Around the world in 80 pages

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Genevieve flexed her hand a few times, but she didn't say a word. Instead her and Darlene tried to quickly deal with their carry on bags and get seated. Looking at Mathew, Genevieve decided any other last minute comforts could wait a bit. "Darlene?" she held out her hand to the author with a serious expression. It was obvious what she was asking for.

For Darlene's part she frowned at her brother before digging into her purse. For all Genevieve knew Darlene never had seen him like this before. She hoped not, because she was going to ask Darlene once Mathew was passed out. With the drugs in hand, Genevieve placed her hand on Mathew's forearm. "Here you go," she said softly. She didn't want to startle him after all as she held her other hand out to him.
He opened his eyes and turned to her, biting his lip again at the sight of the needle. Then he nodded and unbuttoned his cuff to roll up his sleeve he give her access to his forearm. His eyes were locked on the needle and he realized it was one fear of the other and took a deep breath and looked into her eyes. He was forcing his breath to be steady and slow.

"Just..." he reached out with his other hand to take hers and squeeze it gently before moving it to the arm rest of the seat and nodding. It was going to be better after this. He wouldn't be much company but.. it was better than filling up paper bags the entire way. He was also glad it was Genevieve doing it and not Darline...
Administrating drugs was not part of Genevieve's normal job description, but she handled the task like a champ. While a nurse might have done the task quicker, Genevieve wanted to be sure of the spot on the arm before she injected him. Under the tissue of the skin, but not in the muscle. Mathew was already wound up so tightly she didn't even tell him when she was going to inject him, worried he might tense even more.

"There we go," Genevieve said, as though she had done more then adjusted a pillow on a couch once the drug was injected and she removed the needle. She placed the cap on the needle and then gently rubbed the spot. "How long is it suppose to be before it takes affect?"
He winced at the jab and sucked in his breath but didn't move until Genevieve was done. A few seconds.." Darline was sitting in the isle seat and watching her brother she was now back to holding Gen's hand. He was looking drowsy in no time and then lay back and whispered thank you to Genevieve. The flight would be easier if he didn't actually experience it.

"We're going to have to wake him up and feed him later." Darline said looking at her brother then looking at her brother, then back at Genevieve. "So..." he looked like she was going to burst. "Last night, how did it happen?"
Genevieve was glad the drug worked so quickly. In fact Mathew looked like he was even going to be at peace. It really was the best way. When Darlene mentioned having to wake him to feed him she frowned slightly, wondering if they couldn't just let him stay asleep until London. Granted he'd be ravinish by then.

Blinking she looked at her friend in complete confussion. "How did what happen?" Genevieve had the distinction impression as the stewartess explained the safety features on the craft and the plane started rolling out of the gate that she was missing something. It was the feeling she kept getting all day. At least she'd finally be in the know.
Darline was eying Genevieve like a hawk. "Buckle my brother in then you have a look over here." he placed her finger on her collarbone where she had seen the mark on Mathew. "Then tell me how it happened? I want details." he was grinning wickedly and looked close to cackling. "How much lip action was there? I know you two were pretty gone by the time we got home but tell me are you falling for your pretend husband?"

He waited eagerly like a puppy waiting for a ball to be thrown, all attention on the coming answer.
Surprised that Mathew was not buckled in, Genevieve leaned over as Darlene continued talking, pausing as she was about to tighten the seat belt. "What?" she looked at Darlene like she was crazy or maybe.... Looking back over at the sleeping man she bit her lip. "I can't believe I'm doing this," she muttered as she pulled down the collar of Mathew's shirt.

"Oh my....," Quickly removing her hands Genevieve sat back in her chair and looked at Darlene. "I... but I don't.... when did you... I....." Genevieve was flustered and bright red. She didn't recall anything with Mathew and in fact she was almost wanting to say it wasn't her, but they'd gone back to the suite together last night. She remembered that part very clearly. Then there was this morning, when he he asked her if she remember anything from after the club.

Genevieve out her hands to her face. "He said he didn't remember anything either!" was the muffled sentence as the plane lifted int the air.
"He may not remember but he knows." Darline said her eyes on Genevieve's face. "I know that much from his reaction this morning. I think he was hoping you didn't find out or something too. AT least you have something to talk about when he wakes up. In the meantime this is a great addition to the book." she grinned but at the same time had the urge to ease Gen's embarrassment so he changed to a soft smile and tone.

