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I guess I'm just confused because you offered it to me after Justin dropped knowing I was in Equestrian club. But either way.
You asked if you could have it and I was going to give it to you, but you have Co captain for Equestrian, Co-captain for art, and if I gave you Co Captain for drama then you could have all three of your activities as a higher position. I want to give others a chance, so I am asking others who are in that club who don't have as many high positions as you first. You were one of the people who was upset because only a few people got the high positions and if I give it to you, you would be that person. I am just trying to let everyone have a high position.

Er sorry to be a pain, but is it possible to change that dark purple color in the GM Update? It's completely invisible on thunder grey.
Yes, I'll change that right now. Sorry, dear!
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Well I am the only one doing all of this, and I am putting my all in. Sometimes I forget something and it is just a simple mistake. I know some things are confusing, but because I am doing this solo without any help from anyone, it gets stressful sometimes and my mind forgets to add something in. So what exctly is it that is confusing? Just as me all the questions you have about it and I will go over and answer your questions to the best of my ability.

Okay everyone, read this, please:
There has been some confusion about everything so I am going to go over it to the best of my abiity right now, very quickly.

You guys know the basic characters and abilities that we have used from the beginning, correct? Well let me refresh you on what exactly the plot is.

Plot: Teenagers around the world have been developing powers and abilities, causing the government to go crazy. At first they though that there was a pattern, but the people who are devloping powers are random and have no connection (except for a few sibling here and there), so the government tries to play nice and begin to work with them. Then a giant star of light plummets to earth and burts open, taking with it a few people who had worked with the teenagers with special abilities.

Berkeley is a place that travels on its own and is ruled by power. It gets its energy and power from the teenagers who have these abilities. Every 100 years this same routine happens again. Teenagers develop unique abilities, the government goes crazy, a star burst open and takes some people, and the teenagers discover Berkeley. The only difference between now and all the other times is that Berkeley has become weak and it is obvious there is something wrong with it. It is because a war is going to break out-- and soon. (I will go over the war below.)

So Berkeley is a place for the unseen. A place for the people who get bullied, who are misunderstood, are troubled, or have a rough past. Why? Because those who have been through a difficult time are the strongest out of all of us. So Berkeley shows these teenagers (our characters) itself (by the path that I mentioned in the GM post) and they are placed in a class to train and become the best at their ability as they can be because they are the future. Not only do they have to save Berkeley, but they have to save the world too.

War: The war that is breaking out will be later on in the roleplay, like towards the end. It is caused because the world has become chaos. Everyone is turning against each other. Best friends don't trust each other, schools education has become a joke, politics are misunderstood, and everything is falling apart because everyone thinks that their group of people (such as rather it be race, religion, or whatever) is better than everyone else's.

The future is who visited each indivudual character one night and gave them their ability because they know that if they don't change the past and stop the world, the people will destory each other and leave the world burning and broken, ending human race.

Now, I know some of this is new to everyone. The reason being because I wasn't sure if it would be better to keep it a secret until it were at that part in the rolepay so that everyone would actually be serious. This is just explaining why the war begins, but if you guys think it is best to go ahead and tell you who is behind and helping Berkeley stay healthy for all these years, who gave the characters their abilities, and why they did this in the first place, then I can go over all of that. I want to have everyone's thoughts though because if you think it is best that we reveal it throughout the roleplay and everyone discovers it when its time, I am fine with that. If you want to know, I can tell you guys. I just need to know so I can tell you or not tell you.

Okay, so now that we went over Berkeley and the War, we can move on to the new or edited information.

Dorm Rooms: The only change in the dorm rooms is that some rooms have four, and some have three in a dorm. Also, a few characters switched dorms to make sure we didn't have any who were made by the same person in the same dorm. Pretty easy, right? Not much changed there.

