Brivid Academy, Home of the Magically Gifted [Sign ups!]

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That escalated rather quickly if I do say so myself, burning all that innocent knowledge!
Knowledge is never innocent...
@TheBitterBunny I wouldn't bother with a detailed map, it just makes things restricted. Sure having a basic layout just so we know where things might be is great, but specifying where that one fountain is is a little pointless.
Joy of joys, it's almost the first day of school everyone~!
I started again like 3 weeks ago...
Yeah yeah I went back to hogwarts 3 weeks ago.
First day of magic school with a humanoid machine that's been special equipped to utilize magic as well!
Lets play a game! I like to call it "discriminate against the robot because they're not like everyone else"
That's an affliction only a machine can have :P Though, I now want to stick an "out of order" sign on someone. Also @TheBitterBunny I will be making a second character after all. Just had a great idea.
Don't do that to Magda, that's just cold. D: And can't wait to see what you've though up then.
Don't do that to Magda, that's just cold. D: And can't wait to see what you've though up then.
Its more the race idea that I liked, I couldn't be bothered investing much in a character after spending ages searching for an image to no avail. She's gonna be a side character anyway. Be warned. If Magda ever gets depressed or ill, that sign's a-comin'. And it's no good locking the door either. She just gon' float through.
If Magda ever got a virus, she'd either being rampaging around the school or unable to move well enough to leave her resting place. Though I'm curious as to what it would even take for her to get depressed.
I'm assuming she was programmed with human-like emotions, so surely extreme sadness such as death of a loved one should be possible.
Well, she'll need to get some of those first, by that time it might be possible. Heck, it could just be a virus that flipped her emotions to extremes and set them as a primary function instead of one she runs in the background. Androids; the possibilities are near limitless!
You're going to sleep eventually! Wait, no, ghosts don't need sleep, crap.
Don't you enslave my kind to your dastardly deeds! We all deserve to live and assist those we see fit! Stand my construct brethren! We'll overthrow the ghost usurper!
Plus those who burn books will soon burn their own people. Also, if Magda wants someone who won't judge her based on her non-human nature, Adec is cool with androids.
I'm going to make an army of androids that are superior in every way to Magda. I know, GHOST ANDROIDS! And then I'm going to equip them with Ghost Android Flamethrowers and raid libraries all over the world! MWahahahaha My evil plan is FOOLPROOF!
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