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Rotten and Delicious
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  1. Multiple posts per day
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  4. 1-3 posts per week
  5. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Yaoi, Magical Girl, Supernatural, Victorian Goth, Steam Punk
BellaDonna's Home for Witches


  • Masquerading as a group home for girls, BellaDonna's is actually a safe haven for young witches who have found themselves without a home, or covenant. They help witches hone their abilities while providing a safe space for those that practice magic. While there, the girls are expected to go to any of the three schools in the area, as well as practice their magic daily. Helping in and around the home are also appreciated, but not necessary.

    Everyone has their own bedroom and maintains creative control over their living space, but be mindful while practicing any magic upstairs. The basement is reserved for potion brewing and summoning, and has extra protection against spell casting. The green house out back has an array of herbs, but anyone who uses the garden must help to maintain it and replant any used herbs.

    It is a small price to pay for free room and board, as well as serving as valuable protection against outsiders and those who may prey on witches. While more mature witches are a force to be reckoned with, the young witches living in BellaDonna's are, for the most part, far from masters in their craft. Creatures of the night generally make quick work of the witches, which is why witches who lack in skill find strength in numbers, or their covenant.

    The matriarch of BellaDonna's, BellaDonna herself, has long served as the guide and protector of her home. She was a fierce witch to be reckoned with in her day, and many fear and respect her. As long as BellaDonna was around, nothing could ever go wrong.

    But BellaDonna seems to have disappeared without a trace, and no one knows where she is. One night she was there, and the next morning she was gone. It's up to the girls to find out where she is, as her disappearance will have more of an affect on the city and its residents than any of them realize.

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    All witches are born with the ability to practice magic, but some are naturally better at it than others. It could take years for one witch to produce a basic spell, while another could have it mastered in just a few hours. Witches with a long history of magic are often superior at handling certain types of magic, but this is not always true, just expected. In some cases, a human may be born with magic powers and be able to start her own line of witches, but this is a very rare case. There is no explanation for the phenomena as of yet. Some speculate that when the witch population is too low, that this may increase the likelihood that a human is born with witch powers.

    Witches have long been considered symbols of balance in the supernatural world, with the ability to tame demons and restore new life to wastelands. Sadly, not all witches uses their power for good. There are dark witches who use their gifts to aid their enemies and for selfish reasons. A witch who has turned to the dark side will usually never return to light magic, and will find greater strength in dark magic, but with grave consequences.

    Every witch has basic spells that they must master before progressing to the more difficult spells, and as such, all the girls at BellaDonna's already know how to levitate, move objects with simple commands, basic potions, low-level charms and enchantments, basic elemental spells, the ability to turn into one animal, and minor transfiguration abilities. Casting spells triggers an arcane symbol to appear around the witch that is unique to that magic and witch. While spells can be cast without a catalyst, only the most advanced of witches can do so. Otherwise, witches will find the efficiency of their spells are reduced by over half of their usual strength.

    General Spells

    Fireball: Perhaps the most well known, basic fire spell. If you can't master this, then what good are you?
    Water Spout: A wave of water. Mainly used to treat poor use of fireball. Effectively extinguishes small fires.
    Levitation: Float objects for a short duration.
    Force: A spell used to push, or pull things. Has a chance to disarm opponents, but can be canceled by casting it back. Most effective when in close range.
    Zap: An elementary electric spell.
    Regalia: Can change clothing appearance.
    Lumos: Creates light around catalyst, used for...well, creating light.
    Reveal your Truth: Can be used to find secret doors, or hidden messages. Does not pick up on powerful protection spells, however.
    Salt: Creates a thin barrier around the enemy, but can only contain weakened enemies.
    Shift: The ability to transform into one animal, or inanimate object for several minutes.
    Repair: Fixes minor tears and broken objects.
    Compass: Magic compass that points north.
    First-Aid: Basic healing spell for small injuries.
    Quill: Write without ink
    Resigno: Unlocks basic locks

    Other Supernatural Creatures

    Vampires, werewolves, demons. Those are only a few of the recorded supernatural creatures that exist, but one could argue that everything that humans have told about are actually real. Witches have long been the governing force over all supernatural creatures, but as their numbers began to dwindle so did their power over the supernatural world. They were once respected by the humans, but the advancement of technology has caused a rift between them and the humans. Humans no longer rely on their craft, and if they do, they like to keep their dealings in the dark. Witches now stick to their own kind, while the rare few go public with their abilities and deal with the consequences.

    Magic Types

    Possibly anything you can come up with. Must be approved first.

    Offensive Magic

    Offense: Magic meant to hurt, stun, or kill their targets. Each spell needs to be channeled through the witches catalyst and some catalyst are better at doing certain things. Swords, and Glaives are the ideal type for casting offensive magic, but any can be used, but with weakened strength. Alternatively, swords, and glaives are weaker at casting other types of magic.

