Shinjuku City: A bustling, busy city populated with a plethora of citizens. Living among the citizens of Shinjuku are the yokai, who some times wander the human realm. The humans are unaware of the yokai's presence, however, and just continue with their lives without any interaction with the least, not that they know of.
Most humans don't believe in the yokai, or any other type of spirit for that matter. They consider these topics folly, and not worth discussing. But that's where humanity's greatest mistake lies within their ignorance. The yokai often contemplate the fate of humanity and if it's really worth keeping the peace between them when humans seem less interested in co-existing and more fulfilling their own selfish agendas. Some have even talked of taking a stand against the humans. But not out of any nobles causes but their own malicious goals. These human's ignorance shall also be their peril: for there is another type of spirit that only lives to terrorize and destroy human life: the Mikura. The Mikura are a corrupt, malicious type of spirit that feed off a human's bodily fluids and organs. They are truly ruthless, evil and care for nothing more than to watch a human suffer and die.
But, along with the terror that exists in the shadows of Shinjuku's streets, so does a guardian to protect the humans from such a threat. This guardian's name is Karas. Every city had it's own Karas to protect it's citizens from the Mikura and former Yakuza tough, Otoha had taken it upon himself to become the guardian of the city. Being born from an incestuous relationship involving his father/brother, Otoha had developed a rare condition. CIP; Congenital Insensitivity to Pain. No matter how many times he was shot, no matter how many times he was cut. Unless his limbs were severed or he was literally damaged to the point of not being able to move, he'd slaughter whoever got in his way.
But that life was behind him now. After the mafia boss(his own dad/bro)had killed one of Otoha's very few friends, he took up his katana and went on a bloody streak of vengeance against the Yakuza. Not stopping until everyone up to the boss was dead. It was around this same point that after the sword had stopped swinging and there were no more bodies left to carve, Otoha struggled to think of a purpose. His best friend in this mad, mad world was gone, he had no connections to whatever family he may have had left. What was there left for him to do?
That's where
she entered the picture.
The being referred to itself as Yurine, the so-called Will of the City. They were specifically yokai priestesses that were designated to each city in Japan with their own Karas who they'd make contracts with. Apart from a few cosmetic differences such as their hair, they all shared the same design among themselves. They all have jackets with giant zippers that'd make a certain faunus ninja blush, other than that they differentiate from a few changes which are the blue scar tattoo, hair color, goggles, tights, skirts, and hair beads.
They watched over the cities in their jurisdiction and are the key to Karas. For whenever they feel the situation calls for it, they will begin the chant needed for Karas to draw their weapon and take on the form. Today was one of those days. As Yurine sat on a rooftop above the bright glimmering night-life of Shinjuku City, she spotted a Mikura lurking about in the alleyways of the city. To the humans the Mikura appeared like some crazy homeless bum.
But nothing but the truth was fit for the eyes of Yurine and the same went for her Karas. Also known as Doctor Otoha to some of the yokai due to his attempt to aid the yokai whenever he could, tonight was not a night where he'd be acting out of the kindness of his heart. This was the job he had brought upon himself by accepting the contract with Yurine. He wouldn't have it any other way. As the Mikura started to lumber towards some other unsuspecting and legitimate bums, he paused as he could have heard the distinct mantra that came as a Karas neared.
"One, two, three, four. Five, six, seven, eight, nine and it is ten. Sway to and fro sway."
With that Yurine ran her fingers along her neck before pointing them outwards as if giving a signal.
"Do it now, Karas!"
Reaching for his blade, Otoha could have seen stepping out from the shadows. "Understood." He'd say simply as he threw his medallion that signified his connection with Yurine up into the air. Grabbing it before it touched back down, he'd thrust it forward opening up a portal which he'd step through. At the same time an enchanted chain around his katana vanished into dust. As he entered through the portal, the armor of the Karas began to spread over him. As the portal finally closed, the hobo-Mikura would have been face to face with the fully suited Karas, the Guardian of Shunjuku City and slayer of creatures like him. Understanding that his cover was obviously blown, the hobo smirked.
"Well, if you're anything like the Karas I've heard about. You won't disappoint me, you fucking crow!"
The Mikura's human disguise then began to bulge as metal implements tore out of the flesh. The nearby humans had been frozen thanks to Karas's ability. It was a safe measure implemented to help avoid any potential human casualties in the crossfire of Karas's battle with the Mikura. This one looked like he'd be trouble once the human skin was finally shed and the Mikura stood up to it's full height, towering over Karas by at least two feet.
But to be a Karas you had to set aside emotions like fear. They'd only slow you down and give the Mikura a much higher percentage of ripping you limb from limb. Knowing full well of the nature of such creatures, Karas rushed forward and delivered a swift uppercut to the jaw of the Mikura. If they had kept the battle on the ground, he might have attempted to use one of the frozen humans as a shield and that just couldn't be. Not while Karas was still breathing. Letting out an anguished cry as she was sent flying, the metallic tendrils on the demon's arms lashed out in a flurry as if to try and impale Karas. Standing his ground, Karas threw his katana into the air and with a quick gesture of his hand, the blade began to spin rapidly in a clockwise motion.
