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"I always said you should go into acting, you've always been dramatic. Seriously, you're the kindest guy I know. Doesn't mean you can stop people doing what they want to do-- I do admit that it seems strange that there's so much so sudden, but... hey, maybe it'll settle down soon," she proposed with a hint of optimism. She was usually upbeat and cheerful, trying to see the positives in most things, and that seemed like it was desperately needed now her brother's sense of self seemed to diminish at the hands of the weird behaviours of the town's inhabitants.

"Did 'ya hear about old Mrs Robinson?" She suddenly blurted, if only because it would take his mind off the more troubling events. Amongst the crime, people had been acting upon their desires, and these weren't necessarily evil or violent. In fact, Laura often found the stories she heard from people on the street amusing. "She left her husband to go gamble away her son's inheritance in Vegas. The woman who wouldn't even leave her house in winter has suddenly popped off across the country? I find it hilarious~"​
"Laura, that's horrible!" He squeaked, his eyes wide in horror. He was fond of the Robinson family, always enjoying their casseroles during Easter, They were much like the other nuclear families that lived in Macon, but it seemed that formula was fading quickly since his sister's return.

"How... How is her husband? Is he okay? And their son? I-I mean, he's already three semesters in, that would be awful! Maybe... Maybe I could help? I know I shouldn't get involved, this isn't my place. It's... I think I'm going to go to the church, pray..."
"How is it horrible? She's probably always wanted to go. I don't see why she has to give her money to her son when she dies, anyway. If she wants to spend her hard earned cash in Las Vegas on the slot machines, then I think it's great that she's doing what she wants. Sure, perhaps leaving her old man wasn't the best thing, but jeez, it ain't like she's murdered someone, is it? The old gal's living her life," she muttered back, slightly despondent from the horrified response, and so sunk back under the covers childishly. Especially when his apparent way of dealing with the town's current crisis was to pray. It was her idea of a waste of time... but she lad learnt to at least shut her mouth when it came to her vocal disagreement of his work.

"At least wait for Makai, he'd love to come with you. He likes it there, and you have that christening tomorrow, don't ya? For Grace's little son? Then you'll probably need a hand preparing," she admitted, glancing up at her brother with a small pout, in hopes to persuade him with it. "I don't know why he likes it there. He's not religious or anythin', but let 'im help you out, alright? You guys get on great and, considering you haven't got a whole line of friends waiting to help you right now, I think Makai's help is valuable, right?"​
"I-I have friends, Laura. Just because I'm not wandering the streets, going to parties and stuff, doesn't mean I don't have people who come over. Yeah, they're not my age, but... It is nice that Makai is helping. I mean, with the lack of people coming in, I've been pretty strapped for help. He's pretty hesitant with setting things up, but he does like to greet people at the door and clean up."

Offering a smile at the thought, he glanced at his sister with a raised brow. "Maybe you should come...? It's not like I'm shoving a cross down your throat, okay? It would just be nice, if only to reconnect with people."
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"Nice offer and all, but I'd rather stay here and binge watch TV, thanks-- I don't mean to sound like a bitch, but... it's not something I'd enjoy. Would you come out partying with me, Ivan? Probably not, right? I've accepted that-- maybe I'll come to the christening tomorrow, alright? Jeez, I really cave in to peer pressure, don't I? That's all you're getting from me. I'm not going to start handing out Bibles and singing hymns, alright?"

