A Tale of Two Halves (potassiumboron x ForeverRed)

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"The point is, sweetheart, is that he's done what he has to. He's no use to us now and, given he's fucked my life up and he hates me, and I hate him, I think I'm long overdue punching his pathetic little face in," he shrugged absently, only relaxing from the built up tension to grab his plate with a hungry grin, one that was immediately copied and replicated by his young, impressionable son. "Maybe we can go out later?" He suggested to his ex, eyeing her with a small grin. "I mean, we can go to dinner after I've finished with Theodore. I'll take you out somewhere real fancy, babe. I have some cash after a... drug deal, so I'll spend on my lovely son and his smoking hot Mom, how 'bout that? You know you love me, Anna. If I need to start treating you like a Queen for you to realise it, so be it."​
"You can't buy my love Vee." She rolled her eyes,moving to sit with her small family, leaning against Vereno. "How about we all spend the day together. You know, as a family day. How do you feel about that Junebug?" She cooed.
"Oh, you're only saying that so I don't go beating up your dear friend Theodore," he grunted under his breath, though if there was a choice between hurting Theo and spending time with his family, then he would opt for the latter, especially if it gained him brownie points with Annabelle. He did want to start dating her, to test out how it felt, and if spending time with them helped him achieve that, then he'd do it in a heartbeat. "Let's just... do something fun, something that won't make me seem like a total softy. We could go play some sports at the park, huh June? Your Mom said you started learning how to play basketball while I was in jail? We could totally try it out?"

"Huh? Oh, cool! Y-Yeah!" June grinned, his two front teeth being missing meaning he had developed a lisp, though it did add to his cute appeal. "And then we can go see uncle Cole and auntie Thalia?"​
"Alright, we'll go to the park, and play ball, I'll pack us a nice lunch, so we can eat while we're there. How does that sound Junebug." She cooed, scooping him into her arms, tickling his tummy with a grin.

Annabelle had to say she would love o dad Vereno, if he wasn't so...Thuggish. And he still like to mess around with people. She really didn't want to go through hurt. And she didn't want her son having to watch his father be in and out of jail.
Arching a brow at his son's squeals, Vereno did roll his eyes to himself in response. He obviously wanted his son to be happy and to be a child which did involve him giggling and enjoying himself, but he also wanted him to be a little bit tough. Vereno did anticipate that not everything would carry on as nicely as it was now. He was readying himself for some sort of backlash between the species. It could take months or years, but he knew that this nice lifestyle probably wouldn't last, and he wanted his son to at least be able to protect himself.

"...You should start taking up boxing or something, Cole could teach 'ya," he stated in a blurt, glancing to his son intriguingly. "I really think it'd be cool, huh? Cole will teach you for free, and it'll be beneficial. If you get bullied, you could defend yourself easily, kiddo."

"...Yeah! That sounds cool!" June beamed immediately. In truth, he had no idea what boxing even was, but if his father wanted him to do it, then he would give it a try. "Georgiana has, like, six older brothers, a-and they might think I was cool if I did boxing. They call me a wimp sometimes when I'm over her house, but you call uncle Cole names, so... it's probably just how brothers are, right? I wouldn't know, I don't have a brother or sister, so--"

"Blame your Mom." Vereno shrugged casually, happy to be as cocky and as irritating as he was when he was younger - though he was just 21. He would probably be like this for the rest of eternity, too. "I'm totally up for creating a new baby with her or whatever."​
"Junebug, I don't know, having a baby around is seriously hard work. I mean, they cry, and poop, and eat, and throw up and sleep. I mean, don't you like having all the attention?" She asked, cradling her son in her arms, nuzzling the top of his head. "I mean, just think about it. We would have to turn half of your room into a nursery. Unless your father gives up his room." She mumbled.

Stroking his black locks down, she looked at her son that just looked like the spit of his father. Nothing about his looks looked like herself. sometimes he acted like her, but other times, he acted like his father.
"Babies suck, actually. I mean, Cole said I was annoying as a baby, and I'm amazing, so babies must be awful, kid. Just... you can have a cat or something. I'd be happy to get you a cat to play with." Vereno yawned, backtracking the moment Annabelle spelled out all the cons of having a baby. It sounded fun being able to be intimate with her, but having to get up early to deal with a crying, vomiting thing? That didn't sound great, not when he had his macho reputation to uphold. "I'm gonna get a shower then, get yourself ready June-- wanna join me, Anna~? You know you want to~"​
"Sure." Annabelle actually....agreed? She never really did. Like ever. But she did have needs. It's been two months since her last time. She only ever did it with Vee. So, obviously she was going to want to do something. Besides she didn't really date. For one, Vereno would probably kill them, and two? She could just leave Junebug. Junebug was her number one priority.

