Blood Fang Pack

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Should we be in the forests in the mountains, or in the forest filled valley below the mountains?

  • mountains

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • valley

    Votes: 7 46.7%

  • Total voters
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Clyde let out a heavy sigh as he trudged through the mountains. His feet were sore and the dry mountain gusts chilled his thin body to the bone. If he wanted to, he could just turn back and leave the strange terrain behind, and come back when he was better prepared. What in the world possessed him to make such a daring venture? Other than the fact that there was no home for him to return to, he was basically just sick of being around other humans.
Clyde had always been a timid boy, and that personality never changed even up until his eighteenth birthday...which went by unnoticed to anyone else in the village. On the other hand, he did manage to acquire a bit of a daring pique in his character. Hence his decision to make a risky trek to the mountains, despite the stories of a hidious Blood-wolf that would hunt and devour any human dumb enough to make their presence known within it's territory...

But in Clyde's mind, those stories were no more than fairy tales meant to scare children into staying awake at night, giving them the excuse to be exhausted in the morning. But of course, there were many things that most believe that Clyde would just find preposterous.

As a result of him being completely alert of his surroundings, he heard a sound...voices? Yipping? It was barely comprehensible, but aroused his curiosity nonetheless. He pushed aside a small thicket to provide more access to his path. As he brushed one final thicket to the side, he was greeted with a sight that made his blood run as cold as the mountain breeze. In front of him, were three to four wolves and two cubs.

Clyde froze, his eyes wide with fear.
(All right, thanks! If it's okay, I'll just make it seem like he's in the forest heading to the mountains.)
Clyde let out a heavy sigh as he trudged through the forest. His feet were sore and the dry gusts chilled his thin body to the bone. If he wanted to, he could just turn back and leave the strange terrain behind, and come back when he was better prepared. What in the world possessed him to make such a daring venture? Other than the fact that there was no home for him to return to, he was basically just sick of being around other humans.
Clyde had always been a timid boy, and that personality never changed even up until his eighteenth birthday...which went by unnoticed to anyone else in the village. On the other hand, he did manage to acquire a bit of a daring pique in his character. Hence his decision to make a risky trek to the mountains, despite the stories of a hideous Blood-wolf that would hunt and devour any human dumb enough to make their presence known within it's territory...

But in Clyde's mind, those stories were no more than fairy tales meant to scare children into staying awake at night, giving them the excuse to be exhausted in the morning. But of course, there were many things that most believe that Clyde would just find preposterous.

As a result of him being completely alert of his surroundings, he heard a sound...voices? Yipping? It was barely comprehensible, but aroused his curiosity nonetheless. He pushed aside a small thicket to provide more access to his path. As he brushed one final thicket to the side, he found a dark cave, the mouth open wide like a monsterous maw ready to swallow any and all who dared to enter it. Pushing his doubts aside, he cautiously approached the cave entrance. The moment his eyes adjusted to the inky darkness, he was greeted with a sight that made his blood run as cold as ice, despite the warmth emanating from the cave. In front of him, were two large wolves, and two cubs.

Clyde froze, his eyes wide with fear.
As soon as Duff heard something his ears perked up then he sniffed the air catching the scent.His eyes widen upon realizing what the scent was,"No it couldn't be..."He whispers with fear in his voice.He lays down and carefully lets Axel slide off of his neck,"Axel,Jax,Kai stay here."He says and nuzzles them.He stands and looks at Blood,"I know you don't want me in harms way,but I can't lose you or anyone else.Not again..."He says then he nuzzles her and licks her snout with worry in his eyes.Then he turns and looks toward the caves entrance and takes a few steps toward it.He was afraid and his started to race,'Don't run Duff...this time you fight!'He thinks trying to work up his courage.

The moment he sees the male he couldn't believe his eyes,'He looks so weak and thin.No...I can't let my guard down...I have to remember that he's a no coat.I have to let him know...if he tries to hurt anyone I will kill him.'He thinks as his legs shake a little.He crouches down and lowers his head to the ground while letting his tail hang down.At the same time his eyes cautiously watches the male,"Why are you here no coat? Choose your words wisely and don't make any sudden moves...or else."He says looking at the male with fear clearing in his eyes.From what he could see the male didn't have a boom stick but there still a chance that he might lead others of his kind back there.That was something that Duff refused to let happen again.
Blood had already scented the no fur and was bringing the pups to the back of THe cave. When they are safe, she runs out of the cave.
The sunlight makes her blood colored fur almost appear today be wet and her crimson teeth were bared at the no fur.
Blood sees his weak body and she growls,ordering her mate to back away from the frail male.
"They speak a different tongue than us, Duff... I shall deal with him. Bring everyone inside the cave...nobody must be here," She tells Duff, her vibrant yellow eyes pleading.
Blood pads towards the creature, stopping a few yards away from him.
Blood murmurs under her breath and suddenly her tongue becomes that of a no fur and she whispers to the no fur to follow her.
"Come with me... or face my pack. I won't hurt you if you do not harm my family, " she whispers, making absolutely sure that none of her pack hear her speaking the no furs language.
Clyde blinked in surprise at suddenly hearing the crimson colored wolf speak the same language as him. Not knowing what else to do besides run, he silently nodded. "I...I won't..." He whispered back, casting a glance at the growling male wolf who greeted him.
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Blood was surprised that he didn't cringe from her. Her fur was the exact color of freshly spilled blood, her teeth were crimson, her eyes were vibrant yellow. She was the blood wolf of humans nightmares.
Blood walks past him and into the forest, she growls, telling him to follow.
He hesitantly followed, doubt flooding through his mind. He studied the red wolf closely. She was quite a fascinating sight to see, not like any other wolf he had come across. Oddly enough, examining her crimson fur took his mind back to the stories of the Blood-wolf...