    Defensive Magic

    Defense: Defensive magic uses spells to protect. They are usually barriers ranging in size and strength. Some barriers can be imbued for different effects and purposes. The ideal catalyst for this are Rods, and Tomes. Though any can used, just not with as great of an effect.

    Healing Magic

    Healing: Healing magic is used to restore a part of someone life's force. It can be used on anyone that still has a beating heart, and can be quite draining on the caster depending on the type of injury. A truly skilled witch may be able to bring someone back from the brink of death, but at a great risk to herself. Magical Rods and Canes are the ideal catalysts for these sorts of spells.

    Magical Catalysts

    Wands: Usually made out of wood, but can be shaped to have intricate designs and carvings. The Smallest of the magic catalysts. A beginner friendly weapon that can excel in any form of magic if the right witch wields it.

    Staffs: Another instrument that is usually made of wood, though much longer than a wand. Has the added bonus of being used as a walking stick. Like wands, it can be made to look like anything while retaining its original shape. These are a neutral magical catalyst and the power is more reliant on the witch.

    Glaives: Polearm forged by magical blacksmiths. Dangerous to wield and can double as both a melee and catalyst for witches. Its strengths lie in offensive magic types, while it is weak in healing and protection spells.

    Tomes: Books, or at least, they look like books. While impractical to some, a witch skilled in protective magic will find this as her catalyst of choice. Unfortunately, it is rather weak in offensive, and can be alright for healing.

    Rods: A scepter of sorts. Its size ranges between that of a staff and wand, while usually it has some sort of gem embedded on the top. Excellent choice for healers, but not a necessity.

    Canes: Canes are also another good choice for healers, though they are the least popular of all magical catalysts. Often times they are associated with elderly witches and wizards, but they are great for healing spells.

    Swords: Magical swords are closer to rapiers in appearance and size and are the best at casting stable offensive spells. It has the added bonus of doubling as a true weapon as well, so it attracts witches who like to switch it up from time to time. Isn't the best at casting protecting or healing magic.


    Grimoires are magical books full of spells that are scattered throughout the world, hidden away in dungeons or random places. Some have even made their way into book stores or magic shops. They're protected by elemental seals, blood seals, or advanced unlocking spells that need to be broken before the book can be opened. Some darker spells may even involve a sacrifice.

    Transportation Portals

    Witches get around by making use of portals scattered through out the world. They were left there by other witches of course by using the power of the sacred ley lines, and can be traveled by using a broom, or any enchanted flying object. Think of them as shorts cuts. They are also useful in keeping you out of sight of humans and are much faster and safer than moving in plain sight.

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    Harthwaite, Dunwich

    Harthwaite is Dunwich's capital, it is the largest metropolis in the country and hub for all things supernatural because it sets on a ley line which feeds the magical energy. It is the leader in the evolution of steam technology and has integrated it into almost everything, including transportation. The weather is usually sunny during the day, but due to the ley line, it can cause erratic and unpredictable weather, including earthquakes, thunderstorms, and tornadoes, etc. Fashion in Harthwaite is a mix of different Victorian styles, though is not confined to gender. The government is made up of a group of political leaders from supernatural beings and humans to keep the balance in Harthwaite.

    Archmouth: Religious private school in Harthwaite. Teaches an anti-supernatural curriculum, but otherwise top notch education. Can only be reached by taking the light rails, or portals, otherwise it's too far of a walk for most students. Basically a cathedral.

    Berxely High: Public school in the neighborhood near BellaDonna's. About a mile walk, average curriculum, and not as much of a workload.

    Rochdale Academy: Private school for artistic students. Focuses heavily on the arts and is very liberal. Heavy workload, and great programs for creative souls.

    Archmouth Library: Grand library in the heart of Harthwaite. Has books on everything, as well as copies of all important documents. There is a forbidden section, but is difficult to access.

    Granny's Nook: A cafe for feelgood foods and treats. Cozy, and cheap prices. Hang out spot for mostly teens and young adults.

    Lightrails: There are lightrails linking the city together. Most civilians take the light rails at some point for only a few coin, but witches tend to take the transportation portals when they want to get somewhere quick.

    Blue Moon: A night club exclusively for witches. Serves potions and the like, and club access is granted only to 16+.

    Sirena's Shoppe: Place that sells magical equipment of all kinds, but is disguised as an antique shop.

  • Stephette










  • RULES!

