A Taste Of Freedom {OOC}

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I was messing around with my profile on my phone and some how deleted it Dx
Aah too bad :( at first I was scared that you had left Iwaku and then I noticed your name was still green and I was confused XD

I am still here but just been busy, I will try and get a post up before deadline.
No problem ^^



I might just get over myself one of these days and keep living even if my heart broke a little bit.


Oh. No, wait. I just remembered I don't have a heart. False alarm! My bad. 'S all good.

You can have mineeeee!

Wait... I don't have a heart either... Yay for fake presents? :P
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You can have mineeeee!

Wait... I don't have a heart either... Yay for fake presents? :P
Everyone will think of us as lovely when I tell them I have your heart. Then they'll get disturbed when I tell them I keep it in a glass jar on my desk. <3
Everyone will think of us as lovely when I tell them I have your heart. Then they'll get disturbed when I tell them I keep it in a glass jar on my desk. <3

This is what it reminded me off. Those expression would be the rest of the people looking at you like you are crazy. But I will love you forever <3 Because you have stolen my heart :P And keep it save for me :P
Haha, "jar of dirt"... I guess your heart could be called that, too. I mean no offense, but your sense of humor is pretty much just as dirty as mine, so ain't no one calling either of us "pure hearted", that's fo' sho.

Also, I'm fairly sure those people are @Nemopedia and @Misaou since they give me those looks all the time. All the time.

And babe... we were meant to be. Our love is legendary and it's written in the stars. Well, not in the stars, but more like as super massive black hole or something. The destruction power is about in that scale.
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Aah too bad :( at first I was scared that you had left Iwaku and then I noticed your name was still green and I was confused XD

Nope, my phone did a thing and since I can't upload pictures from my phone I will remain faceless x.x And it's driving me up the wall >:[ When I load up Iwaku I'll wait for my icon to load up and then remember I no longer have one v.v And the white is a little disconcerting o.0
Haha, "jar of dirt"... I guess your heart could be called that, too. I mean no offense, but your sense of humor is pretty much just as dirty as mine, so ain't no one calling either of us "pure hearted", that's fo' sho.

Also, I'm fairly sure those people are @Nemopedia and @Misaou since they give me those looks all the time. All the time.

And babe... we were meant to be. Our love is legendary and it's written in the stars. Well, not in the stars, but more like as super massive black hole or something. The destruction power is about in that scale.
Haha how could I take offense in that? I guess 'jar of dirt' has been one of the best things my heart has been called. I am quite proud of that^^ And pure hearted, ow god such a joke. Nothing smells of roses when it rises out of dirt xD

Be proud of getting those looks! It means you have a special talent! The skill of confusing the fuck out of people.

Yush. With the power of a thousand exploding stars our love is settled! Going one for all eternity and beyond!

Nope, my phone did a thing and since I can't upload pictures from my phone I will remain faceless x.x And it's driving me up the wall >:[ When I load up Iwaku I'll wait for my icon to load up and then remember I no longer have one v.v And the white is a little disconcerting o.0
Hisssss white! They could better make it black. White hurts the eyes, it is too clean! Too pure!
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They use to have pre-created Icons. Or maybe they still have those and I just can't get them on my phone, who knows?
Working on my post now, gotta go back and read some posts so I know what's going on. In the meantime enjoy this pic of Donovan being a Hollywood Rockstar xD
Working on my post now, gotta go back and read some posts so I know what's going on. In the meantime enjoy this pic of Dominic being a Hollywood Rockstar xD
lmao random but okay xD


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@Wicked (and everyone else)
I wanted to tune into your magical brain and great thinking, since @parkpyro is back alive again, but Alkalb is kinda deadish... Any ideas how we can make it that Alky wasn't deadish?
Make it to where he was near death?
Thought about that too, but if I am not wrong he was part of the corpses that Remy (@Wicked) commanded. And you have to be pretty real dead to become a corpse.

