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"Oh don't worry kid- once all this mess is cleared, I'll treat everyone to dinner- assuming I make it out alive...."

"What are you talking about?" Droplet asked as he pulled to the left "you're going to make it through! After all the trouble you brought to us, we're all in the same situation!"

"More cop cars!" Katerina gritted her teeth, she got out of the window and shot their wheels with precise accuracy.

"I feel like sushi right now....." Logan licked his lips in awkward satisfaction.

"Screw your sushi old man! You owe us an explanation!" Razzy hissed, Logan looked back and fired his pistol, a car swirled as it lost control.

"Sure! I can explain the whole situation when we get to the pier!"

"This better be a good explanation!" Droplet snapped.
Droplet had trouble focusing on the road, as he heard all the chaos and shooting behind him. Even so, he did manage to hold the car on the road for as much as that counted. It wasn't untill some moments, untill he suddenly noticed a sign pointing to the right. 'pier' it said. Swiftly he turned the car to the right, hitting the pavement once again. "This boat better be a good idea, or we're all fucked" He said as he saw the signs coutning down. He was getting closer and closer. It wasn't too far. In fact, he could even see the pier in the distance.
"Shit..." Katerina cursed under her breath, ducking back into the car. "Out of bullets." At least they were nearing the pier. Her adrenaline was starting to slow, letting her feel the pain of the rather deep gash in her arm. Slowly she peeled the coat off to get a better look at her wound. That was definitely more than a graze.
"You have a first aid kit on that boat of yours, right?" It's not like they could just hope over to a hospital, especially not with everything that had been going on.
"I should have one. It's on the lower decks, next to the bunks. If we make it there alive we should be alright." Vyse looked back. There were still a lot of cop cars chasing them. They had to get to the boat qucikly. Vyse decided he would keep this 9mm. It fit his style perfectly. He just had to learn to use it better. Maybe this girl could teach her.


9mm pistol: a small reliable handgun. Easy to use and very agile. Unfortunately, it's out of clips.
"Wait...." Logan muttered "I hear something...."

"What are you talking about now gramps?! How about helping us by shooting them?!" Droplet exclaimed as he turned to the left.

"The sound that I always hear in the war.... that sound....."

Droplet smacked his forehead and turned right, only to see what Logan was talking about.

"A TANK?!" Razzy shouted, Logan chuckled.

"Ah- I remember when I operated a tank- felt like a shooting game!" Logan imitated childish shooting sounds as Droplet gritted his teeth.

"BLUE MUST HATE YOU VERY MUCH!" Droplet snapped.

"AND I HATE HIM VERY MUCH!" Logan roared, Droplet sank back and Logan looked out the window to relieve himself for his outburst of anger towards Droplet.

"I'll explain when we get to the docks...." Logan muttered, Droplet turned right, he stiffened his back from shrinking and focused once more.

"Hey? What is-" Droplet got cut off as an unknown being smashed their windscreen and managed to get stuck in the process.

"Yo kid- where did you get your driver's license?" Logan laughed, Droplet managed to retain some of his concentration.
Dashing madly through the streets, cutting through some of the large ally ways and going into a full on all-fours sprint Steve was running as fast as he could, it seemed that everywhere he went there where more and more SWAT men waving around their fancy ass silver bullet filled rifles at him, his eyes narrowed in frustration, if it wasn't for those special guns he'd have no time tearing the bastard limb from limb, but they had to go spend tax payer money and invest into werewolf kryptonite. Galloping past Pedestrians with the occasional bullet whizzing dangerously close to his head, Steve rounded another corner, and paused for a moment to catch his breath.

'Maybe i lost them' he thought to himself doubtfully, peering around a street corner as he heard the sound of Sirens ringing throughout the city. His focus all on the streets before him, Steve didn't notice the SWAT officer sneaking up on him, oh no no, not until he heard the click of the man's pistol and his heart skipping a beat.

" G'mere puppy, It's time we put you down" the man said, motioning the Large Wolfman to follow him as he backed across the street. "You been 'quite the trouble Stevie ol' boy, cut up 'ome good men an pals of mine. I'll make sure the Doc's back at research an' development take real 'ood care of yah head after they severe it." The man said in what Steve assumed to be the oddest Australian accent he ever had the displeasure of hearing.

