Angels of Elements OOC/Signup

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I'm not sure if that was a wonderfully planned pun, or totally just the way you would respond to something like that X'D But it was 101% perfect X'D
Pun… Pun? What pun XD I just reacted as normal XD
"By the heavens" X'D
Maybe only I understand my pun-finder.
It's version 2000...
Q_Q I apologize in advance for my really awful humor tonight D:
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Oh don't be. I have far worse episodes sometimes. That are far less innocent XD
You shoulda heard one of my last ones that I did on purpose XD Can't find it now, but it was worthy of someone bursting out into a *SNORT*
X'D I want to know now -searches endlessly for snort inducing humor-
Found it. Not so much a pun as it is just a plain and simple gag XD but you'll get the point, I gather.

Skype convo
[31-05-14 15:35:32] Pepper: And someday I need to find a good reason to use this
[31-05-14 15:36:21] Loki: .....
[31-05-14 15:36:27] Loki: there are many good reasons to use this
[31-05-14 15:37:10] Pepper: I know, but they need to arise to be useful
[31-05-14 15:37:15] Pepper: Pun intended
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Good tears I hope ^-^' XD
Such good tears X'DD
So much so...I want to take a screen cap of that and make it my cellphone background X'DDD
haha XD Well I'm sure there's better jokes out there XD But come on, you have to agree with me that that was practically asking for a remark like that XD
I was crying with tears of laughter...I understood it completely and he was so asking for it X'D
80% of the conversations between 'Pepper' 'Loki' and 'Tony' are like that XD or well, were like that. The two of them (tony/loki) are busy with school in offline life so the chat has been way too quiet and I've been going crazy with no one to Skype chat with >.<
I love how you're such an Iron Man nerd xD <3
Add me on skype :D!
Iron Man, Avengers, Thor, you name it, I'll probably like it as long as it's Marvel xD (Though less a fan of the Hulk, that's the only one that kinda is on a B list for me XD)
Hub's all crazed for Black Widow/Scarlett Johanson, so he has her as a background on his laptop, which totally justified me using an epic stare of Loki as mine :P
I'll add you in a moment, definitely!
and what.. the.. did I just watch
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