Artifice (OOC)

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I highly doubt the Neutra PD would be well-funded enough to have EMPs.
And EMP would wipe at least a block, and that alone would leave the force up to their eyeballs in lawsuits. Not to mention loss on information, possible loss of life, etc...

And Verbal's right, The Neutra Regalia police force is nowhere near funded enough to get their hands on EMPs.
Well, you have to understand the nature of EMP in order to understand why it doesn't make a very good weapon.

EMP doesn't travel as a beam. It travels as a wave. It also travels in every direction. It is also very very hard to make into a small enough device to be convenient to use.

Admittedly, technology may have progressed to the point where EMPs have become small enough to actually use in a small-scale environment, BUT similarly, shielding may have been implemented as common in most electronics, in addition to the fact that the response of most police forces isn't to prevent criminals from using what they have, but to "outdo" the criminals in question.
Actually the Neutra Regalia police are pretty underhanded. They'd use whatever they could, just to look good in the eyes of the noblemen and hopefully get promoted out of that hellhole, or not noticed so they could continue to live their comfortably corrupt lifestyle.
I imagine directed EMP charge cannons would be a thing - but they'd be very expensive and only Forma residents could afford one.
Precisely, Verbal.
Sort of like how sound forms waves, but are directed by acoustics, EMP waves could be directed by, say, anelectric surfaces like rubber.
Possible, but the technology would be too expensive of Neutra police and the majority of the regular denizens. Uppers would have to save up to buy one and Forma residents would think twice first.
A weapon like that would be rather large though it'd probably have to mounted on an apc type vehicle used for riot quelling
You forgot Caesar! D: Ah, it's ok. He's in the 1'st post.
That's the reason I didn't put him in. He's in the first post.

How easily could Gwen take on a group of those policemens? Because it might turn into a fight.
A weapon like that would be rather large though it'd probably have to mounted on an apc type vehicle used for riot quelling
I'd say more like a shoulder-mounted cannon.

Call it the Bass Cannon

"Power up the Bass Cannon"

She could probably take on three, maybe four, but six or so would have her down.
Before I go further, I should probably put up a face picture of what Gwen would probably look like without the helmet.
Gracia and Gwen need to get together and make an EMP cannon called the Bass Cannon. I'm sure that their feats in engineering could lend a steady hand to the effort.
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