    1. First things first, all of Iwaku's official rules apply here. No exceptions!
    2. Posts are expected to be of advanced quality. Must be on average five sentences, but more is always welcome. Your posts should have minimal typos, but it does not have to be perfect.
    3. As an advanced roleplayer you should be able to bring in NPCS and develop your characters. While I will be pushing the main story forward at points, your character is only as important as you make them.
    4. All roleplayers are expected to post at least once a week. Failure to do so will have your character written off, or will be controlled by the gm if they're holding things up.
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  • [Name]
    [Character Appearance]





    Hair Color:

    Eye Color:

    Sexual Orientation:

    Fashion Sense/Style:

    (Picture or description is fine.)


    (At least three sentences)




    (3 Magic related talents max)

    Magical Catalyst:

    (Wand, Staff, Rod, Glaive, Tome, Cane, Sword): [Description and/or Picture of item]

    Specialty Magic:
    (Choose from list)

    (Six max.)

    Secondary Magic:
    (Choose from list. Can overlap, but if it overlaps it must be different than the specialty magic class.)

    (Four Max.)

    (Optional magical creature that serves as a companion to your witch. Usually smallish in size.)

    (Five sentences or more explaining what they've been up to at BellaDonna's)

    Sample Post:
    [Couple paragraphs of your character doing anything.)

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I'm sure one could class "dark" magic as "evil" spells as well. Or spells with a darkness or shadow theme. I suspect most of the magic categories are intentionally a bit broad so we can pin them down as we'd like to.

Not gonna lie, I'll probably take cues for areas of magical expertise from either D&D's schools of magic, or Mage the Awakening's Arcana.
Dark Energy, mainly.

... but what constitutes dark energy? Because I feel like hexes and curses would qualify as such. And death magic I guess? Spirit work? Astral abilities? Sorry, I'm just not completely sure.
I'm sure one could class "dark" magic as "evil" spells as well. Or spells with a darkness or shadow theme. I suspect most of the magic categories are intentionally a bit broad so we can pin them down as we'd like to.

Not gonna lie, I'll probably take cues for areas of magical expertise from either D&D's schools of magic, or Mage the Awakening's Arcana.

Exactly. I'm letting people say what they mean. Originally Dark was not going to be up there, but there are a lot of ways to use it. This home isn't for very evil witches, so I figured no one would make any one leaning towards evil.
... but what constitutes dark energy? Because I feel like hexes and curses would qualify as such. And death magic I guess? Spirit work? Astral abilities? Sorry, I'm just not completely sure.

It's all an umbrella for now. Dark is just, the opposite of light. It can help others, but usually doesn't. If you have an idea for dark magic you can pitch it here, but that's only your witches definition of it, and how she uses it.

I guess in some universes dark would mean one thing? Or anything 'bad'. But, it won't be as predictable in this.
Since we're discussing it now. 'Evil' magic is off limits to the girls staying at Bella's. So yeah, dark magic will be like I said above, dark energy. So, sacrificial magic and 'dark' or 'black' magic aren't good starters for any of the main characters. I'm going to leave that to antagonists. They can use curses and hexes, but it can't be a specialty magic or secondary.

I think it's best that way.

@the.complex-of-constellations @R-9 Pilot
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Update on the cs: I have removed the class labels from the cs. I just ask everyone not to get crazy and just be sensible with building abilities.
I think I'd probably still class spells, but it is more a per spell basis. Also may just be the sort of thing I'd do.
I'm going to be doing that as well, but I figure if everyone describes the ability I should be able to tell what it is. Since I have read their sheets anyway
Are you still taking newcomers? It seems interesting and doing something like this might inspire me. I was wondering what the difference between barriers and force fields were.
Are you still taking newcomers? It seems interesting and doing something like this might inspire me. I was wondering what the difference between barriers and force fields were.

I'll keep you in mind just in case someone doesn't submit their CS or drops, but not currently accepting. I'll change it to closed.

Force fields are just invisible constructs that can be moved and such, like the invisible woman. Barriers imo, are more about keeping someone out and you don't have as much freedom with them. Their purpose is just to separate. :> Also with barriers you can add different effects to them.
Alright. Thanks for replying so quickly and there's a typo in the last sentence of your OP. ^^
Alright. Thanks for replying so quickly and there's a typo in the last sentence of your OP. ^^

Thanks lol.

Also, force fields need to be channeled. I think that's an important one.
Keld Ozryn


17 years


132 lbs.


Hair Color:

Eye Color:

Sexual Orientation:

Fashion Sense/Style:
Men's Attire; pants; button up shirts; boots

Keld is a proud, charismatic person and tends to tell things how they are. She doesn't like to sugar coat things and even though she can brush off anything that tends to bother her, anything personal will set off her temper. Keld tends to tease her friends, sometimes relentlessly, but never means any real harm. She is incredibly loyal and will try her best to diffuse a conflict
without fighting if she can.

