Black cat can be lucky too

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Sophia smiled and made it a point to hum whenever a song came on but then she found herself tutting and frowning slightly at all the sexist remarks from the males in the movies
Black noticed the remarks, and Sophia's reaction to them.
He didn't understand why men would talk about women like that.
He was always convinced that men wouldn't be here without them after all.
Society was build by women, men were useless at that kind of stuff.
He chuckled when she tutted ''Are you okay? Don't listen to them, they don't know what they're talking about.''
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Sophia nodded "I'm fine. just annoyed that this is how people used to think about women and that some people are still like this" she answered before smiling when it came to the part where Mulan made the decision to take her fathers place
Black chuckked "I'm sorry.."
He went back to watching, it was amazing that people had made this.
Black hadn't thought any of this would be possible in the slightest, it amazed him.
Sophia carried on wathing, grinning as the song I'll make a man out of you came on and she climbed the pole to prove she was a good as the rest of them
Black listened to the music, he glanced over and saw Sophia's grin.
He looked back at the screen, she really seemed to enjoy these movies.
He curled up slight and rested his head on his paws.
Black could hardly deny that he was extremely comfortable.
Sophia leaned over and picked up Darren and placed him on her lap so she could stroke him gently as they watched, gently scraatching behind his ear now and then
Black was a little thrown off, but he settled when she scratched behind his ear.
They watched the movie together, when Mulan reached the imperial city, Black was slightly on edge.
He didn't know if it was normal that a movie made him feel so many things, but it happened.
He watched the fighting as he backed away against her slightly ''She's.. She's gonna survive right? She can't die now, she is a hero.''
Sophia smiled softly and continued to stroke the cats soft fur "just watch it" she laughed and grinned when the girl was running along the roof
Black nodded and watched ''is this.. normal?''
He took a deep breathe ''I mean the feeling.''
Sophia nodded "yeah, it's normal. especially for someone that's never seen a film before. Next we should watch titanic. makes me cry every time I watch it and it's so good"
Black nodded ''I can't hug you.. How am I supposed to make you feel better when you cry?''
He turned and looked at her ''I mean, look at these.''
He lifted his tiny paws ''These can hardly fit around my own damn head.''
Sophia laughed softly and shook her head "it's a good kind of crying, don't worry. I only ever cry at films anyway, I'm not the type of girl that cries over much" she answered and then let the Disney film end with a dreamy sigh "that was so good"
Black chuckled ''Ah.. see? That smile.. That's what I do it for.''
His attention shifted back at the movies end, he nodded and stretched ''Yes, yes it was.''
He stood up and walked around for a moment ''These legs.. I still have to get used to the fact that they fall asleep so fast.''
Sophia blushed then laughed with a smile "after this one we can go for a walk if you want" she suggested and put Titanic on with a grin
Black nodded ''Yeah, we can..''
He chuckled ''By the way, I don't know why you always blush when I compliment you, I'm just.. a.. cat?''
Sophia shook her head "I'm not used to guy giving me compliments. You're a guy, not a cat and I've never really talked to a guy properly before let alone get compliments from them"
Black looked at her ''I don't understand.''
He leaned up against her shoulder ''YOU, are beautiful. And the fact that nobody ever told you that shocks me deeply.''
He sat back down ''I mean it, you really are. And you are so kind, and funny.. I think the male population has failed their duty.''
Sophia blushed with every word "I'm just kinda shy when it comes to guys. I've never even talked or flirted with one or anything like that and having you say such nice thingsis just making me kind of flustered" she say softly with a sweet smile "you're far to sweet, you know that?"
Black chuckled ''Well, flirt with me.. I mean, not seriously, but just pretend I am the guy you've had a crush on for ages.''
He sat down ''I will see if I can help you with anything, or if you're good to go. I am a guy after all.''
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