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Brivid Academy, Home of the Magically Gifted [Sign ups!]

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Pranksters, introverts, a notorious flirt and a Nypmh. I fear for what Mag might take as habits of her own!
Pranksters, introverts, a notorious flirt and a Nypmh. I fear for what Mag might take as habits of her own!
Don't forget that one of the pranksters has a 90% chance of destroying something expensive every day while in a rage.
All this discussion of libraries and meanwhile Caius barely knows how to read.
I say we all team up to lock Caius in a library until he either learns to read or dies from word poisoning.
You want to lock the Nymph who is known to have a strong case of wanderlust in a room with countless fragile tomes and books? Yeah, nothing could possibly go wrong here, lets go for it!
Adec will cut a nymph, motherfucker.
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He'd probably just end up climbing the bookshelves and refusing to get down.
Don't worry, we'll send in Gami to save you from those evil bookshelves!
Ah I hate evil bookshelves. They keep trying to kill me whenever I go into the room. Next time I might bring a flamethrower and burn all their teeth.
You do it, and you'll find you won't have the eyes to even read books.
How do you suppose you might remove them though? I'm a ghost, remember?
Easy, buy some Mythril alloy, forge a knife with it, and get to work. Most sources say that the alloy allows one to attack ghosts. So yeah, Adec will cut a ghost.
Well, to be precise, it's the process of becoming incorporeal IE temporarily lacking a physical presence whatsoever. It's a bit like teleporting your physical matter into another dimension for a short time.
So basically, I need to get the drop on you. The library is a large place, you'd be surprised how easily you can become lost.
Characters accepted!

And we will be starting as soon as I finish up the IC thread. And I'm going to provide a more detailed map.
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