Activities: The only difference in the activities is that I am now going to ask some people if they'd like to step up and take a leadership position. I am choosing these particular people because either they don't have any higher positions, or they have very few and I want to give everyone a chance. If I suggest it, doesn't mean you have to take it. You can say no, just let me know. Also, @Mr.Scales, I am going to go ahead and pull your girl out of her head spots becasue one, I have forgotten what they are, and we have waited and we still do not have a WIP of her. @Misguided Ghost, Dylan Cole is a student council member but we still have spots open as a secretary or treasurer, so if you'd like you can have either one of those spots. Both Chief and Editor are open on the newspaper, so whoever would like them can have them. @Prince Justin Perfection, Korei has Co-Captain of basketball but the captain spot is available. If you would like then he can take it. @Brea, Peter is on the basketball team and I noticed that he does not have a high position, so if @Prince Justin Perfection takes the Captain, you can ahve Co-Captain if you'd like. Or if he stays with Co-Captain, maybe you could take Captain. I am giving @Prince Justin Perfection first choice because he already had one of the high spots, but you can have the other high position if you'd like. @Misguided Ghost, Zorra is in volleyball and the Co-Captain spot is open if she would like to take it. @Midnight Owl, Brayden can have the Captain for Track and Field if he'd like it. @Midnight Owl, Jade can have the Vice President for Drama if she would like it. @Misguided Ghost, Alex can have Co-Captain for Dance if she would like it.

Pairings: The pairings are completely new for all new members, and even some of the older members may not remember them. The pairings wil change throughout the roleplay, probably every few weeks (in RP time). The long list of pairings that is on the GM update is the partner(s) that you will begin the roleplay with, which will all be gone over during the first post in the IC where I speak as the teacher, explaining it again. The whole point in having a partner is for two reasons: 1) it helps characters bond and create relationships (whether good or bad) with other characters. You will never be paired with a NPC, so no need to worry about that. 2.) One of the main points in the roleplay is the war, but putting teenagers who barely know anything about their abilities into a war with no training is not a good idea. So you are given partners to train on and with. Most people need someone else to train with, for example, one of my characters, Isabelle, has the power of Body Insertion. For this she needs to have at least one other person, but perferably two so that she can use her ability and test her limits. She can try things she never imagined when she has a partner and who knows what kind of things that our characters will discover about their ability when they have been training for months. So the pairings are meant to help train ech other and become more advanced at their ability so that they can prepare for the upcoming war.

So find your partner on the list and make sure that you aren't paired with yourself and that you understand why I placed you together and are okay with that pairing.

Classes: The class schedule has been added to the GM update and the groups should be on there as well. So you can find our about how the beginning of each day (Monday -Thursday only) will start. After class is out, you are free to do whatever you'd like. Unless it is blowing up the school or city. If you have a question about the schedule, let me know.

IC Thread: The IC thread is linked to the GM post and I think that I went over everything you should know before posting and continuing with the roleplay. When I open the IC to allow others to post, I will post first and then copy the parts of it that you guys can use in yours (the parts that will be basically the same for everyone, for example when we first arrive to Berkeley and you are talking to the mayor and she is going over things, and then what the teacher goes over in the class the next morning) and then I will post it in the OOC so that you guys have an idea of what to go off of. As soon as I know and have been okayed by everyone that they udnerstand and are okay with everything, we can begin. If you do not have a character completed then they will have to come in late if we are all ready to begin. I'd rather there be no dropping, but if there has to be, please don't drop two or three characters at once. That is the worse thing for us right now and it throws everything off now. Like literally everything.. including all the work I put into the pairings.

Rules: The rules are there for a reason. Please use them.

If you still have questions, let me know and I will answer all of them fully and to the best of my ability. I have no problem answer questions, but please read through this entirely and the GM update and the information on the first page before you ask me a question. You never know, your question may already be answered. If you still don't see your answer though, let me know! Thanks guys and please let me know ASAP!
I'll just stay to one character then, since i don't have any higher spots for my female character.
I might drop Alex guys! D: It makes me sad because I love playing the confident and flirty lesbian!
I'll just stay to one character then, since i don't have any higher spots for my female character.
Okay, thanks for letting us know. I would save the spot for you but everyone is ready for the roleplay to begin and your character still is not up and if we begin without her, we can't begin without a head volleyball member.

I might drop Alex guys! D: It makes me sad because I love playing the confident and flirty lesbian!
Awh! I loved her! But if you do, just let me know! I wish our other lesbian hadn't dropped!
Well I am the only one doing all of this, and I am putting my all in. Sometimes I forget something and it is just a simple mistake. I know some things are confusing, but because I am doing this solo without any help from anyone, it gets stressful sometimes and my mind forgets to add something in. So what exctly is it that is confusing? Just as me all the questions you have about it and I will go over and answer your questions to the best of my ability.

Okay everyone, read this, please:
There has been some confusion about everything so I am going to go over it to the best of my abiity right now, very quickly.

You guys know the basic characters and abilities that we have used from the beginning, correct? Well let me refresh you on what exactly the plot is.

