Beatdown! Character Select Screen (OoC)

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I see Hime fighting on top of an office building with jumbotrons playing the whole fight to the masses...
Since we're doing stages, Alucard's stage is the throne room of his castle, where he steps off the throne while dissing his opponent, Shau Khan style.
I'll have Aster's stage be his masters library in his castle.
how about we make it a world tournament style with the stage is the world itself. For example the a fight can start when an opponent is with in a certain range of another contestant.
Abandoned street. Cars and ruined buildings on either side, everything a discouraging gray.
Abandoned street. Cars and ruined buildings on either side, everything a discouraging gray.
I just realized how emo that sounded XD
The fight would probably continue moving throughout the city.
A dynamic arena. I think that would throw most fighters off when they first go there and fight Guy.
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So when is this going to get started? Or do you want the last two slots filled out before we start?
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I wanted to get the last few spots filled out, but if four days go by and this doesn't happen, I'll start things up.
Will this be to the end of the day or sometime in the evening? When you close that is.
Will this be to the end of the day or sometime in the evening? When you close that is.

Probably end of the day. I'll put up the IC sometime after getting home from school, but then officially close signups at the end of the day.
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do not close signs ups just yet , maybe more fighters might join when we start the RP
do not close signs ups just yet , maybe more fighters might join when we start the RP

Signups are open until Monday, so there's still time for those who are interested. I don't want this to die off before ever getting off the ground. Besides, we're already mostly full.
im just saying , because i notice alot of people like to join rps after they have read a few post from the actual rp .
I can't wait for Hime to fight! Though... I have a sinking feeling she might be outmatched...
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