A Taste Of Freedom {OOC}

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Well it should be fixed now =^.^= I told everyone as soon as learned of it.
Yes it is all fixed. I just had everything changed to accordion and then it was fixed. So I switched it all back again :P
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Post will be up tonight^^ my creativeness is coming back to me lol
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I will try to post for Donnie on Sunday, this whole week been busy and today, I just wanted to punch everything and everyone in sight... so not feeling it really. If you want you can post, I am not busy at all on Sunday so be ready for a Donnie post... but for now I won't be posting until Sunday comes around.
Sorry. I had an internet cap put on my cable rather suddenly. I exceeded it and managed to not be with internet for a while. Then I got my internet back and had a nasty cold. So, apparently I'm like beacon for all viruses.

Anyway, a Rook post will be up soon. I have tomorrow off and I'm not relying on Nyquil to feel normal... so I'll definitely post.
Sorry not posting until later or something holy cow that was the best Walking Dead episode who needs Valentine's Day when you got zombie carnage?
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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and I was busy all day today xD, so tomorrow post... RL sometimes just bleh.
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Uh... a tad bit of a problem. My tablet has been refusing to charge for the last couple of days so I'm kind of stuck using my phone so my replies will be even more slow than usual and maybe ever shorter since my phone isn't the best thing to reply from >.>; And my tablet is one of those outdated ones that are no longer made so I can't sinply replace the charger or the tablet either v.v
I haven't posted for a while, mostly because Harley was hit by a tranquilizer and I'm not exactly sure how long I should keep her unconscious? Everyone is still arriving at the tree though (I'm pretty sure?), so I'm sure she's still realistically being affected by the tranquilizer.
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My post tomorrow, Donnie can wake her up after helping Tehuri, I will get a post up tomorrow I need to for this and Magnet and other things as well lol
@Justin Charming @Brea @Tyrannosaurus Rekt @Noctis the Devious @Cybermoon @Nemopedia @Misaou @Rogue

One last roll call, before I will brutally continue with the people that I have left. Please let me know in OOC when you will be reply and if you are able to reply (this exclude the Triplets, because they have not been able to reply without replies from others).

I will wait until next week Friday 4 March 2016 18.00 (6 pm GMT +1) for replies. If by then none has replied, I will continue on with the Triplets and those who have replied before said deadline.

I will be harsh with this, as you either reply before that time or you are out. This will give you the whole weekend to get up post, so I guess that should be more then enough time.

Like I said. I WILL NOT LET THIS DIE... even if it is almost dead at the moment. I refuse to let it die completely.
I'm not entirely sure if I can up a reply but I'll try. Don't count it being during the weekend though. Tomorrow I have to clean and the kids will be over until Sunday night. Sorry but every other weekend is never good for me considering replies.
I'm not entirely sure if I can up a reply but I'll try. Don't count it being during the weekend though. Tomorrow I have to clean and the kids will be over until Sunday night. Sorry but every other weekend is never good for me considering replies.
Don't worry, the deadline is till friday after all. I am just pointing out that it would be more than enough time (not consindering the month that went before this already).

Also what happened to your profile pic?
I was messing around with my profile on my phone and some how deleted it Dx
You forgot to tag @Wicked, so I will have the pleasure of annoying @Wicked with tags.

I was actually waiting all this time for someone to come and pick up Evie. Seeing as it is far from wise to let Mallory do that. Haha. In any case, thank you for that, @DarkiusHeavenstein!
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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You forgot to tag @Wicked, so I will have the pleasure of annoying @Wicked with tags.

I was actually waiting all this time for someone to come and pick up Evie. Seeing as it is far from wise to let Mallory do that. Haha. In any case, thank you for that, @DarkiusHeavenstein!
I AM SORRY @Wicked (just tagging just for good measurements!)

Anyway, yeah I had actually thought Donnie would do that and I was waiting for @Justin Charming to post. However I was getting tried of sitting around and having poor Evie lay around in the dirt so I decided to take matters in my own hand and have Ralyn do something nice for a while XD
I am still here but just been busy, I will try and get a post up before deadline.
You forgot to tag @Wicked, so I will have the pleasure of annoying @Wicked with tags.
I AM SORRY @Wicked (just tagging just for good measurements!)


I might just get over myself one of these days and keep living even if my heart broke a little bit.


Oh. No, wait. I just remembered I don't have a heart. False alarm! My bad. 'S all good.

Though I'd like to know just for what kind of measurements I'm tagged in here for. *Eyebrow wiggle game intensifies*
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