His translator beeping for a second let out a slight shrill before the voice of a young man in maybe his early twenties came out of it like a old walkie'talkie. "Oh, come on, there's no need to be like that about it. I mean there's no need to be too hasty about this, we can be civil about this right?" the voice emitted from the translator with a awkward chuckle, while his eyes where locked on the barrel of the gun. As the man's finger began to squeeze on the trigger, and as the Lycan closed his eyes. Not a second later did something heavy and metal slam into his back, smashing him into through the windshield of a automobile and cramping his bulky frame into the swerving vehicle.

"Yo kid- where did you get your driver's license?" a man in dark clothing said as if this happened everyday, the large Cramped wolf scrambled off of the two men and squeezed into the back with the other three people.

His translator letting out a beep and a red light flashing twice.

"HOLY SHIT, Talk about good timing! Don't know who you guys are, but you just saved my bacon pals! Nothing wakes you up like 4-tons of steel hitting you in the back at fifty miles per hour!" Despite the chipper tone of the voice, Steve was hunched and cramped, his eyes looking at the other passengers curiously as he panted furiously, glancing back through the window at the red skid-mark that was the SWAT douche. "So, what has you speeding down the streets of Ol' San Francisco in what I assume to be a stolen unit? Just something that hits the mind once one gets hit by said car" He attempted to say as casually as he could. Leaning forward and sniffing the driver's head for a second. " And I thought I was the only hybrid bastardization this side of town" the voice chimed from the collar again as the large canine-Sapien let out a large yawn.



(Ooc: I hope this was up to you're guys' standards ._.; )
"Have you ever heard of first impression guys?" Logan asked "I'd say we're very interesting group of people!"

"What a night!" Katerina sighed deeply as she edged in her seat "I've seen crazy- but this is crazy packed in one hour!"

"Who the hell are you?!" Razzy snapped at Steve, who in reply sniffed Razzy.

"Excuse me my green friend- but my ass was going to get shot but you guys managed to save me!"

"By stuffing yourself in our car via windscreen?!" Droplet said angrily as he took a detour.

"Hahaha! You should loosen up kid!" Logan smirked at Droplet- who in return bonked him in the forehead.


"You deserve it! You lunatic!"

"Hey, it's not my fault Blue ordered the whole police force and military to track me down- he must be DESPERATE to get me back!"
Katerina was pretty sure the night couldn't get any more insane until the lycan crashed through their window. "We might as well take on every fugitive in San Francisco at this point." She commented. It certainly seemed that that was where they were heading. So far no one seemed to recognize who she was. She spilled her real name on accident while first talking to Logan, but so far no one seemed to think too awful much about the Russian girl named Katerina, and she intended for it to stay that way. Sure, these people were her allies now, but could she really trust a bunch of fugitives and enemies of the law not to rat her out to save themselves?
As I stood on the curb overlooking the desolate street a screeching siren, no, sirens roared closer and closer. A car soared past and about fifty more police cars followed and..a tank? I thought almost uninterestingly,"This looks bad...I should probably help." And just like that, I was off. I ran after the trail of cars. I gathered the condensation in the air and slowed it, freezing it over the ground in front of me. I repeated this until had a path on which to skate. I skittered past the police cars at an astonishing rate, my muscles almost burning, until I was skating side by side with the pursued car. I leapt sideways and grabbed the top of the car, making a frozen handhold with one hand, with the other, I formed an icicle and began hammering into the top. I began to realize this was no use. I crept forward and using what was left of the unfrozen condensat​ion on the car, formed a soft pillow of snow where the glass of the broken windshield wouldn't cut me. I leapt on top of the pile and said into the car as I pulled out my jug of water from my backpack. "You have about five seconds to explain before I decide whether or not to lacerate your body's with ice."
I unscrewed the cap on the jug and began drawing it out."5...."
"Oh great- if I wanted air conditioning I would have turned on the air-con!" Logan snapped "we're just passing by you know? Looking for sights to see and such!"

"You're obviously lying old man!"


Droplet sighed and took an extremely sharp turn, causing their chilly fellow to slip to his left.
They were trying to shake me off? Did they really believe I would go so easily?
As I fell towards the side I used the already placed snow to form an extension upways as a handle. I grabbed it with my right hand and with my left formed a spear of ice. I drove it towards the driver. However, my aim was off from the sharp turn and instead skewered the headrest.