"You should come, it'd be nice to see you there. Especially when all this is going on, we need the help," commented Makai as he wandered in from the cold outside, dropping his bag containing his camera quietly. He would maintain that he had been out trying to find work, or simply photographing in some nice park somewhere, but he had been sat watching people fight, and, given he wasn't the biggest fan of commitment, kissing a few people that day had been on the agenda. Apparently, the apple didn't fall too far from the tree, despite his open criticism of his father's behaviour. "I take it you want me to come help you out again, Ivan? I'm down for that. I've got nothing else going on-- some thug tried stealing my camera just now, and he had a bag full of other valuables, so I suppose I should call the police, but that can wait. I suppose they're inundated with work, anyway."​
"You could have stopped them if you wanted! I mean, look at you Makai. You're well built, and tall, why couldn't you just knock him down?" He questioned warily, while wrapping himself up tighter in the blankets. "I mean... I guess hindsight is 20/20, huh? Because I'm sure I would have panicked in that situation. I'm sort of a wimp, huh, Laura?" He asked, while peering over at his sister with a forced smile. After all, he tried to hold back his suspicion as best as possible.
"I didn't entirely want to hurt the man. I don't take pleasure in it. Besides, I was far too warm and I wanted to come home and cool off. Ironic, really. Where I come from, it's ten times hotter than this and I rarely break a sweat. Must be this area," the demon drawled, casually flashing his brother-in-law a lazy grin before tugging off his thin jacket. "Aren't you going to come then, Ivan? I thought we had preparations at the church? I could polish some of the stained glass windows? They don't look as clean as usual-- I suppose the guy that shot his brains out just outside them didn't help much."

"Don't be so callous," retorted Laura, albeit halfheartedly as she gratefully accepted a kiss from her husband. She was completely oblivious to the changes in his personality, being far too in love with him to notice or accept them. After all, speaking so bluntly about someone's suicide was awful, but he had hardly frowned when speaking of it. In fact, his smile remained perfectly intact - something Makai knew Laura would overlook, but Ivan would notice. That was sort of the point, after all.​
"... I don't understand why you need to be so crude about things like that. The man... H-He clearly had some issues in his life that couldn't be helped. I wish I could have talked to him, shown him God's light. I'm not a psychologist, that's pretty obvious, though. Do we need to leave this minute? I need a good ol' shower and we can head out then. I'm sure you need to relax, after almost having your things stolen..." He murmured, while pressing further into the blankets until he was fully covered.
"If you want the church to look like a pigsty, then sure. I thought you cared about keeping it tidy and preparing, but it's fine if you want to lounge about," replied Makai under his breath, a genuine flicker of annoyance crossing his face as he flopped back onto the couch beside Laura and made a grab for the remote to randomly change from channel to channel - anything was better than the crappy soap operas she was often glued to watching.

"Quit being such a douchebag, I'd rather Ivan stayed and watched TV today, he's been under so much stress. Like, admittedly, things are fucked up around here, and you put pressure on yourself, Ivan, so ignore Makai. Clearly his job search didn't go to plan."

"...At least I'm actively looking for work. Let's not argue, it's not entirely important," muttered the demon, physically scowling at his wife's defence of her brother. He had hoped that the wedge between them would grow wider, but to see them sat together up close and apparently getting along? It wasn't part of the plan whatsoever.​
The priest grew silent from Makai's attempt of guilt, his eyes locked on the hands underneath his blanket. It was true, right? He was supposed to be the one in charge of the church, and he was doing a pisspoor job. Technically, the other volunteers were meant to help, too, but... A few had been killed in some gruesome way, others just flat out stopped showing up, and the ones that did? Often were only there to steal. He was only one man, he couldn't do the job of a whole church. Putting that aside, though, he felt himself crumpling a tad under pressure.

"You're, uh... You're right. I probably should go there. I mean, I need to make sure everything is still intact! S-Someone could have burned the place down by now, what with how the whole town seems to be acting. I might call some other priests, for help, if I can't do this alone..."
"More priests? That certainly sounds like a great idea," admitted Makai in delight, getting back to his feet and adjusting his coat in preparation to head back out into the cold, already tying his scarf around his neck to make his anticipation to quickly leave all the more obvious. Likewise, he hardly hid his agreement in bringing in more priests. All that meant to him was more amusement in seeing them fail, and potentially more targets to corrupt and make fall to their own sins. Granted, he hadn't turned that onto Ivan yet. He could have easily made him act on any inner desires he had... but he wanted to save that for last. Until then, it was amusing watching him breakdown over the helpless state he found himself in.

