Battle of the Bands (MaryGold x lxngdon)

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j a c e
"Well, I want ice cream. This is a very ice cream-appropriate situation."

As Jace drove, he thought. He really wanted to ask Embry to be his official girlfriend, but he knew that it was probably far too soon. They had only officially met about a week ago, and they had kissed once. Not really official couple circumstance.

But ... Jace definitely felt something for Embry that was more than a crush, more than just lustful feelings. And he believed she felt the same way.

Her voice snapped him out of his thoughts. Jace frowned and looked at her. "What did Orion say?" he pressed.

"I wouldn't do that to you," he added in a soft voice. "And, I might seem like a slut, but I'm not and I wouldn't kiss you just for the sake of kissing you."

As if to prove it, Jace reached over and took Embry's hand. He raised it to his lips and kissed it.​
"I'm sorry. I always sweat these things." Embry bit the corner of her bottom lip, feeling rather embarrassed for speaking at all."I'm an idiot who overthinks certain things." She mumbled, or precisely she was an idiot who overthinks relationships. Nonetheless, she was glad to be reassured.

"Orion said some obnoxious things...about you." She pulled her hand away slowly."But they're not true, obviously. I'm sorry."
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"You don't need to apologise," Jace told Embry earnestly. "For overthinking, or for Orion being a dickhead. That's not your fault."

He licked his lips. "What ... what do you want to be?" he asked her quietly.​
Embry balled her fist and bit the palm of her hand, a habit of hers whenever she was nervous or happy. At this particular time, it was the former. This wasn't something she had to think about, she knew what she wanted.

"What I want to be?" She flushed and laughed nervously."I want to be a pair. It doesn't have to be right, of course, whenever you feel it's appropriate. "
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Having reached the same ice cream parlour Jace had taken Embry to that first night, Jace parked the car and turned to Embry. Slowly, in case she didn't want him to, he took both of her hands in his.

"I don't really see the point of waiting," he told her quietly, looking into her eyes with sincerity so she would know that he truly meant it. "Unless you want to wait. I don't want to force you into anything you don't want to do."
Hushedly, Embry directed her gaze down toward their hands. The answer was just too apparent in segments of time like these. She was barely able to keep herself from smiling encouragingly.

Shifting her hands in his, she wrapped her fingers around his own."I'm okay with it. I'm more than okay with it." She lifted herself from her seat and leaned in him to peck him on the mouth lightly, practically a brush of the lips.​
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Her answer was like music to Jace's ears. He leaned in and kissed her again, harder this time. Very passionately, too.

He pulled away to look into her eyes. "Embry Ashford, will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" he asked, his face a millimetre away from hers.​
"It would absolutely be my greatest pleasure, Jace Lesecki." Embry beamed and threw her arms around his neck, utterly thrilled and full of joy. And gave him one more fervent kiss directly after her speech.

As much as she wanted to continue, she pulled back out and removed her arms from him. She hadn't completely realized that they were in fact at the ice cream shop until now. The same one as last time.
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j a c e
Embry Ashford was his girlfriend. He, Jace Lesecki, was in a relationship with Embry Ashford. Jace couldn't have been more happy if he had tried.

He kissed her back but pulled away to take her hands. "Come on, I want ice cream," he said with a smile. He climbed out of the car and opened Embry's door for her.

Now that they were official, Jace kept his hand in hers as they walked into the parlour.​
"I think I'll have rocky road this time," Embry muttered, eyeing the flavors list. It was either that or plain chocolate again, and she was fine with both or nay flavor. Truth be told she didn't care that much, and that was saying something contemplating her picky sweet tooth.

She was still basking in the happiness of having Jace, and that was better than any ice cream flavor, even chocolate. Still, having the frozen desert on top of it all did add to the euphoria.
j a c e
Keeping Embry's hand firmly in his own, Jace ordered rocky road for the lady and raspberry for himself. Once they had their orders, Jace pulled Embry along so they were walking down the boardwalk, like that first night.

"So," Jace asked as he licked his ice cream, "when should we go public?"

Doing that was risky. It could easily backfire and their band members would be pissed. But Embry wasn't something Jace wanted to keep a secret. On the contrary, he wanted to shout about her to the world.​
Embry crunched down on her waffle cone, pondering over the matter. "I don't know." She hadn't thought of an exact date nor a perfect time if there was any.

"A convenient time would include when the others are more chilled." Whenever that was, but they could be mad for too long. Well, they could and would. She just didn't want them to do or say anything over the top."It feels like we're breaking bad news when it's precisely the opposite."
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Jace nodded in silent, annoyed agreement. They couldn't reveal their relationship to the public until their band members had gotten over their ridiculous, hate-fueled feud that didn't mean anything Jace or Embry anymore. Jace was irritated with Jasper, because if the other man wasn't such a bitch about the whole Orion issue, Jace would be able to go public with Embry in that moment.

"This fucking feud is so idiotic," Jace said angrily before aggressively kicking a paper cup away from him. "Seriously, I fail to see the damn point in this."
"Neither do I." Before, she had no real feeling about the conflict between their two bands. She didn't contribute to it, but neither did she try to stop it in any way. All she did was prevented them from doing anything excessive. And now she was starting to regret that and becoming frustrated just thinking about it each time. Particularly since Jace and herself were an item now.

But she didn't want him to see him mad cross, that upset her more than the feud did. "We'll work it out..." She brought the back his hand up to touch her lips, hoping to soothe him."Somehow."

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"A month," Jace decided. They had reached a low wall; Jace sat down on it and pulled Embry so she sat beside him. He scowled at a seagull who was searching for dinner in a trashcan.

"I'm giving us a month to stop them all from being cunts, and if we don't do it in that time, then we're going public and they can go and fuck themselves if they don't like it. I shouldn't have to hide you."
Embry nodded her head in agreement."A month then, no more, no less." She sighed, pondering over it.

"But right now. Let's not think too much about it right now. I don't want to be angry or worried every time we're together because of them."
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j a c e
Jace sighed through his nose and kicked his feet against the wall they sat on. He leaned his head against Embry's and closed his eyes.

"Okay," he said quietly. "I'll push it out of my head for now. I don't want to spoil our time together, either," he told her before kissing her on the side of the head.
Embry placed an arm around his waist and scooted herself over closer, closing the , already small, gap between them. And after finishing the rest of her icecream in comfortable silence, she spoke up."Did you know I can read palms?" She asked with a playful smile.

The sun was on the brink of setting, but she was in no rush to get home. If she could, she would stay out all night, doing completely nothing or anything with Jace. Maybe it was the sugar making her feel this enegized, then again, she knew it wasn't.
j a c e
Having finished his own ice cream, Jace gave her his right hand. "Are you a witch or something?" he joked, putting his other hand on her knee.

"Please, Mystic Embry, do tell me my future," he said in a dreamy voice. "Will Beautiful Pain win a fucking Grammy in 2017?"
"Yes, I am actually. It's an inherited thing on my mother's side of the family. I'm also a descendant of Baba Yaga. One of the many unknown facts about Embry Ashford." Embry waved a hand in front of his face.

She held his hand in her own two and traced the lines on his palm with her fingers lightly. "Let's see if you do Mr.'s cloudy, very cloudy. Holy shit!" She gasped and switched her gaze back to him with a face of shock."I see at least twenty-seven kids in your future. Ah, wait I looked too far ahead."​