Black Sugar (Girl Band)

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I'd check mine, but I don't wanna break a nail...wrecking on the keyboard. :P
@Myka if you want to post again responding to Vanilla you can.
Oooh I thought so too ;D
Too bad Gaby is only half conscious atm, haha.

Hmm okay! I'll see if I can get a decent post worth out of it XP
Not sure if I can get it in tonight though.
No worries. Just let me know if you want to or not, if not I'll post within the next couple of days.
No worries. Just let me know if you want to or not, if not I'll post within the next couple of days.
Okay! I'll be sure to let you know, probably sometime tomorrow.
*cries cuz gaby's crying*
Awe don't cry guys *pats your heads*

@White -- Chocolate I'm sure there will be plenty of other CPR chances XD
@Sailor Moon yus, yus. But not to worry, Gaby is just a natural cry baby. She'll get over it soon~
i'm thinking after the gaby scene and birb gets their charry up that we'll do a tiny timeskip to a jam session, where an important conversation will take place after it.
CS will be up soon! I just need Sailor to approve of some details. @w@
[fieldbox= , #269ea9, solid, 10, Trebuchet MS]

  • Name
    Selene Alkaev


    5' 9"

    Waitress during day shift at Meirin's Restaurant and Bar.
    Bartender during night shift at Meirin's Restaurant and Bar.
    Works Sunday through Thursday. Only has a night shift on Sundays.

    Lead Guitar
  • Confident | Femme Fatale | Manipulative | Adaptive

    Selene Alkaev is a woman who came from a family with strong, confident women. So it was no surprise when this young woman came out into the world with the same confidence and grace as her predecessors. And while Selene certainly does know that she's beautiful, that confidence in her own physical appearance isn't so excessive that it's considered vain. In fact, it's not unusual to find the young woman doing "dirty work", such as fixing roofs or unclogging drains, with an unfappable, adaptive attitude as long as it gets the day going smoothly again.

    Even with this attitude, however, Selene can't exactly be called self-sacrificing or a sweetheart. If she feels like someone or some event is too distasteful, Selene is quick to turn the situation in her favor. Often, she's the one the other girls at her workplace turn to when their customers get too rowdy or handsie. With a flash of a sweet but cold smile and some carefully placed words, many of the more disruptive customers find themselves thrown out of Meirin's Restaurant and Bar and told to never come back.

    Some even find their wallets mysteriously empty by the time Selene is done with them.

    But that isn't to say that Selene is a tall bundle of bitchiness. Though Selene can get sharp, stabbing with her words in just the right places to cause the most pain, her friends and family can confidently say that there is no one more loyal than Selene. They, her mother especially, says that while Selene does often use white lies, when it comes to sharing confidence with her loved ones, she's honest. Selene claims that she finds it irritating that people are so easily disheartened but she's also one of the first ones to briskly pick you up and build you up again.
  • ~ Selene is one of those people who likes giving quick and brutal pep talks ~
    ~ She genuinely enjoys fixing people up and seeing them build up their own confidence ~
    ~ She can speak Russian but she can't write well ~
    ~ While she doesn't look like it, Selene is actually pretty good at handiwork because "it's cheaper to do it yourself than hiring someone to do it for you" ~
    ~ She enjoys writing her own music but she admits that she's not the best singer for most of these written songs ~
    ~ She has both an electric guitar and an acoustic. She even has an ukulele. ~
    ~ Rather than shopping for herself, she enjoys shopping more for other people ~
    ~ Food is her best friend ~
    ~ She has a cat named Tuxedo Mask. He's a green-eyed, fluffy black cat with a white bow tie pattern on his chest which is what earned him his name. He was a stray kitten that Selene found near her workplace. ~
    ~ While Tuxedo is relatively well-mannered, he didn't like Selene's previous landlord. Even Selene's pretty face couldn't convince the landlord to let them stay when Tuxedo somehow clawed up all his dress shoes. ~
    ~Before any of you ask...yes, Tuxedo is neutered.
  • (From G-Force version 1...hahaha...all my other stuff are shameful so they're never seeing the light of day. 8D)

    Today, Maddie had to admit, wasn't one of her best days. She was the morning person of her siblings, and so she was usually the first of the three to be up and moving. Her parents were almost always up even earlier. So it was a bit of a surprise when a bleary eyed Madeleine stumbled downstairs into the kitchen after her brother and practically tripped into a chair by the island. It wasn't a surprise, however when she muttered something about getting carried away and new aprons and uniforms for their parents. Malcolm Lior, the ever understanding older brother (no matter how snarky he is), wordlessly slid a plate of pancakes in front of his sister with an amused grin.