Plot: Teenagers around the world have been developing powers and abilities, causing the government to go crazy. At first they though that there was a pattern, but the people who are devloping powers are random and have no connection (except for a few sibling here and there), so the government tries to play nice and begin to work with them. Then a giant star of light plummets to earth and burts open, taking with it a few people who had worked with the teenagers with special abilities.

Berkeley is a place that travels on its own and is ruled by power. It gets its energy and power from the teenagers who have these abilities. Every 100 years this same routine happens again. Teenagers develop unique abilities, the government goes crazy, a star burst open and takes some people, and the teenagers discover Berkeley. The only difference between now and all the other times is that Berkeley has become weak and it is obvious there is something wrong with it. It is because a war is going to break out-- and soon. (I will go over the war below.)

So Berkeley is a place for the unseen. A place for the people who get bullied, who are misunderstood, are troubled, or have a rough past. Why? Because those who have been through a difficult time are the strongest out of all of us. So Berkeley shows these teenagers (our characters) itself (by the path that I mentioned in the GM post) and they are placed in a class to train and become the best at their ability as they can be because they are the future. Not only do they have to save Berkeley, but they have to save the world too.

War: The war that is breaking out will be later on in the roleplay, like towards the end. It is caused because the world has become chaos. Everyone is turning against each other. Best friends don't trust each other, schools education has become a joke, politics are misunderstood, and everything is falling apart because everyone thinks that their group of people (such as rather it be race, religion, or whatever) is better than everyone else's.

The future is who visited each indivudual character one night and gave them their ability because they know that if they don't change the past and stop the world, the people will destory each other and leave the world burning and broken, ending human race.

Now, I know some of this is new to everyone. The reason being because I wasn't sure if it would be better to keep it a secret until it were at that part in the rolepay so that everyone would actually be serious. This is just explaining why the war begins, but if you guys think it is best to go ahead and tell you who is behind and helping Berkeley stay healthy for all these years, who gave the characters their abilities, and why they did this in the first place, then I can go over all of that. I want to have everyone's thoughts though because if you think it is best that we reveal it throughout the roleplay and everyone discovers it when its time, I am fine with that. If you want to know, I can tell you guys. I just need to know so I can tell you or not tell you.

Okay, so now that we went over Berkeley and the War, we can move on to the new or edited information.

Dorm Rooms: The only change in the dorm rooms is that some rooms have four, and some have three in a dorm. Also, a few characters switched dorms to make sure we didn't have any who were made by the same person in the same dorm. Pretty easy, right? Not much changed there.

Activities: The only difference in the activities is that I am now going to ask some people if they'd like to step up and take a leadership position. I am choosing these particular people because either they don't have any higher positions, or they have very few and I want to give everyone a chance. If I suggest it, doesn't mean you have to take it. You can say no, just let me know. Also, @Mr.Scales, I am going to go ahead and pull your girl out of her head spots becasue one, I have forgotten what they are, and we have waited and we still do not have a WIP of her. @Misguided Ghost, Dylan Cole is a student council member but we still have spots open as a secretary or treasurer, so if you'd like you can have either one of those spots. Both Chief and Editor are open on the newspaper, so whoever would like them can have them. @Prince Justin Perfection, Korei has Co-Captain of basketball but the captain spot is available. If you would like then he can take it. @Brea, Peter is on the basketball team and I noticed that he does not have a high position, so if @Prince Justin Perfection takes the Captain, you can ahve Co-Captain if you'd like. Or if he stays with Co-Captain, maybe you could take Captain. I am giving @Prince Justin Perfection first choice because he already had one of the high spots, but you can have the other high position if you'd like. @Misguided Ghost, Zorra is in volleyball and the Co-Captain spot is open if she would like to take it. @Midnight Owl, Brayden can have the Captain for Track and Field if he'd like it. @Midnight Owl, Jade can have the Vice President for Drama if she would like it. @Misguided Ghost, Alex can have Co-Captain for Dance if she would like it.

