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Awh sweet :3 I'd love to have two kitties but since I share a roof with my mom, she'd freak out.
Awh sweet :3 I'd love to have two kitties but since I share a roof with my mom, she'd freak out.
Aww, that's too bad. Cats are happier in pairs! It gives them a playmate, so that they don't have to wake up their humans at 3AM looking for someone to play with. XD

Speaking of which, Cece -- the adept hunter I described earlier -- is a big baby who will just sit in the hallway and cry until someone gives him attention. Like, even if you're right in the other room, he'd rather sit in the hallway and wail about how sad and lonely he is than to look for people, himself. XD And I'm just like, "Cece... the neighbors are going to think we're abusing you, you know that?"
Aww, that's too bad. Cats are happier in pairs! It gives them a playmate, so that they don't have to wake up their humans at 3AM looking for someone to play with. XD

Speaking of which, Cece -- the adept hunter I described earlier -- is a big baby who will just sit in the hallway and cry until someone gives him attention. Like, even if you're right in the other room, he'd rather sit in the hallway and wail about how sad and lonely he is than to look for people, himself. XD And I'm just like, "Cece... the neighbors are going to think we're abusing you, you know that?"
Oh man I had a cat like that. He was named Peanut and he was probably the loudest cat I ever had. He just liked to meow about everything and anything. As opposed to my current kitty who is so quiet we thought maybe his vocal cords weren't properly working!
Aww, that's too bad. Cats are happier in pairs! It gives them a playmate, so that they don't have to wake up their humans at 3AM looking for someone to play with. XD

Speaking of which, Cece -- the adept hunter I described earlier -- is a big baby who will just sit in the hallway and cry until someone gives him attention. Like, even if you're right in the other room, he'd rather sit in the hallway and wail about how sad and lonely he is than to look for people, himself. XD And I'm just like, "Cece... the neighbors are going to think we're abusing you, you know that?"
oh I have a cat too (well technically she's my sister's but shhhhh she's mine) that she'll do that too but she'll just come right to your feet and whine and the second you stop petting her she'll start whining again. and if she's hungry she'll come to you and whine and when you reach for her she'll just walk away and whine some more and lead you all the way to her food bowl if you follow her. she gets very annoyed if you stop following her, it's adorable.
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Update: This thread is now about cats.
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@AnimeLover_Princess that is freaking cute! Dawww. Kitties. So awesome. So silly.

So I may be missing in action for a couple of days. I'll try to get a post up tonight. But if I'm not able to, probably on Saturday or Sunday.
Aye :D My husband's coming back home after two months!
Hey, sorry I've been MIA for the last few days. I'm back now. I'll catch up on the IC posts now.
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That moment when you really want to talk about how much you loved a certain episode of a certain thing and how it was a hilarious parody of fandom culture that actually felt like it was written by people who understand fandom culture as opposed to creating an inaccurate and offensive stereotype and yet it still manages to address some of the not-so-great aspects of fandoms and therefore includes some good morals for that part of its audience -- but you also don't think anyone else would care because no one wants to hear you ramble about MLP:FiM. OwO"
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I love love love MLP FiM o.o I need to catch up because I haven't watched in a couple of months. I... Completely understand your sentiment. ;w;
I love love love MLP FiM o.o I need to catch up because I haven't watched in a couple of months. I... Completely understand your sentiment. ;w;
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So uhm, is there anyone who can approach Alicia? She can't really join any of the existing groups; one of them is way too messy for her to join (as in, it's not in her character), one of them is just a tad too far away for her to notice in the crowd and the last one is on a rooftop (which technically wouldn't be a problem for an Avian to reach, but there's no way she would notice that group, so yeah. It doesn't make sense for her to go there, especially considering she still wants to see as much of Ace's speech as possible. I've already written a good chunk of the post, but much like the opening post it's mostly just her thinking to herself rather than actally responding to anything.
So uhm, is there anyone who can approach Alicia? She can't really join any of the existing groups; one of them is way too messy for her to join (as in, it's not in her character), one of them is just a tad too far away for her to notice in the crowd and the last one is on a rooftop (which technically wouldn't be a problem for an Avian to reach, but there's no way she would notice that group, so yeah. It doesn't make sense for her to go there, especially considering she still wants to see as much of Ace's speech as possible. I've already written a good chunk of the post, but much like the opening post it's mostly just her thinking to herself rather than actally responding to anything.
We still have a number of characters who haven't been introduced yet. Namely Epona, Scout, and Victarion. Try reaching out to the owners of one of those players to see if you guys can arrange something. o3o
Sometimes with a post you just gotta let it's horrifyingly mutilated corpse go into the abyss.

Go away sun, I'm going to sleep.

(I did sleepily debate to myself whether a cloak being inside out would actually be noticable to anyone but the person wearing it. Truly a mystery).
Sometimes with a post you just gotta let it's horrifyingly mutilated corpse go into the abyss.

Go away sun, I'm going to sleep.

(I did sleepily debate to myself whether a cloak being inside out would actually be noticable to anyone but the person wearing it. Truly a mystery).
It depends. The only thing I can think of is the stitching looking a tad strange if the cloak isn't designed for this, but that would require someone to either have an eagle eye or to actively look for it. Of course, given that Victarion is an Avian, he fulfills the first requirement, so eh. Anyway, I'm finishing up my post now; it should be up in a bit.
It depends. The only thing I can think of is the stitching looking a tad strange if the cloak isn't designed for this, but that would require someone to either have an eagle eye or to actively look for it. Of course, given that Victarion is an Avian, he fulfills the first requirement, so eh. Anyway, I'm finishing up my post now; it should be up in a bit.
That what I was thinking. And well, if it made sense to me at 5am it makes sense to me now dammit.