matter is limited only to what happened to myself; I imagine I've been out for some time at that."

She could only hope that she didn't sound like a crazy person right about now.

"My history with the Murder Games is a somewhat complicated one. One that's something of a blur in my memory, probably because my head's still trying to register the fact that I'm awake again, but... Well, let me ask you a few things, actually. Is the Arch Demon still at large? And... Do you happen to know what the Coalition is?"

"Why do you care?"

It was said automatically, sounding almost like a sneer, before Junko could really process why she was saying it. It was unfair and probably downright mean to question Kyoko's sincerity, but it wasn't like Mukuro had ever been the Ultimate Detective's friend. Hell, she herself hadn't gotten along with Mukuro at the worst of times, the pair of them always thinking they had their own solution for their problems. It had never sat well with Junko that her sister had willingly put herself in danger just to care for both of them; had she not realized Junko had enough on her plate without worrying about her sister's safety? The Ultimate Soldier was not a title kind to loved ones.

Junko let out a long sigh, closing her eyes as she tried to curb her wandering thoughts. She understood that Kyoko was just looking for answers, but it just infuriated Junko that she didn't have any to offer. Half the time, she didn't understand what was even happening around her. She was adrift at the multiversal sea, lost and disconnected from everything she'd come to know. That Kyoko - a version of her, at least - was standing before her was just a sad reminder of what Junko had lost.

"Ugh-- I'm sorry, too."

She opened her eyes, taking in the woman before her. Junko suddenly felt awkward about all the prying eyes surrounding them. She wanted to get this conversation moving somewhere else quickly. "Hey..." she said slowly, her mind working to form coherent sentences. "I figured you were from another world. I think there was a Makoto who wasn't Ultimate Despair, but I can't be sure. Everything's been a blur, so..."


"..." Another sigh escaped her. Junko just wanted to hand out her autographs and be done with this. "What was your world like...? How'd you get here, and, like... did you get involved with one of those Murder Games too?"

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite @T.O.M.


Perhaps it was a good thing that Junko would follow up her (possibly also force of habit) snarky response with an apology that was likely more sincere than Kyoko's own apology, as if she would stop right there, the conversation would have likely taken an awkward pause as Kyoko, at least in her opinion, would have likely struggled to find an answer, even a lie, to the question. In her world, the Ultimate Despair being dead was... a "good" thing, as much as Kyoko disliked saying that someone being dead was a "good" thing.

Her face providing to be a decent mask to hide her true thoughts as always, Kyoko had to admit that talking at length about her own world would probably further disgruntle the irritable fashionista, given who the individual known as "Junko Enoshima" really was there, but if nothing else, if this version of "Junko Enoshima" knew about the Murder Games as well, that could only mean that the phenomena had spread. Before she had fallen into that strange sort of coma, the Coalition was comparable to that of an independent vigilante organization, with no ties to anyone except itself. She could only hope that the Coalition, in her absence, and under the leadership of the person she trusted the most, was still up and running. It was a long shot, but perhaps she could get her answers here, in the most unlikeliest of places.


"My world was... a bit like yours, I guess. A number of similarities and differences. For instance, Makoto and Togami survived in my world, as well as a few more, including myself," she spoke briefly, deliberately avoiding the topic of who the Ultimate Despair was for the time being, "But... I think that's a story for another time. Unless you want to know that badly."

"As for your other questions... I'm not sure how I got here. I was in the middle of a Murder Game that I had deliberately infiltrated in order to sabotage from the inside in an effort to get closer to the Arch Demon and steal an artifact from under his nose, but... Before I knew it, something went wrong, as though he knew I was there to get him, and so... He aborted the operation, presumably with the hopes of killing everyone involved. But the full extent of my knowledge of that matter is limited only to what happened to myself; I imagine I've been out for some time at that."

She could only hope that she didn't sound like a crazy person right about now.

"My history with the Murder Games is a somewhat complicated one. One that's something of a blur in my memory, probably because my head's still trying to register the fact that I'm awake again, but... Well, let me ask you a few things, actually. Is the Arch Demon still at large? And... Do you happen to know what the Coalition is?"


Able stood up from the picnic table. "Anyway, I have more business to attend here. The Foundation is still hunting me." He let out a small laugh. "Come on, Iris."

The blonde girl at the other end stood up, nodding. "I'd like to see some more of the city." She said timidly. She picked up her camera. She followed Able who had already begun walking away.

Able found his way through the city until he came upon a group of people. He smiled, and adjusted his Foundation Body Armor.


Minus the helmet

He liked the Body Armor they gave him when he joined Omega-7. It made him feel like a true soldier, one out on the battlefields. Iris had switched to something less militaristic, and more casual. She wore a plain blue sweater, and blue jeans. She took pictures of the city as she walked, and at one point, knocked over a small statue when she manipulated a picture. Whoops.

