Anira and Kresch

They silently stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity. Anira's heart began to pound loudly in her ears, heat staring to crawl up her neck to her cheeks. She knew what was about to happen and she wanted it to, yet her mind was telling her to stop it from happening. They had a job to do, there were to be no distractions. He father had taught her not to let her emotions get in the way of her mission. Sadly, she forced herself to tear her eyes away from him, casting them down to the ground she began to push herself away from him. Kresch wasn't going to her go so easily. He held her in place, he wasn't going to let this opportunity get away from him.

As though it knew it was interrupting, an arrow flew into the shack, barely missing Kresch's face by mere millimeters. They tore away from each other, Kresch changing into his true form as he followed Anira out of the shack. As soon as he was out of the door a giant net fell from above, causing him to fall to the ground trapped. Before Anira could turn around and help him, a large Imperial Assassin grabbed her and threw her to the ground, "I wouldn't do that if I were you, little Elf. The Queen requests your friends presence at the palace." The assassin said, obviously lying. He glanced over to Kresch who was surrounded by at least 20 guards now. The assassin's eyes snapped back to Anira and he gave her a toothy smile. "But don't worry, I'll make sure to take real good care of you myself." He said bending down from the waist to get a better look at her. Smirking, Anira looked up at the giant man towering over her.

"I hope you keep that promise." With that she grabbed her knife from it's sheath and stabbed it into the assassin's neck, jumping to her feet as his body collapsed before her. As a few guards came rushing at her, she quickly pulled out her sword from it's home. She ran at the closest assassin, stabbing him in the chest, then quickly turned and slit the second assassin's throat. She continued to slash at every assassin that came running at her until there were only three left. One assassin drew his bow, aimed directly at Anira's heart. She quickly rolled out of the way as the arrow was launched at her, barely grazing her cheek. Anira quickly recovered and threw her sword at the attacker, stabbing him in the neck and trapping him against a tree. She collected her knife from the first assassin's throat as the two remaining guards rushed her. She slit the back of both the assassin's knees causing them to collapse to the ground. Towering over them, Anira slammed her knife into the back of one assassin, then turned and snapped the other's neck.

While she was killing the last two assassin's, Kresch had grabbed a knife off of one of the dead bodies and freed himself from the net. As he stood, Anira looked over to him. They were on far opposite ends of the field, yet he could see she was covered in the dark crimson liquid he was accustomed to being covered in. As she watched him changed back into the form she knew, all of her pent up emotion suddenly over took her. She began running across the field, full force at Kresch. He looked up just as she jumped into his arms, pressing her lips tightly against his. She had been so afraid that he could have gotten hurt, that they might have killed him that she no longer cared if this wasn't the right time. After a few moments she realized what she was doing and released him, much to her disappointment, separating their lips from each other. She cast her eyes downward, embarrassed that she had let her foolish emotions take over. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me."
Kresch didn't say anything. She captivated him so severely that he couldn't speak. He gazed upon her, this fair, beautiful woman, who had overwhelming feelings for him. After a brief moment, he picked up her chin and stared into her eyes. His eyes were glowing, powerfully. This was the moment, and he would seize it. She started to speak, and without warning he pressed his lips against hers in a tight embrace. Passion consumed them as they were lost in the moment. He was hers, and she was his. Mere moments seemed an eternity as they held each other in their embrace, and after what seemed years, they parted. No words were spoken, just a gaze upon the other which caused a sense of serenity for them both. With each other, they were safe.

"My lady..." Kresch muttered, still captivated by her, "Before I came here, I never thought I would meet someone as incredible as you. I -" Before he could say anything more she was once again upon him. Their emotions controlled them, and they embraced each other once again.
Anira wished this moment would never end. Embracing each other, she felt as though no one would are bring them more pain. She had never felt as safe or cared for as she did in Kresch's arms. Moments had passed before they parted once again. She stared into his eyes and smiled, finally realizing how much he cared for her. He would protect her, now she understood. Before she could speak he kissed her once more, a quick yet lingering kiss. Once they parted again, Anira sighed, remember that they had a job to do. She smiled and gently place a hand on his cheek, "Though I wish for this not to end, the day is passing us by. We must follow the Queen before she realizes her assassins are dead. We shall speak more of this once we return."
Kresch slowly nodded, and after a few seconds his eyes stopped glowing. "You're right my lady, we have business to attend to." And with that they made there way to the city.