Kissing her son's cheek she cooed softly. "You go ahead and wear the outfit I picked out for you, okay? Then we're going to go ahead to the park." Standing up, she walked to the shower, gesturing Vereno to follow.
"Holy shit, you actually want to? Annabelle, this isn't like a cruel joke or anything, is it? Because if it is, you really need to learn that messing with a guy like this isn't nice," he grumbled, trailing after her desperately, like a puppy, and eagerly grabbed her hand with a wide grin. While she would only really find affection from him, he wasn't entirely as faithful. But why should he be? They weren't dating, and they didn't have anything holding them back from finding someone else. Though if she did find someone else, her suspicions were right - Vereno would probably kill them. He was vicious and he was a thug, and he did see Annabelle as being his, so anyone that messed with her like that? He would be pissed.

Waiting a moment, it was when the shower was flicked on that he knew she was serious, wasting no time in pressing her against the wall with a handsome smirk arriving on his rugged features, his hands wandering to rest on her waist underneath her shirt, and his lips pecking kisses lightly down her neck. Lightly for now, but inevitably would became heavier in the shower. He wasn't exactly gentle in his proclamations of love. "You haven't been with anyone else when I was in jail, right? That's sort of a turn off, and it'll piss me off, so... you've been nowhere near any other guy?"​
"I don't have time to fond other guys. I have to worry about my son, you know that." She rolled her eyes. Her pearly white teeth sunk into her plumb colored lips as he kissed onto her neck. Her delicate fingers moved to slowly unbutton his pants, as she stood on her toes to kiss him with a purr.

"No more questions." She whispered, as she tugged down his pants, before moving to undress herself. Soon, her bare body was all that stood in front of him
Given he had spent most his life sleeping around and finding the most beautiful people to spend his time with, he couldn't really stand in front of her for too long. He did take a moment or two drinking her in, granted, but he wasn't really the best with patience, hence why he practically tugged her up to his own bare body, his strong arms supporting her waist as he lifted her hungrily into the shower. Once under the hot water did he make a more heated move, his nails digging lightly into her hips and, with his chest pressed into her own, brought her into a passionate kiss; one he had easily perfected over the years he had been doing this sort of thing.

"No more questions, huh?" He snorted under his breath, pulling back for a moment to push his wet hair from his eyes. "So I can't ask why you want to do this with me, because it's a little strange. You hated me this morning. I went to jail for drug dealing, and honestly, you don't seem to like that."​
Groaning when he pulled away, she looked up at Vereno, pushing her gray locks from her eyes. "Vee....I don't hate you, in was disappointed yes, but I don't hate you...And also its been two months babe, please." She whimpered, her wet hands circling his neck, eager to pull him back into the passionate embrace.

Annabelle was a sexual person, before she had her son. After she did, she calmed down a bit, but sometimes , like now, she really needed it. Which was why her mouth was latched onto his, sucking at his bottom lip with a purr. Her hips pressed into his, easily starting up a grind.
"Babe? Does this mean we're, like, official? Sorry, no questions, right?" He purred slowly, being deliberately playful in how hesitant he was... though did lose any handle on his composure the moment she began to sultrily row her hips. He was a sucker for her whenever she actually responded to his flirtation. Out of everyone he had been with, there was always always something special about Annabelle. They had been friends since they were born, they had shared their first kiss when they were thirteen, and she had given him a son he did adore now. Not to mention the fact she could have him whenever she wanted him - he was wrapped around her little finger, jumping to her whenever she decided she wanted to have some fun.

That was never more obvious in that moment, responding to her desires by pressing his own hips close and lifting her leg a little, his hand rested on her thigh and his other holding the back of her neck into the kiss. Hell, he was ready to have sex there and then... if it wasn't for June wandering in with a soft sniffle. That was the only thing he didn't like: June would often interrupt them unknowingly. "Daddy? I don't know which t-shirt to wear-- what's going on?"

"Nothing! Sh-Shit, nothing, relax," the man grimaced, poking his head out the shower from behind the curtain, at least thankful it wasn't see through. "...Anna, which shirt should he wear? I'm not good with fashion."​
Annabelle's cheeks were completely red now. She felt so embarrassed when her son would walk in unknowingly. She peaked her head out of the curtain to see which shirt he should wear. "Well, what color is your shorts?" She cooed softly.
"White... perhaps I shouldn't wear 'em, I'll get dirty..." The boy pouted, eyeing the shorts he had on before letting his eyes trail back to his parents, innocently smiling and oblivious to just what they were doing and had planned to do before his entrance. "Can't you come help me like you always do, Mom?-- Oh, can I come in the shower too? You said I could 'ave one."