He shook his head and pushed the thoughts from his mind. The female didn't seem as if she meant any harm. After all, those stories were only fairy tales...

But still, it caused his mind to wonder...
Duff snorts a little at the male then he backs back a bit,"Oh...I didn't know that.I've never tried to speak to one before.Alright...let me if you need me."He says then turns and leads the others into the cave.Once they were in he looks back and hears faint talking,'Was that Blood?Maybe I'll ask later.'He thinks then goes into the cave.
Blood growls and leads the no fur into the forest and away from her pack. Once they were far enough away, she turns to look at the human.
Blood murmurs again, making her language that of the no furs.
"I am the blood wolf your kind speak of in terror at night. I am Blood, leader of my pack, protector of my loved ones, lover of my pack mates, killer of all who would harm them. You surely have heard the tales of the blood wolf that kills all in his path and whose howl is so beautiful that it lures all that hear it towards it for the kill. Tis I that haunts the nightmares of your kind and who guards this world from the destruction and death you no furs bring! " she snarls at him, her eyes bright and her teeth bared.
While her expression was hostile, her posture and the way her eyes looked upon him showed only a curiosity.
Clyde stepped back as the crimson wolf growled at him. He silently cursed himself for leaving his crossbow in his pack, in case the female decided to attack. He held his hands up non-threateningly. "H...hey, I'm not the one who goes around killing wolves for no reason, okay? That's the exact reason I left my village, because they were so violent to those who are different." He said. Although his voice was firm, he couldn't disguise the fear in his eyes. "I'm not going to hurt anyone..."
Duff waits at the cave anxiously beginning to pace and constantly checking for Blood or any signs that she might need help.As he listened he couldn't hear any signs of a struggle,'So far I don't hear any boom sticks.I don't remember seeing the male holding any but if Blood doesn't return after awhile I will go and make sure she's alright.If she isn't...I'll track him down and avenge her.'He thinks as his eyes search for any sign of Blood.
Blood nods once and she stops snarling at him. She looks at him, curious.
"What is it you are doing in this forest no fur? Why don't you go back to your pack? Do you not like your pack, " asks Blood,her eyes growing softer.
(Sorry for the late posts. I've had a busy weekend)

He sighed, his eyes drifting to the ground. "My pack...well, family...abandoned me when I was ten. And no one in my village will accept me. So...I guess you can say I'm homeless." He said, sighing again and looking off into the distance. "So I'm leaving for the mountains, where I can live in solitude away from the annoying society of...well...humans." He said, scratching the back of his neck.
Blood is shocked by this, for this reminded her of her own past. She was shocked that he planned to go to the mountains... for that was the packs destination as well.
"My pack goes for the distant mountains as well... we go in search of territory free from your destructive kind. You are a strange no fur...never have I seen one so weak and scrawny or so far from its pack. I to grew up unwanted and alone, my pack killed my mother and abused me for three years before I ran away. Now I lead a pack, you will not harm them... or I shall kill you. They are the only thing that I have, " Blood says to the creature.
Clyde was surprised to learn of how similar her past was to his own. Kneeling down, he told the crimson wolf: "I promise I will never harm any of your pack. Yes, they may be all you have. But I have nothing." He took a deep breath and sighed. "If I do anything to harm your pack, it would make me as much of a monster as the rest of my kind. And if I become like them, I wouldn't be able to live with myself." He stood up and sniffed the air a bit, noticing a bit of humidity. "It's going to start storming soon. I should probably be on my way. I wish you and your pack the best of luck." He said, turning to leave.
Blood was extremely impressed with his sense of smell... never had a no fur shown such knowledge of the earth's ways and patterns.
"You may come with me... I will see you are fed then if so be your desire you may depart at sunrise. I have many questions to ask you no fur... and am willing to answer your own questions, " she says to him.
Blood wanted to learn more about this strange creature.
Taken off guard that the female would make such an offer, he turned around and shyly looked at her. "R...really? Well....okay..." He smiled faintly. "My name's Clyde, by the way...."
"You, of course, shall be watched by a guard and I shall give them very clear orders to kill you if you try to hurt us. You must understand I am their leader so this is for my packs protection. Though I don't think a weak little scrap like you can do much, "she says.
Blood begins to pad back towards the cave in front of Clyde,she growls for him to follow but not in a hostile way. She thought of his name... such a strange name that is.
"My name is Blood, you no furs have such unusual names that's for sure. I think you are quite possibly the most intriguing no fur I have ever heard of... you are nothing like the rest of which we know of Clyde, " Says the Alpha female to him, her voice slightly amused.
He chuckled at this. "Well, I would say the same. But then again, our two races are very different from each other, as far as names and traditions are concerned." He said, carefully following the Alpha. "But as far as acceptance..." He trailed off, shaking his head. Not wanting to speak of the matter any further, he quickly changed the subject.

"So...what questions do you wish to ask?" He said, carefully stepping over a fallen sapling.
Blood lets out a few short, loud barks,she was laughing loudly at his question. Blood was an extremely curious wolf, she'd always been overly curious about basically everything. This human was very intriguing to get, she had many of questions to ask him.
"A more appropriate question to ask would be what questions do I not have for you Clyde, your kind is but a mystery to my kind. You in particular are very unique as far as no furs come, "she says.
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