Sun, animals, rain, girls,
steam technology, water, nature,
food, exercising, sleep, swords

Stuck up people, lazy people, vegetables,
mornings, dresses, uncomfortable shoes,
humidity, light beer, cowards

Swimming, running, boxing,
cooking, flirting

Cooking, hand-to-hand combat,
conjuring small thunderstorms to rain on people's heads,
being persuasive able to talk her way out of most situations

Magical Catalyst:


Specialty Magic:

Conjuration: Conjures small water animals, weapons, shields, rain clouds.
Only last as long as she can concentrate

Water Manipulation: Can control the flow of water and manipulate it to do what she wants.
Takes a large amount of energy and the longer she uses it, makes her very vulnerable.

Water Barrier: Creates a large shield/dome to protect herself and a small area around her.
Can be created instantly, but only lasts for two minutes and has a five minute cool down.

Minor Healing: Can heal herself and others with injuries, but only slightly, not completely. Also
gives a slight boost in energy.
Can't be used consistently and only used if there's water around.

Aquamorph: Can turn into water to eavesdrop or escape.
Can't attack while in this phase and leaves her very vulnerable.

Secondary Magic:

Ice Spike: Freezes water into large or small spikes and launches them at an enemy.
It takes a large amount of energy to conjure larger spikes. Has a two minute cool down.

Ice Armor: Freezes water around her body to form a thick, durable suit of armor.
Hinders mobility and is weak to fire.

Ice Arrow: Conjures an ice bow and shoots ice arrows that freeze her target. Can
shoot as many arrows as long as she has water.
Arrows shatter if they miss and the bow deteriorates with every arrow shot.

Ice Barrier: Can conjure or make her water shield into ice, increasing the durability.
Takes a long time to freeze her barrier and can be broken during the process

River Otter

Keld was always talented with magic, which was expected since she was born to a very prestigious, and well known family. Unfortunately, her mother was killed by non-magical extremists and her father, in his grief, committed suicide. Keld was then sent to live in Belladonna's and sent to Berxley public school. Even though Keld was close to her parents, she didn't grieve as much as needed and her coping skills were manifested into teasing and being overly confident.

She tries not to show too much emotion at any point other than being confident and teasing. Keld is very charismatic and that makes it easy to talk to her, but she never allows herself to get too close to someone. Keld has been practicing magic since she was a young girl and mastered the water element around the age of twelve. Her staff helps her channel her magic when using the more advanced spells, but a lot of her magic can be used as long as her staff is close to her. It doesn't necessarily need to be in her hands. It also doubles as a physical weapon and Keld is proficient in hand-to-hand combat.

Keld is the type of girl who doesn't let her magic define her. If you were to meet her on the street, she would come off as a charming tomboy who wears a staff on her back. She hardly ever uses her magic outside of battle unless she's playing pranks on people, like conjuring storm clouds to follow people on the street.

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After discussing it with saber I'm going to merge barriers and force fields, because it's probably too close to keep it separate. Makes things easier for me in the long run anyway.

After the big things are taken care of I'll go through and write descriptions for the different magic types, but for now just ask me questions if you have them. It helps me to work through kinks and rethink old ideas.
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Thinking a bit about this, since it might take me forever to actually get my art done and a character figured out, I'm going to go ahead and say not to treat me as "reserved" or anything, so if someone else has a character idea and they look nice, go ahead and let them in.
Thinking a bit about this, since it might take me forever to actually get my art done and a character figured out, I'm going to go ahead and say not to treat me as "reserved" or anything, so if someone else has a character idea and they look nice, go ahead and let them in.

No worries. But as of right now we have enough people and only three people have finished or mostly finished character sheets, including myself and saber. But okie.
No worries. But as of right now we have enough people and only three people have finished or mostly finished character sheets, including myself and saber. But okie.

I'm in the same situation actually, my attention's sort of split right now, so if character sheet spots fill up then it's okay to kick me out I guess. But I'll definitely pass by to read the roleplays if that happens at the very least.
I'm pretty much just making it clear to the other interested parties who've turned up that they're free to work on things and elbow me out. I'll see how well I can manage things and what sort of concept I can get together. I'm not sure if I sould lean more magical girl, as most of the cast so far seems to be, or more very traditionally witch-y.
Well I'm going to give everyone a little less than a week k to show their interest/chracter sheets, but obviously I'd prefer if anyone isn't actually interested or able to stick around they don't join to lower the chances of drops early on.
I'm pretty much just making it clear to the other interested parties who've turned up that they're free to work on things and elbow me out. I'll see how well I can manage things and what sort of concept I can get together. I'm not sure if I sould lean more magical girl, as most of the cast so far seems to be, or more very traditionally witch-y.

Lol. I tried to avoid making my character more magical girl type, but I think when anime is involved that's just the way it tends to lean. The girls all know different spells though than their specialty magic, I just need to add more about that. I actually think this is more like a mix of little witch academia, cuz it's like magical girls meet Harry Potter.
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