Bleach: A New Beginning

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Fair enough. I'll assume that it's mainly storywise due to the post apocalyptic value. In which, means that people should rebuild from the ground up
Well, think of it more like, for regular humans nothing has changed except that their have been much more mysterious deaths than normal, while for those with spiritual/hollow power Hollows are Over-running the Human world/Karakura Town, and the soul society is finally back up and running, with the IC starting on the first day of it's official come back.
Oh. Right. Sounds tough to even learn it in that kind of situation, frankly.

Finally, both Profiles are now done (Yes, really.), and pending.
Yep, which would make it even more impressive.

Both of them are accepted ^^. Feel free to post :3.
Yay! You even accepted my limiter! XD

Now, I'll have to see with whom, and when to post. :3
Yep, felt the limiter would add a little spice to it, ya know?
Either way. Tensa has his own reasons, for it. It tends to revolve around "Power isn't everything."
Yea, this has started, just go to the very top of the OP (Original Post) and the IC link is there ^^.
Well you don't have to put a lot. At the least 1 paragraph ^^. If you want him to start with Bankai than that's where you would put that info. (All captains automatically start with Shikai)
Well, regardless of original precedent, it makes sense for captains to not have bankai yet just on account that most of the people with bankai should have been fighting and dying before so there wouldn't be an abundance of ones with bankai left anyway. Regardless of precedent, unless they wanted to have a very small number of divisions or pointlessly postpone the recreation of the Gotei 13, that precedent wouldn't matter.

Anyone who doesn't know that Ea is an anti-world noble phantasm is probably a person who has only watched the first FSN and nothing else or wasn't paying attention.

Tensa, I think that most forbidden kido would be actually lost unless someone dug up the nonexistent scrolls or there was a survivor who knew them. They are things to be taught, not so much a natural progression like bankai.
Given that the strongest dies, it makes sense. And I don't think that people discover Kido, either. So at that point. It's not like I'd expect much of it.
To the best of my knowledge, kido spells are created, not discovered so much. Some ancient people came up and designed them from scratch, blah, blah, blah which I assume was very hard. Same way Urahara comes up with various sealings and kido spells like the garganta kido.
In short, Let's call it lost art. until people create new stuff later on.
I'm with Tensa on this one.
So shall we draw an actual line on what we call a "high level kido"? I imagine all forbidden ones like 90+ and the usual suspects such as yay time stop and teleportation are out but what about the others given the current level of the people present? I imagine Hibiki's Kido Corps involvement would put him a bit better off than the rest of the pack but it looks like most of the captains now are more like strong VCs in old SS.
I believe that, for the current generation of Captains and those residing in the Soul Society, 'high level kido' would be 70+. I'd say captains above 5 but below 10 in the kido stat know up to 60 to 65, while captains that start above 10 but below 15 in the kido stat know up to 70 to 75. If you can think of something better than by all means, tell me ^^.
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