"But you do have me, Ivan. I'm here to help, and I'd like to go and help you now, so let's quit moping around and get a shift on. You know I adore helping out in the church. I like to think I've put myself in God's good book by now-- but I'm sure I'll find out when I'm stood at the pearly gates one day, huh? Perhaps I'll just get sent to Hell, I've not exactly been an angel."​
"I think everyone can repent, Makai. Besides, I care far too much for you and Laura to let either of you end up anywhere but Heaven," he reassured, while reluctantly emerging from his blankets. Wiping his sore eyes, he somewhat reluctantly slipped into his dad-like sneakers and sweater, raising a brow at the other's outfit. After all, they were in Georgia. Yeah, it was surprisingly cold for the area, but the sight of the scarf almost made him laugh.

Nonetheless, he offered Laura a nervous smile, before carefully grabbing his things and shoving them into a bag, before reluctantly sighing in the windy air. After hearing just how uncaring Makai was, it was somewhat unnerving- he saw Makai as a good person, initially, and the perfect man for his sister. For him to say something so savagely? It was pretty surprising, naturally.
"And what is it you're so wary of? It's written across your expression, Ivan, you aren't successful in hiding how you feel. What have I done to confuse you?" He suddenly asked, turning his eyes calmly onto the other and letting his lips perk into a slight smile as he did. Besides, it could either go two ways: he could either watch Ivan struggle with some excuse and squirm awkwardly, or witness him admitting how he truly felt, and that would be just as amusing and beneficial.

"Or you don't have to tell me, of course. I'm already aware that I've been acting differently. Then again, is it surprising when this town is acting like it is? It's bound to affect people," he continued calmly, if only to save the time spent on letting him answer. "...If you could do anything, Ivan, if you could indulge in some desire, what would it be? I'm curious."

[[ Okay, so I'm INCREDIBLY SORRY for being so crappy lately with replies. I've had two exams this week for uni, but they're finally over with! (and I'm certain I've failed epically but hey ho) and so I'm officially back from the slow replies and whatnot~ Sorry about that again btw, it should be a LOT quicker now c: ]]
"It would be to tell you that you look a bit silly wearing a wool scarf down here," Ivan offered easily, while tweaking his smile to look a bit more genuine. The whole talk of desires and vices wasn't something he was very good at talking about, due to his profession, so it was almost instinctual for him to try and lighten the mood.

"I'd also like to hear what some of your own issues are, after all, I am a priest- you can come to me whenever you need to if you'd like to confess. Anyway! Let's get going, hm?"
"As I've said, compared to where I'm from, this is cold weather. I come from a place as hot as Hell," he muttered beneath his breath, all while smiling to himself at the chosen simile. As many references he could make to Hell and the Devil, he was going to say - not only was it fun to do, but he hoped it would at least make the other more suspicious of him. So far, he was far too forgiving and forcefully kind to even show a hint of suspicion.

"If I could do anything, I suppose I would experiment sexually. If I weren't married to Laura, of course. You're a priest, so you said I could open up. I think I'd enjoy experimenting in the bedroom, why not, right? You only live once-- is that what you'd do, if you could? Have some sexual experience? Why can't you just go kiss a guy if you want to? I really don't see why you can't-- I know for a fact you like men more than women, at least. I've seen you check out the waiter at that cafe, you're hardly very subtle-- but I haven't told Laura, relax. I find it amusing. You know, just say the word and I could have you meet up with him. He is cute, his jawline's superb..."​
"I'm married and dedicated to God, Makai. To insinuate I'd do something so... s-so horrible is truly disgusting. I'm going to ignore the fact that you even suggested that. If you want to experiment in the bedroom, more power to you- if it doesn't break my sister's heart. I, on the other hand, prefer to refrain from things like that. Besides, I don't have the need for sex or anything like that. As long as I focus on my role, I can live happily."
"Your God is an asshole, you know? And you downright lying to my face is disappointing. I thought I could coax people into telling me their little secrets, so you lying makes me feel a little inferior right now-- you can hide it all you want, by the way. I've seen you eye him up, and I fully encourage you stick a finger up to God and do what you want for once. If you end up in Hell, I'll take care of you. It's where I'll end up," he shrugged quietly, even though his smug comments and smirk were hiding back just how genuinely offended he was, both with the lying and the 'disgusting' comment. It wasn't disgusting by any means, he didn't think. There was absolutely nothing wrong in admitting that guys were cute, rather than continue to hide it because of some farcical devotion to God, right?

