Bite-Hooker 'Ell

Kirin remained quiet and then gave a soft whimpering cry. Only one. Just enough to get it out of her system. She didn't trust herself to stop if she kept going. Taking a whimpering breath she opened her eyes and swallowed slowly. "Charlie is a cold-hearted bastard. He cares about nothing unless it can benefit himself. You are lucky to have gotten someone else to raise you," she said.
ALarie looked down at Kirin in shock and then threw her head back and laughed. Flopping back on the bed, she rolled around until the giggles were exhausted. "Thank you for that." She wiped her eyes. "I haven't heard anyone state something like that in decades of living in this house." Soft snickers escaped her. "Cold-hearted bastard. I'll have to remember to tell Daniel about that one. So," she looked up from the pillow with a grin, "do you want to try the library again or should I just go and start bringing books in here?"
Kirin blushed at the woman's laughter and bit her bottom lip. Her hand shot out when Alarie suggested going out and bringing the books back. "No. No, let us wait until this even. Charlie is still in the library and I-"Don't want to be left alone"don't think it's safe for you to move about during the day. I meant what if that Kyle guy shows up again?"
Alarie nodded. "Yes, I see your point." Flopping back into the huge mound of pillows on the bed, (it was her bed and she could dictate the floofiness of the pillows!) the vampire sighed. "What do we do then? I'm not all that tired, and I don't go for my feeding until later, because Daniel hasn't gone and picked up any of my blood bags."
Kirin looked at the woman and then smiled a little before pushing herself up from the bed and walked around. "I don't know. Don't your kind normally sleep during the day?" she asked. "If so, go sleep. I'll either sleep or entertain myself."
She shrugged. "...That's another thing that's weird about me; I only sleep about once a week. I slept the day before I protected you from that group of vampires. I'm ready to go do about anything, but no one is about except the humans. Most are scared of me, and besides, there isn't a sunscreen with a high enough SPF to protect a vampire from burning in the sun."
Kirin smiled softly and shook her head. "You are an odd vampire that is for sure," she said before she sat on the floor and looked up at the bed before sprawling out therein her bra and pants, staring at the ceiling. "Who would have thought I'd find Charlie after all these years. He's the one that got me away from her by the way. He saved me then dumpedme somewehre to getclean. Lost track of him after that."
"He just dumped you?" Alarie snorted. "Some brother he is." She swung her head over the edge of the bed so that her face was directly above Kirin's. "Not to push limits, or anything, but what was your home life like? I mean, I can't have been the best, but surely there was some sort of love there."
Kirin blinked up at the woman and her gaze clouded. She looked away and bit her lip. "I was the only human in a family of four vampires," she explained. "It isn't supposed to happen but my mother had me and, well... Here I am." Slowly she peaked back up at Alarie.
Alarie smiled softly at the dhampir. "Being the odd one out is nothing to be ashamed of. That's a lesson that Daniel had to have beaten into my thick head multiple times before I could actually get around to not thinking of myself ss the scum of vampiredom. I still sometimesfo rget the training he gave me and my flight instinct kicks in."
"At least you are all one thing," she said, rolling onto her stomach before pushing herself up and going to sit on the bed next to her. "I'm a half-creature. Not many ofthose around. And I'm not even sure I want to be one."
Alarie looked at Kirin. "Maybe you are something that's all you. Not the half-human, half-vampire, but the dhampir Kirin." She flushed and looked away from Kirin, clearing her throat. "Just a thought. And besides, you have some pretty badass reflexes if when you woke in the dorms was anything to go by."
Kirin blushed and shook her head."I'm not that good.I was just startled. That is the extent of my abilities," she told the other woman before she looked down at her lap and waited for the next question. "What if a dhampire isn't a good thing? maybe a dhampire is the worse of all? I can walk into light, I need blood to survive. I'm like a vampire able to go out and hurt others."
Alarie rounded on Kirin. "You shouldn't say things like that until we know the truth. Or as much if it as we can find. There were reasons that we came to the manor and that's because of the books that Daniel has available." Alarie stopped, visibly trembling from the amount of control that she was exerting over her hunger.
I knew I should have fed earlier. She winced and turned away from the dhampir who still had viable blood flowing through her veins.
The womans reaction made Kirin flinch back. She closed her eyes to keep her fear hidden. She knew she shouldn't have come. It then hit her in the stomach. She could sense the other womans hunger. She was holding back so much hunger.

Kirin closed her eyes and bit her lip. "Y-you dont produce the chemicals in your bite that make people dependant on bites. T-That's what you said right?"
Alarie shrugged. "Not really. I made it so that the bite healed faster, but none of the addicting chems. Part of why I can't have a thrall."
Kirin bit her bottom lip and looked away. Slowly, very slowly, she reached out an arm, wrist exposed. "It'll be worse if you don't eat soon. You should have accepted the blood at my apartment. But then you didn't so now go ahead and take some," she said, voice trembling.
Alarie looked at Kirin. "I'm truly sorry. My hunger should not have been this bad until tomorrow midnight." Slowly she scooted until she was sitting next to Kirin. "I promise that I'll make this as painless as possible."
Alarie lowered her head down to Kirin's wrist and sniffed gently before laving the area with the chems that acted as a localized anesthetic before gently pressing down until she drew blood.
There was a burst of sweet and tang before Alarie was lapping delicately but firmly at Kirin's wrist. Almost moaning at the taste, Alarie managed to constrain herself to about ten pulls before she sealed the wound with the secondary chems that her fangs secreted.
Sitting back up she looked at Kirin. "You ok?"
Kirin had closed her eyes and bitten her lip as she felt the blood leaving her wrist and being swallowed. She gave a small whimper before she felt the lick that closed the wound. She pulled her wrist away, trying to hide her blush. The feel of her blood being drawn was remembered so well in her mind. Her breathing was ragged, gasping softly for breath as she tried to calm herself. "F-F-Fine," she whispered.
Alarie glanced up at Kirin with concern. Seeing the drawn, pale face she pricked her thumb and held it against her lips. "I'm pretty sure this'll help you." She gave the smaller woman a pleading look.