This created what was referred to by most yokai who were fortunate enough to catch glimpses of these battles as 'the Circle of Death.' The spinning katana sliced any tendrils coming towards Karas into mince-meat. But the Mikura wasn't as dense as his appearance may have lead one to believe. Four of the tendrils sought to dash around the spinning blade. But Karas was prepared for that inevitability as well. Thrusting his pointer finger forwards, the blade lunged forward and Karas gripped all four of the tendrils coming at him from either side under his armpits.
"You think just because you're a Karas, your strength is superior to mine!? You forget who you're facing with!" The Mikura taunted as he tried to pull the tendrils back and while he did succeed in dragging Karas forward, it wouldn't be very far as the guardian dug his heels into the concrete. Leaving deep crevices in the concrete as he went, Karas tilted his head to the side as the blade which the Mikura had failed to notice did a return pass and sliced into the right side of the malicious spirit's neck. Taking advantage of the surprise created by his rouse, he'd yank on the tendrils with all of his might. Watching as the Mikura was pulled forward with the katana still firmly wedged in his neck, Karas leaped forward and looking straight into the black soulless eyes of the Mikura, he'd grip onto the hilt of his weapon.
"It's over."
With that'd he'd force the rest of the blade through with the Mikura's scream becoming more and more distorted as the blade cut deeper and deeper. Until it eventually went silent and the only noises were the sound of the Mikura's body dissipating before it hit the ground and Karas sheathing his blade and making his way off. Humanity could rest easy for another night without fear of unwarranted reprisal. Time would unfreeze and the bums would have gone one with their lives as if nothing peculiar had happened at all. That was how it should be. The humans remained blissfully ignorant of matters that they would truly never be able to understand and Karas dealt with those who'd seek to force themselves upon humanity and seeing them as nothing more than food to be devoured. But even a Karas had to stop and consider if they were doing ultimately mattered in the grand scheme of things.
Which brought one to the current scene of Otoha sitting on a rooftop with Yurine nearby. Glancing down as life continued as it should, Otoha smiled as the little yokais popped up every now and then to enjoy themselves as well. But this wasn't why he had brought himself up here. To simply enjoy the idle sights.
"Yurine. When I made the contract with you, I was in the worst spot of my life. I had literally nothing. No family, my only real friend had been brutally murdered thanks to my failure. I thought accepting the role of Karas after hearing what became of the previous one might do me some good."
Yurine glanced over and tilted her head as if her interest had been caught by Otoha's statement.
"Yes, this was all stated back when you made the contract. What inspired you to bring it up now?"
"It's just that I've done what a Karas should do for their given city. Protect the innocent yokai and humanity. Deal with the Mikura and that'd normally be the end of it. But there have been nights where I just begin to wonder."
"Wonder about what exactly, Otoha?"
"Just what life would be like away from all of this? All the Yakuza, all the Mikura. Just the drama that plagues not only this city but Japan as a whole. Never been able to really achieve something like that. Either I was a living weapon used by criminals to do their dirty work and now I'm another weapon. But this time on the side of good. Just a nice spot in the middle would be interesting to explore."
Yurine actually seemed to mull this over before walking over and taking a seat next to Otoha.
"So, if I understand your request, you wish for some time off from living the life of one whose been forced to shift from both sides of the morality chain?"
"..That's pretty much it in a nutshell."
"Then consider it done."
"..What?! I can't just stop being Karas! Not unless something were to happen to you. But I would never allow anything-"
Before Otoha could continue on his concern filled rant, the priestess raised a hand for him to be silent. Upon him doing so she'd continue.
"As I was going to say, we've received an invitation. To what's known as a city in the sky. You'll not throw off your duty as Karas for the city will be as you left it upon our return. I've made sure that was in the prerequisites before agreeing to the proposal. Now that I see you're on the same page, I see no reason to decline the offer. It'll allow you to see a possible chance a life you could have had if things played out differently. I'll follow of course in case Karas may be needed."
There of course so many questions that Otoha had. Why hadn't Yurine informed him of this before? Was it because she'd knew he'd bring it up eventually? If that was the case then how long had she known this information? Well, he supposed they'd be all answered in time. For right now he had more important things to focus on. Like this city in the sky that Yurine had spoken of. After living in this city for as long as he had, nothing would ever seem far-fetched or too outlandish to him again. But this idea sure did. He knew that if Yurine was ever hurt or god forbid, even killed than he'd never be able to unlock his sword again and summon Karas. He'd just be Otoha the man and not Karas the Guardian. But a chance to see what life was like without needing to be a vigilant watcher day in and day out?
How could he say no? Soon, the two of them would have found themselves on the flying city of Columbia where Otoha took a moment out of the time that they'd be here just to stop and smell the air. To be able to do so without having to worry about being whisked away to stop a Mikura attack felt strangely foreign to him. But even he knew that they could not stay here forever. He had made a contract and for as long as the two of them lived he'd keep it. This was just a chapter in the long story of the guardian of Shinjuko City.