As they arrived, the realized the Queen had placed new guards at the city gates. "Follow me, I know a secret," Kresch's smirk had found it's way across his lips again, "that will get us into the city with no confrontation." He then led her to an old portion of the gates where no one stood due to reports of wolf attacks. "We'll enter through here, and it will bring us to an old sewer tunnel that goes beneath the castle. It should be easier to spy on her if we took this lovely passage." She nodded to him, and they went through the weak spot in the gate.
Anira followed Kresch into the old sewer tunnel. Once inside, Anira felt as though she were about to be attacked by over sized rats at any moment. The tunnel smelled of many year old sewage, the tunnel was barely lit by torches on the stone walls, and the sewage they stepped in gave her no comfort to believe that it was just dirty water. After traveling for a while in the dark, damp, tunnel they came across two lone guards standing before another gate in the tunnel. Of course the Queen would be putting extra guards all around the city, Anira thought to herself as she readied her bow. Kresch moved out of her way, allowing her a clear shot. Letting one arrow fly, it pierced one of the guards in the back of the neck. The other guard, unaware of where the arrow had been shot, began walking down a different tunnel in search of the archer. Anira signaled Kreach to stay where he was as she pulled her dagger from its sheath and quietly followed the guard. As they both slipped into the darkness, Kresch herd a muffled groan, and then a soft thud, signaling the guard was now dead.

Anira returned into dim light, dagger in hand, it's blade cover in blood, and a smirk lingering on her lips. She was beginning to show him how dangerous and deadly she really could be. She was also proving to herself she was powerful enough to fight alongside him. In a quiet voice she said, "After you."
Kresch smirked and gently touched her face. He then proceeded to scout ahead of the tunnel. A ways down was a lone guard, who was obviously oblivious to the deaths of the other guardsmen. "This one failed his perception classes..." Kresch thought to himself. The guard was facing away from them down another tunnel as they approached. Kresch turned to Anira, and signaled her to stay where she stood. She looked at him curiously, and nodded. Kresch, ever the deadly hunter, quietly approached his victim. Kresch's eyes began to glow, and before the guard knew what was happening, Kresch's tail penetrated his neck. Blood spewed from the guard as Kresch lifted him into the air. The blood of the guard began to pour and Kresch was soaked in it. After he had his fill, he dropped the guard quietly onto the floor and ran his hands over his head, savoring the moment. For less than a minute Kresch was in true form, and Anira could see him drenched in the guard's blood.
Anira looked upon him in awe. She had never seen anyone quite like him before. He seemed to be savoring the blood he was drenched in, hungering for it. To anyone else this would be frightening, but to Anira, it seemed almost common place to watch him. She had grown used to his true form, she no longer feared it, and she had began to respect it. She moved towards him slowly, eyes never leaving him. Though she did not fear him, she knew to be caution around him. She walked past him, knowing full well that he would follow once he was ready, to let him just take his time. She scouted further ahead and saw the rest of the area was clear. She came back to him and said quietly, "I looked ahead. There are no more guards leading up to the castle entrance. What are we going to do once we get inside?"
Kresch changed and reverted into his familiar, human form, the smirk still ever-present on his face. After a few moments, he finally said, "We're going to follow her. We are going to figure out her routine, we are going to figure out the best way to strike her when she is most vulnerable." As he said these words he began to hear footsteps approaching from the opposite end of the sewer. "We need to go, my lady. She could be anywhere, and she could be anyone. And we are not prepared to fight this battle right now. We need to learn more." And with that, they exited the sewers and began their task at hand.
The sewer led them out into one of the smaller court yards behind the servants quarters. Anira scoped the area for any signs of guards before motioning to Kresch to follow her into the servants quarters. Once inside, she led them through the kitchens without being noticed by any of the servants. They eventually found themselves in the middle of a large empty hallway. She went to turn a corner until she noticed a tall, regal looking woman, a mane of bright red hair falling down to her waist, clothed in long flowing silks, surrounded by guards and a single male human servant. Anira quietly trailed behind the Queen and her small group of followers into the large throne room. She and Kresch hid behind one of the large pillars on the right side of the throne, far enough away so that the Queen wouldn't take notice of them.
As they hid behind the pillar, the Queen started to speak, her voice was icy, harsh, and cruel, "I grow weary of these infidels killing my forces. I am tired of having to outsource the hired help. If these whelps are not captured, I will have all of your heads on a pike." After the last words were spoken, she took out a whip and proceeded to beat the human servant at her side. He winced in pain as the leather tore at his flesh. Blood began to drip to the floor and Kresch felt his body start to twitch.
Anira winced as she watched the Queen beat her poor male servant. Her scars tingling in remembrance of when they forcibly cut into her own flesh. She had had enough for one day. She refused to sit there and watch this horrible woman hurt another being in such a manner. She turned to look at Kresch to tell him she wanted to leave when she noticed his body twitching. Following his eyes, she saw he was staring intently at the blood dripping to the floor from the poor man's body. Unsure if he would be able to control himself, she made a rash decision in an attempt to distract him, long enough for them to leave. She leaned in quickly, pressing her lips gently against his, hoping it was enough, also hoping it wouldn't make him lose control either.
As she kissed him, his eyes began to glow. She knew he was losing control and had to get them out of there. She grabbed his arm and quietly rushed out of the door. Kresch was defiant in leaving the room. He wanted it, but he couldn't have it. He was almost ready to throw a temper tantrum when she finally got them back to the sewer. They had gone several feet in when she stopped him and asked "What was that back there?! You almost blew our cover!" Kresch, finally having relaxed, stared at her with a blank expression, and said plainly, "Sometimes I can't help it. This can be quite problematic. But to put it simply, sometimes I want it more than usual."
Anira crossed her arms and sighed, there was probably no point in scolding him for that. It was how he was, and she didn't want to yell at him for it. She did however roll her eyes and brush past him. "We're going to have to work on that. I am almost positive this will not be the last time we run into blood while following this Queen." She spat the last word with a bit more venom than intended. She hated anyone who treated others the way she had treated her servant, especially with the whip. Regaining her composure she looked and him and smiled slightly, "Besides I don't want you losing control for the wrong reasons."
As these words left her lips, she saw Kresch regain his all too familiar smirk. He touched her face and then nodded. "You are right, I wouldn't want to lose control for the wrong reasons either. I might hurt you." With that he turned toward the exit of the sewer and began to walk. She followed him at a brisk pace, there were no altercations, so they were able to stroll out fairly quickly. After they were outside the city gates, they returned to Kresch's shack to rest for the night. Tomorrow, they would scope out the Queen a second time.
The next few days following their initial scoping of the Queen, they repeated the process learning everything about her. They learned her routine, when she left the castle, and when she returned. They learned that the servant she had beat that first day was always by her side whenever she was awake. He never left her side for anything unless she sent him on a quick errand and that was a rare instance within itself. The guards rotated at sunrise and sunset, leaving a small window of opportunity for an unseen attack, but Anira felt it may have been too small. After finally coming up with a plan they decided when the attack was going to happen.

