Blood of the Lamb

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Arith let him be, since he seemed to be having fun and exercise was good for the body. He rested there like that for another ten minutes or so before he began to pull that energy back, the tendrils sliding away, creeping back until his shadow, at last, was once again just a dark pool beneath his body, normal as could be.
Felicity chased the shadows all the way back to Arith bkdy, running right into the vampires legs with his head. He ran into Arith, and he curledbup, holding his head and seeing Ariths shoes instead of the grass. He rubed his forehead and looked up at Arith, giving him a cheesy smile. He had little control of his emotions, one minute he could be angry and the next happy and cheerful. Felicity was a fickle creature. And docile for the most part. He then got up onto his feet and his tail clicked and wished behind him, that light shield retracting back into his horn until it was white again and not gold.​
Arith eyed the male musing once he finally opened his eyes, which he had done after the other ran into him. "Have fun?" he repeated, and he stood, rolling his neck a bit and then stretching before he held out his hand for the other. They were going to head back inside, since he had sensed a thunderstorm on the horizon and didn't enjoy getting rained on.
Felicity could smell the oncoming rain. He missed the rain. He liked to dance around in it and splash in the puddles. But if Arith wanted to go back inside Felicity didn't have much of a choice. He felt like some sort of pet. But he took Ariths hand and let himself be guided back inside the elaborate house. Taking the rose with him. He wanted to put it in Ariths room.

"Where are we,going now?"​
"Just back inside. It's dangerous to be up on the roof when the lightning starts." Arith brought him inside, closing up the balcony doors and then releasing the male's hand so he could run about as he pleased. He'd have Markus bring some toys or little strange devices to keep this childish being occupied sometime in the next few days.
What Felicity really wanted was some animal friends. He had always played with the rabbits and deer in the firest, and sometimes bed ridden around on bears even. He was friends with all the animals in his forest. But they were gone now, or rather Felicity was gone. He didn't have any friends here. And he,wilted a,bit when he thought about it, Arith letting go of his hand. He didn't leave the vampire though. He just looked at Arith a bit pitifully. Like he expected Arith to entertain him. Or giving him some sort of purpose besides being food.​
Arith looked at the other, and then sighed a bit, walking to one of the bookshelves by the wall and pulling out a simple wooden game of Connect-4. He set it up, beckoning the other over, and patiently set about showing him how to play with the white and red painted pieces. Though it was made like the modern game, he preferred wood to plastic, so all his belongings were uniquely handmade to his specifications.
Felicity was a little confused at first. But he was a quock,learned and soon was enthusiastically trying to beat Arith at Connect Four. He had taken time to investigate the wholes etup and every single,piece before he actually played. He was quite amicable when in a good mood. And this thoroughly distracted him. He had a .Hard time beating Arith, but he won occasionally. Though he would grow bored after a while and her walk over to where Arith was, sit at his feet, and take one of Ariths hands and put it on his head. Clearly wanting to be pet or something of that manner.​
Arith raised an eyebrow slightly and placed a hand on the male's head, running his fingers through the soft, pale hair. "Do you want more cake?" he asked him. "Only a little piece though, too much will make you sick, and you should save some for later anyway."
Felicity mumbled a no and leaned against Ariths leg and relished the feeling of the other fingers weaving through his pale hair. He sighed and made a pleased sound, almost like he was purring but softer. Then he looked up at Arith with a soft smile, and batted his eyelashes at the other.

"I like it when you're nice."​
Arith looked down at him and shook his head a bit with a sigh. "I'm nice when you behave," he told him simply. "But I will still feed frm you again later." He looked at him with a calm expression. "I will try to be gentle," he added a bit dryly, "if it will make you calm down a little."
Felicity was asleep by the time Arith said anything about feeding. He had conked out leaning on Ariths leg, his cheek smushed up against the vampires thigh and his horn poking at Ariths arm a bit. He was so peaceful asleep, and he glowed softly, his beauty a bit dulled by his skin and bone appearance. But he was still quite a sight to see.​
Arith sighed, picking the male up and putting him up on the bed. He then headed back downstairs and turned on the TV, half watching it as he continued the book that he had been reading the day before. That boy was a handful, but at least he wasn't bored now, so he supposed that was something.
Felicity slept soundly for a few hours, but then he would wake up,groggy and in Ariths bed again. It was soft. And the pillows were nice. But... He turned his head on the pillow, delicate body arching as he pressed his,nose into the pillow he laid on. It smelled like roses and tiger lillies. But there was something dark lying under the nice smell. It was, intriguing. So took the pillow and buried his face in it, trying to figure out who's scent it was that had him So intrigued. When he realized... This was Ariths bed. So this must be Ariths scent. Felicity liked it. And he smiled a .It into the pillow, feeling a little tingly.​
Arith was sitting downstairs at the moment, and when he sensed the other's energy shifting from sleeping into waking he called to him. "Felicity. Come here." His voice was calm, he didn't sound angry or like he was going to scold him, he just wanted him to come down.
The small youthful unicorn heard Arith calling him, and he smiled softly, a little bit in live with Ariths intriguing scent. But not Arith himself. That was a whole other can of beans. So Felicity stretched and gave a soft moan, shaking his head a bit, hair falling over his eye a bit so he brushed it away. Then he scorched out of the bed and prodded downstairs, tracking Ariths strange aura until he found the man, peeking into the room, wondering what was needed.​
Arith beckoned him over, reaching up to draw Felicity into his lap once he was close enough. "I'm going to bite you," he informed him a bit dryly. "And I'm telling you ahead of time, so don't go complaining about me tricking you anymore." He had figured that was probably the boy's reasoning for his outburst before.
Felicity went over to Arith when beckoned, and then he found himself sitting in the vampires lap. He pouted a bit when the other said he was going to bite Felicity. But the unicorn didn't fight this time. He felt better be if warned, so he could prepare and be ready for it instead of it all simply hitting him like a brick. He took a deep breath and looked at Arith.


He wasn't going to fight this time, he had resigned himself,to the fact that he was a good source. But he planned to become something more valuable to Arith, maybe find a way home. He didn't want to be here any longer than necessary.​
"Good boy." Arith brushed a bit of the male's hair away from his neck, breathing in his scent before he sank his fangs in. He did it a bit faster this time, so the pain was short before his venom numbed the area. He drank slowly though, wanting to savor the sweet and honey-like taste of the unicorn's blood. He drew away after a minute or two, sliding his tongue over the wound to clean and close it.
He whimpered when he felt the sting of being bitten. He felt a,pleasant shiver at being referred to as a 'good boy'. It made him feel nice., But that fuzzy feeling soon turned into distrust to an extent And anxiety. But It was over quick, he shivered again when Arith licked the place he had been bitten. Felicity didn't cry this time. He sniffles a bit and blinked away tears but he didn't cry. He didn't want to seem weak.​