"Yeah? Well, after Mommy and I are finished, you can have as many showers as you want, so let us finish up and--" He began, only sighing once seeing June settle on the floor of the bathroom with his book - he was an avid reader already, reading books children twice his age would read and, despite not being able to read that well himself, Vereno couldn't discourage his son and tell him to leave when he was sitting so quietly in waiting. The sight did make him swell with pride, and if it meant having to go without having sex with Annabelle, so be it. "...We'll get my Ma to babysit him later, or Cole and Thalia can. We'll finish this off then, alright? Just... not now. Poor kid's sitting out there waiting for us, so... be patient. You've waited two months for me, right? I'm clearly worth waiting for, so another few hours and we'll have the place to ourselves-- after I fuck Theo up, anyway."​
"No, no, no. We're having a family day. No fighting." She hissed, as she began to quickly wash up, and washing her hair. Careful on her horns, since she just filed them down (Annabelle often kept hers short. If she didn't file them they began to curl). Once she was done, she grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around her body, and stepped out the bath. Smiling at her son, she bent down to kiss him on the cheek.

"Already let's-" Just then the house phone began to ring. Arching her brow, Annabelle went to the house phone, and answered it. "Hello?...Oh, sweetheart, hello! How are you calling right now?....Aren't you in school?....Oh I see, well he stayed home today,his daddy is home and he wanted to spend the day with him....I'll be sure to tell him Georgiana."
Squealing when his father had picked him up after wrapping a towel around his waist, any excitement he had had was immediately doubled. Tripled, even, when hearing that Georgiana was on the phone, scrambling from his father's arms and running to his mother with wide, bright eyes. Georgiana, after all, was his best friend and the girl he had a slight crush on. Well, if slight meant that he wrote stories and poems for her, follow her around and drew pictures for her.

"...I-Is that Georgi? Is she in school? I was supposed to be her partner for a project!" He began to panic, his overly emotional tears beginning to build, only ceasing when Vereno scooped him back up with an arched brow. Since when did his son act like this about a girl? He was only six - though it did make him grin nonetheless. Clearly, his son had a lot more of Vereno in him than he thought.​
"Yes it is Geo-" Anna winced pulling the phone away from her dad when she heard the little girl squeal in delight at hearing Vereno. Obviously the two adored each other. "Um, Georgiana how about you two have a play date...Yes after school....Yes I'm sure June doesn't have a froggy down his throat he's not sick, he just wanted a day with his father. Well see you after school sweetheart." Annabelle cooed, before hanging up.

"Well, you ought to look your beat Junebug, Georgi is going to come over to play after school, okay?" She cooed, loving that her son was so infatuated, with a human nonetheless. It made her so happy that people were settling their differences.
"I should be angry, y'know, you fancying some little human, if I wasn't so darn proud of you. You're gonna be just like me, huh? Chasing girls around~" Vereno grinned smugly, tugging the boy back into his arms and shushing his groans by playfully and lightly placing his hand over his mouth. "Oh hush, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Your Mom will probably hate me for passing on that gene to you, but hey, you can't help being irresistible, can 'ya? Even to... humans."

"She's not bad, Dad! S-She's really pretty and smart a-and... she protects me from bullies, and likes me even if I'm... not like humans, s-so... don't be mean when she gets here." June huffed, folding his arms as sternly as he could which at least caused Vereno to laugh - the boy did remind him of himself more and more each minute.

"Yeah, yeah. Be good, be a family man, don't do bad things. You sound like our boring old Mom," he teased, rubbing a lovebite on his neck absently. "Just run along, 'kay? Me and your Mom need to get changed."​
Holding a towel to her body, Annabelle's gray eyes glared at her ex. "Boring and old huh?" She huffed, before rolling her eyes. "I'm neither alright, I'm young and fun." She grinned before moving to go get dressed in her room.

Once in her room, she easily began to change, pulling on a blue long sleeve, and pulled up her jeans. Anna was proud of her son. She was do proud that he liked this girl so much, and actually did nice things for her. Like writing her poems and stories and drawing things for her. Hell, Georgiana did the same for him. Giving him sweets, drawing him pictures as well. They often hung it at school, being connected at the hip. She found it adorable. Annabelle was also god friends with the girls parents. To human women who were just so nice as well as sweet. Once dressed, he brushed her gray hair, leaving it down for the day.
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