"I've told you before, I'm not a good guy, not really, but I have certain beliefs. People ought to do what they want to, to an extent. I'm not advocating someone run around with a chainsaw, but... at least romantically, people ought to express themselves. The fact you can't admit that you'd at least like to kiss someone is really sad. You'll die alone with about twelve dogs, Ivan, and your precious God won't bat an eyelid. You're just another sucker who's given their life up for Him, y'know? He probably finds it terribly amusing."​
"If dying among a handful of dogs is what He wants, who am I to say otherwise?" He countered, his smile fading to a flat line as he rummaged through the keychain in search for his car key. "I wasn't born to do any of that sort of thing. Laura's own sexual prowess makes up for both of us, I guess. Now, I don't think I want your help anymore, Makai. I'm perfectly fine cleaning the windows of the church on my own. How about you spend time with Laura? Or work on your photography? Because I really don't appreciate you being so disrespectful to my career choice."

Ivan wasn't one to get particularly angry, and, in that moment, he wasn't. Instead, he was rather shocked, as was evident by his lack of emotion. He saw the best in everyone in their small town, naturally, but the way Makai was speaking was nothing how Laura had described him. So, once finally getting into his car, he immediately locked it before offering a final smile, and pulling out of the driveway.
Cleaning church windows hadn't been his idea of fun when he could be getting drunk at some bar and flirting with a woman or two, but he had seen it as a perfect opportunity to spice things up and take them up a notch by adding a hint or two about what -or who- he was. He had planned on perhaps getting holy water on himself - risking a burn for the purpose of freaking Ivan out had seemed worth it. Yet, he was apparently reserved to staring after the car in evident annoyance, before storming inside the house to take his anger away by cuddling up to Laura. For all her faults, she could calm him down surprisingly well.

Yet, even if Makai hadn't had that plan work out and so hadn't headed to the church with Ivan, another person was sat in the pews of the large hall, flicking absently through a Bible. The door had been kicked down in order to break into the place of worship, with little respect shown to it, or the Bible itself, which the man found himself snorting and chuckling at every few seconds-- until hearing the approaching footsteps of Ivan, anyway.

Tilting his head back, a bright grin appeared on the handsome man's face as he locked eyes with Ivan, though didn't bother explaining getting up to introduce himself. In fact, he didn't bother with anything other than jumping straight to the point. "Is Makai here? I know you and him are buddies, and I've been looking awhile for him now, actually... and I find where he is, and he's befriended a Priest? You know, it'd be laughable if it wasn't so out of character for him. He hates Priests-- sorry, I'm being awfully rude. Mother would be furious with me-- I'm Azaiah. Makai probably hasn't mentioned me. He hates me as much as he hates your occupation so we should get along like a house on fire, huh~?"

Bitterly storming up the familiar stone steps to the aging church, the sight of the broken down door and still-brain-splattered window made his skin crawl. Nonetheless, that bitter aura almost instantly was replaced with excitement to see another person seeming to enjoy the place of worship that he tried so desperately to maintain. Forcing back his urge to run to meet the man, he was instantly hesitant by the other's vibes.

"Oh, uh... You know Makai? It's strange, it seems he's bringing all of his Californian friends over here. What an awful time for new tourist, I guess. I'm so sorry about the state of the church, it seems that everything sort of fell apart in a day. Makai and I aren't really friends, rather, he's my brother-in-law. To be honest, he seemed more interested in the church than my own sister..." he explained, albeit awkwardly as he adjusted his polo collar. After all, he wasn't expecting any visitors, so it was natural to have wanted to wear something more careful and calm to get blood or shards on. Nonetheless, with a purse lipped smile, he clapped his hands together before offering to take the bible back.

"Why would you want to see my brother-in-law? I mean, he didn't mention you, so I would hardly assume you two are on good terms... though, I shouldn't get involved, I suppose. Not my place, eh? A-Anyway, I could call my sister and ask her so you two could meet up, if you'd like? I mean... I may not be on good terms with Makai right now, but that doesn't mean I won't help you two reconnect."