Grunting, I spoke ominously,"I was going to give you all a chance, I really thought you might be being chased unfairly, but you seem to refuse to explain yourselves. I will give you one last chance. After all, you are in a chase, it would be a shame if you mysteriously encountered some black ice."
I gave them a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes.

((Ooc: So we post whenever, there is no ordered role?))
Vyse had just about enough. A lycan, a frost spirit, what next, a mermaid? He opened the door and jumped out. It was getting cramped in there anyway. He got out and rolled many many times getting more than just scrapes. Vyse dusted himself off and made a break for the boat. He only hoped that the others would follow suit. He pushed over the furiated dock worker throwing him over the edge and into the dock. He couldn't think about it he hopped onto the boat beckoning for them. He felt bad for leaving them at the others mercy but, there was just too overwhelming.
"Holy f*ck!" Katerina threw her head back in disbelief. "Any more misfits out there want to hop in this clown car?!" She called out the open window before slinking back down to where bullets couldn't reach. She was wrong, now things couldn't get any crazier. With any luck they'd reach the pier soon and they would have to worry about having to stuff anyone else into the, now cramped, police car. "Jesus... Here I thought tonight was going to be a boring evening of laying low." She muttered.
Just then, Vyse jumped out, most likely thinking the same thing she was. "What do I have to lose?" She sighed before making a break for it. At the very least, even if the others didn't follow the police would be more concerned with going after the Irish man than they were her.
"Laying low? You all are criminals, aren't you?" My heart would race, b​ut it moved sluggishly as always. I repeated what I had said in Inuit and then in what was akin to anger, I began cooling down the temperature in the car, dropping ten degrees by the second, the engine began shuddering. I growled," Stop the car or I stop your hearts!"
"Hey kid?"

"What is it gramps?!" Droplet released all his frustration on Logan, who was being tracked down yer remained calm.

"I'll give you 5 bucks if you can use that ramp over there...." Logan got out and shot the barrels, making a small ramp from all the layers metal roofing.

"And land exactly at pirate dude's ship? What about it?"

"THAT'S IT! YOU ARE INSANE!" Droplet snapped, still he felt like there's no choice in the matter.

"I take it as a yes?"

"Oh dear Jesus...." with icy chap and lycan on board, Droplet drove to the ramp with full speed, they hit the ramp hard and was launched in the air.

"What in the world?!" Vyse thought.

"It appears we're going to miss the ship...." Logan said with a straight face, he turned to everyone with a smile.

"I believe jumping out of this vehicle is a wise choice!"
"SON OF A BLIZZARD!" I shouted as I desperately fought to hang on to the car.....I failed and was wrenched upwards into the air before slamming down into the abyssal waters. I tumbled through the pitch black water and my mind fell sideways into my body. As I lay the​re inside the grave of water, what felt like every inch of my body ached. Then, a flash of inspiration....I was in the water...they were sure to follow. I gathered the condensation around me and pushed down as the ice built up and raised me onto a large platform. I gasped and looked around for the criminals.
Steve Launched through the back window shattering the glass leaping into the water before scrambling up the pier and following Vyse in a hunched run, his fur bristling with irritation.
"Oh Jesus! What an adventure!" Logan gasped as they reached Vyse via climbing the port.

"Everyone get in!" Vyse shouted, suddenly it felt cold for Logan.

"Ice dude! The skating rink is that way!" he pointed at the stadium.

"Explain yourself old man before I drive a spear of ice into your chest!"

Logan rolled his eyes in annoyance "who are you by the way?"
"I stood tall and responded curtly I am Anyu, of the Inuit. Son of an Ice Spirit and Anglikiotlre. I have lived for 75 years and I have never encountered such a moronic group as the one you lead!"
I created a stairway of ice to the ship, and then formed two short daggers.
"Since you don't seem capable of explaining yourself, then perhaps you would fare better without a tongue?"
I slowly but surely moved forward, imitating the wolves I had seen in their predatory movements.
Apparently- Logan have encountered people like Ayun before.

"I know your kind Ayun- formal and uptight, well.... without the ice powers!"

"You imbecile! You are a fugitive aren't you?!"

"Hmph- it's about time I explained.... my true intentions, everyone- gather a seat and huddle close, you there, ice dude- don't create anymore snow, pirate dude's ship seem much more handsome without the snow...."