Pairings: The pairings are completely new for all new members, and even some of the older members may not remember them. The pairings wil change throughout the roleplay, probably every few weeks (in RP time). The long list of pairings that is on the GM update is the partner(s) that you will begin the roleplay with, which will all be gone over during the first post in the IC where I speak as the teacher, explaining it again. The whole point in having a partner is for two reasons: 1) it helps characters bond and create relationships (whether good or bad) with other characters. You will never be paired with a NPC, so no need to worry about that. 2.) One of the main points in the roleplay is the war, but putting teenagers who barely know anything about their abilities into a war with no training is not a good idea. So you are given partners to train on and with. Most people need someone else to train with, for example, one of my characters, Isabelle, has the power of Body Insertion. For this she needs to have at least one other person, but perferably two so that she can use her ability and test her limits. She can try things she never imagined when she has a partner and who knows what kind of things that our characters will discover about their ability when they have been training for months. So the pairings are meant to help train ech other and become more advanced at their ability so that they can prepare for the upcoming war.

So find your partner on the list and make sure that you aren't paired with yourself and that you understand why I placed you together and are okay with that pairing.

Classes: The class schedule has been added to the GM update and the groups should be on there as well. So you can find our about how the beginning of each day (Monday -Thursday only) will start. After class is out, you are free to do whatever you'd like. Unless it is blowing up the school or city. If you have a question about the schedule, let me know.

IC Thread: The IC thread is linked to the GM post and I think that I went over everything you should know before posting and continuing with the roleplay. When I open the IC to allow others to post, I will post first and then copy the parts of it that you guys can use in yours (the parts that will be basically the same for everyone, for example when we first arrive to Berkeley and you are talking to the mayor and she is going over things, and then what the teacher goes over in the class the next morning) and then I will post it in the OOC so that you guys have an idea of what to go off of. As soon as I know and have been okayed by everyone that they udnerstand and are okay with everything, we can begin. If you do not have a character completed then they will have to come in late if we are all ready to begin. I'd rather there be no dropping, but if there has to be, please don't drop two or three characters at once. That is the worse thing for us right now and it throws everything off now. Like literally everything.. including all the work I put into the pairings.

Rules: The rules are there for a reason. Please use them.

If you still have questions, let me know and I will answer all of them fully and to the best of my ability. I have no problem answer questions, but please read through this entirely and the GM update and the information on the first page before you ask me a question. You never know, your question may already be answered. If you still don't see your answer though, let me know! Thanks guys and please let me know ASAP!
Still have to read the GM update, I'll do that probably in a few hours when I get off if work (unless I can sneak on while I'm at work, but that's looking until). Anyways, I'm okay with all of this, and I think we should have who's behind Berkley and everything revealed over time. It's no fun starting out knowing everything, ya know? There's no suspense.
So, I've only gotten a response from Brea. Does anyone else have thoughts about revealing everything now or waiting?
I 100% agree with everything that Brea has said...CAUSE I'M A SHEEP! (cause you know sheep tend to follow and all that jazz)​
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So, I've only gotten a response from Brea. Does anyone else have thoughts about revealing everything now or waiting?
Just got home so reading it over and reveal in the rp, wait XD so it's funner lol
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Okay, I think it is best to wait also! So unless anyone has a valid reason why we should announce it now, it will be revealed later! Yay for suspense! Thanks everyone!
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Okay, I think it is best to wait also! So unless anyone has a valid reason why we should announce it now, it will be revealed later! Yay for suspense! Thanks everyone!
Your welcome^^
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I am going to make a Girly Lesbian girl for my beautiful love (who is like a sister to me XD) @Misguided†Ghost so she can keep her flirty lesbian lol. I have thought it over and I can at least make a girl for this and she will have my all time favorite power Aura Manipulation (I was trying to use new powers since I use this power a lot since I found out about like six months ago and it's such a cool power and the weaknesses are perfect for it XD lol) but yeah she is going to be up tomorrow for sure since I already have her planned out.

This is her FC
Scarlett Leithold

Aura Manipulation
Her Sports & Clubs
Drama (Member)
Student Council (Member)
Her Room (Link)
Last edited:
Please remove me from the Art Club President, and I will let you know if I am going to remain in this role play tomorrow.
For those who haven't responded, have you had a chance to read over everything and see if it is all okay?
Please remove me from the Art Club President, and I will let you know if I am going to remain in this role play tomorrow.
Ah noooo! Please stay with us Pasi!
Ah noooo! Please stay with us Pasi!
We talked and s/he is all good! Just some stuff we had to sort out! But I think it was just a misunderstanding from another member that we fixed.
We talked and s/he is all good! Just some stuff we had to sort out! But I think it was just a misunderstanding from another member that we fixed.
Whoo! I am very excited about this tbh
Oh also, sorry for the double post, but you will keep Alex because Justin is making a girly for her??
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