The night prior to the attack of the Queen, they sat in the shack, going over their plans once again, making sure there was no error. Anira sat on her bed directly across the room from Kresch who was seated at the small table, considering all possibilities that could happen. She kept catching herself stealing glances at him, smiling to herself for no reason. As she did this, a thought came across her mind. "Kresch, what were to happen if your blood cravings were to cause you to lose control?"
"That's exactly what would happen, my lady. I would lose control. I would lose all sense of myself. I don't need it to sustain me, but when I see it, I have an overwhelming desire to have it. It's like a drug, really. But if I were to lose myself, I want you to run as far away as you can, as fast as you can. Not even I know what could happen to you and that is a risk I am not willing to take." Kresch felt a sort of frustration building inside of him, as he felt his craving was a weakness.
Anira thought about what he had said for a few seconds before responding. "I don't think I could run, honestly. I would want to help you, I would want to try and calm you down. I know you would be able to kill me in such a frenzy but I still would not run. I couldn't live with myself know I had run away from someone I care about and not having at least tried to help." She said quietly. Anira stared at him knowing he would argue, but it was honestly how she felt and she was not going to lie. Sighing, she tore her eyes away from him, brought her father's sword onto her lap and began cleaning it. She felt close to him when she did this, and it brought her guilt down a little. She still blamed herself for not being there for her father and she wasn't going to let it happen again.
Kresch kept his gaze on her. He knew there was no sense arguing with her. He didn't speak, though in his mind he knew she shouldn't help him. He knew she cared for him greatly, and it made him feel secure inside. He simply stood, watching her clean her father's sword. After a few moments, he walked to her and held her in his arms. As he did this, she felt a sense of serenity in his arms. When he parted from her, she quickly came back to reality. She kept her eyes on her sword as she maintained it, not knowing Kresch had changed once more.

After a few more minutes, she was finally able to look at him once again. There was someone else standing in the room with her, and he stood facing her with arms wide open yet again.
Tears suddenly found their way into Anira's eyes, they fell defiantly down her fair cheeks. It seemed like an eternity before she found her voice once again and when it left her mouth it was barely above a whisper, "Kresch, why would you do this to me?" She asked looking upon the vision of her father that was now standing where Kresch had stood. As upset as she wanted to be, she couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of happiness at see her father standing there, alive and well, even if it was just but a form. Placing the sword gently on the bed beside her, she stood and collapsed into his arms, allowing the tears to flow forth. She spoke again, this time in a whisper, "I'm so sorry."
Kresch never intended to hurt her, he knew the turmoil that gripped Anira. As he held her in his arms he said softly, "It is time for you to learn everything. Secrets, lies, everything. I don't want you to think of Kresch. I want you to let go of your doubt and speak to your father. You deserve to know." With that he was silent, and he held her until she had finally found her voice again.