Blood of the Lamb

Luke had indeed explained to Felicity the idea of contraceptives of various kinds, and told him he would work on something due to his high fertility rate. He wasn't sure Arith could handle another child, not for a few years at least.

Arith chuckled, and he reached out, pulling the male backwards towards him with hands and shadows, so he settled in the vampire's lap, and he kissed him as Felicity's back pressed to the larger man's chest.
Felicity had long since embraved Ariths darkness, and it felt like suede agaianst his skin. Grinding down against Arith shaft, he arched his back a little and wrapped his arms around Ariths neck from the position he was in, hand on the back of rhe vamoires head, fingers tsngling into his hair as the little unicorn brazenly kissed the man he so loved. He was passionate about everything he did. And if he wasnt giving his all then he was doing it at all. He wanted Arith inside him. Right then and there. He wanted to feel Arith take him again. It had been too long already.​
Arith gave his full attention to Felicity. He thrust up into the other, firm and steady, kissing his neck and brushing his fangs against the soft flesh. He had missed this feeling also. He was as addicted to his little unicorn as Felicity was to him, and he reveled in the feeling.
Felicity gasped ever so sweetly as he was filled with Arith. Moaning softly at the feeling if the ither thrusting into him softly. He held on for the ride as there was little was he could do, tilitng his head to the side and offering himself up to the vampire. Offering himself as something for Arith to feed upon as he hadnt fed from Felcity months. Felicity didnt mind it anymore. He had found something more jmportant than his oride and vanity. He had found something to love and desire. Well.... Arith had,found him in truth but it had been the brginning if something beautiful. And beautiful it was. They had a,sweet and loving little girl, and they had each other. Felicity was home.​
Arith was learning love as well. Slowly but surely, it was filling him. For his daughter, and the one who was definitely, despite all his confusion and doubts, his mate. He held him close, savored every moment. Every movement. Every single sound. He closed his eyes and breathed in the male's scent.
Felicity savored every touch and nip,and kiss of their lovemaking. The little unicornhealthy again and happy. Bubbly as ever once more. And he would remain so as long as they could stay together and remain undisturbed. He regained his confidence and trust in the world and developed a habit iver the coming,months of going out to the produce market and insisting on buying those rare imported and expensive fruits to satisfy what remained of his cravings. Little Verify grew every day. And she was beautiful. Their time with her,woukd be wonderful no doubt and she would definitely frow into a lovely young woman who one day might find the love her parents had. And Felicity was happy with how his life had gone. He wouldn't change it for the world. He woukd never want anyone but his brooding vampire. And he was okay with that.

The End
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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