"He probably saw it while showering and is just as confused and embarrassed as you are. The only one having fun here is me, so let me get you something from the cart when it moves along, and something for Mathew too in case he wakes up. Come on we're in a jet plane, not that many have ever traveled in one, its an adventure."
Genevieve softly groaned as Darlene postulated what Mathew knew and how,Moshe did however finally move her hands from her face. How in the world did someone even bring up a topic like that? Nevermind what in the world was she thinking last night and how frustrating it was to have no recollection of it afterwards. It was just like New Years.

Upon thinking of the last time she had a black out she looked at Darlene with a thoughtful frown. She then realized she wasn't sure she wanted to question that. Still....

Ignoring the suggestion of getting something from the cart, it wasn't quite in sight yet anyways, she went for a different subject. "Was it a good idea brining your brother along on this trip, with his phobia?" Granted Genevieve couldn't imagine enjoying herself as she had been with someone else, ignoring what she couldn't remember, or at least trying to.
"It was the best idea." Darline insisted. "He looks fine to me." then she put a more serious expression "You know why I invited him. I can trust him, with this trip and with you. Hes a big softie deep down and won't try take advantage other either of us. And if anything does happen between you two the only thing we have to worry about is him plowing it though sheer nerves." she smiled and sighed. "He takes a little looking after but even with his phobias I wouldn't bring anyone else."

She was digging though her purse for change to buy from the cart when it passed even if Gen didn't say anything. "I don't get my story but the public will get theirs."
Genevieve looked at Darlene thoughtfully. The author gave her a lot of food for thought, and what was bought from the cart was well recieved as well. The next few hours found Darlene writing and Genevieve reading a book inbetween them chatting. Genevieve didn't know how much writing Darlene was getting, but Genevieve had a hard time getting into her book. It wasn't that it was poorly written or that she didn't like the plot, it was that her mind was flittering about the things that had been said.

Genevieve still didn't know what she wanted to do about her knew gained knowledge of her drunken activities. Every now and then she'd glance at the man beside her, blissfully asleep and unaware. Sure she had been enjoying her time with him, but she would be foolish thinking anything beyond simple comrodery. Utterly foolish!

Try though she wanted she kept thinking about it, both glad and upset she couldn't recall anything. She also wondered what he thought about all of it. Except she decided he likely hadn't though about it much, he had much more worrisome things to occupy his thoughts, like this flight, and all the things that could go wrong. The more she thought about THAT the more she wished he hadn't told her all those statis. Genevieve was frowning hard at her book, trying not to look at Mathew when Darlene nudged her.

"Once you've eaten you'll need to feed him," Genevieve looked at Darlene in surprise as the stewardess was starting to hand over the dinners. She didn't realize they were that late into the flight.

"Oh," she replied dumbly before quickly folding down the tray for the food. Airline food had a bad reputation and while Genevieve wouldn't have gone out of her way for the food she was eating she concluded it wasn't awful. Finished with her own she gently shook Mathew's arm. "Wake up sleepy head. You need to eat."
It had been four hours of blissful blackness. The questionably allowable drugs Darline had got for him were effective but not quite worn off. Mathew groaned softly and tried to roll over but was caught by the seat belt and fell against the side of the cabin and then sat up. His eyes were half open as he leaned back and sighed wetting his lips before finally rolling his head against the seat to focus on Genevieve.

He gave her a drowsy smile before his eyes almost drifted closed again. "Hello.." he said his eyes drifting over the cabin then back to Genevieve. "We're still flying..." he would be surprised if the drugs would let him. He expected to be woken up to get off the plane or not at all. Then he looked at the food and reached out for it but Darline stopped him. "You'll make a mess with whats in you, let Genevieve help you."

He felt like he was drunk, but with out the heaviness, just very, very drowsy.
"It probably is for the best," Genevieve agreed giving Mathew a sympathetic smile. As she put some meat on the fork she almost asked if he had good dreams, but then thought better of the idea.