    "Thanks, Mal...but why no coffee?" she asked, yawning widely before reaching over for the maple syrup and spreading the sticky goodness over her pancakes. She gave a light drowsy hum of appreciation before digging in. "Not that I don't appreciate your lovely pancakes. But coffee."

    Mal rolled his eyes and slid the mug of coffee over too. "I should call you Coffee Monster, Sparky."

    "Mm, no thanks. Sounds too much like Cookie Monster." Maddie shoved the rest of the pancakes into her mouth and swallowed before taking a satisfying sip from the given mug. Feeling the last of the drowsiness being swept away by the morning coffee, Maddie practically purred out a content sigh, "Besides, one of us had to end up obsessed with it or something. We live above a cafe, Mal."

    Again, he rolled his eyes.

    Then, they started washing the dishes together with a few comments here and there. Which somehow ended up starting a little soapy water fight. That also somehow dragged in their little sister, Serena, just as she came down to get her own breakfast.

    It was your typical weekend morning in the Lior household.


    Maddie hummed as she stood outside Fox and Hunter Industries HQ. It was a tuneless hum that rolled out casually as she looked over the grand building. It wasn't the first time she's seen the building, but it was definitely the first time she had a reason to actually go inside the building. It was to strange, in her eyes, to be dressed so casually in front of Fox and Hunter Industries HQ while others milled in and out of the building in business suits. She felt more than a little out of place with her simple attire, which consisted of a tan v-neck t-shirt, dove grey jacket and washed out skinny jeans. It almost made her want to just turn tail and run back home to change into a business suit herself.

    Almost. But not quite.

    She let out a heavy sigh, brushed imaginary dust off her pants, straightened her jacket, and practically marched herself into the building before she really decided to be ridiculous and run back home to change. Her march slowed into a walk when the interior design of the building momentarily distracted her. "Well, at least I know the woman has style..." she murmured to herself as she slowly but surely reached the reception desk. Maddie distractedly reached into her bag and pulled out her letter from between the pages of her sketchbook. As she finally glance up to look at the receptionist while placing the letter on the marble surface of the desk, she started at the sight of the bodyguard like man.

    Nervous, she felt energy practically crackling at the pits of her stomach. It made her absently wonder if she could spit or throw up lightning. 'Not that I want to know,' she thought dryly to herself as the initial shock died down. Shoving down any anxiety that was left, Maddie pulled up her best "public smile", "Hi, I'm Madeleine Anabelle Lior and I'm here for the formal lunch that Ms. Isabelle Hunter is hosting today?"

    The intimidating man took her letter from the desk, briefly scanned over it, before looking up at Madeleine. He stared for a good few seconds as if wondering why she was here even with the letter explaining the details. (She didn't blame him. She's been asking herself the same thing ever since she got the cryptic letter.) She was starting to wonder if she should have just listened to her instincts and ran back home when the man vaguely smiled as if she reminded him of a private joke and told her to wait for Ms. Hunter in the waiting area.

    '...And that helps me feel so safe.'

    Still, she thanked the man with another smile and quick nod of the head before heading over to the seats and sinking into one of the unoccupied ones. After a second thought, Maddie took out her sketchbook and pencil to finish up on a design she had been drafting for a few days now. She wasn't in any particular rush to finish the piece nor was she bored, but the woman wanted to look occupied. Anti-social she was not. But it didn't change the fact that her nerves were thoroughly frayed and left her with little desire for more anxiety.
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I like her. Accepteddddddddd!
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@Quintessence So are you going to continue the ripped drawing plot and we're going to find out what did it?
The skip isn't yet. We have some more stuff happening within the rp day before that happens with gaby and selene moving in.
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