However I was thinking that he might have been dead for that time, but he revived so to say? I mean those things do happen right? However I would not know how this would work in combination with the powers... plus the time he was dead enough for Remy to use was quite awhile...
Thought about that too, but if I am not wrong he was part of the corpses that Remy (@Wicked) commanded. And you have to be pretty real dead to become a corpse.

However I was thinking that he might have been dead for that time, but he revived so to say? I mean those things do happen right? However I would not know how this would work in combination with the powers... plus the time he was dead enough for Remy to use was quite awhile...
Well then I got nothing... unless any of you have seen the "Princess Bride" then we can say he was mostly dead. Dead enough to be a corpse for some time but alive enough to have a second chance at life.
Uh. It's been like what, three months soon since I was told to off Alkalb? I'm fairly sure I can't undo it anymore without breaking continuity, common sense and canon logic of Remy's powers. He was shot in the chest, his lungs collapsed and filled with blood which is why he was coughing blood up. He drowned in his own blood if shock didn't kill him first, and if none of those then he would have eventually died to the lack of breath because human body can't sustain enough oxygen into the blood with just a single working lung. By the time Alkalb's body was reanimated, he was very much dead. As much dead as anyone can be. And he's been dead now long enough that even if he did come back alive with some sort of miracle, his lung would still be damaged and he would most probably have rather bad brain damage for the lack of oxygen which would most probably reduce him into a vegetable for the rest of his life, so I'm saying that even if he did wake up, he would probably fall straight to permanent coma or be outright brain dead.

I was told to get rid of him. And when I kill characters, I go all the way. I simply don't see a loophole I could use here...
Uh. It's been like what, three months soon since I was told to off Alkalb? I'm fairly sure I can't undo it anymore without breaking continuity, common sense and canon logic of Remy's powers. He was shot in the chest, his lungs collapsed and filled with blood which is why he was coughing blood up. He drowned in his own blood if shock didn't kill him first, and if none of those then he would have eventually died to the lack of breath because human body can't sustain enough oxygen into the blood with just a single working lung. By the time Alkalb's body was reanimated, he was very much dead. As much dead as anyone can be. And he's been dead now long enough that even if he did come back alive with some sort of miracle, his lung would still be damaged and he would most probably have rather bad brain damage for the lack of oxygen which would most probably reduce him into a vegetable for the rest of his life, so I'm saying that even if he did wake up, he would probably fall straight to permanent coma or be outright brain dead.

I was told to get rid of him. And when I kill characters, I go all the way. I simply don't see a loophole I could use here...
Yeah I already thought so. I also was a bit iffy on the idea since the death was very important also for Remys development as a character

~Directed at everyone~
However seen the amount of characters/players we have lost I would allow @parkpyro to come back with a new character if everyone is alright with that?
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Yeah I already thought so. I also was a bit iffy on the idea since the death was very important also for Remys development as a character

~Directed at everyone~
However seen the amount of characters/players we have lost I would allow @parkpyro to come back with a new character if everyone is alright with that?
Yeah. Too bad tho, but whatchu gonna do? There's nothing I can do now. But for future reference, if you're gonna take people back months later after kicking them out... next time don't tell me to kill characters. I make very thorough job. Or tell anyone kill anyone, I guess. Kinda complicates things like this later on.

I'm A-okay with that. I was thinking of also proposing that to you, but then figured I might be stepping over a line if I do so I refrained from doing so. Since hey, it's your RP, I'm just a guest here. My opinion isn't that important tbh. If I don't like it, I either suck it up or leave. It's just that simple. You run the show, the rest of us follow.
Busy trying not to die in the anxiety level of an 60's asylum patient. Oh, the life of a student.

Fun fact: I'm not over-dramatizing with that comparison. There was a study last year where they said today's high school student's stress levels are on par with that. Crazy shit. (See what I did there? Eh? Eh?)
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