Black and White (w/Lithël Aelfwine)

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Racer hesitated a moment at that suggestion. He mentally looked down at the dead eyes. Slowly he reached up and placed them back on the white wall. The eyes blinked and suddenly more life was in them. Slowly the white wall bled into a body. A young boy, about Shadow Racer's height stood there. The two of them could have been twins if it wasn't for the other's blonde hair and green eyes.

"Emer," Lorcan whispered, unknowingly saying it out loud. The boy gave a wide grin.

"I told you I'd beat you eventually," Emer said with a whoop of cheer.
You're doing great. Spend time with the ones that give you peace. Muttered Mr Io, and looked how his expressions changed beneath the mask.
Shadow Racer felt himself relax into the wall as the mental picture of Emer sat beside him. Slowly the white wall disappeared and became the lake that they had found, the one year when the lab had allowed them to go. It was one of the few times he'd been happy. Slowly his mind relaxed, when he opened his eyes again it was a long time later.

"Thank you," he whispered in a horse voice. "I didn't think I'd ever see him again."
I never thought you could do it so fast. I thought it would take you a couple of tries at least. Said Aedan with a smile. here have you been?
"It's just temporary though," Shadow Racer said quietly as the lake faded from his mind a little bit. "That lake was always just temporary, but…" He looked up at Mr. Io. "It's helping at least. The memories are still there, but they don't seem to be affecting my own emotions as much." In fact he could feel his powers settling back. He hadn't had this much control before; at least not without some sort of devise to help stabilize them.

"If you do this so often, then your powers must be affected by your emotions as well?" he asked suddenly wanting to know more about this strange man he had as a partner; for now.
They do, yes. If i let darkness overwhelm my heart, the things that lurk in the void are going to eat me and control me. Plus, i'm not as stable as i'd like. Mr Io rised with a sudden sound of something falling. After a quick search they saw it was one of the boxes that had fallen without reason.
Aedan grinned and went to it.
No, out, let me sleep! Said a little voice from inside the box.
Mr Io put the things inside the box again and let it be there, in the middle of the room.
"That sounds really disturbing," said Shadow Racer with a slight snort. His own powers would attack other people, instead of himself. When there was a sudden sound he jerked his head around. He looked down at the box that Aedan had placed in the middle of the room. "What is it?" he asked hesitantly. His hand reached out to touch it.
I don't really know for sure... Aedan admitted but i'm inclined to think it's one of those void things i told you of, or... I really don't know. It just popped up today.
Shadow Racer poked the box. "They follow you around a lot huh?" he asked standing up. "That's got to get annoying." It would certainly annoy him. He tended to prefer doing things by himself. It made it easier not to get attached to people. They all just ended up dying anyway; it was the way of the world.
In fact, it's the first time i have this... things he understood it was because of his powers, but ¿why two partners at once? he has been always been alone, and now this much company was really weird.
I think it's a reflection of my emotions, but i'm not sure. NOw i'm not sleepy.
"They're new then," Shadow Racer said with a frown. He glared at the box, as if doing that would cause the… thing to appear and be explained. "Hopefully your emotions aren't violent," he said a bit sarcastically. "I'd hate to have a fight with these."

He tilted his head and snorted. "Sleep is boring anyway," he commented. "Better to be out and doing something."
Better have balance, but yes. It's still time to do things. Are you ready to go to the place you told me about? Asked Mr Io creating again que mask of shadows he used almost always.
"Yeah," Shadow Racer said eyeing the shadows surrounding Mr. Io. "But I don't think I'll travel your way, it made me sick last time," he said dryly. "If you want to hide in my shadow I can get us there fairly quickly."
It's really that hard for an extranger to feel the travel? ASked Mr Io while he moved to the door, inviting the speedster to go out.
"It's like all the bad things in the world are crawling at the edge of my sight," Shadow Racer said bluntly. He stepped outside of the door; they must have been inside the room for a while because it had definitely become night. The lamps in the street flickered as the speedster folded his arms. "We need to stop and get the keys to get into the lab."
Mr Io locked the door then and got in the speedster's shadow. you see everything that happens in the shadows. You can actually see free porn if you want.
The racer nearly tripped at that comment. "I don't have time for that," he complained a little embarrassed. "That kind of thing… it's far too distracting." After he stated that he flickered and started running. Within a minute they'd stopped outside of the anti-heroes apartment building. "I need to grab the key cards to the lab, and get my regular goggles on." He stepped into his room and flipped on the light. He instantly went to the closet. There was a loose floorboard that hid a box and some goggles.

He hesitated, and then took off the mask that had been given to him. He placed the goggles over his nearly red eyes. Shadow Racer picked up the box carefully.
WHen Racer hit the ON button of the light, MR Io had to come out as the shadow where he was had disappeared. Hmn, you need to get distracted. Mr Io looked at the place. Nothing really impresive, they had the same stile: Not a home, but a deposit to put their things.
When they started moving in the place, something falled and broke.

Ah! Mister Daumantas! Lovely, we have now everything we need to take you to Jail. Said a voice only Racer could know. But he knew it well... The Cientist. WHat he was doing there, it was a mistery.
Shadow Racer stood up, he clutched the box to his chest. "I have done nothing to warrant arrest," the speedster said a touch of danger and anger entering his voice. "Technically you are the one trespassing in my home." He wasn't as calm as he sounded. No one should have known about this apartment, technically the Department had no knowledge of their heroes secret identities. Or at least they shouldn't, Lorcan cursed his lapse into naiveté. Of course the agency would keep tabs on their heroes, even if it meant going against the contract they had with them.
Is that so? But you're in company of a known supervillian, enemy of the state, terrorist, and moreover, you've entered into secret databases using the resourses of the agency for your own purposes. That's a harsh fellony. Not the most brilliant.
The man came in the room, just a bit older that he remembered. He started to look around, not finding them.

We're out. Said mister Io and busted out
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