"We only have a few more hours to go," she told him as she presented the first bite for him. Mathew looked like he could fall back to sleep at any moment and tried to think of things to chat about to try to keep his attention. "I'm looking forward to going to the Tower of London and seeing the Crown Jewels. All that history, and grandeous expressions of wealth," she said with a smirk.
He chewed and swallowed smiling his thanks. "London... I want to get a tea set." he said. "For my new house when I get back. Tea set from London... Westminster Addey.. and the tower.." he wasn't talking very loudly but he could be understood at least. "You know what.. I'm not afraid right now. I'm in a plane. A plane that has fallen apart in the air three times and killed 88 people, and I'm not afraid." He looked pleased, giddy even but Darline as she turned towards him looked mortified. Then she was leafing through her noted and crossing out a paragraph and scribbling noted int he margin.

"Thank you..." Mathew said, speaking to Genevieve again. "For everything. Can't be easy having to look after me."
Genevieve didn't really want to discuss the statistics of the flight for a second time so as she fed Mathew some more food she focused on what he was talking about in regards to London instead. Granted she might just have to innocently ask her boss if she didn't know the information Mathew had rattled off, later. "I bet a new tea set will be a very nice addition to a new home. I'm sure you'll fine a very nice one. You'll have to get some good tea to go with it too."

Shaking her head she grinned. "It's not like this is difficult, besides it's only helping out. Not like you need a babysitter or anything. You'd do the same, right?"
"You help me choose the tea." he said "In every city.. tea from around the world." he was smiling wide. "And yes, if you get sick I'll look after you, It would be good for the book right." Darline snorted but made a note. He was chewing again and looking out the window at the sea below. Even though there was a slight chill to in his stomach the low sun reflecting off the water was beautiful as a a small amount of sauce ran down his chin. Again he wished that we didn't have to be drugged up to fly.

This was how it was going to be, on every fight between every city. It made him a little sad. "Will we go dancing?"
"If you'd like I'd love to help," she thought his goal was fun. He seemed to have as good an imagination as his sister Genevieve thought. As the sauce escaped his mouth she quietly dabbed his face so that it didn't make a mess. There was no need to make an issue of it, he might have been drugged but his dignity was still there. As Darlene made note of what he said, she hoped there would be things the author would gloss over certain situations.

"Danicng? Of course," Genevieve said before Darlene could say anything me way or another. "I'm very much looking forward to it." She was about to feed him some more when she paused and caught a glimps of the lightening sky. It was a shame she couldn't get a better look of it from where she was sitting. "Sorry, here you go...."
He accepted the mouthful and chewed a hand coming to rest on Genevieve's knee. "You're nice." he said to Genevieve. "No wonder you've bee working for Darline for so long. You know the one before you didn't even last a month. I used to get a call every day about her when Darline needed to vent." He closed his eyes and swallowed. She was nice and if he had dreamed at a guess he'd say he'd dreamed of her and stealing his sister's assistant away from her.

But if her had there was no memory of it. It was the drugs that made him feel like he had.
Genevieve felt a blush crawl from her neck to her cheeks. It wasn't just the complement but the fact that it came out of no where. If they'd been talking about something relevant, in her mind at least, she might have been still a bit embarrassed in a shy sort of way, but could have taken it in stride. She could try to claim it was the drugs talking, but as far as she could tell they just made him relaxed. It was still his thoughts. The hand in the knee didn't help her not feel a bit self conscious either.

"Thank you," she finally got out. She looked at him and noticed his eyes closed and only half way through the meal. The portions were small on the airplane, and Genevieve knew he hadn't had enough. "No going to sleep on me yet. There's still more food," she reminded him. Once he'd finished she wouldn't begrudge him his rest until they landed. She even envied him slightly.
He opened his eyes again and focused on her before opening his mouth to accept more food, chew and swallow. He was grinning too, mainly from her grin. Then he concentrated no getting his food down and not talking. Not because he didn't want to talk but because he felt himself going again and Genevieve should get to her meal too. Once his food was gone he smiles at Genevieve and pulled Gen's hand down into his. "Thank you." he said squeezing her hand before letting it go so she could get for HER food. He kept his eyes on her as long as he could before he drifted off again.