Able stepped into the center of the crowd. He looked at Junko. "Miss Enoshima, I haven't had the pleasure." He let out a small chuckle. "You're lucky I found you before the Foundation or GOC did. I could turn you in to them myself, but that would compromise my own freedom."

He turned to Kyoko. ":I do believe that great demon has been destroyed. Would have loved to get a piece of him myself, but, alas..." He laughed. "It's nothing that concerns you."

Iris sat down on a nearby bench, and started twirling a finger in her hair, not listening to Able's insane talk.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Atomyk @Verite @T.O.M. @Whoever's here @Thanks Atom for giving me this idea.
Able stood up from the picnic table. "Anyway, I have more business to attend here. The Foundation is still hunting me." He let out a small laugh. "Come on, Iris."

The blonde girl at the other end stood up, nodding. "I'd like to see some more of the city." She said timidly. She picked up her camera. She followed Able who had already begun walking away.

Able found his way through the city until he came upon a group of people. He smiled, and adjusted his Foundation Body Armor.


Minus the helmet

He liked the Body Armor they gave him when he joined Omega-7. It made him feel like a true soldier, one out on the battlefields. Iris had switched to something less militaristic, and more casual. She wore a plain blue sweater, and blue jeans. She took pictures of the city as she walked, and at one point, knocked over a small statue when she manipulated a picture. Whoops.

Able stepped into the center of the crowd. He looked at Junko. "Miss Enoshima, I haven't had the pleasure." He let out a small chuckle. "You're lucky I found you before the Foundation or GOC did. I could turn you in to them myself, but that would compromise my own freedom."

He turned to Kyoko. ":I do believe that great demon has been destroyed. Would have loved to get a piece of him myself, but, alas..." He laughed. "It's nothing that concerns you."

Iris sat down on a nearby bench, and started twirling a finger in her hair, not listening to Able's insane talk.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Atomyk @Verite @T.O.M. @Whoever's here @Thanks Atom for giving me this idea.

"And who exactly are you to determine what is and isn't my business?" Kyoko would reply firmly without missing a beat, not allowing herself to be dismissed by people who would just barge out of nowhere.

This wasn't so much her pride talking, as such emotions were below her, but perhaps just a little more because, as the Ultimate Detective, she had always been the kind of person who was entitled to know what she wanted to know. Well, perhaps "entitled" was the wrong word, but even so, while Kyoko didn't exactly like being self-centered about anything, she needed all the information about anything that she could possibly get right now.

And of course, the information that she was given, news that the Arch Demon had supposedly been destroyed, Kyoko was suspicious of. He was defeated? And so easily at that... If that were true, then shouldn't the Murder Games be over as well now? The way Enoshima had spoke implied that they were still going on. Granted, Kyoko wasn't so naive that she wouldn't believe others would continue the The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in the Multiverse, but even so... There was something else she had to know.

A piece of information that she wanted to know so much so that she had just about brushed aside the fate of the Arch Demon.


"Junko, you wouldn't happen to know anything about... the Coalition, would you?"

It was a long shot, but that was all the sleuth could depend on right about now. Even though, before she had left it involuntarily, the Coalition was relatively unknown and somewhat small in their forces and resources, if they really had grown to be strong enough to take down the Arch Demon, then surely...


@Atomyk @The Silver Paladin


A guy on a motorcycle sped away.

"*huff*.. *huff*... shit...." Bomb said, exhausted from running.


"Sister," Gankoomon said, "I am glad you have accompanied me here. But... what about our..."


"Gankoomon, you need to understand balance. "Work is play" isn't exactly balance, but a heavy tip on the scales."

"Scales? We're not Dragon Digimon," Gankoomon laughs.

"Intriguing," Sanzomon says in response to her brother's sense of humour, "now, before proceeding, shall we-"

They hear some engines revving.... and a face...

... that face is the face of...


The siblings exclaim in unison as they pursued the cycle.

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"Sister," Gankoomon said, "I am glad you have accompanied me here. But... what about our..."


"Gankoomon, you need to understand balance. "Work is play" isn't exactly balance, but a heavy tip on the scales."

"Scales? We're not Dragon Digimon," Gankoomon laughs.

"Intriguing," Sanzomon says in response to her brother's sense of humour, "now, before proceeding, shall we-"

They hear some engines revving.... and a face...

... that face is the face of...


The siblings exclaim in unison as they pursued the cycle.


Still speeding away.



Gankoomon exclaims as he flips the very floors like a rug, causing the waves to disorient and toss the cycle off-course.

"An explanation for the lad."



Gankoomon exclaims as he flips the very floors like a rug, causing the waves to disorient and toss the cycle off-course.

"An explanation for the lad."

"Sorry..." Bomb said. "He's just.... gone psycho..."



"If that's the case, then I will bring balance back into his qigong."


"Are you making things up, sister?"

"Yes I am," Sanzomon replies. "I'm bringing balance back into his chakra."

Sanzomon prepares Digi-Buddhist chants...

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